Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 206

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206. Tap, tap, tap sometimes (3)

Tactics begin with knowing what weapons I have.

In that respect, both Encred and Chrys were faithful to the basics of tactics.

Since Audin was large, he was sure to stand out when he entered the battlefield.

If Audin causes trouble on the battlefield, will the opponent be able to ignore him?

It is a visible enemy, a being that destroys siege weapons. I wondered if he was itching to catch and kill him.

It could be said that it was the best type of size and the best time to attract attention.


“Yes, brother. Please leave it to me.”

Encred left the long explanation to Chrys.

The gist of the operation was simple.

When Auddin comes out in broad daylight, everyone will be busy watching this guy.

The point is to attack the west after shouting and threatening from the east.

“Hehehe, this will be fun. “Brother Wangnuni.”

Audin laughed after hearing the entire explanation. If you fail, you may be surrounded and beaten to death, but if you were afraid of that, you wouldn’t be in the Mad Company.

On the third day of the battlefield, Encred once again tried to show off his skills during the operation.

Oh, of course, there was a high probability that the knife he stabbed would be ‘tak’ rather than ‘tuk’.

When I explained the strategy I had in mind to Kreis, Kreis tilted his head and said,

“What kind of bullshit is that?”

Because his tone was extremely rude, Encred slapped Chrys on the back of the head.

Just right.

Perhaps because a little force was applied, Kreis’ head shook violently.

Kreis, who returned his head to its original position like a ottogi, quickly opened his mouth.

“I roughly understand. “Tuk and thak.”

“Okay, tok and tok.”

Dunbakeel, who was listening to their conversation from the side, was secretly suspicious of their mental state.

‘What nonsense is that?’

However, I was in no position to say anything, so I kept my mouth shut.

Wasn’t he an uninvited guest in the first place?

All I could do was just watch and remain silent.

Even when something happens, isn’t he taking a leopard that is smaller than him?

Although it could have brought about unbearable misery.


The leopard didn’t even look at him. It looked like he was busy trimming his front toenails.

That disregard actually made me feel comfortable.

More than anything.

‘Is this a flower garden?’

They all have crazy heads, but their looks are also crazy.

Starting with Encred, Rem, Ragna, Audin, and Krys, it was like flowers gathered according to taste.

Dunbakel himself doesn’t reveal his appearance, but isn’t food that looks good to eat good too?

It was nice to see.

I didn’t really want to leave the flower field. I wanted to stay.

So, if I want to survive here, I will have to work harder and prove my worth.

“I will go with you.”

Dunbakhel stepped forward with determination. He says he will accompany Aud Din.

“Do you want to? “Sure.”

Encred answered indifferently. All I had to do was cuddle up next to Auddin, so there was no problem in going with him.

After that, the operation began immediately.

It wasn’t even a matter of sneaking out of the city.

“What do you make of the Gilpin Guild? “There are at least three secretly made holes.”

Because the enemy had decided to surround the castle walls, it was not easy to get out through the gate on the other side.

There were scouts wandering around there from time to time.

It is also a mounted scout.

Because they were riding horses, they were easy to spot, making them difficult to catch.

In that case, all I had to do was sneak out.

When a few stones were removed from the road leading next to the south gate, a hole that was half an underground tunnel was discovered.

If it’s a problem.

“It’s narrow. “Brother.”

It’s just that Auddin’s size is too big.

Even when this crazy religious soldier went out the side door, he stood at an angle.

“Oh, I didn’t expect this.”

Gilpin, who acted as a guide, answered.

“Wide it out.”

Encred gave a simple and clear answer. If it’s narrow, shouldn’t it be widened?

“Then I guess this isn’t a hole… … Conversely, it could also be a good conduit for enemy forces to enter.”

Bald Gilpin muttered next to him. They were all correct.

“Just make sure you don’t come near the castle walls.”

Encred answered. It wasn’t because there was a particularly great strategy, but it was something that made Kreis, who was listening behind him, nod his head.


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right. If done properly, the enemy will not even be able to get close to the walls.

That is the flow of this battle.

Although Border Guard was a fortress city, it did not have a moat, so the defensive power of the walls themselves could not be said to be high.

Since there are many watchtowers, you can feed them plenty of arrows.

‘That alone is not enough.’

If you decide to rush in with a shield, how can you stop it?

Arrows alone are not enough.

There are clear limits to pouring oil over one’s head, pouring hot water on one’s head, or throwing stones.

What if ladders start going up here and there? If there is a difference in numbers, it works. It would be an instant for the advantage of the castle wall to collapse.

It will also be vulnerable to siege weapons such as Mangonel or Tribuchet.

Even if you bring a siege tower-type strategic weapon, there is no way to stop it.

This is why the moat was important.

It is not for nothing that people shovel and pour water in front of the gate.

Although it is a bit rotten due to lack of maintenance, the defense of the castle is much easier with just a moat.

Make some traps there too.

‘Use some strategies to collapse the outer wall.’

This was instinct. Just as Encrud lost his mind when he saw a sword, Cryce had a habit of assuming the worst case scenario and then imagining how to block it with the best means.

Kreis, who was suddenly thinking about the construction of the castle and the overall defense facilities, shook his head from side to side.

Anyway, this time we will try to prevent the enemy from approaching the castle walls.

That was enough.

“Are you going to bring bread this time too?”

This is a question directed at Encred who exits through the widened opening.

Encred was leaving with his head down thanks to Audin. He looked back in that same position.

Kreis, who was always anxious, was looking at himself with a refreshing expression.

“I saw it.”

That was the greeting. After escaping, I looked into the distance and saw smoke spreading across the sky.

The enemy, no idea what he was thinking, still lights a fire in the oven. What is this? Confidence, right?

“The Lord said, ‘There are times when it is quiet and lonely.’”

Auddin recited a prayer. It was a prayer with a clear meaning.

This means sending some souls to the Lord. In other words, he was saying that he would beat up a few guys with his fists and make them knock on the gates of heaven.

“Do it in moderation. “It’s also difficult to stand out too much.”

Encred reminded us of his purpose.

“Don’t worry, brother. “For once, I was recognized as someone who was neither too much nor too little.”

Is that right?

This doesn’t seem like something that would come out of the mouth of a guy who always demands excessive training.

“Your eyes are so irreverent. “Brother.”

There is something to be noticed about that size. En Creed nodded his head and said:


Saxony followed behind Encrid, and Auddin moved with Dunbakkel.

Rem and Ragna are missing today.

Moving in small numbers is enough.

“Are you saying you’re leaving without me? Except me? Except me? “Leave me?”

Although Rem had a seizure, isn’t it true that Saxony is the best when it comes to moving unnoticed?

Esther followed without stopping.


While hiding in the bushes under the castle wall, I looked over and saw the leopard let out a small cry.

This leopard had not been seen for several days, and now it seemed more energetic than ever.


“He works with me. It kills both sound and sight. “I will walk to my goal.”

It was a nickname for Saxony, a sinister wild cat, often called by Rem and the surrounding crew.

It wasn’t called that for nothing.

Did you say that if you don’t even pay attention to Rem, you won’t be able to read his presence?

Saxony demonstrated the skill with his own hands.

He moved with slow steps, taking advantage of the bushes and curved terrain, and even sat behind rocks whenever he saw them.

As I was sitting behind the rock, a group of Martai scouts passed by less than twenty steps away, but as I had intended, I was able to get to the point where I could see the rear supply base again without being caught by anyone.

After fully understanding the surrounding terrain, he walked silently while keeping the scout’s intentions in mind.

‘Assassin, go away.’

Encrud thought so and settled down on the tree.

To the left and right, Ester and Saxony were looking toward the supply base.

Now it was time to wait for the commotion.

* * *

Greg, the 1st battalion commander under Olff, was a man worthy of being called a general.

He was also the assault leader who led the unit with all his might.

What is an assault corps? They said it was a unit at the forefront.

“The bear cub that destroyed the siege engine has arrived!”

The messenger’s shout reached Greg’s ears.

The big guy who broke the mangonel.

It was impressive. The superpower didn’t seem to belong to a human.

So, is strength everything? Does that determine the direction of the battlefield?

That sounds absurd!

The outcome of a fight is not decided so easily.

How did it come out anyway?

Was the gate open? That wasn’t it.

The city is surrounded. The scouting party moved constantly. If something like that had happened, you would have known right away.

‘Did you sneak out?’

Just because a city is surrounded doesn’t mean there is no way out.

Just because you’re brave doesn’t mean you’re stupid. Greg sensed the other person’s intentions.

I got caught sneaking out.

‘They’re targeting the supply party again!’

Attacking their supply routes would be the only way for them to survive.

The 2nd battalion commander, didn’t Zimmer say that?

“If we surround ourselves like this and hold on, it will be a winning battle. It’s so obvious what a warmonger can do. “It won’t happen twice.”

Zimmer grinded his molars.

It must have been a large force that was discovered while moving secretly, and had no choice but to send it out because there was a limit to the resources that could be sent. It would be difficult to leave someone of that caliber behind for a job that requires a small number of strike teams.

Greg moved with conviction.

Of course it was a wrong answer.

Audin was just busy moving in front and attracting attention.

“Brothers, are you on your way to meet the Lord?”

While constantly spouting nonsense, he swung his fist at the approaching enemy soldier.

That single punch looked very dull and dull. He seemed to be fine as long as it didn’t hit the enemy soldiers.

It was that dull.

In fact, the beastman wielding a scimitar next to him seemed more threatening.

He was jumping around with his white hair flying, which was not normal.

so? Isn’t it very difficult to overcome numerical inferiority unless you are a knight?

Immediately, the 1st assault company under Greg moved.

Armed infantrymen rushed in, armed with spears and shields.

It was the assault unit that Martai was proud of.

They were infantrymen with relatively light armor, large shields covering half their bodies, and carrying spears.

It is a class that focuses on assault.


Dunbakhel cried out. Auddin weighed the numbers.

About forty to fifty people.

It will be okay even if it crashes like this. Only fifty infantrymen.

Just avoid the long window and rush at it. A regime that first made the streets its own and then exerted its power.

Part of the infantry formation will be destroyed by an honest blow that does not require Balaf-style martial arts.

Afterwards, you can jump into the midst of the enemies. Then, that long window would actually be a hindrance.

Naturally, the enemy would try to weigh him down with his shield, but that was out of the question.

Just push with force and break them one by one and you’re done.

But Audin didn’t do that.

He struck away the approaching enemy soldier’s spear with the back of his hand and dodged it, swinging his heavy fist slowly.

Occasionally he would pick up stones from the floor and throw them.



The stone that hit the shield exploded, scattering broken pieces of stone in all directions.

“You’re a strong idiot!”

The enemy infantry shouted. It was what I wanted. I tried my best to look like that.

‘Just this much.’

It attracts attention and makes you let down your guard.

Just before leaving, Kreis emphasized this about 16 times.

“You should never beat them all to death. “We have to come back with the right balance.”

‘I’m not even a barbarian brother.’

Audin followed Kreis’s words.

The intention was obvious. Since the opponent is looking down on his allies, wouldn’t he want to take full advantage of that?

Before coming here, Oudin also had many years of combat experience.

It was easy to read the big-eyed brother’s intentions.

“Are you going to fight hiding behind a shield? “Brothers?”

Audin spoke with an angry face on purpose.

“You’re like a lump that only believes in your strength and gets picky!”

A company commander under Greg shouted. He thought that he could fight like this while squeezing his opponent.

There was a commotion.

The rock-like stones that Auddin sometimes throws could be fatal.

Above all, if you get caught by that monster, it won’t end well.

The enemy did not narrow the distance and only lashed out with their spears.

Audin faithfully performed his role. The commotion at the front is noticeable. Naturally, all eyes gathered.

That was enough.

* * *

Encred once again robbed the supply base.

At the same time, I wanted to check what was bothering me.

“Saxony. “Look behind the supply detachment and see where the enemy soldiers are gathered and their organization.”

Instead of answering, Saxony blinked.

‘I? Why? ‘Do I really have to do it?’

It was a feat to speak so clearly with your eyes.

“Do something.”

Encred pushed on. As I realized at some point.

They listen to my orders better than I thought.

“Of course.”

Although he had a distant expression, Saxony moved as he said, and Encred said while stroking Esther’s head.

“Do you want some bread?”

It’s just the two of them hitting the supply base. The opponent prepared an ambush, but Encrid, with his five sensitive senses, caught it and pierced it with force.

Instead of going out of their way to kill them all, they set fire to the tent again and stole bread.

Audin is making a fuss in front of him. His opponent’s defenses were stronger than before, but that was all.

Isn’t Audin causing such a mess?

The eyes of the troops on guard were secretly focused on the front.

Thanks to this, work was much easier.

Seeing this, Saxony began to secretly follow the enemy soldiers.

It has already moved.

“Ester, let’s go.”

Encred destroyed several furnaces while doing so.

“You bastard!”

The enemy soldier vented his anger. He was a man who appeared to be a commander.

‘Should I kill him?’

I thought about it for a moment and then left it at that. If you fight properly, it will only serve as a warning.

Encred jumped out again. hit and run He’d done it a few times against gnolls, and it was twice as easy as before.

Audin also caught my attention.

My skills have improved since then.

Esther’s condition was also very good.

The leopard’s performance was quite useful.


In addition to crying, which would give you goosebumps when heard, it would break the shins of enemy soldiers or scratch them with its claws, and yet its movements were so quick.

‘He’s also improved his skills.’

That thought suddenly occurred to me.

On the way back, Encred naturally noticed the movements of the soldiers he had encountered so far. He remembered, recalled, and recalled.

There was also something to learn from this.

No, it was natural to learn.

Saxony will confirm the part that concerns you.


‘There’s plenty of room.’

Encred returned to his normal attitude again.

It was a path of training, assessing the direction to take along with the sword and training.


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