Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 204

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204. Tuk-tuk, sometimes thud-tap (1)

“That bastard?”

Apart from the shouts of the Naurilian army, some of Martae’s commanders were angry.

“I want you to be beaten!” “Kill that bastard!”

I know you’re good at fighting, but you’re so relaxed while running away?

This seemed like a deliberate provocation. It felt like they were imitating a heroic epic to make fun of me.

How can I not get angry at this?


“Don’t let them in!”

“Screw you!”

“west! Stand! “You son of a bitch!”

Martai’s excited infantry rushed in.

Encred and his party ran diligently and entered the castle gate as soon as they entered.

Toad doo doo doo!

The hands of the Naurilian archers on the watchtower were very busy.


“It’s an arrow! shield! “Raise your shield!”

The charging Martai infantry retreated with arrows as decorations.

“Shoot! Shoot! Guess everything!”

Vengeance’s cry rang high. It was thanks to him that he was given command of some archers.

The Martai infantry retreats.


In the first battle, an unexpected exchange of power seemed to have achieved something like victory, and the border guard standing army on the castle wall cheered.

“Come at me!”

“If you want to live, run away!”

“My name is Lian!”

A series of comments ridiculing the male enemy followed.

Meanwhile, there was someone who revealed his name.

I can’t say it was a valuable victory, but it felt like a fight that was won and started before it even got going.

The enemy still had more troops and the difference was clear, but it still didn’t feel like they were losing.

Most of the soldiers felt that way.

Of course, Encred was the one who created this atmosphere.

So, it was only natural that all eyes were focused on Encred, who came in as if he were indifferent.

* * *

Destruction of Mangonel, activity of a small number of enemy soldiers.

This news also reached the commanders of the uncrested troops.

Since it actually happened right in front of my eyes, I could say that I had just received a detailed report.

It is a roughly pressed helmet. The commander’s eyes shone coldly as he twisted his mustache through his visor.

“There’s an interesting kid.”

There was a bitter coldness in his tone of voice.

His nickname is Elite Catching Sword.

Originally, I thought it was an uninteresting and boring fight, but I saw some guys that made my heart pound.

‘At least three.’

These guys are worth killing with your own hands. Ways and means to kill flashed through his mind.

‘It’s good if a fight breaks out.’

What if you hide to protect yourself? So it would be more advantageous to surround and put pressure on the opponent, right?

It was an extremely interesting situation.

Mangonel? attack? Damage from ambush? It had nothing to do with him.

The mustache of an elite sword was like that, but the commander who led the troops without an actual coat of arms had a slightly different opinion.

“That damn bastard.”

The commander of Viscount Bantra was not stupid. Although he may be narrow-minded, he had a head to think.

‘Are you going to suddenly stop and say my name instead of jumping out?’

It wasn’t normal courage.

He destroyed eight Mangonelles, making him feel pushed back from the start, and then he withdrew by revealing his name.

He only focused on facts.

why? Why did they do that?

The commander soon came to a conclusion. It was the most reasonable judgment based on experience and theory.

‘This bastard?’

It was an odd number. It was a strategy. What are the options for those who are on the defensive?

It was one of them.

Inflating my body It was a dirty thing. It was a strategy to inflate one’s own skills and make the enemy think more.

It was one of the tactics used because a small number of elites could change the outcome of the battlefield.

This is a warning that there are a few strong people, so be prepared when attacking them.

Is this skill actually that good?

Although crushing the mangonel is impressive.

‘That’s it.’

It was probably too much, no, it was too much. It was definitely a life-threatening operation.

They must have been waiting in ambush for several days before coming, and they must have expended a lot of resources for this one time.


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It was probably a strategy planted by Martai from the time he advanced.

“I see it as fluffing feathers.”

After organizing his thoughts, the commander of Viscount Bantra’s army spoke. Commander-in-Chief Martai was lost in thought. After a moment, he also nodded his head.

Same conclusion.

“Tell them to bring more siege weapons.”

said the general. The city is already making a few more.

Even an improvised weapon would be better than nothing.

“Fix what can be fixed.”

If you do the repairs, you’ll be able to salvage one or two pieces.

It can’t be helped that the central axis is misaligned and broken.

‘That monster.’

The guy who destroyed the siege weapon with his fist was something that caught my eye and bothered me.

‘He must have taken some medicine.’

If you take the medicine made by magicians to kill giants and procs, such a thing would be possible.

A drug that allows you to exert strength beyond your limit for a short period of time.

Of course, the side effects were extreme. If you use it incorrectly, you will die as soon as the effect ends.

Intolerance, prejudice, and prejudice were like devils that once stuck in one’s mind, could not easily escape.

They were like that.

Even though Knife, who was an elite catcher, had a high opinion of his opponent’s skills, he understood them to be just the level at which he could kill them.

Misunderstandings were each person’s responsibility.

“All you have to do is surround them, stop them, and kill them.”

The commander of Viscount Bantra said, clenching his fists. I exaggerated my body by inflating it, so now I’m going to focus my energy on Mercury.

But what if it still comes out?

He was also the commander of the cavalry.

If the opponent opens the gate due to harassment and goes out, just sweep them away with the cavalry.

It was a simple but effective operation.

It didn’t matter whether the opponent inflated his body or not.


Martai’s general thought the same.

* * *

Kreis observed the enemy’s movements on the castle wall.

‘I’m angry.’

Mumbling and shouting.

Eight siege engines are destroyed, and even though the number of dead is high, they show anger rather than fear. He was not pushed back by speculation and momentum.

Even when he saw Encred and his group, he became angry.

How can that be?

‘The battle time was short.’

The moment of fierce battle was very short. Even though it has impressive fighting power, only a few people have actually seen it.

‘The last captain’s tone of voice is so true.’

Instead of running away, I revealed my name and told him to get out of there, which was effective.

If they were going to turn it off like that, why would they have come this far?

If that was what they were aiming for, it was a very appropriate provocation.

A provocation that is just right for the enemy to misunderstand.

‘If it were me.’

Kreis briefly possessed the opposing commander.

I watched the enemy’s movements while chanting ‘If it’s me’ several times.

A group of enemy soldiers could be seen moving on the castle wall.

I was embarrassed, but I had no intention of backing down. I was embarrassed, but there was no fear in me.

This is a military unit that is being reorganized. I also remembered the sight of him chasing me and then retreating at the end. It was orderly. This means that he is a well-trained soldier.

The enemy’s fighting spirit remained the same.

‘You look down on me.’

It’s a confidence that comes from underestimating one’s allies.

Why are you confident? many.

They were numerous, well-trained, and had more reinforcements than they needed.

Here is a story that Battalion Commander Marcus deliberately hid, but nevertheless spread, Encred’s skills.

‘Do you think I’m bluffing? Do you want it to look like you’re frightened and have puffed out your feathers?’

Maybe so. I’m not completely sure, but it seems like it.

It would be nice if the Gilpin guild was a little bigger and I knew the names and tendencies of the opposing commanders.

No, does that mean it would have to be at the level to become an information guild?

‘The work will be twice as much.’

Now is the perfect time. The level of earning a moderate amount of krona is the best.

Kreis gathered his thoughts. His opposing commander did not know the strength of his troops, and his troops had very sharp swords.

‘It would be nice if they were idiots.’

It’s not doubt, it’s confirmation bias, and they have no intention of changing what they once believed to be right.

In that case, there would be no need for a great strategy.

This was all magic performed on Encred’s whim.

It was because he suddenly stepped forward, broke the mangonel, and came back intact.

If I had fought more and showed my full potential, the story would have been different.

‘But did the captain intend all of this?’

That was something to ask.

“What are you doing, you?”

Venjens, who was commanding the archers, asked. As I watched Chrys keep muttering to himself, I felt like he was possessed by some kind of evil spirit.

Vengeance hated ghosts and evil spirits. He was the reason I couldn’t sleep at night for no reason.

“I’ve organized my thoughts.”

“Is that so?”

Venjens wondered if anything would change if he organized his thoughts.

In fact, the future of the battlefield was being drawn in Kreis’ mind.

A winning scenario is unfolding in my head.

Still, I didn’t really have any intention of saying anything.

Kreis thought everyone would take care of it.

* * *

“Are you okay?”

Rem asked on the way into the Border Guard.

Encred scanned his body. Are you hurt anywhere?

There wasn’t. It wasn’t something that would hurt.

It was a light warm-up.

Why not? Even though it was a hastily planned operation, it was done because it seemed like it would be okay.

Of course, Martai thought this was an ambush prepared for several days by investing resources, but in reality, it was not at all.

I just thought it would work so I went out to warm up halfway.

“I think I hurt my head.”

Rem said with a serious face. There was no laughter.

Ragnar, who was next to him, also turned his gaze to Encred, and so did Rem and Audin.

“Do you have a fever?”

Finn asked finally. Encred was sad that there was no romance in their hearts.

I knew very well why this reaction was happening.

This is because the name was revealed at the end.

“Because my curiosity has soared.”

Since I had nothing to hide, I said it out loud, and instead of teasing Rem, I put my lips together and let out an exclamation like ‘Hoo’.


Something similar to cheering could be heard above the heads of the returning Encred troops.

Since we went out and destroyed a siege weapon, this reaction was natural.

Between those cheers.


Ragna was seen mumbling and lost in thought.

Encred literally just did whatever he felt like.

Before I knew it, I could see Chrys coming down from the gallery.

“The intention was to provoke and plant the devil in the other person’s head… … Nope. Oh, no. “Then why did you say your name?”

Many people ask me just because I revealed my name once. Encred spat out the same words again.

“Hogi, I think it will work.”

“That’s a bit…” … Um, yes. okay. cool.”

As I passed by Kreis, I saw a group of our commanders.

“You destroyed all the siege weapons?”

Marcus said. Is it an illusion that the faint smile on his face is so small?

Encred nodded calmly.

“good night!”

That was the end.

“My name is Sinard. “If you come now, you can have me.”

The fairy company commander quietly approached and muttered.

Are you really not tired of fairy jokes?

“Did you hurt your head?”

“No, apart from my health, I am a corpse. “Do you like sickly pretty girls?”

Is there any point in mixing things up further? En Creed shook his head and stepped away.

“Don’t let your guard down!”

Marcus encouraged his allies from the front.

“We win!”

The timing was right. Encred, the hero of the cheers, had just returned.

A shout rings out. The war had just begun, and morale was extremely high.

This was the first day on the battlefield.

Immediately after the next day begins.

“Are you going out today too?”

Kreis approached and asked. Encred had just finished morning training.

Even in this situation, it is training. Some of those who saw it stuck their tongues.

Those who know Encred well, they just want to do that.




Kreis blinked.

“I need to increase my medication today as well.”

I looked at it and wondered what this meant.

“Did the battalion commander say anything?”

asked Kreis.

Encred nodded. All he said was rest well and fight well again.

He told me to let him know at any time if I need anything.

There was nothing to say about going out on a whim and setting up an ambush.

Although the results of the hastily planned operation were good, it was true that Marcus had nothing to say since he said he was given this authority in the first place.

“Act the opposite of what the other person thinks and intends.”

Kreis raised his voice and shouted loudly.

Encrud looked at his big-eyed subordinate who made a loud noise.

“It is the basics of strategy and military tactics.”


When I asked with my eyes, Kreis spoke again.

The siege engines were destroyed. They will have the long game in mind. Marta has the advantage when it comes to repairing and resupplying weapons, protecting the border guards, and threatening them.

Because we have strengthened the supply route in the back.

So, what is there to do today?

It was so obvious to Kreis that he was embarrassed that no one had said that.

“We have to harass them with supplies.”

The basics of strategy and military tactics.

Starve your stomach.

You may not be able to actually starve, but you may be able to make yourself worry about filling your stomach.

Easier said than done, but difficult to execute. Unless the other person is an idiot, you will naturally be wary.

But there is a company of madmen here, including Encred.

“A force outside of its full potential means playing outside of the opponent’s expectations.”

The number is less than ten. It means that we can hit it like this.


Esther, who had not been able to see where she had been all night, cried next to her and glanced at Encred.

Encred, who heard everything Chrys said, nodded.

It didn’t seem that bad. I had a good feeling about it, so I decided it was worth a try.

“shall we go together?”

When I mentioned this to Esther, she suddenly stood up and came to my side.

So the next operation was decided.

The first day was to target weapons, and the second day was to target supply routes.

Of course, I decided to go at night.

“Kreis, go and report to your superiors. “He said he was going to drink during the night.”

It’s right after the sun goes down. En Creed took care of his equipment. Rem, Ragna, Audin, and Finn also came out from the side.

“Audin, you.”

“Yes, brother. “I will stay.”

Audin’s size is very noticeable. I also left the pin. He told Ragnar to leave too.

Finn could be dangerous, and Ragnar could be lost. She could not be allowed to be nicknamed the lost child of the battlefield.

“Rem, Saxony.”

“It’s good. good. You don’t have to have a wild cat, but whatever. “You can just ask me to carry some luggage.”

“Better to leave the stupid barbarian behind.”

Although they are still fighting, there is no one more reliable than them when they go to battle together.

“I’ll come back.”

Encred went out to some market as if he were going to buy bread.

And Encred did indeed bring bread when he returned.

“This was delicious.”

Upon Encred’s return, everyone was impressed by the taste of the bread.

It was really delicious bread. Of course, it was an item taken from an enemy supply area.


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