Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 202

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202. What do you believe in and do this (2)

“Let’s kill them all!”

The one who shouts like a tiger is the 1st company commander.

I heard that a comrade who had been with me since I served in the army died in the Martai Resistance.

“I think so.”

The battalion commander responded and ordered an extreme defensive formation.

The number of our troops is 6 infantry companies.

It was originally one battalion, but the battalion stationed at Green Pearl Plain sent two companies as reinforcements.

That too was quite unreasonable.

I didn’t know what Azpen would do if all of his troops were removed from the Green Pearl.

“If you come to the south gate, you can survive, but you cannot avoid a decisive battle on the plains.”

The 2nd company commander said.

“How many horsemen?”

“It’s fifty years old.”

Fifty horsemen, Encred didn’t think that was a small number.

War horses are creatures that chew gold coins not only when raised but also when managed.

You have to wear barding made of iron, and the cavalry that will ride on it also has to be trained separately.

As Crona was poured in, the cavalry on the plains was a formidable force.

Just by running forward and charging the lance, it will chew through hundreds of infantry with 50 units.

The total strength of the six companies is approximately 1,200 men.

‘Fifty cavalry is a big variable.’

Encred decided that.

Nevertheless, Marcus remained calm.

“You’ve done a great job of raising that much of an army through your back.”

Beyond being calm, I was actually impressed.

“The number of archers is also considerable.”

This too is disturbing news.

Encred heard that the enemy’s preparations were thorough.

“It’s urgent!”

The grand finale was decorated by scouts who rushed in.

This is a scout who burst into the conference room with blood dripping from his left arm.

He was a soldier who went on a reconnaissance mission deep into enemy territory and barely survived.

The soldier said as he endured the pain.

“The troops with the coat of arms have joined the enemy army.”

Originally, Martai’s troops were not that small.

One infantry battalion and part of the cavalry.

In addition, the archers were also held in company strength.

Although the quality of power was slightly lower than that of the Border Guard, the difference in numbers was clear.

Nevertheless, in the battles between the Border Guard and Martai so far, the Border Guard has won time and time again. Victory was achieved.

“It’s not good.”

It was because there was someone who had opened his mouth just now.

It is a special unit, border guard unit, made up entirely of special soldiers.

Their military power was definitely exceptional.

However, I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be possible this time too.

I heard a series of news that made me hesitate before I even started.

“Independent Company Commander.”

After summarizing the entire situation, Marcus opened his mouth.

Encred realized a little later that that was the title he was being called.

“… … yes?”

“Do you know about the powers of the Independent Company?”

Was there such a thing?

Marcus finished speaking.

“The company commander may call in troops from other companies if he wishes. “Whether it is a squad unit or a platoon unit.”

‘Is this normal?’

Encred was calm on the outside, but on the inside he doubted Marcus’s mental state.

This means that an independent company can act like a superior unit of another company.


‘Hey, hand over your platoon. ‘I’ll write it and give it to you. Ah, I died half way through writing it.’

What if this happens?

Even more so, who would accept such an order?

Encred’s gaze showed the other company commander’s face.

Not all of them have very gentle personalities. Great men who live right in front of the battlefield and wear commander’s epaulets.

This is a position that you cannot sit in with an easy or soft attitude.

Therefore, no matter how much you are the battalion commander, you cannot have such an opinion… … .

“I could give you even more than that.”

The starting point is the fairy company commander. It could be that fairy.

“If you need a border guard.”

After that, the frontier defense commander also came forward.


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Well, they might think that they owe something for this incident.

“The 1st Company is one body, but even if we are divided, we still do our part.”

Why the 1st Company Commander? Isn’t that person evaluated as the next battalion commander?

It is said that the frontier guard commander is a powerful person, but this person is also a person of considerable influence.

“What, are you going next to the Mad Company? “I can go in first.”

Encred pondered whether the 2nd Company Commander was such a spineless bastard to begin with, and came to the conclusion that he was not.

Isn’t he called the ‘Foaming Palto’ because he foamed at the mouth every time someone was taken out of his unit?

After Rayon, who was originally the 3rd company commander, died, the 3rd company commander who filled the position and the company commander who came in for support did not react much differently.

“Well, if it’s an independent company, you can trust it.”

Moreover, the company commander of the Green Pearl Support Force, whom I saw for the first time, nodded and looked at Encred, and I could see faith, hope, and trust in his eyes.

“Since when did you have that authority?”

Encred said. I’m not the type to show my emotions. It was a calm tone of voice. The company commander nodded his head cheerfully and spoke in a voice full of laughter.

“Starting now, of course!”

‘Has this bastard been cursed of some kind?’

Or maybe I did something wrong. She felt the heat, and it was getting hot for a long time.

Encred once again hid his expression well. Although he didn’t know how to act, he was a master at hiding his facial expressions.

“I don’t think I have a great imagination.”

Marcus continued. When I looked at him to see what he was talking about, Marcus, who made eye contact with Encred, spoke again.

“If you can go as wild as you want outside of strategy and tactics, how far can you go? Can you suppress the enemy cavalry? Or can you kill the incoming enemy as soon as you see them?”

Marcus’s voice began to heat me up. But maybe it was because I saw the acting a little while ago.

I could see that there wasn’t any hint of acting in what he was saying. She felt that way.

The sincerity that comes from a sincere tone of voice.

It reminded me of Krang’s speech I saw a while ago. His speech had the power to sway the audience.

There was a majesty in his hand gestures, voice, and attitude that made you see illusions.

Instead of dignity, Marcus saw heat.

A passionate passion is visible, something that a person possesses regardless of age.

The voice of a person engulfed in heat reached Encred.

“On a small scale, we carried out reconnaissance and, more broadly, inflicted damage on enemy cities, and on a large scale, we brought victory to our troops through our actions on the battlefield. “Where is that?”


Marcus hit the table with his palm, and Finn fell down again.

However, no one took their eyes off Marcus.

Everyone looked at his mouth. I listened to what he said and was taken by the vibe he gave off.

“He proved himself by surviving alone among a thousand gnolls, and solidified his position as the leader of an uncontrollable force. More than anything else, I admire the outstanding skills and abilities of the company commander. So I ask. “What could you do if given unlimited authority on this battlefield?”

What does Marcus believe?

Why does the battalion commander not feel threatened?

Why don’t people say anything about accepting the prisoner who was a black sword?

Why are these company commanders calm even though they arbitrarily take all the forces under their command?

Why do you see faith, hope, and trust in your eyes?

‘The things I have achieved.’

A knight is a being made up of skill and merit.

Encred felt like he was once again being acknowledged for what he had done.

Proud? I can’t express it in those words.

A long-forgotten dream has become a part of reality.

At the same time, Encred found something to do.

Since you were asked a question, shouldn’t you answer it?

Krang’s speech ended after showing his dignity and absorbing those around him, but Marcus asked him to give an answer.

‘A small elite.’

In the current continent, the battlefield is divided by the presence or absence of knights or knight-level forces.

When a knight enters the battlefield, if no knight appears to fight him, a massacre will occur.

There are many more cases where there is a confrontation instead of a massacre, but sometimes they turn their heads and create a fight between knights and troops.

Conversely, it can also be used as a trap. The unit’s strength is wasted and used to kill knights.

‘The other person doesn’t know me.’

Not even the Madman Company knows. Marcus made it that way.

A small, elite unit with force that the opponent cannot predict.

Five with at least semi-knight level strength.

Encred said, looking at himself differently than before.

“I do not know. “Let’s do everything we can.”

In fact, Enkry is also the first to have this kind of authority, and Marcus is probably the first to use such a ridiculous strategy.

Instead of the Knights, he created an independent company of less than ten people and gave them authority on the battlefield.

It literally sounded like the fate of the battlefield was being placed on one Encred.

I thought the answer was insufficient, but Marcus smiled as if he was satisfied.


If you give me permission, I will try it. The pounding heart moved Encred. It’s time to go out like that.


As if it were just the right moment, the distant sound of trumpets blowing and the pounding of drums from outside the castle walls also vaguely passed through my ears.

The enemy must have approached.

“All troops assemble!”

Marcus came out of the conference room and shouted, and Encred almost jumped.

There is a battlefield where we will fight together with our allies, that is, the core personnel of my company. However, as always, the first task was to take them away.

It’s been like that since we were originally part of the troublemaker squad.

Encred, who was heading towards the dormitory, saw a company member who had already finished arming himself.

“It’s a competition, right? “Marcus must have made up his mind and gave his strength to the captain. Are you going to appease him by at least wiping out the cavalry?”

Kreis said, wearing his leather helmet crookedly.

‘I predicted it.’

I thought so.


“sure? Would you like to cut off the enemy’s head? “That’s a bit harsh.”


“hmm? “What didn’t you order?”

“He asked.”

Encred, who naturally joined, took the lead.

While Kreis was talking, Rem interrupted.

“Wangnun said his son had to go fight now. Is that really true?”

right. But did Rem really go out like this without saying anything?

Every time I went out, I stopped making noises about whether I had to destroy the head of our commander first.

Well, now he was the commander of the friendly forces with that brittle head.

Actually, there is nothing surprising about Rem. When it comes to battlefields, men tend to be good at fighting.

The surprise started here.

“I heard that Martai and the uncrested troops have arrived.”

It’s Ragnada.

A guy who wasn’t paying attention to the surrounding area figured out the enemy’s troops.

Encred raised his head towards the sky for a moment, wondering if there were two sides of the sky.

There was a perfectly clear sky.

There were almost no clouds.


When I lowered my head and answered, Audin smiled and said behind me.

“Brother, please go. “There are those out there waiting for us to send to the Lord.”

It doesn’t seem like something that would come out of a priest’s mouth, but those are the people who originally serve the God of War.

Saxony just nodded without saying a word.

These are not the people who will move when Kreis calls.

Then why did they move?

Encred once again realized that his relationship with them had strangely changed.

Just a disgraceful squad leader.

A squad leader who is fascinating to watch.

A squad leader who doesn’t make things bothersome.

Moving on from there, the platoon leader now knows something.

The platoon leader got a little better after teaching.

Go further again.

‘If you lead them.’

A recognized human being and commander.

My heart is racing. As much as when I long for a dream.

“So what did you ask?”

Kreis asked again.

“He asked what he could do.”

“… … Wow, what a person without conscience.”

Cryce guessed the tangled story behind it from Encred’s words.

This means showing off your abilities to the best of your ability.

“So I said I would do everything I could.”

“Are you planning to do this?”

At Cryce’s words, Encred showed a faint smile.

I do not know. Is it time to be confident or not?

Is this arrogance or something else?

Is something boiling in my heart right now just a desire to fight?

Or is it the emotion you feel because you stand on the battlefield with them and realize that you are in a different position than before?

I do not know.

Encred didn’t even bother to know.

I just wanted to swing the sword right now. I wanted to let the enemy know by doing what I could.

Desire and desire were mixed in my heart.

Encred was anxious to make his presence known to the enemy and make an appropriate impression.

It could be said to be an unprecedented proactive momentum.

Encrid, who was walking quickly, looked into the eyes of Dunbakeel, who was walking backwards, and asked.

“What’s wrong with your eyes?”

“Okay. “I can do my part too.”

Her eyes were blue. Her golden eyes and blue eyelids shone brightly.

There is no need to ask whose work it is.

A person who embodies blue paint with the human body even without paint.

Isn’t that Rem’s specialty?

“Stop hitting the kids.”

“It was just a simple sparring demonstration, and he said he wanted to fight me.”

Well, kids grow bigger when they get hit.

Encred passed it off without notice. If he was going to run away after being beaten like that or do something behind his back, he wouldn’t have said that he was under him in the first place.


It is the sound of a bell ringing from the bell tower.

It must be said that the enemy is slowly becoming visible.

Through the open gate, people who had been cultivating a home outside the castle walls could be seen coming in.

These residents were engaged in agriculture.

No matter how many enemies there are, they will attack the castle walls first.

They say siege weapons are essential.

“I guess there is? Mangonel.”

Cryce answered Encred’s question.

“I mean.”

“For those coming in, just bring a few clothes. Something that fits our size. Right Now.”

“… … “It is an amazing operation.”

Kreis answered immediately without any explanation.

Encred didn’t give a long explanation, so I liked it. Cryce answered and nudged his feet, and Encrid headed towards the gate instead of where the commanders were gathered on the wall.

Soon Kreis came looking for clothes.

“Audin’s size is too much.”

Yeah, that’s an admission.

“Brother, this body only needs one mat.”

Audin waved his hand and tore down the street vendor tent next to him and put it on as a cloak.

It suited me very well.

“So what do you plan on doing?”

Rem asked. Encred wondered if a detailed explanation was necessary. But he soon realized he didn’t need to.

“Follow me and see.”

Encred and the Mad Company went out of the castle gate.


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