Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 201

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201. What do you believe in and do this (1)

“Well, um, I want to be down there.”

On a windy summer evening, a white-haired prisoner spoke in front of the dorm.


When asked again, Dunbakeel chose his words carefully.

Actually, wouldn’t it be good no matter what happens now?

“Slaves are good and servants are good. “I will do anything if you let me stay below.”

If Frock was blinded by any personal achievement or desire, Suin’s eyes turned to the two words: reproduction.

So, that statement could have been misleading.

“The continent is large?”

I tried to tell Encred back that I wouldn’t catch him if he left.

“If you let me stay underneath.”

Dunbakhel falls to his knees. Untidy, greasy hair and the top of the head were visible. There was a foul smell.

As he looked at that, Encred’s first thought was to take a shower and rest.

So what should we do with him?

Actually, it wasn’t something to worry about.

If you come in with the intention of stabbing me from behind.

‘Is that possible?’

Before that, I think I’ll get stabbed by Saxony.

That’s how it feels. the feeling is.

In reality, even if it is not Saxony, if Rem or anyone else shows any sign of Dunbakkel being unsettled, they will beat him to death.

Fortunately, there is no such malice visible. What saved him was to some extent a whim.

It didn’t make any sense. so.

‘If there is no malice.’

Encred thought that there were ten people in the squad.

A platoon usually has forty to fifty people, and a company is responsible for one hundred to two hundred people.

‘But the members of my unit.’

Rem, Ragnar, Saxony, Audin, Finn.

There are six including myself.

Isn’t this too much?

There are so many things I want to check to see if Marcus’s conscience is in place.

‘If you’re going to appoint a company commander, you need to add more personnel.’

Of course, only a few will survive. I wonder if Rem will just leave it alone.

For no reason I thought of Andrew. After that friend, the only new person who came was Finn.

In conclusion, there are not enough people in the company, and the Dunbakhel are more powerful than ordinary soldiers.

Looking at his current attitude, he was even obedient.

Obedient beastmen are rare.

Let me point out one clear point among some complicated thoughts.

‘shortage of participants.’

You can get permission from the battalion commander later, and if it is deemed unreasonable, you can reject it at that time.


“I swear to Kriemhalt. If you swear while being kicked out, that’s faith… … to?”

“Come in. Beds remain. “Wash up before that.”

It seemed like an exciting decision for Dunbakeel. She didn’t look like she was worried.

‘Did you originally intend to accept it?’

I even had that thought. No, that’s not it. There were moments when it was okay to die several times. No, there was a moment when it was okay to kill.

However, they released him instead of killing him.

What came out of my mouth was that I was a protector.

“Joining a unit requires permission from the commander, so if you refuse, I have no choice.”

‘That’s it.’

Dunbakeel thought there was no way he could be rejected by Encred’s words.

If you are a commander and have someone like this under your command, they will nod even if you take ten servants with them.

Who would refuse?

“Don’t even think about things like that during the night. I’m not even interested. So, you are coming in as a soldier. If you’re down there, pick up metal and fight. “If you fight and lose, there’s nothing you can do.”

Encred said just that, opened the barracks door, and entered.

Dunbakhel stood in confusion and hesitated.

I wanted to, but it took courage to actually take action.

I couldn’t help but wish for it, but it took greater courage to accept what had been accomplished.

Is it okay to step inside here?

‘What about me?’

Of course I thought I would be rejected. So I hesitated. As I hesitated, the closed door of the dorm burst open.

“Aren’t you coming?”

Beyond the open door, I saw blue eyes with black hair. That face was beautiful, even though it was hard to tell for a man.

The moonlight streaming from the blue eyes of his powerful eyes hit his cheek and shattered.

In front of the barracks accommodation, which was completely devoid of romance, Dunbakeel felt like she was about to cry.


What is the reason?

It’s just that no one has ever welcomed him before.


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Because he was the first person to selflessly ask me to come in.


My voice trembled.

Dunbakhel walked inside.

He said that opportunities come in life, and opportunities are needed.

Dunbakhel thought that was what meeting that man was like.

Even if others throw themselves away.

I will bear it.

Even if everyone ostracizes and curses.

I will endure it.

“I’m just saying that because I’m really curious.”

When I went inside, I saw a woman with orange hair. She was just talking one after another as the woman looked at her En Creed.

“Do you actually like the nickname Demonic? So, every time you go out, you bring a girl with you?”


Right next to him, a leopard even screeched.


As Dunbakel flinched in surprise at the sound, Rem spoke from next to him.

“It’s okay, this leopard doesn’t bite often. Ah, that big-eyed bird only bites its young. So, if you don’t touch it, it won’t bite.”

Why is there a leopard in the barracks? Dunbakhel was puzzled, but stopped thinking.

And the atmosphere wasn’t as scary as I thought.

“Stop talking nonsense and get him washed up. “It stinks.”

Encred said and quickly started to pack up his luggage.

Bring thin linen clothes, perhaps for washing. Meanwhile, a woman with orange hair approached.

“Don’t you have any clothes to change into? If I ask you tonight, will you give it to me? “Are you asking for the captain’s name?”

“Would you give it to me for that?”

“Then you won’t give it to me!”

Finn spoke cheerfully and walked out. It was late evening, and it seemed like it would be a bright moonlit night.

asked Finn, who had brought Dunvakel with him.

“The name?”


“I am Finn.”

Reach out your hand for a handshake. To borrow an ancient saying, a handshake is said to be a process of proving that there are no weapons in each other’s hands and that no harm will be done.

In this day and age, it is sometimes expressed as a way to be a good friend.

As we held hands, Finn said with a smile.

“But how long have you not washed?”

“Um, half a year?”

Prisoners do not enjoy taking baths.

“Let’s walk a little further away.”

Under Finn’s guidance, we entered the bathroom, and Dunbakel soaked in the bath without complaint.

I saw the water turn black, and outside, Finn said he was leaving his clothes behind.

Dunbakhel washed himself thoroughly with soap.

Encred seemed to dislike smells.

After washing and changing clothes, I returned to the accommodation. The road wasn’t difficult.

I felt light, perhaps because it had been a while since I washed.

“… … “Did you look like that?”

Upon entering the dormitory, Encred asked.

“why? “What has changed?”

Dunbakkel lowered his gaze for no reason. A bulging top and wide pants thanks to the bulging breasts.

Do you look different because of your clothes?

“done. That’s your seat. tight. And take care of some of her underwear and wear them.”

Why bother? Dun Bakel thought so, but nodded his head.

Encred waved his hand roughly and pointed to one side. That was his place.

Dunbakhel thus became a member of the independent company. No one said anything, such as that the prisoner was an enemy or a member of the Black Sword.

No, even if I said it, I didn’t doubt it or push it away.


That’s something she didn’t even know.

* * *

The air inside the unit was extremely cold, but Encred was the same.

I got up and took a moment to watch Finn get beaten up after training and isolation techniques.

“Ailkaraz style martial arts is only this good, sister.”

Audin, the snout of hell, was the same today as well. A vein burst out on Finn’s forehead.

After sweating profusely since morning, I poured water into my stomach and spread butter and orange marmalade on the soft bread.

“Where did you get this?”

Encred took a bite of bread and asked. The marmalade taste was excellent.

It was sweet and refreshing.

Chrys was next to me, mumbling, then swallowing his bread and saying.

“It opened across from the seasoned beef jerky restaurant. She is a twenty-six-year-old woman with dark brown hair and lots of freckles. “Her name is Juri, she doesn’t have a boyfriend, her ideal type is between Captain Encrid and Ragnar, and she hates people like me.”

Let’s look at him to see why he’s talking in such detail.

“I know all the important people in the city. That’s what Gilpin Guild does.”

Is that right? But the person who is good at making marmalade, i.e. fruit jam, is the main character?

“It’s important. “I know because I tried it.”


As I was preparing my meal, Kreis started chattering next to me.

“Similar things will happen in the future.”

“Similar thing?”

“I mean, we’re not going to just leave border guards around.”

Encred stood up and looked at Chryce. Those big eyes passed by Dunbakhel for no reason.

Dunbakhel was sitting there staring blankly into space.

I guess I’ll have to order something for that too.

When I turned my gaze back to Cryce, he continued speaking.

“By blocking Azpen, the kingdom expanded its territory. Thanks to this, the military city of Border Guard can become a military city where a standing army is stationed and a central trading city in northern Naurilia. “That is currently happening.”

Recently, the frequency of visits to the top has increased, and there is no shortage of new items. The number of city residents also increased.

“Juri said that when making marmalade, you have to make a lot at once. But it was also difficult to store it if it wasn’t all sold, so fortunately, as more people came and went, the jam naturally sold well.”

This is why I opened a marmalade shop.

Where does commercialism come from? It is a law determined by the population and the number of people coming and going.

This is common knowledge that I now know because Kreis talks about it when he is bored.

“So, how do we see the Border Guard around us?”

“It will look like well-grilled barbecue or ripe tomatoes.”

If I have a knife in my hand, if I’m ready to eat.

Sigh – all you have to do is apply the knife.

This is the position of the border guard. Although it is a bit tough, it looks like a well-cooked barbecue that is golden brown enough to make you want to stab it with a knife.

What does it look like to hungry people? You’ll want to eat the flesh right away.

If the pioneer village Encred saved earlier grows and trade routes expand, things will get better.

For now.

‘The center of northern trade.’

According to Kreiss, that is the position of the Border Guard.

“This is why there are endless flocks of wildcats around.”

“Since when did you expect it?”

“Well, I felt uncomfortable ever since I pushed Azpen away.”

What I knew from then on was… … Marcus too?

As soon as he came back, he sneered rather than say that he loved the city.

The battalion commander knew of the city’s crisis.

Then you would know how to escape.

It was soon meeting time.


“Let’s keep the seasoned jerky and marmalade. Leader.”

Kreis said from behind. It didn’t sound crazy.

Because those two foods were quite precious to Encred.

The battalion commander’s office had already become a conference room.

A map was spread out on a large table, and a lot of things like chess pieces were placed on top of it.

“Have you figured out the number of enemy troops?”

“We are sending out scouting parties every hour. From what we can see now, it is estimated to be at least two battalions of infantry.”

“There are a lot.”

Marcus said with a wry smile. He doesn’t look scared.

There was definitely something to believe in.

But is it okay to say this in this situation?

This is a place where all company commanders gather.

Encred quietly stood next to Marcus.

“Is there anything you want to say?”

“There are less than ten people in my company.”

So what?

The eyes speak. He was a battalion commander without conscience.

Don’t you have to fill in the ranks of company members to become a company commander?

“Can I bring in one person? “This is the prisoner we caught a while ago.”

Previous affiliation was the Black Knife Thieves.

After cutting off the head of a thief suspected of being a spy, he suddenly revives a thief and puts him under his command.

Come to think of it, we should also talk about the noble thief who cut off his head.


‘Is this the end?’

Does it just end like this?

“Tell the supply officer about organization and other details.”

That was really the end.

I turned my head as if there was no need to say more.

I turned my head to see if other company commanders would object, but no one paid any attention. No, only the fairy company commander spoke.

‘Did you seduce a woman again?’

It’s a fairy joke. ignored.

I watched the meeting for a moment. What is the opponent’s formation, where will we fight, what are the numbers and the opponent’s main formation.

“Martai could use cavalry, but we don’t have cavalry.”

If you add up all the horses in the Border Guard stables, I think there are roughly 50 of them.

There are several horses prepared to serve as urgent messengers.

But the cavalry is a different story.

Except for a few, they were all pack horses.

There is a saying that an untrained unit is like a knife stabbing its own heart.

So, there may be battlefields where you have to greet soldiers on horseback without cavalry.

“The border guard commander has just returned.”

While the military conference was in full swing, the border guard commander returned.

The story that followed was all expected.

The main unit of the Black Sword was attacked.

There was an unexpected story mixed in there.

The garrison commander comes first.

“Good job. I heard that some of the Black Knife Bandits attacked Baron Bansento in advance. “The Baron suddenly ran away and missed the target of the guard. Although missing the target of the guard cannot be taken as a credit, it is a good thing that he persevered and survived by slaughtering some guerrillas with black swords.”

It had a theatrical tone. Marcus heard that and hit the desk with a thud.

With a rattle, several pins that used to distinguish between enemy and enemy fell down. A pin rolled over the map.

“How dare you kill a nobleman! “Black sword bastards!”

Marcus showed great acting skills.

“So I punished them right away. “What would have happened if I hadn’t followed suit just in case?”

The frontier guard commander seemed a bit awkward.

Encred watched it without even smiling.

At the end.

“Some people tried to run away and were missed. Please discipline me.”

“Oh, that’s okay. “Gotcha.”

Continuing the real story behind the play, Marcus pointed to the side. Encred, to be exact.

“I ran into him by chance on the way.”

Something like that happened. A gift package arrived. There was some idiot from the main team of Black Sword running away.


An unprecedented kindness appeared in the eyes of the border guard captain.

Although they said that missing the escort target was not a feat, I knew for sure after looking into the eyes of the battalion commander and frontier guard commander.

‘It’s a definite achievement.’

An achievement that was recognized by an influential battalion commander in the center and a powerful figure in the current Border Guard.

The complexions of some nobles turned blue.

They are quick-witted people.

“Let’s all take a moment of silence for Baron Bansento.”

The battalion commander said. He wanted Bansentor to die as a nobleman, not as a spy for a band of thieves. He commemorated him by leaving him as a member of the kingdom.

That was good for everyone.

So, let’s take care of it, shall we?

It’s like speaking in silence to the remaining nobles.

A group of quick-witted nobles would understand well.

“Okay then, let’s get back to the meeting.”

The fatigued commander of the frontier guard became one of the people surrounding the table, standing with dust on his shoulder blades.

Afterwards, the meeting started again.

There were many loopholes in Marcus’s strategy.

I thought there was a part of me that I believed in, but I couldn’t see it and there were only weak points.

‘What do you really believe and do this?’

It was a question that came to mind again.


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