Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 200

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200. Wise response

Encred also raised his head and recognized the other person. That brief moment.

“Kill them all!”

The guy who was presumed to be the leader of the gift bundle shouted. He was a slit-eyed bastard.

As soon as Encred shouted to kill everyone, he became concerned about the person running away and chased after him.

“You can take care of the rest.”

After spitting out words, I ran. If you activate the Heart of Superpower, you can imitate the dash shown by the semi-knight.

As we saw a moment ago, it seemed like if we added more precision, we could run longer and faster.

What you think in your head, you execute with your body. The process was different from before.

It was rough at first, but I quickly got used to it.

I can’t say I’m used to it, but I can’t say it’s that awkward either.

Encred chased after the guy who ran away.

Of course, catching the back was easy. He is a guy who uses his body to climb through bushes, trees, and thorn bushes.

The guy resisted when he was caught. One arming sword was amazing.

It is a technique-oriented swordsmanship.

If I had to really pick it, it would be the Hwanggeom series among Jeongjung Hwanheyuyu.

‘It’s worse than the Valenic mercenary sword.’

He mixes up several tricks and uses stabbing as the final blow.

In that case, a double kick would be better.

In terms of technique, I felt that a beast named Dunbakel was better.

However, it did not mean that his skills were poor.

Dunbakhel was crude, his techniques lacked form and meaning, and he relied on clever tricks and force.

On the other hand, the opponent seemed to have neglected his training and had no hesitation in swinging his sword.

But that didn’t mean he was Encred’s opponent.

Thing, thud, thud!

Before the flying sword can do anything, approach first and swing the sword to strike.

I had already seen this method, so I didn’t need to look at it twice.

The sword was swung diagonally from bottom to top, and its blade caught and opened its chest.

Immediately, I hit the solar plexus with my shoulder, and a sound of empty air came out of the guy’s mouth.

Even at that moment, his eyes lit up. He held a knife at his waist.

Encred struck with his shoulder and thrust the guard sword he had drawn into the guy’s chin.

It is an imitation of Ragna’s talent of performing several movements in one breath.

As soon as it stopped, the guy let out a groan and out of breath.

Because he stopped with his hand on the knife, his left arm was strangely bent backwards.

“who are you?”

There was no answer, so I thrust the blade in, and drops of blood formed under the neck bone. I didn’t feel the need to control my strength, so I pretended I had made a mistake and pushed it in further, and blood flowed.

“I came from the headquarters of the Black, Black Knife Bandits!”

The guy spoke hastily.

“Bondan? what brings you here?”

“It’s patrol!”

Lie, your sixth sense tells you. En Creed neither narrowed his eyes nor glared at his opponent.

“I’m asking just in case, aren’t you willing to be honest?”

“… … what?”

Probably not.

Encred roared and slashed his guard sword.

Since a new mouth had appeared under the mokuldae, the death of the other person was natural.

There was no time or space for interrogation.

Even if you do that, you won’t get any great information.

The situation is already clear, so what is the importance of the Black Sword main unit?

I pushed the guy away to avoid the gushing blood and then turned around.

When I returned after killing him, I could see the situation clearly.

I fought and won.

It was natural that bodies were left lying around after victory. There were many corpses around.

The only ones who survived were three, and that’s after putting those three aside.

Encred just shook the dead thief out of his arms. Likewise with Rem and Ragna.

If you have something to salvage, wouldn’t it be a waste to throw it away here?

I packed a device that I wore on my wrist and shot an arrow, poisoned sand, half-eaten bread, a few silver coins, a few copper coins, and small blades.

Any weapon they had in their hands could become Krona.

However, I felt like I wouldn’t have enough hands to carry this.

If you pack it all into one backpack and carry it with you, it will be an arduous journey home. Because it must be quite heavy.

It won’t even fit all of it.

“You listen.”

“You want to die?”

Ragna and Rem, who had figured out the situation, could also be heard arguing.


After stopping the two, he looked at the three thieves he had deliberately left alive.

I asked one of them.

“so. “The main unit was all ruined?”


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There were three thieves, one of whom was crying without knowing anything.

The other two were guys who had wide eyes and seemed to be quick-witted.

There are three mouths. There have been enough mouths to speak.

“Yes, I will be better. It’s all over. When I looked from behind, it was burning brightly. “It was like setting a fire.”

This is said while sweating profusely.

The weather is moderately humid, and it looks like it might rain today or tomorrow.

‘I don’t think it will spread into a big fire.’

I didn’t expect a full-scale attack like this, but I knew who the blade was.

It is a border guard unit. They wouldn’t make a mess by clumsily using fire.

“What about you?”

“Someone who came out of the headquarters said that we would be ruined if we continued like this, and some people said that we should live to spread the word…” … .”

I blurt out the end of my words. It was said that she jumped out without a fight. There was no blood on her weapon, and it was obvious that she was drenched in sweat.

If I were to guess one more thing, they were all the ones who survived. There are just a few of them scattered here and there in the forest, and they will be a meal for the monsters.

“How did you manage to get here?”

“There is a shortcut!”

The two sharp-witted guys spoke one after another without even taking a breath.

Those who survive attacks by monsters and build nests in the mountains are the Black Sword Bandits.

If they go to the wilderness and drive horses, they become magic pirates, and if they go to the sea and board a ship, they become pirates.

In reality, there are groups in the sea that are more famous than these.

A clumsy group of magic bandits cannot exist in the vast plains of the east.

In fact, the Black Knives could be said to be the largest bandit group in the inland region.

If you have lived there all this time, you will know the route well in many ways.

“I’m on the road!”

When Encred showed interest in the road, the other thief quickly opened his mouth.

“That bitch knows nothing! That bitch is such a stupid bitch that she still thinks she’s a mercenary… … .”

I hesitated and left the useless words behind.

“Let’s go to the city and talk.”

They are handed over to the city. Then, they will either execute you on their own or lock you up and beat you.


One of the thieves let out a short groan. It was a lament that came out because he knew that if he was dragged along like this, his end would not be a comedy.


Because Encred spoke earnestly, he wanted to be generous.

“Shall we finish here?”

The thief’s eyes were shaking like crazy.


After that, I finished unpacking my belongings and since I didn’t have a backpack, I tore off some of the dead people’s clothes, tied them up, and threw everything I had picked up, including weapons, into them.

Next was shoveling time.

“You dig too.”

In the meantime, Ragnar cut the string on Dunvakel’s wrist.

In the first place, this was the end of the promise. I decided to release him once the work was done.

Encred didn’t even pay attention to the beast.

As the three remaining bandits dug a hole and buried the body, the sun set.

Shall we camp? No, I don’t think that’s necessary.

“Let’s go on a night march.”

“Let’s do that.”


After Rem and Ragna agreed, they headed home.

I loaded my luggage into a wagon I found along the way. However, since there were no horses, the three criminals pulled the carriage instead.

Suje It was a game that should now be called an incha, not a carriage.

Rolling, rolling.

The three criminals were out of breath as they drove the carriage down the rough road at night.

Dunbakhel pushed it from behind.

Encred slowly thought that it was okay for the beast woman to leave.

It doesn’t have the unique dark feel that other thieves have.

Honestly, that attitude of pure longing for life was very impressive.

That doesn’t mean anything changes.

Since I decided to let it go, I just intend to let it go. That was it.

I didn’t pay any more attention to the beast named Dunbakel.

Something more urgent than that.

Back at the base, I had something to ask Marcus.

The trip back to the city took longer than the trip. This was due to the loss of words and increased baggage.

Let’s stand in front of the city gates.

“Who are you?”

The soldier above the gallery shouted. Not only did the shouting end, but three archers were also seen aiming arrows.

He seemed several times more sensitive than usual.

“This is Encred, the company commander of the independent company.”

As I revealed my affiliation, a torch flickered above and voices were heard.

“Is that you?”

It was Vengeance’s voice. Soon, the side door next to the castle gate opened and the carriage could not enter, so as they were taking out all the goods, Venjens came down.

“What is this? Where did you steal it from? “Did you commit robbery?”

“It wasn’t a robbery, I just countered the robbery.”

The winner takes the spoils. It was common sense.

Although it may seem like a large amount of loot, it is not wrong.

Vengeance tilted his head at Encred’s words.

It was not the time to explain everything that had happened.

“Why are you so sensitive?”

Encred asked.

The time I spent away from the city was just one day.

It was only about a full day as dawn was about to break, and there was a strange tension in the city.

“Are you going to go straight to the battalion commander? “For more details, go inside.”

Benjens also did not provide a detailed explanation.

Since Encred didn’t say anything, he said he wouldn’t do anything either.

“You little bastard.”

Encred said, smiled and went inside.

After he entered, Rem and Ragna followed him.

Upon entering, Rem handed over the three thieves.

“Just figure it out.”

“What are they?”

“Black Knife Bandits.”

Why does that name appear here?

While Vengeance was blinking, the white-haired beastman followed Rem and Ragna.

Can I leave that alone?

Since there is nothing to say, I guess I can leave it alone.

After sending Encred and his group away like that. Benjens asked his subordinate in a cautious and serious tone.

“Am I petty?”

The subordinate swallowed his saliva. Honesty is a virtue, but sometimes white lies are an even greater virtue.

“no. “The platoon leader is a major criminal, no, he is ordinary.”

Still, I couldn’t say it was bold. It was my last conscience.

Wasn’t it natural for him to be narrow-minded and petty from the very beginning when he was jealous of Company Commander Encred for being unpopular with women?

“yes? “I’m not that petty, am I?”

The subordinate nodded. It was a wise response.

* * *

In front of the battalion commander, Encred asked the question that was close to his heart.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Even if you knew, nothing would have happened, but wouldn’t it have been possible to respond more proactively?

To the question posed with that in mind.

Marcus’ eyes widened. The look in his eyes as if he didn’t know why. Then he opened his mouth.

“Company Commander Encred, you’re not good at acting.”

Have you watched Encred’s acting so far?

No, that won’t be it. However, he probably said it in light of his usual tone and attitude, but En Creed unconsciously admitted it as soon as he heard it.

‘If you want to deceive, start with your allies.’

It’s a basic strategy.

“What are you going to do if I’m in danger?”

“Didn’t you say you were taking Rem and Ragna with you?”

There was a short silence. Yeah, it’s not that dangerous.

“Why is the city atmosphere like this?”

Encred gently changed the topic, and the answer came from the fairy company commander who had already taken his place.

“There were two attempts by scouts, four attempts by groups of suspected spies to cross the walls, and three attempts to pass through the gates in disguise.”

It didn’t happen in one day. I’m just summarizing what happened so far.


“Do you need me to tell you who it is?”

In response to the fairy company commander’s question, Encred stopped being a fool and answered.


Marcus responded to the answer.

“Yes, Martai has declared war.”

Is it amazing timing?

Rather, the moment he waited, he probably hit the player before it was too late.

One day, the biggest thing happened in the city.

It was war again.

This time, it is not a war with another country, but a war between cities.

It’s a fight between Martai and Border Guard.

In this case, even if the center had the capacity to send reinforcements, it would not be able to do so.

The justification must be something you can create, and it’s not like only idiots gathered in Martai, so the justification must have already been created and sent.

“The Border Guard fabricated and sent a document that said it had been Martai’s territory since the previous era.”

Marcus said with a smile. It was a laugh mixed with irritation at the absurdity of the other person’s justification.

“So we sent the same to our side.”

The fairy company commander said that he had repaid what had been suffered.

Likewise, Martai also fabricated documents and sent them to say they belonged to this group.

Well, it would be okay to call it the War on Forgery of Official Documents.

Along with the thought of a wise response, I was trying to think about why I was telling myself this in such detail.

“I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.”

Marcus said. The young anticipation in those eyes was beyond serious and seemed like they were looking at some kind of idol, so Encred didn’t feel bad about those eyes.

“Let’s have fun.”

The fairy company commander said this and added his usual fairy joke.

“Shall we call it the honeymoon war?”

“Is the battalion commander getting married again?”

Encred did not lose and fought back in a human way, so Marcus laughed.

A man who hides a copyist behind his nickname of a warmonger.

The man seemed unafraid of the coming war.

It means there is something I believe in.

I was a little curious about what that was.

After finishing reporting everything that happened, I returned and was about to enter the barracks.

“Aren’t you going?”

Dunbakhel followed along and stopped.

He was screaming in front of the barracks, but no one stopped him?

War was just around the corner, but discipline was a mess.

Encrud thought about that as he watched Dunbakel.

Dunbakhel opened his mouth with determination.

It was a low, husky voice characteristic of a prisoner, but it was clear to anyone who heard it that it was a woman’s voice.

“I have something to say.”


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