Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 20

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20. Squad Leader Encred

There are perches between the tents.

And there is oil in the supply barracks.

I have been practicing listening to sounds by repeating today for several days.

I was able to find what was around me and where it was even with my eyes closed.

“I’ll be back for a bit.”

It was such a simple thing.

Finding out the patrol’s location by sound and secretly bringing oil from the supply barracks.

Sprinkle the brought oil roughly on the tent.

It’s easier after that.

All I had to do was kick the perch and knock it over.

Since no one was supposed to be watching, I used the shadow as my friend to crawl on my stomach, pulled the perch, and knocked it down inside.

The embers at the end of the perch met the oil and roared, and they greeted each other loudly, saying they were happy to see him.

“You’re talented.”

The company commander said calmly.

Is this a compliment?

With that thought in mind, Encred set fire to the tent.

Of course, the place where the oil was poured caught fire first.

Encred avoided the flames, got soot on his face, and inhaled a little smoke.

It is much easier to actually react than to act poorly.


After coughing, Encred carried the fallen freckled soldier and went out to the torn area of ​​the tent where the company commander had entered, walked around the barracks, and collapsed in front of the medical barracks.

This was enough.


The fire was intentionally started when the patrolman arrived.

No, it had to be that way.

The boy on watch in the barracks next door was a master at standing up.

I didn’t break it.

Encred thought that the assassin had also shot that friend with a poisonous needle.

There was no need for much preparation up to this point.

Stealing oil from a supply barracks that I already knew about.

All you had to do was knock over the perch and it was over.

However, Kraang and the company commander who were watching it seemed very impressed.

“If I had really joined a bandit group, I think I would have killed the leader.”

Just before leaving, I remembered what Krang said.

Would you say that is a compliment?

As I ran my hand through my hair, the curly hair caught in my fingers.

‘I need to cut my hair too.’

He lay down on the floor without even thinking about wiping the soot off his face.

It’s not a big fire. It wouldn’t be such a big accident.

Because no one died.

I even thought of an excuse for not being on watch.

‘Ask tomorrow. tomorrow.’

Without any exaggeration, I really wanted to lie down and sleep like this.

It was a long night.

It was a really long day today.

Beyond the headache, I felt dizzy.

I didn’t want to think about anything.

“Who are the survivors?”

“It’s over there. But, um. “I think I’ve passed out now.”

I knew Encred’s words were directed at him, but he ignored them and closed his eyes.

Fatigue took over.

* * *

He may not have been the freckled soldier who was on watch, but Encred felt a one-sided intimacy with him.

‘You don’t know.’

Encred talked to him.

Know his hometown.

I also know the existence of the girlfriend I left behind in my hometown.

I also heard why I came to the military.

It was a day that he didn’t have, but that he had.

This is the intimacy that arose thanks to this.

Neither the fire nor the attack were his fault.

So I came up with a suitable excuse.

As soon as the fire started, he shouted and tried to save those inside.

Then he passed out due to inhaling smoke.

He is a new recruit who has just finished training.

There will be no training on barracks fire during that training.

It was a good reason for everyone to just move on.


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“I said that?”

However, since it was something I didn’t remember, I was embarrassed and asked.

“I guess my memory has faded.”

The supply company commander assumed that was the case and moved on.

Encred wondered if anyone would doubt him, but that didn’t happen.

That’s because you’re so good at making excuses.

I thought some people might think it was strange, but fortunately, that didn’t happen.

The supply company commander seemed to be just glad that the supply barracks didn’t catch fire.

Since there was something aimed at that, it could be said that the situation itself went as planned.

A bright new morning.

There was no repeat today.

Encred woke up and still felt a headache.

Still, I was satisfied.

Anyway, I skipped over ‘today’ again.

“You saved me?”

After washing my face and body, changing out of my burnt-smelling clothes, picking up a dagger and roughly straightening my hair, I set out.

Benjens asked, straddling the box containing the supplies.

“We can’t just let him burn to death in front of our eyes, right?”

Vengeance pursed his lips at Encred’s words.

He mumbled something and asked.

“… … why?”

Encred wondered if this needed a reason.

Because my head was still pounding, I didn’t really want to talk for a long time.

“Because we are comrades in arms.”

So I said it without thinking.

Venjens’ expression hardened when he heard that.

“Use it.”

Seeing his expression harden, Encred opened his mouth.

“The flower of the battlefield.”

“… … “It’s infantry.”

Greetings from an infantry company.

With those words, Encred turned around.

I had just received an order to return a little while ago.

“I was just being mean.”

The sound of Venjens grunting faintly passed by my ears from behind.

I hear sounds that would not have been heard originally.

‘Hearing training.’

Encred pondered the abilities he had acquired.

And I also remembered the fairy company commander throwing his sword aside last night.

I also thought about dodging the stabbing and the assassin’s attack.

A question that naturally arises.

‘Am I still in the same place?’

It wasn’t anything serious. I’m just curious.

How different will the self of yesterday be from the self of today?

I suddenly wanted to have a fight with Rem.

‘for now.’

The first thing to do is to return to the main barracks and get a good rest. My head still throbbed.

“The weather is really nice.”

After walking a few steps, Encred saw a long shadow stretching to his right.

When I looked up and looked at the sky, I saw a clear, bright blue canvas.

The clouds were spread out in pieces above, the wind was cool and the sun was warm.

Today was a very clear day.

I felt like my headache would go away just by walking.

* * *

Kreis looked calm on the outside, but on the inside he sighed heavily.

Encred had been away for exactly a week.

‘How were you doing back then?’

As the situation unfolded before his eyes, Kreis’ mind escaped from reality.

Kreis recalled the times when Encred didn’t exist.

“So, I am the squad leader here. So, you should listen to me. So, I’m telling you to gather in front of the barracks now.”

The squad leader kept repeating ‘So’.

He showed a coercive attitude. And he died by accident on the first battlefield.

“Follow me!”

It seemed like I had heard a strange rumor somewhere.

The Troubleshooter Squad may be few in number, but their skills are top-notch.

Did I really think that people like that would quietly follow in my footsteps?

While rushing alone, his head was impaled on a spear.

When the helmet he was wearing came flying back, Rem kicked it away.

‘Then the squad leader.’

“I heard there was a bit of a fight. Shall we test your skills? “Is there anyone who wants to join me?”

I heard it was the son of a nobleman. They say he went into the military for some crime.

I don’t know the details, but they said they would stay here for a few months and then return.

The nobleman was overconfident and inexperienced.

“Do you dare spar with the squad leader?”

Rem asked, scratching his head.

“Well, not you, okay, you come out and see me. “You, the red-brown head.”

He was picked against Saxony.

At first glance, Rem is a scoundrel, and anyone can see that he looks like he’s ready to fight.

Still, calling Kreis is too unconscionable.

It seems that Saxony was the one that seemed easy.

Of course it was a big mistake.

“You mean me?”

“okay. Come out. Let’s compete. Haha, I’ve never lost before.”

“What do I do if I get hurt while sparring?”

“Are you saying the man is afraid of that? “You’re sending it to me without permission!”

The arrogant and arrogant noble squad leader.


My forearm was broken.

“I thought I would definitely avoid it.”

Saxony usually acts aloof, but sometimes he becomes quite crazy.

It was the fault of Rem and other squad members who provoked him by looking at Saxony, who was roughly fighting him.

“You should have put your left foot forward there.”

“You’re kidding, all you have to do is jump and fall.”

“I feel a bit weak in the hand that uses the sword. Squeeze harder. “If you look down on the other person, you will get hurt.”

“Tsk, you’re such a poor guy that you can’t even knock down a girl anywhere. If it were me, I would have finished it a long time ago. Oh, it’s boring.”

At those words, Saxony turned vicious.

The company commander was angry at me for breaking the arm of the noble squad leader.

“Are you assaulting your boss?”

“I said that even if it was up to us, we would definitely fight.”

“that’s right. that’s right. “If a man takes one bite and speaks twice, his dick falls off.”

“The mouth is one, but the words are ever-changing, oh, sinners atone.”

As the squad members spat out one word at a time, the company commander could not say anything.

The facts were facts.

It was decided to submit it regardless.

Naturally, the noble squad leader hid his tail.

There must have been a lot of swordsmen in my family who were sold for money that would have been lost to them, but this is a battlefield.

In the first place, the company commander did not seem to have any intention of dragging the noble squad leader into battle.

They just gave me the rank of squad leader.

‘And then the squad leader as well.’

It was all about fifty paces.

The squad leader, who was prone to anger, had a quiet conversation with Rem outside, and without fussing anymore, quietly applied for a transfer.

Aside from that, everyone else ran away for similar reasons.

Those who managed to survive did nothing but live like cows and chickens.


Kreis turned his head when he heard a sigh coming from behind him.

“at las.”

Chrys turned his head, looked at his face, and muttered with relief.

“What is this?”

It was Encred. He approached me, pressing my temple with his right index finger.

Encred looked at the two confronting each other in front of the 4th squad barracks.

This is the reality that Kreis escaped from.

“I said that since there is no squad leader, I am no different from a squad leader, right? So, if I’m going to criticize you, I’m going to criticize you. Ragna squad member?”

“Don’t call me by my first name, but add ‘nim’ to my last name. savage.”

“Huh, this picky eater has put on the façade of a nobleman.”

“I just feel uncomfortable when a subhuman animal calls my name.”

“Oh, really? “Do you think you’ll come to your senses if you get torn apart by an animal?”

Blood appeared on Rem’s hands as he growled.

He was ready to throw the ax at any moment and split the opponent’s head.

The squad member called Ragna faced him without notice.

I stood there casually with my hands hanging down.

That was Ragnar’s prepared posture.

Saxony looks on as if it doesn’t matter.

One remaining squad member quietly prayed and stopped the two.

“Brother, struggle and violence are bad.”

“Get out of here, religious person.”

“Step back. “The sword has no eyes.”

Rem and Ragna answer simultaneously.

‘The squad is going well.’

It’s only been like this for a week.

The headache that went away while walking came back.

“Kreis, do you have any medicine left?”

Saxony only did what it had to say, whether it was a fight or not. When he saw Encred, he made eye contact and asked Chryce.

“Not right now. Squad leader, you are here. I was already thinking of coming to see you. “Something happened.”

Kreis shook his head at Saxony and said to Encred.

“for a moment.”

Shouldn’t we stop those two first?

If left as is, there was real risk of bleeding.

It was like this the day I came too.

The opponent at that time was not Ragna, but a member of the squad who was praying.

“There are many things that cannot be solved through struggle and violence.”

That guy who says that is not normal either.


Encred ignored the pounding headache and blocked the space between the two.

The way to stop their fight is simple.

There is no way to put it into words.

You have to push your body.

Encred walked between the two.

“… … Really, they say you’re brave if you don’t know something, so you came?”

Rem muttered. The blood vessels on the back of his hand twitched and then stopped.

“I can’t cut anything like this. The squad leader, um, no.”

Rem and Ragna, who were glaring, step back. Even though we were leaving, we didn’t forget to say good things to each other.

“You don’t die on the battlefield, because I have to kill you.”

Ragna says.

“huh? what? You want to wake up tomorrow? “You really want to taste Rem’s axe?”

Rem accepts.


Meanwhile, Encred shook his head.

Why do they get along so badly?

I do not know. Because it was like this from the beginning.

The two are still glaring at each other.

Wow, what I saw as soon as I came back was a fight.

“Anyway, all sorts of things happened while the squad leader was away.”

From behind, Kreis opens his mouth again.

“Is that so?”

You can tell just by looking at it.

When I was at the medical barracks, Ragnar said that the barracks were a mess, and he was right.

It was somewhat expected.


After going through so many hardships, the accident they had was nothing.

They didn’t take meal duty, so they prepared their own meals.

I got into an argument with a squad member in the barracks next to me and I hit that guy’s chin.

Ignoring the platoon leader’s call.

‘Isn’t it too bad that I don’t have one?’

Although those thoughts suddenly occurred to me, it was really okay.

Kreis continued to talk in detail.

Encred knew that the type of chaos wasn’t limited to the troublemaker squad.


Encred asked, forgetting about his pounding headache.

“Yes, they say the entire camp is cursed.”

What kind of bullshit is this?

It was nonsense that made me forget about my headache.


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