Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 2

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2. The main light

Black dots seemed to be flying through the eye holes of the leather helmet.

Encred held a shield fastened to the back of his left hand.


I felt a heavy weight.

I tried to throw it away by hitting it, but I was only halfway successful, so my forearm was sore.

Encrid slammed his blade down on the helmet of the guy who had thrown the spear.


The blade fell on the shoulder of the guy who reflexively snapped his neck.

There was a heavy sound of hitting my shoulder blade, and my grip throbbed.

“Ugh, I’m killing you. you.”

The enemy muttered, held the spear briefly, and swung it.

It was a well-learned skill.

Without even thinking, Encred kicked the guy in the stomach with the sole of his foot.

“100 million.”

The person who was hit lost his balance and fell.

It is a close combat, close to a melee battle.

When the leaders of the friendly and enemy forces intertwined and mixed, the enemy was bound to get mixed up.

Therefore, if you fall, you will die immediately.

Encred took his gaze away from the man he had defeated, tightened his grip on the handle of his shield, and looked for his allies.

If you lose your temper and run wild, you will die. If you pretend to be a berserker in a melee, you will not become a berserker, but a corpse.

The reason why I survived for such a long time with my humble talent.

Encred knew fractions.

‘Don’t step forward.’

I blocked the blade that flew from somewhere with my shield.

The blade hit the edge of the shield and dented the metal frame.

The oiled wooden shield was twisted.

At best, it seemed like it would be useless if I used it a few more times.

‘Keep the attack short and simple.’

After blocking, Encred tightened his hand holding the sword and swung it.


Soon, a heavy blow hit my hand.

One unlucky enemy was hit on the head and fell to the side.

The ally’s spear blade was deeply embedded in the fallen man’s chest.

The Gambison, made of thick cotton and linen, could not withstand the impact of the spear blade and was dented inside.

The person who was hit struggled to survive.

puck! puck! puck!

Our soldier repeated the same movement without stopping.

Whether I wanted to block it or not, I kept my distance and sharply thrust the spear blade.


Eventually, the spear blade pierced the armor and lodged itself in the torso of the unlucky enemy soldier.


The guy who was coughing up blood was trembling and grabbed the spear that had stabbed his stomach.

“f*ck, let go! Let go! 개새끼가.”

The enemy soldier held on to the spear until the end, and our soldier gave up his weapon and picked up the spear he had been using.

After confirming that far, Encred stepped back, stopped breathing, and swallowed.

“Whoo, whoo, whoo.”

He saw his position, the position of his allies, and the position of his enemy, and drew them in his mind.

‘If you step forward, you will die.’

If he used his skills to penetrate the enemy army, he would become fertilizer spread on the battlefield.

It is the same as the enemy soldier who died a moment ago with a hole several times larger than the belly button.

He jumped out in front of the front line excited, but his skills were so-so.

In the meantime, I may have been conceited by catching a few unlucky and less skilled guys than myself on the battlefield.

Maybe I was simply unlucky.

Because I got caught by Encred’s blade, which I didn’t even aim for.

There had been no rain for several days, so the ground became hard and resembled a rock.

Blood was splattered on it, but that didn’t mean the dryness went away. It hasn’t rained much so far.

I felt like my throat was burning, and the smell of blood rose from inside my throat.

Encred swallowed dryly and searched for his squad mate with his eyes.

Of course, it didn’t look like he was looking for it.

Instead, it is.


Someone shouted.

It was two steps away. One of our platoon members was seen stabbing with a spear.

‘What are you doing?’

The stab itself was good, but I tripped on my own, and my right foot caught on my left foot and I fell.

He fell down with a thud and lost his weapon.

‘Are you praying for me to be killed?’


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The fallen guy was only raising his head, looking like he was praying while lying face down.

Encred cut off his thoughts and moved.

As I moved forward, I raised my shield upward, held my breath, and strengthened my muscles.

Tung. Ujijik.

The opponent’s blade strikes the shield. A heavy shock spread through my forearm and throughout my body.

I managed to block the blade and the oiled wooden shield split.

Encrud threw the broken shield forward and, adding all the strength he had gained, swung his sword left and right violently.

Once from right to left, then once again from left to right.

Hung, Hung.


The opponent’s weapon was caught in the timing of swinging from left to right.

The blade met the blade, sparks flew, and the opponent’s weapon was seen escaping from his grasp.

I aimed for that.

Encred trusted his physical strength, which he had developed over the years, rather than his poor swordsmanship.

I have trained more than any top-notch mercenary.

It was an opportunity created by that strength. However, he didn’t attack. Just as there is always an opportunity in a crisis, there is always a crisis in an opportunity.


The enemy, having lost sight of his weapon, hesitated and rushed forward with his arms raised.

It seemed like he thought he was a bear.

Encred pretended to hold out his sword and threw it on the floor, then leaned down and caught the one who was running towards him and threw him back.

Armor, helmet, various types of weapons, plus the weight of an adult male were placed on his back.

It was heavy.

The moment I put my opponent on my back, my waist and thighs screamed.

Ignoring the scream, Encred straightened his back with all his strength and stood up.


The enemy’s body fell backwards.

There was no need to look back at the guy who fell with a thud.

The position where he stood was one step inside the front line created by our troops.

On this side, you could usually only encounter three types of enemies.

One, the unlucky guy who ended up in the lead after being pushed from his back.

Two, a fool full of pride after fighting for several days.

Third, a true fighter who takes the lead in battle because he is confident in his abilities.

The guy I just passed over was the first type.

As he ran in desperation, he fell among the enemy soldiers and was killed.

Encred picked up the knife that had fallen on the floor.

I saw an ally who had tripped while rushing and fell, struggling to get up.

I could see where half of the helmet was finely split.

Blood also flowed from my head.

‘He’s such a good guy.’

What’s more, he saved someone who almost died a little while ago.

In many ways, I was a lucky friend. He was also someone I knew.

“Belle, did you lose consciousness because your head was split open?”

Encred said.

Belle, a soldier with a half-split helmet, answered while wiping the blood flowing from his eyes.

“Hehe, damn it, damn it, I barely survived.”

“If you barely survived, cover your back.”

It is difficult for a single soldier to read the battlefield in the middle of the battlefield. The squad leader and leader of the Ten Commando was not the commander, but his main role was to provide orders to the Ten Commando.

But Encred read the charter.

I felt it exactly.

‘It’s not good.’

For countless years, we have lived with the blood and blades of the battlefield.

Those days did not give him a talent for swordsmanship, but they still made him lose the flow of the battlefield through his foolish actions.

To be honest, it was purely a feeling.

Still, it was true that that sense had saved his life many times.

‘I think this is a plague.’

“Okay, let’s do it.”

Bell answered, wiping the blood from his head, took his weapon, and moved in a movement that was neither fast nor slow.

Belle, holding a spear, walked two steps while being wary of her surroundings.


A flash of light flew and pierced my head.

It was between half-cut helmets.

An arrow flew out and hit the head. The impact caused his eyeball to pop out and hit En Creed’s leather armor.


Belle died without even being able to utter a short moan. His mouth was open.

Encred looked away.

Beyond the sky, in the void to be exact. A space between spaces that cannot be pinpointed.

I saw flashing lights and dots.

The moment I saw it, I knew it would stick in my head.

Encred closed his eyes.

How many people would be aloof at the moment of death?

Encred was no exception.

As soon as I closed my eyes, my past life, like a dream I had yesterday, suddenly came out and tried to pass by like a flash of light.

I felt like time was slowing down.

It felt like the noise of the battlefield was erased and even my breathing became slower.

Tap, tap!

Soon that feeling disappeared. The headlight disappeared, I could hear the noise of the battlefield again, and I felt that I could breathe properly.

“Are you going to say a prayer of thanks for killing me?”

He was a subordinate.

One of my top ten.

He pushed himself, and the arrow hit the floor.


Encred called his name.

“A bastard with hawk eyes and feathers has come to this battle, so be careful with your arrows.”

“Isn’t that right to be careful?”

“I’m going up to George, so just wait a moment.”

This guy is also really crazy.

Encred thought about this and nodded.

“Well, it’s not like you’re giving up on life or anything, is it? “I skipped training today and took a nap.”

Rem said.

“Are you meddling?”

“I would feel bad if I saved something I wanted to kill.”

“What kind of person would want to die?”

Living on a knife-and-meal diet was not the same thing as attempting suicide.

“I’m saying this because he normally fights well, but closes his eyes at important moments.”

“Are you sure you’re winding it because you want to?”

I think I asked something similar before.

Rem held an ax in his right hand and a broken spear in his left.

It was an armament that could be used well regardless of whether it was a sword, an axe, or a blunt weapon.

He raised his right hand holding the ax and scratched his head with his thumb.

However, it didn’t look cool.

Because he was scratching the top of his helmet.

“f*ck, this helmet smells like shit.”

“I agree with that.”

“They say if you feel like you’re going to die, concentrate more.”

Rem said.

It was something I said often. Encred also knows. What does that word mean?

Rem often spoke.

The moment when it seems as if it will fall, the moment of incantation, a person concentrates to the level of a superhuman. Use it in battle.

Damn, is that going to work?

That was talent.

In that moment between life and death, I open my eyes, look the other person in the eye, and do my job.

“f*ck concentration.”

Encred said.

“Well, it would be nice to learn from dying hundreds of times, but you only have one life. See you then.”

Rem laughed and jumped again, running towards the battlefield.

He’s a really good fighter.

Encred focused on the battle again.

You fight with a friendly soldier next to your shoulder. repeat that

Encred thrust out his sword.

If you’re lucky, you’ll catch it; if you’re unlucky, you’ll avoid it.

Either this or that.


It will be just like hitting with the tip of a sword.

The tip of the sword, which could not pierce the opponent’s armor, pushed the opponent back like a blunt weapon.


The guy who got hit groaned and took a step back, and the battle hammer of a passing ally hit him on the head.


I erased all my random thoughts.

I feel like my nerves are burning just by blocking, dodging, or swinging my sword at the blades, spear blades, or clubs that are flying in front of me.

I was anxious because I didn’t have a shield, so I picked up an ax that had fallen on the ground and used it as a shield.

He still had allies around him, blocking, hitting, and stabbing him. When he found a gap, he showed off the clumsy knife skills he had learned along the way.

Move your left foot forward, move your center of gravity, and keep the tip of your sword straight without relaxing your arm.


If you have moderately tense muscles, concentration, and the sense to spot gaps, you could succeed.

Ting, tidididididding!

Encred’s stab was only half successful.


I aimed for the gap between the helmet and breastplate, but the opponent moved and I missed.

Although a long knife mark was made on the opponent’s neck, it was difficult to regard it as a fatal wound.

The eyes of the bleeding bastard turned to Encred.

The eyes were full of venom. The guy clicked silently and bit his molars.


A sense of the battlefield spoke.

While Encred retreated, a friendly soldier filled the gap.

The guy crouched down without saying a word and hit the shin of the ally who was blocking his path with his fist holding the knife.


There was a sound of bones breaking.


When the soldier with a broken shin fell, the enemy soldier pulled out a dagger and stabbed the soldier in the neck.

The process of poking and pulling out was natural. It was like a scene from a play that was set to happen.

Blood spurted out and soaked the man’s breastplate.

The guy just pushed the dead soldier.


The main light.

The border between life and death.

Countless pictures pass by outside the lantern emitting light. That picture was Encred’s life.

Like the dream I had last night.

At the end of that life, at the moment when everything passed by, the opponent’s blade pierced Encred’s neck.

This was a guy who did the exact same stabbing he showed off.

It was a perfect stab. At least that’s how Encred saw it.

This is when a burning pain spreads from the neck to the entire body.

Encred faced the moment of life and death and realized what the concentration Rem had talked about was.

However, it was just too late.

‘Did you have to die to learn it?’

Encred thought as he cursed Rem in his mind and closed his eyes.

No, his mind moved as it pleased.

Longing, longing, longing.

‘I wanted to be good at using a sword.’

‘I wanted to become a knight.’

‘I wanted to be a hero.’

In the end, Encred, who failed to do so, had to earn a decent amount of money, settle down in a suitable village, and build a house.

But it didn’t. I couldn’t do that.

Because the passion boiling in his heart did not let him do that.

Until the last moment, the money earned through blood on the battlefield was wasted on things like training centers.

‘I could have done better.’

If only I had more time.

I thought I could swing more when others were sleeping and when the so-called bright and gifted kids were playing.

At the end of the flash, the face of the man whom he had saved for the first and last time on his own appeared.

“The amulet will move with the knight’s wishes.”

The person who gave the amulet as a gift was the chief of the slash-and-burn village.

The old woman who had lost a few of her front teeth and made a squeak.

A mixture of regret and longing filled my heart with emotions I had never felt before.

I regret it.

‘Would it have made a difference if I had swung the sword a few more times?’

The two letters of death dwell in my body. I could see the black river beyond my closed eyes.

And Encred regretted taking a nap today instead of swinging his sword during the day.

If I had done a little more then, the last stab might have been successful.

A faceless boatman was sitting on a ferry boat on the black river.

the boatman asked.

“Do you really think so?”


“You’re funny.”


“Then let’s do it.”

said the mouthless boatman. I couldn’t tell where her voice was coming from. The area around her mouth was just dark, as if she was wearing a black mask.

Encred couldn’t say a word.

I lost consciousness and opened my eyes again.

Bang, bang, bang.

The sound of a watchman striking a piece of iron.

To be exact, it is the sound of hitting a pot with a ladle.

The familiar sound of waking up in the morning.

“… … .”

Let’s look to the side in silence.

“Did you have a f*cking dream?”

The subordinate next to me, Ram, got up from his field bed and grumbled as he shoved his feet into his boots.

“Ah, bug.”

Bugs on boots.

Encred blinked.

Things that seemed too real to be called dreams passed through my mind.


After shaking off the bug, Rem spat and crushed the bug to death with his foot.

There were traces of insect body fluids mixed with saliva on the floor.


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