Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 199

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199. Captain, a gift has arrived.

The difference was clear.

One side talks about technology, form, and meaning.

The other side talks about overpowering with superior power.

If one focuses on swordsmanship, the other is a bundle of senses focused on instinct.

Both were important, both were needed.

It’s not that Ragna doesn’t use sensible moves.

This does not mean that Rem does not borrow the form of swordsmanship.

‘The features are just clear.’

Therefore, there is something to learn.

There was also something in common between the two.

Whether it’s swordsmanship, senses, steps, attack, or defense.


Should I say that it feels like embroidering with a needle?

Should I say prick the wheat grains with a fork?

What the two had in common was the precision with which they subtly changed their posture, hands, and steps while fighting.

“these guys.”

The damage immediately became darker. The halberd thief’s complexion turned dark.

The strength in my muttering voice was gone. It was like I had a premonition of my own death.

I clearly felt the difference in skill. It was the same for the five who dealt with Rem.

Two of them had their swords broken so they pulled out their short swords, and the one who was throwing a dagger looking for an opportunity ended up killing himself by stabbing the dagger I was using between his eyes.

The guy who fell dead at first was shaking all limbs, but was now cooling down.

Of the four who attacked their dead colleagues, one had his arm cut off.

These things were accomplished even though the attack was loose and meant to be shown to Encred.

Meanwhile, the female thief, who was trying to shoot an arrow from a tree even with a dagger stuck in her thigh, felt Encred’s gaze every time and had to stop.

Encred was very annoyed by that, so he threw another dagger and hit the female thief in the forearm.

I’m busy observing those two right now, but I keep getting distracted.


A female thief is moaning on a tree.

The halberd thief attacked with bloody tears streaming from his eyes, as if the blood vessels in his eyes had burst. At the last moment, she risked her death by throwing down the spear and trying to embrace Ragna.

Ragna showed his original specialty rather than the elaborate swordsmanship he had shown until then.

The arming sword’s blade becomes a beam of light and cuts diagonally through the thief’s body. Cut down with a heavy sword.

The human body was cut like a straw bale by a combination of power and technology.

Afterwards, he moved to the side in an instant and struck the face of the woman holding the rapier with his fist.



A few teeth flew through the air.

When the female thief, who was clutching her face, stepped back, she slashed horizontally.


My throat flies into the air. Ragnar did not stop there.

Instead of the swordsmanship shown just a moment ago, he used a heavy swordsmanship that was rough but precise, sophisticated but powerful, as if he had switched with Rem.


At first glance, she was a brown-skinned female thief who could have been mistaken for a man. Her spear flew forward.

Ragna used his feet to avoid it. This is a feat that can be performed because the trajectory and speed of the flying spear are perfectly read.

He took a stride forward while avoiding the flying spear, and the bold step was followed by a cut on the top of his head.

Ragna’s sword struck the female thief’s head with a double-sword cut.


My head was crushed like a soft apple.

That was the end.

Killed them all. After killing her, Ragna calmly shook off her sword, shook off her blood, and then turned her head.

Of course, the gaze is directed at Encred.

‘Did you see it well?’

It’s something you feel even without saying it.

Encred nodded.

The meaning of precision, swordsmanship, and the power of form.

It is a milestone on the way to move forward again.

Encred was reluctant to do that. Above all, it doesn’t end at Ragna.

“Why do you finish first!”

I don’t know why he would get angry, but Rem suddenly got angry and swung the ax.

After pressing and pushing with force several times, the opponent went on the defensive.

The other guy rolled his eyes.

It was clear that there was something planned.

Rem abandoned the forceful method and slowly began swinging the ax in a rhythmic manner.

‘Steps, gestures, posture.’

Afterwards, the ax blade falls.

It wasn’t an attempt to take the other person’s life.

Encred noticed, but it wasn’t the thieves.

The guy holding the trident raised his spear upwards to block the axe.


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Meanwhile, the other guy turned to the side and opened his mouth.


It was poison sand. I kept it in my mouth and then sprayed it. It may have been a secret move, but Rem stepped back as if the move had already been prepared.

“Mr. Lee.”

The thief, whose lips were dyed blue, let out something similar to a lament.

Rem chuckled.

“Tina, you bastard.”

The ax blade danced and cut off the thief’s neck.

One of them stabbed the neck of a colleague who suddenly lost a leg.

“Please save me! “I’ll tell you anything!”

It was a bittersweet end.

“okay? That’s good, you’re willing to endure anything, right?”

Didn’t you say you would say anything?

Rem’s ears were different from other people’s ears.

This was especially true when I heard what I wanted to hear.

“to? yes?”

“Where do you want to start? Hands first? “From the feet?”

“… … yes?”

“I’m going to chop it. “This much.”

Rem held the axe and marked the gap with his index finger and thumb.

“… … yes?”

The thief didn’t understand.

Rem swung the ax with a smile on his face. Boom, boom. A blown off head, a falling body.

“It’s a joke. “I don’t have such bad taste.”

It seems like it could happen, it seems like it could happen.

Encred looked at Rem while thinking that, and Rem turned around and said.

“Did you see it well?”

The intention was evident in that one question.

Ragna and Rem fought so slowly to show their leader.

‘These two.’

How much would it be if everything were really revealed?

Once you think you’ve caught up, it seems like you’re moving forward before you know it.

When I didn’t know anything, I thought I was a senior soldier.

When I had the skills of a senior soldier, I thought it was a skill that could not be discussed through the soldier grading system.

Let’s become more than a top class and take steps towards our dreams.

‘Enough to kill a semi-knight.’

In other words, it was judged to be at least the level of military power of a semi-knight.

Although Rem said on his own that he couldn’t kill 100 of them.

I don’t know. When Rem said those words, it seemed as if he was saying that if there were any other means, he could definitely be killed.

So it looks like he doesn’t think about defeat at all.

It is an attitude that is implicitly expressed because one faces and understands reality rather than being conceited or arrogant.

The same goes for Ragnar.

Audin and Saxony were similar.

The four of you are monsters.

Encred was once again amazed at his luck.

‘Four monsters.’

There are also four teachers.

There is four times as much to learn.

Isn’t it really the best?


While Encrid was nodding his head in deep admiration, Dunvakel, who had been watching the entire fight, was already opening his mouth.


Drool flowed and fell on the floor.

She was so shocked that she didn’t even realize her mouth was open.

‘The Black Sword Ten.’

With the exception of the branch manager, they are the best at handling any task for a group of 10 people.

The opponents were those people.

Moreover, the guy holding the halberd had converted from a mercenary career, and even as a mercenary, he was a great man who had made quite a name for himself.

A mercenary who boasted that he had the confidence to deal with anyone who was not at the level of a semi-knight, and then rose to fame by actually surviving an altercation with a knight squire.

‘I played with it.’

Dunbakhel also has eyes. Ragnar’s skills were visible. It was very clear that his sword skills were not normal.

No, it was just a matter of playing around with it.

Dunbakhel once again realized that their skills could not be measured by his own standards.

Rem said after seeing the surprised Dunbakel.

“Close your mouth. “It stinks.”

Only then did Dunbakhel keep his mouth shut.

Encred walked up to the female thief who had holes in her thighs and forearms.

The female thief wriggled like a bug under the tree and spoke.

“Well, I’m good. If you save me, will I do it? It’s true.”

What does it mean to be big and distracting?

Does the word female thief bring to mind a pretty female image?

Well then, there’s something wrong with your head.

This woman was like a thief.

He had black front teeth, one of which was missing, skin that was brutally rough, and eyes that smelled like blood.

It smelled sour, as if it hadn’t been washed for a few days, and a musty, earthy smell began to mix in with it.

The urinating woman looked at Encred.

What can I say?

Should we look at life through this woman’s eyes? Or should I find something to survive?

Not long ago, he saw the color in Dunbakel’s eyes and saved her life.

Encred neither regretted nor reflected on his choice at that time.

Regardless of right or wrong, I did it because my heart moved me. There was no soot visible in Dunbakhel’s eyes at that time.

So, now?


He put the sword straight into the female thief’s neck.

Asking for help was the same as asking for treatment.

His injuries were already serious, so he had to be treated and taken away to have any chance of survival.

The area where the dagger was inserted was not good. Thighs and forearms.

It is a dagger thrown to limit movement. The muscles needed to move were split.

In other words, the cry for help here is ‘Please call the high priest immediately.’ Or ‘Take him, treat him, and save him.’ It’s the same.

Even if the names of the opponents are thieves and black swords, what kind of great group do they belong to?

No way, it is impossible.

Originally, the name of this group of thieves was something like Red Sword or Blood Sword.

That hardened and became a group that caused trouble for a long time, and as the blood turned black, it became a black sword.

Especially if you are a thief who has become your main force.

Regardless of gender, he was probably like a dog.

Of course, there was some reliance on sixth sense, but it was also a world where killing and killing were natural.

It is a world overflowing with battlefields, monsters, and thieves.

Moreover, the people here can easily be called experts in slaughter.

In fact, even in disparaging comments about the knight, there is a saying that it is a killing machine, and Encred, who is approaching that, did not think there was any need to ignore the disparaging comments.

Encred retrieved the sword he had sheathed. There is no resentment in my heart.

No, I brushed it off and turned around.

“So is this the end?”

Rem asked. As my body relaxed to some extent, the ferocity I had shown before has diminished.

It occurred to me that he didn’t know why he was being so fierce these days, but instead of asking that, Encred said what he wanted to say.

“These bases would have been even more chaotic.”

“What more is going on?”

Rem tilted his head and Ragna asked.

Encred was not a fool.

I was already able to sense the atmosphere even before Kreis explained it to me in detail.

Why not?

Even before I left here, there was a sense of clutter in the barracks.

Of course, some dull people just overlooked it, but even Vengeance was enough to quietly notice it.

“What’s going on these days? Isn’t the atmosphere a bit strange?”

Because I used to ask that.

Encred felt it too and knew the source of that feeling.

‘He’s not coming.’

Among those who occasionally requested to spar, one unit was left out.

Frontier Guards.

Regardless of the name garrison, they are a military unit mobilized for special operations.

The frontier defense commander is externally viewed as a company commander.

In reality, he can be said to be the highest-ranking commander besides Battalion Commander Marcus.

‘Then it will be obvious who will move them.’

From here, Kreis’ careful speculation was added.

“That’s bold. Marcus this guy.”

Since when was the battalion commander a friend is a separate matter.

“It seems to me that they are planning to weed out the black knives first. “Let the other side attract the attention.”

As he spoke, Kryce’s eyes turned to Encred.

I could tell without asking who was in charge of attracting attention and acting as bait.

“Hits from behind. It’s amazing. “This guy is a copycat, right?”

It was even more surprising that Kreis noticed this.

Therefore, the Black Knife Headquarters decided that there was more to come.

And Encred’s sense and Kryce’s prediction were accurate.

* * *

“Do you think you can easily survive in this land even if you oppose the Black Sword?”

The branch manager in charge of this area said while coughing up blood. Bright red blood is flowing down the corner of the mouth. The branch manager seemed to be heartbroken. I felt similar pain not only in real terms, but also physically. It was because the internal organs were damaged.

“What do you know?”

The border guard captain spoke leisurely and played with the knife in his hand.

The blade of the knife, spinning in my hand, reflected the light of the torch. It’s a knife that doesn’t have a sharp edge, but it gives you an eerie feeling.

The frontier guard commander thought that he was a man who did not know what tricks the opponent was hiding.

So there is no reason to narrow the distance.

“You damn kingdom bastards.”

There was resentment evident in the branch manager’s words. There may have been some circumstances, but it was none of my business.

The guard captain’s knife cut through the air.


The flying knife landed squarely between the eyes. The branch manager’s body, hit by the knife, fell backwards and fell down with a thud.

“Take everything you need and burn it.”

This happened while Encred was fighting excitedly as he headed towards the ambush site.

The border guard commander led the garrison and moved under cover of night.

The garrison was a unit of outstanding strength in this regard.

When the black sword is focused on the noble guy and Encred, who is in front of him and is called a bansento or something.

We narrowed the distance as much as possible and marched straight towards the Black Knife headquarters.

He was a guy who made a living quarters on the side of a mountain his home. Since we had to deal with monsters, our defenses were quite strong.

‘If the power is poor, there is a limit to what defense facilities can do to stop it.’

Worst of all, the main power was out. The Black Knife Tens didn’t even have their noses in sight.

“What about the ones who ran away?”

“I missed it because they know the geography of this area so well.”

‘That’s not good.’

When the garrison commander went up the Black Sword Mountain Fortress and the path behind it to search through the cave where the treasure was stored, more than twenty men escaped.

Among them, the guy standing in front looked like he was quite capable, but he didn’t hesitate to stand out.

‘If it’s an order from a leader.’

The black knife is a proof that this group of thieves is not an ordinary group of thieves.

Anyway, what you miss is what you miss. However, the garrison commander focused on results rather than dwelling on things that could not be caught.

“We won.”

Marcus’s strategy worked amazingly.

* * *

One of the Black Knife members who escaped was a dispatcher from headquarters.

‘It’s an attack. ‘This branch is ruined.’

The guy who was running away rolled his head. What is the best way to get out of here?

‘The Black Sword Ten.’

From generation to generation, branches also have the same system as the headquarters.

They said ten people from this branch had set out to ambush them.

The branch manager put in more effort than necessary to prevent this incident from going wrong.

Thanks to that, the headquarters was completely robbed.

The fugitive, leaving the burning mountain behind, ran straight toward the ambush site.

After that, about twenty bandits followed.

After joining the Black Knife Ten, they escape and return to the main headquarters. That was the plan.

Huff, huff, huff!

The field mixed with fear is a place where one goes through a shortcut and a rough mountain path with the sound of one’s breath.

A cleverly hidden forest path was their escape route.

This is what they saw after going through such a rough road and arriving at the ambush site.

“This could be useful.”

They were the ones searching the arms of the dead body.

Between the one with black hair, the one with gray hair, and the one with blonde hair.


There was a bitch whose name he knew. He was a prisoner hired as a mercenary.

The first thing I saw when he appeared rustling was a guy with gray hair.

“Captain, a gift has arrived.”

The guy who found himself smiled brightly and said.


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