Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 197

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197. It was like that. I thought so.

Bansento had the best plan under the circumstances. No, he was pulled over.

After killing the guards, the bastard named Encrid and his group, we will take this opportunity to join hands with Martai and overthrow the city.

He also added that it should have been like this a long time ago.

Bansento is now unable to speak.

There is nothing a person with his head split and buried in the ground can say.

“let’s go.”

Encred rummaged through the two bodies and the carriage, took what he needed, and dug the ground to bury the bodies.

‘It’s not bad.’

There was a generous pouch of gold coins and a few other jewels.

There were also a few black stones whose purpose I didn’t know.

The black stone didn’t seem to be a gem, but the moment I saw it, I felt a strange energy.

Will it sell? I was worried that it might be exchanged for gold coins, so I took everything I could.

I stuffed gold coins and other items into my backpack and even took the black dagger used by the guard, so it seemed like I had everything I needed to take with me.

So much so that I felt like I was robbed.

“I feel like a thief.”

Encred said.

“Encred Bandits, how about making one when the army comes out?”

Rem told a lame joke. Even though he spoke poorly, he was not the kind of guy who would rob Yangmin’s pockets.

Encred and the group moved straight away without stopping. As they moved, of course Dunbakhel had to follow them, tied to a rope.

There was no time to escape.

I told them it was an ambush site.

Even though it was said that some of the Black Sword’s core forces would be there, they had plenty of spare time.

“Rough wilderness, black sun, breaking land, breaking sky.”

A guy named Lem walked and sang a song that you would hear somewhere in the western frontier.

It wasn’t a particularly good song, but Rem’s voice was better than I expected.

“Breaking the sky, running towards it and bringing it down.”

As I was listening to his song with one ear and letting it out through the other, I could also hear the other two people talking in front of me.

“How did you learn the swordsmanship moves?”

“I memorized everything.”

Although it seemed like a difficult question, the answer was clear.

The blonde who asked the question mumbled for a while. He seemed to be choosing something to say. Then he blurted out something.

“Reaching to the left is to send the opponent to the right. “The meaning of movement should not be ignored.”

“huh. i get it.”

Captain Encrid nodded.

‘Do you understand?’

For Dunbakeel, this is just absurd. I was wondering what on earth we were talking about.

Encred opened his mouth one after another.

“Even walking has meaning and even the hand holding the sword has meaning, right?”

The blonde nodded at those words. Lightly and cheerfully.

“you’re right. Every movement has meaning.”

I didn’t know the details of what they were talking about, but I knew one thing.

‘It’s about swordsmanship.’

Dunbakhel is still absurd. Why is there so much leisure?

Something tickling gnawed at my chest. Dunbakhel wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but one thing was clear.

Curiosity suddenly arose.

They were curious as to what the hell was going on.

* * *

Encred gained a small insight while listening to Ragnar.

These were the words I needed right now.

In one battle, Ragnar figured it out and spoke.

I was a poor speaker, so I spoke in a messed up manner.

‘That’s something you just need to understand carefully.’

There is no problem.

Encred reflected on the teachings by speaking in reverse and organizing them.

‘Every movement in swordsmanship has meaning.’

It is right to understand its full meaning.

There was something I felt while dealing with the beastman behind me the other day.

A combination of Valencian mercenary sword and swordsmanship.

Anyway, it is up to the person holding the sword to throw it away.

‘Understanding and learning.’

If you understand everything, you will be able to break it down and use it, and pull out the necessary actions at the right moment.

Ragnar’s words began with the meaning of movement, but for Encred, they ended with the attitude of learning swordsmanship.

“I will learn heavy sword-style swordsmanship once I understand all the swords I have learned now.”

Ragna is speaking next to me.

“After I understand and experience it now.”

Encred added.

The two looked ahead and nodded.


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“I heard there’s an ambush ahead?”

Rem had also finished singing and the conversation with Ragna had ended. A prisoner spoke from behind. No, I asked.

There was power in the voice. She didn’t even hide her despair.

“What is your name?”

Encred asked, turning his head slightly.

I wondered how many times she had to ask, but Suin answered with an eye that seemed to wonder if my name had anything to do with it.


“Yes, Dunbakel.”

Encred tried to explain.

Why are you heading to the ambush site like this? Why are you taking the risk?

Encred did not consider the ambush ahead to be a crisis.


Who was the one who relayed his and his party’s military power to the other side?

It would be dead nobles and their guards.

All of the Black Sword’s attackers are dead, and the only one who survives is the beastman.

If this prisoner had secretly conveyed the message, the problem would have been different.

‘There is no sign of that at all.’

I didn’t even give myself a chance to do that, but there are things I can feel just by looking at it.

Golden eyes filled with questions, curiosity, and desire.

The prisoner named Dunbakel simply asks.

Why are you heading to the ambush site?

The answer was simple.

What if a few elites are waiting without knowing our strength?

‘Then the ambush wouldn’t be an ambush either.’

Of course, all these calculations may go wrong and put you at risk. Because there is always that possibility.

What if Black Sword goes half crazy and puts more than half of his power into this?

‘No way.’

The probability of that happening is very low.

Kreis admits that it’s because Encred doesn’t use his head, but that his head works pretty well when he does.

The expression was a bit harsh, but it wasn’t a bad thing. Encred himself knew that well.

‘If it were me.’

If you are the leader of a group called the Black Blade, you will send exactly twice the power as those you sent before.

Because that alone will be enough.

If I were to be more worried here, I would add a guy whose specialty is murder rather than fighting.


The power configuration will be different. Not only himself, but also Rem and Ragna are here.

Ragnana yawns with his mouth wide open and mutters that he is sleepy.

Remina walks while kicking stones rolling on the ground.

There didn’t seem to be any tension at all.

Both still have overwhelming power over Encred.

So this is a mistake in power estimation.

This is what Encred believed.

When Dunbakkel said again that there was an ambush ahead, he was asked why he was just moving forward.

There is an answer to that, but it would be a long story to tell you all of it, and there is no need to persuade the golden-eyed beast in front of you.

“If you’re asking why I’m going to a place where there’s an ambush, that’s okay.”

He paused for a moment, then looked into his eager eyes and said one more thing.

“Because I want to swing the sword more.”

It’s not a lie. I made a calculation, but it is also a desire that is actually in my heart.

At those words, Dunbakhel’s golden pupils trembled like crazy.

“… … why.”

Why just for that reason?

But it’s also true because that’s the reason.

Kriemhalt’s teachings rose like a fountain from deep within my heart and struck my head.

It felt like someone had hit the bell right next to my ear.

‘In the end, you will bloom and lose on the battlefield.’

Krimhalt said that the god he believed in would bloom on the battlefield.

The man in front of me was trying to do that.

At the same time, I remembered the words of the fortune teller I heard when I was driven out of the village.

“In the future, when you want to die, a guide will be by your side.”

At the time, I thought it was just words of pity, but now it was a little different.

Dunbakhel was prepared to die, but he lived.

Whose whim was that because of?

It was because of the man in front of me.

A gentle wind grew between the jealousy, envy, and admiration in Dunbakeel’s heart.

‘I want to have that man’s child.’

In reality, this would be impossible.

Because mixed bloods between beasts and humans are not born easily.

The wind was not one.

‘I want to stay in there.’

I want to be by your side. I want to learn about that man’s life. I want to die next to that man.

A complex and subtle desire burns her heart.

Encred glanced at those eyes.

‘Why are his eyes like this again?’

I thought I’d gotten used to it because I’ve seen so many kids with slanted eyes lately, but this was my first time seeing eyes like this.

Would you say it’s something strange yet intense?

“But why didn’t Esther come along?”

While looking into the eyes of the beastman named Dunbakel, Rem suddenly asked.

Turning away from those eyes, Encred answered Rem.

“I don’t know, because our Ester is a fickle person.”

Encred said jokingly, and Rem chuckled.

“If Esther hears that, do you think she’ll draw a musical note on the captain’s face? But I don’t think it’s wrong again.”

Sometimes he acts like he’ll never leave my arms, and sometimes he just leaves the dorm on his own and doesn’t come back for days.

Looking at Esther’s behavior, I thought the word ‘fickle’ would be very appropriate.

Those who were walking leisurely climbed a small hill.

I saw a few small trees, but soon there were so many trees that I could see to the left and right.

The road was also messy. I saw things that looked like rocks sticking out of the dirt.

Between them, ants moved in a row. He was carrying something that looked like a dead insect corpse. He moved diligently.

It was not a good road to walk.

As I walked, it seemed more like a small hill than a hill.

Originally, it was a two-day walk to the agreed upon location after passing here.

This is where the meeting between the envoy and the black sword should take place.

Of course, it is a promise that is now meaningless.


The leaves were shaking in the wind, and sunlight came down through them.

It was nice weather. The wind wasn’t too stuffy, and the sunlight hidden by the leaves wasn’t that hot.

As I walked forward, I saw a clearing, and behind it I saw a mixture of lush leaves and thorns.

Therefore, it is an empty space with no roads anymore. It was a dead end.

“That’s it.”

I saw about ten people inside the vacant lot. One of them opened his mouth and spoke.

Three women and seven men.

Among them, I saw a guy using an axe, a guy looking with both hands hanging down, a guy sitting on a fairly large rock looking at me intently, and even a guy sitting on a tree branch right above it.

It was all different.

The cool air comes and goes. The guy who spoke rolled his eyes, and Encrid and his group stopped walking.

Now, what to do?

There is tension. In the meantime, Encred’s mouth opened.

“Wow, it’s an ambush.”

It had a theatrical tone. Also, it was poor acting.

“Wow, I got hit.”

Rem also did it.

“What a surprise.”

Ragna also spat similar words. Since I just said this with my eyes closed, it might seem like I’m really surprised.

Dunbakeel was still bewildered when he saw that.

A play here all of a sudden?

“You are so meticulous, waiting for us here.”

Encred continued. I was impressed by the way he listened while discussing precision.

“The reason for this moment was completely unexpected. “My stomach is shaking and I’m dying.”

As Rem said that, she picked her nose.

Rem’s handsome face did not disappear even when he nuzzled his nose.

“I was so shocked I almost chewed my tongue.”

As he spoke, Encred chewed a piece of candy.


It’s sweet. But where did that candy come from?

Dunbakeel, who was watching, had this thought.

“Ugh, I want to run away.”

In response to Encred’s words, Rem, who usually makes fun of his opponents sincerely, joined in.

What are these two doing?

It was a provocation.

Listening to those words that were scratching the other person’s insides as soon as he saw them, Dunbakkel himself was almost annoyed.

So what about your opponent?

“Are they crazy?”

A guy who shows absurdity.

“They were all so excited that they wanted to die. You guys?”

A bitch who takes her time for no reason.

“They’re going to die anyway.”

A guy who has no interest in the other person in the first place.

“These f*cking bastards?”

Even the angry guy.

Encred, who saw the reaction, nodded and looked at Rem. Lem also snorted when he saw Encrid and nodded his head.

Both seemed very pleased with the other’s reaction.

“Don’t run away, stay here.”

The blond, red-eyed guy named Ragna spoke and took her back.

If there was ever a moment to run away, now would be the only time.

But Dunbakhel chose to watch instead of running away.

I wanted to know, I wanted to see.

What did those three believe that brought them here?

The opponent has the power to recognize even a black sword.

Dunbakeel did not yet fully know the skills of Encred, Rem, and Ragna.

“This is the first time I’ve seen these guys in my life. “Seeing as Bansento is nowhere to be seen, it looks like we’ve already taken care of it, and did you come knowing we were waiting for you?”

It was a man with a bushy beard standing in the front. His weapon was a halberd.

The ax blade, which had a sharp tip and was attached to the side of the spear, was as big as the palm of one’s hand.

Just looking at the way he was holding it at an angle, he looked like a formidable opponent.

If you get caught by that ax blade, your skull will explode like a ripe fruit.

“How did know?”

Encred asked.

“… … “You have a natural talent for making fun of people, don’t you?”

Halver opened his eyes and spoke.

Rem said with a chuckle.

“answer! “Am I the first person I’ve ever seen in my life to have such a harsh tongue?”

It was unfair for Encred.

“I just treated it sincerely.”

Of course, there was some intention to make fun of the other person, but isn’t that something that would come up in a situation like this?

How did know? This is it. It was just right.

“So, instead of trying to win with your tongue, it would be better to attack with a blade, right?”

Rem said as if to conclude the situation.

Halberd frowned.

He thought for a moment, really a moment.

‘You came here even though you knew about the ambush?’

There was no time to think long.

“What is there to think about!”

The fighter took his first step. Both fists have knuckles with flat iron plates on them.

Encred was a move and a provocation that he made because he thought the opponent might be suspicious and hesitant.

So, the other person’s reaction was the result I was hoping for.

Halberd, who saw the martial arts fighter step forward, could do nothing more.

‘Kill it first.’

I and the Black Blades gathered here are the forces recognized by this branch.

Excluding the branch leader, they were also called the Ten Swords.

When they gather together in this area, they don’t feel like they’re being defeated by anyone.

That is, as long as the opponent is not a knight corps.

In the current situation, the Red Cloak Knights would not be able to come, so I took on the task of using the halberd, thinking it was a sure win.

It was like that. It was like that. I thought so.

It was like that right before the fighter and the guy with the ax exchanged their first blows.


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