Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 196

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196. If a feast has been prepared for you, wouldn’t it be right to at least taste it?

I simply started a fire and placed a pot on it.

Since it was a field meal, there was no way the food could be great.

It was all dried meat, fruit, cheese, and water mixed with wine.

Everyone ate and drank.

While Encred was tearing open the seasoned beef jerky he had brought, he noticed eyes staring at him.

It’s a prisoner.

‘Do you want to eat?’

Looking at the young eagerness in those eyes, it seemed like he was quite hungry.

If you think about it, you probably wouldn’t have been able to eat anything properly after being locked up.

Whether you kill them or release them, isn’t it necessary to provide them with food?

I must have been so hungry that my eyes glowed. It’s golden.

‘There’s no need to be stingy.’

How amazing would you say a piece of beef jerky is?

Encred tore open the beef jerky and sat down in front of the beast. And when I put it in his mouth, the prisoner’s eyes widened.

“Try it.”

Dunbakhel purred. The combination of salty and sweet flavors that spread in his mouth stimulated Dunbakhel’s brain.

At the same time, she looked at the man in front of her.

As I observed and observed again, I began to develop something similar to a yearning that went beyond envy and jealousy.

‘I am like this man.’

What would it be like if you lived hard?

I just felt jealous. You must be lucky to have such great subordinates around you.

If that luck came to you.

Why was he like this from birth?

Why was I born like this and why did I have to be abandoned like this?

It would have been better if it ended with people being marginalized. Then I would have risked my life for my village. How good it would have been if I could have died like that.

If you left for Krimhalt’s arms like that.

Regret and jealousy, longing and regret.

After mixed emotions, I found beef jerky in my mouth.

After chewing and swallowing, he gives me a water bottle. I thought it was water mixed with wine, but the refreshing apple scent filled my mouth.

“It’s cider.”

Why do you treat yourself like this?

Dunbakhel thought this was to tempt him, but he couldn’t be sure.

However, it was a moment of choice.

Should I speak or not?

It’s a crossroads.

Dunbakhel chose.

“There will be an ambush of black knives.”

Dunbakhel said, with sauce on his lips.

When asked how I knew, I was going to talk about the mark.

Encrid just looked straight into Dunbakkel’s eyes and spoke.


Afterwards, Dunbakeel thought Encrid would do something, but he was surprisingly quiet.

I just went back to eating and said a few words to the nobleman and Black Blade’s liaison.

“How do you know the way?”

Being an emissary for the Black Knife Bandits and knowing the way are two different things.

Encred brought up something that Marcus didn’t even bother to look into.

Bansento twitched the corner of his mouth. He said with a mocking expression that no one could see.

“You don’t need to know. commons.”

Is it a habit to add “commoner” to the end of every word?

For all that, I guess this isn’t such a great nobleman.

Encred nodded, saying he understood, regardless of his thoughts.

Actually, that might not be important.

Encred looked at the black-clothed escort.

In the meantime, I watched the escort’s gait, hand gestures, attitude, and positioning.

I’ve seen it a few times in the city, but I’ll know for sure once I get out.

‘I don’t think it’s bad.’

Rem, Ragna, Saxony, Audin, and even the fairy company commander.

These days, I have a lot of sparring opponents, but there is no one that gives me that feeling.

Your feet will be light and your hands will be fast.

Short weapons will be preferred. I think your throwing skills are also excellent.

Half of it is a desire to see the other person’s unique skills, and the other half is a secret thirst.

Sparring is sparring, and real fighting is real fighting.

This is what comes to mind when I see a person chewing and swallowing thin bread and drinking water right in front of me.

‘I want to fight.’

The steps and gestures were naturally interesting.

‘To what extent will swordsmanship be effective?’

What should I keep in mind when dealing with someone?


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What should I do to keep up with my steps?

Encred was not a genius.

Just by looking at it, a means to deal with it didn’t suddenly pop out.

However, since we have sparred hundreds or even over a thousand times, we were able to think of ways to respond based on that experience.

‘If you cut your thigh.’

My feet become stiff. Then, it would be like sealing one of the opponent’s special skills.

This is from the moment the unique habit became visible. Encred wanted to fight his opponent.

Is it because I felt those eyes?

“That’s annoying.”

The black-clothed escort raised his head and said. After eating a small piece of bread and drinking a few sips of water.

Encred, who was at the end of his gaze, opened his mouth.


“Then who would it be?”

A strange wind passed between the two. If one side showed a subtle fighting spirit, the other side showed murderous intent and displeasure.

The one showing murderous intent, the guard dressed in black, sat down and placed his hands on his knees and clasped them.

These people find a suitable tree and gather under its shade.

As the sound of two horses trotting across the grass and eating dry grass was heard, and a cool breeze was blowing for the summer, Howie’s mouth opened again.

“It’s when I become most confident in my abilities.”

Encred internally agreed. These days, he is feeling something that can be called confidence.

“But you have to be careful and choose your opponents well.”

That was also correct.

“Isn’t it at the special level of the humble soldier grading system?”

… … This wasn’t it.

“I shouldn’t risk my life by doing something stupid, right?”

Encred was nothing new. When has someone not looked down on you?

That has happened countless times.

Moreover, didn’t Kreis also say this before leaving?

“Marcus has a tendency to hide the captain’s exploits. “It looks like they’re aiming for something.”

Hidden and hidden. If so, the other person might have misunderstood.

However, there were also some disappointments.

‘A keen eye.’

He recognized the other person, but the other person did not recognize him.

In fact, this was natural.

Encred climbed up from the bottom and reached the present.

He didn’t have any of the habits of someone who developed skills right away.

Arrogance and conceit were the words that were the furthest thing from him.

All that remains is the fierceness of those who used defeat as food to climb up.

In other words, on the outside, it looked like he was just using a sword moderately.

“You’re so f*cking out of it.”

Rem said after seeing that.

Noble Bansento, who heard Rem’s words, also spoke.

“You stupid savage, shut your mouth. Are you showing that you grew up without a mother?”

The words that crossed the line stuck out like a knife and stung Rem. Encred thought it was no good to stop him now.

Actually, I thought this was enough.

* * *

The black-clothed escort was planning to speak appropriately.

Anyway, it was only going to be over in half a day after finishing the meal. They will all be killed by the members of the Black Sword ambushed in front of them.

Originally, I had planned on dealing with him myself.

‘It doesn’t matter if it’s just one guy.’

If there are two people, a guy named Rem and Ragna.

But I wanted to avoid dealing with both at the same time.

Things like Encred didn’t even catch my eye. Who are you? Among the members of the Black Sword, he is one of the greatest in terms of skill alone. He also learned from an equally great teacher.

It was that kind of moment.

“You stupid savage, shut your mouth. Are you showing that you grew up without a mother?”

Bansento spat out his usual harsh words.

Encred had to stop Rem again, but there was no time or moment to do so.

Hung, wow!

The sound of something cutting through the wind was followed by a heavy and terrible sound.

Howie’s head turned. He tried to accept the situation for a while with his head turned away.

“Turn it off, turn it off.”

A person with an ax blade stuck in his face cannot speak properly. It’s natural.

Also, it would have been difficult to survive. If someone survives with half of his face split off, he’s a ghoul and can’t be considered a human.

‘Even a ghoul would die if his face was split like that.’

Between the vertically split skull, something small and precious from the head leaked out, and blood flowed in a steady stream.

The moment it was hit, one eyeball popped out and rolled to one side.

The force of the ax blade sent him flying a few steps backwards, and he fell backwards and became a dead body.

The name is Bansento, a member of the Black Sword, an envoy for this mission, and a nobleman.

“Hey, bastard. “You speak harshly.”

As he was looking at it, a barbarian named Rem muttered, shaking his hands.

“What is this!”

Howie then stood up in surprise and said.


When there was a sudden commotion, the two horses tied to the carriage cried out in surprise.

Dunbakel also opened his mouth in surprise.

‘Kill the nobleman?’

We’ve barely reached a place where we can’t see the Border Guard, and it’s been just over half a day since we started our journey, and the envoy and escort has died.

By the hand of the author who decided to act as an escort.

“Oh, I did it.”

Encred’s sentiments were simple and ordinary.

“Oh, you did it? These crazy things.”

Howie was not quick-witted. At least Encred thought so.

Ragna was annoyed.

I just asked Encred.

“Are you going to do it alone?”

“I’d like to.”

“Do whatever you want.”

Rem walked as if taking a walk and pulled out the ax I had thrown. There was a dead bansento under the ax that was pulled out with a pop. A piece of trash that received the black sword’s gold coin and ate it up.

Even though I knew he was trash, why couldn’t I kill him easily?

Because he is a noble.

The status of nobility was a shield. Even if it is a non-hereditary baronetcy.

If this is revealed, that guy named Rem will be chased until he dies, so why take a gamble like this?

Howie’s intentions became complicated.

“What you looking at? “Would you like me to put a decoration on your head too?”

Rem said, making eye contact with the escort.

“It’s mine.”

Encred rarely showed greed.

“Oh, I know. “If it wasn’t for that, it would have been scraped off already.”

Rem wiped the blood from the ax blade on Bansento’s silk clothes, which had fluttered around his limbs.

Howie, who was seeing this, opened his mouth.

“This is still a Border Guard patrol area. “What if a patrolman turns around?”

It was a natural question for him.

“I’m not coming, patrolman.”

Encred answered simply. We already know where and how the patrol will take place. I heard everything from Venjens, who was also the patrol leader.

“Aren’t you coming?”

Only then did the black-clothed escort realize that this was not an impulsive act.

‘Was this what you were aiming for from the beginning?’

Encred chirped and drew his sword. The sword that reflects the sunlight scatters light. Seeing the tip of the sword pointed at him, the guard also took out his weapon.

Two black daggers pulled out without a sound.

The guard reflexively held both weapons in reverse, with the blades pointing downwards.

‘There are reinforcements half a day away.’

It’s time to forget about Bansento and find a way to live.

How can I survive?

A guy named Encred said he would deal with him alone.

Rem and Ragna seemed uninterested.

‘Run with a risk of victory at once.’

I was confident about my feet. For that to happen, something was necessary.

“I knew the patrol wasn’t coming. So, you’re saying that’s what you were aiming for?”

Encred shrugged his shoulders.

“No one has to see this, right?”

As he spoke, the escort slowly moved his feet. He looked like he was trying to turn his back on the sun. En Creed followed suit and put his foot down.

The escort stood in the desired position.

To be exact, this is where the carriage comes to the rear right.

He threw the dagger he was holding backwards upward.

Encred reflexively raised his sword.

If you throw that thing or run at it, it will react.

Howie threw his dagger upward and waved his right hand. In response to that hand gesture, two throwing knives flew backwards.

It’s a quick move. You threw the weapon in your hand to get their attention, and then threw the knife on your belt.

The two knives flew by and stuck into the horse’s neck.

Purr! Heeeeeee!

The horse cries in pain. It was tilted sideways and bleeding. Her cries rang loudly. The knife was stuck so deeply that even if they tried to save it, they wouldn’t be able to save it.

Howie calculated that without horses, they would not be able to chase him.

All that’s left is to shake off the Encred guarding the front.

Howie, who caught the dagger thrown in the air with a thud, lowered his stance and kicked the ground.

It narrows the distance at a frightening speed. It soon came within the gap between the swords.

It is often said that in a fight between soldiers and single soldiers, the soldiers have the advantage.

However, if the distance was narrowed like this, single soldiers had the advantage.


The guard crossed the rat daggers in reverse with confidence.

The timing between the left and right sides was different, targeting Encred’s wrist and nape of the neck.

Encred deflected one of the blades with the guard on his wrist.

The one targeting my neck was avoided by tilting my head back.

It was a stunt that was possible because the timing was accurately calculated.

In that state, I raised my knees, and the guy who was already close to the inside had no time to avoid it.

Howie hurriedly raised his knee to block the attack.


“100 million!”

‘What power?’

My shin hurt from just one kick, and that was a knee kick.

That wasn’t the end.

For a moment, I couldn’t see Encred, but before I knew it, I felt anticipation next to me and lowered my head.


When he pulled it out, the wide-bladed guard sword grazed the guard’s hair.

A few strands of cut hair were flying in the air.

Without even having time to catch his breath, Howie thrust the two daggers forward.


The extended thrust split the air.

After that, I couldn’t even properly sense Encred’s attack.

It is a blow that strikes from top to bottom using the forearm like a sickle.

Sigh! bang!

That hit me in the back of the head.

Howie, who was in a low posture, hit his forehead on the ground.

Without hesitation, Encred pointed the tip of his sword downward and stuck it in.


After creating a second mouth under the back of the head, I pulled it out, and blood flowed out like a fountain from the new mouth.

Encrid stepped back and waved his sword in the air. Drops of blood on the sword sprinkled on the floor.

“You don’t look good? “Wasn’t it fun?”

Rem asked after seeing that. Encred answered honestly.

“Because it’s so bland.”

His speed was slower than that of the gnoll leader.

The water fight was worse than the evil spirit of the magic sword.

But it’s not like there’s anything flashing.

Although he was better than that beastman, it was difficult to say that he was much better.

As a result, I felt like I didn’t clean the bottom after doing my errands.

“What’s your name?”

Encred asked as it was. Of course, this was not a question to ask Rem and Ragna.

Soon the beastman answered.


Encred, who was looking into the surprised beastman’s golden eyes, asked with regret.

“How many troops are in ambush?”

If a banquet has been prepared for you, isn’t it right to at least taste it?

Encred was sincere.

Dunbakhel had no choice anymore.

These are definitely crazy bastards.

“It will be an elite few. “They must have planned an ambush, so there’s no way an easy guy could have come.”

Encred didn’t smile at those words, but his eyes lit up.

Rem grinned and laughed.

The guy named Ragna just looked at Encred in silence and opened his mouth.

“Why did you give me the distance?”

“Inducing you to let down your guard.”

“Not bad.”

As if I didn’t get tired of it, it was still a story about swordsmanship in this situation.

No, it was absurd because he didn’t even care that he killed the nobleman.


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