Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 195

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195. Take care of yourself (3)

Immediately after Encred left, Marcus secretly called the frontier guard commander.

“Are you ready?”

Marcus asked. He was leaning back in his chair in a relaxed posture, but his eyes were like a carnivore stalking its prey.

“They are experts at this type of thing.”

“good night. Then let’s stick to the plan.”

“Why don’t you inform the independent company commander?”

“I gave you a tip.”

It’s literally just a hint, but it will be taken care of.

In fact, there is no need to burden yourself with killing nobles.

This is what Marcus meant.

Take the noble bastard who ate the black sword’s gold coins, and run around with him for a while.

They say they’re taking prisoners too.

It was okay to use the captured beastman to do various tricks.

In other words, he read his intentions.

There was no need to explain in more detail.

‘A talented person who pleases that crazy bastard but doesn’t lag behind in terms of skills.’

How many people in the unit can do that?

Although he was promoted to independent company commander, in reality he has not yet been properly recognized, so he is perceived as a relatively lower rank than the 1st company commander or frontier defense commander, but his skills are more reliable than anyone else’s.

So, isn’t he just the right person?

Marcus also sent Encred there with expectations that cannot be explained in words.

No, this wasn’t the only thing I was aiming for. There were many things to aim for.

Marcus also had the intention of hiding Encred’s skills.

Even if you leave it in the unit, you won’t be able to suddenly recognize it, but the more careful you are, the better.

Since the Martai bastards were sending out so many spies, I was planning to keep them out of sight.

I really didn’t want my troops’ strength to be exposed through pointless actions.

He is the core force of a small group of elites, not only is his skills outstanding, but he can also become a commander. He’s crazy about training, but if you look at what he does, his personality isn’t bad either.

Plus, he doesn’t know how to please a noble brat.

‘That’s right.’

This is why he has no choice but to become a coveted talent.

Moreover, he was also the author who lit a fire in my heart.

These days, for the first time in a long time, I am living a lively life.

A life of achieving new things, not repeating meaningless days.

‘I’m so excited.’

Contrary to his intentions, Marcus just focused on his job quietly with serious eyes.

Those things did not fit the nickname he had given himself: a warmonger.

It was like that originally. The nickname “war monger” was a mask.

A mask to deceive the other person.

In reality, Marcus was not good at fighting or war.

I knew that myself.

Of course, just because you don’t have talent doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

Marcus clearly knew how to use people. He knew how to believe. He used his own people.

The 1st company commander, the frontier defense commander, the fairy company commander, and even Encred.

There were overflowing jokers in my hand. There is also an ace.

With so many cards to play, it was easier than I thought to take the stake of the guy sitting across from me.

Since there was no need to tie things together with complicated threads, Marcus moved in a simple and linear way.

However, I just caught the timing to deviate from the opponent’s expectations.

‘Anyway, those bastards of the Black Knife Bandits, they keep sticking their snouts out to pick up something to eat.’

Those bastards who are like magical beasts.

There is a demonic beast that is drooling over the city he is supposed to protect.

Should we just ignore such a magical beast?


The garrison commander showed military courtesy, and Marcus spoke to the back of his head.

“Kill them all.”

“of course.”

Border Guard is a fortress city and military city.

This is the place where bloody blood was shed in the war against Azpen.

So, if you take it easy and attack them, it was time to punish them accordingly.

* * *

“Not even a platoon, just three?”

As soon as Baron Bansento saw Encred, Rem, and Ragna, he rolled his eyes at them, and harsh words came out of his mouth.

“A commoner and two barbarians? What a garbage combination. It stinks. “Don’t come any closer.”

It was something they said as soon as they met right in front of the gate protecting the city.

Rem’s hand gently grasped the sack.

Encred stretched out his right hand and grabbed Rem’s wrist.

With his other hand, he grabbed Ragna’s left thigh and pressed it.

I shook my head to look at them both.

“What? How dare you look at a nobleman and not even show respect!”


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Bansento sincerely prayed to the heavens to kill him quickly. She prayed desperately.

Since Encred had expected this to some extent, the response was no problem.


He showed military courtesy and completely blocked Rem and Ragna with his body.

“That subordinate, that captain.”

Bansento was sarcastic until the end.

“My ax is crying, my pants are getting wet. “Let’s not make my ax sad.”

Rem barked seriously.

“don’t do it.”

At least not within the city. It wasn’t an assault on a superior, but the murder of a nobleman. Even if an assassination squad was dispatched from the palace, there was nothing to say.

Looking at what he’s doing now, I don’t think it will end with beating him up.

“Ragna, you can’t either.”

The same goes for this one. The blonde’s red eyes are sinister.

“Let’s go.”

Is that fortunate? A guard wearing a black cloak over leather armor led the noble Naburangi.

The only people on the carriage were the nobles and their escorts, but Encred and his party decided to walk.

There was one more member of the group here.

“Why are you taking this away?”

Ragna said, pulling the end of the rope in his hand.

A prisoner named Dunbakel, who was standing next to him, was pulled in by the gesture.

Both wrists were tied with thick straps, and the arms and torso were also wrapped.

The end is hanging down and Ragna is holding it.

My wrist was chafed by the strap and blood was seen oozing out. The skin of a prisoner would be harder and stronger than that of a human, but if it was like that, it probably meant that it was captured and never released.

However, no one had any intention of releasing it.


Encred did not trust the nobleman who went with him.

But that doesn’t mean I trusted the prisoner Dunbakel.

‘Because I want to live.’

Encred took a simple approach. He asked the battalion commander to hand over the prisoner, and went to ask him right away.

“If you do one thing, I will let you live. “You can think of it as a request.”

He said he was a mercenary, so I guess I can request it.

The price was life, and the choice was up to the other person.

“… … “You’re going to save me?”

His eyes were full of doubt. But the more I looked at it, the more interesting it was. He is a beast with golden eyes.

‘Isn’t there something like a legend about golden eyes over there?’

Encred recalled something he had heard while serving as a mercenary.

But looking at it, it looks like a puppy that got caught in the rain. It feels like I got kicked out and got hit.

I noticed but didn’t ask anything. Are you asking what you are doing?

A transaction is enough. Once this incident was over, there would be nothing more to see. The prisoner’s work will be completed when the other person dies or leaves.

“Are you going to do it or not? “It’s up to you to believe or not to believe, to do or not to do.”

After speaking, Encred shook his head and spoke again.

“No, there really is no choice. Just do it. It’s better to do something than to be executed. “If you go outside, there will be a chance to escape.”


Encred did not answer the question. No, I couldn’t.

How can I say this?

Those eyes and the attitude of longing for life are similar to when you struggle to chase your dreams.

If the prog was driven by desire, the beastman was driven by reproduction and instinct.

So it was natural that the other person, a prisoner, wanted to live.

Isn’t that true of humans?

But at that moment, the eyes I saw at that time were different.

It wasn’t at the level of just asking for help. He had the look in his eyes that he was so desperate to live that he would do anything.

It was purely intuition and the realm of the senses, but I didn’t want to ignore it.

“Did you like beast-in?”

Didn’t the battalion commander start with a joke and then continue?

“Just one prisoner, take care of it.”

It was up to you to decide whether to release them, kill them, or enslave them because it was literally your preference.

The battalion commander was extremely cheerful in this respect.

Encred was planning to let him go if he listened appropriately.

Is attacking in itself a sin?

If you put it that way, if a war breaks out, does it only end when everyone dies?

I don’t want to know the story. It’s just a whim. It would be better if you could use it there.

This is why Banpoon entrusted him as a guide instead of a nobleman.

You will also be able to cross-verify whether you know the way and whether there are any tricks.

At the end of the thought that followed Ragna’s question as to why he was taking this, there was an answer.

Encred wondered if he could explain this to Ragnar.

It was an unthinkable sound.

Do you think they will even listen to me if I say I do it?

“Because I’m good at finding my way.”

So, let me summarize and condense it.

Ragnar has a strangely hurt face.

“Even if I’m not good at finding my way, I’m good at using a sword.”

Who doesn’t know that?


Encred spoke calmly and walked out of the castle gate.

Dunbakhel, who was watching all this, was just amazed by this situation.

The guy with the ax who was harassing him didn’t even look at him now. They are treated like prisoners without a ruler.

All he did was stroke the sack and look at the object of protection.

My instinct as a prisoner sounded a warning.

‘If I leave it alone, I think it will break into about six pieces.’

Encred also seemed to know this and repeatedly warned me.

“Kill the momentum.”


“I told you to stop.”


However, I did not take my hand off the sack.

‘He’s crazy.’

Dunbakkel recognized the person named Rem at a glance. It was so accurate.

“If you take the wrong path, I will cut you.”

The same goes for the guy who caught him. He didn’t have the slightest emotion mixed in when he said he was going to cut.

I just say it as a fact, because I’m going to do it, and because it’s such a natural thing to do.

It was as if the sun would rise tomorrow morning as well.

‘Even if I run away, I’ll die.’

More than anything, the problem is that my body has been tied up.

‘Just a taste.’

It wrapped once under the chest, then around the forearm, and then around the neck and wrist.

It wasn’t just uncomfortable, it was impossible to do any activity other than walking.

After setting off, we hadn’t even gone a few steps when a nobleman opened the window of the carriage. The Border Guard’s walls were still visible behind.

So, a patrol officer with good eyesight would be able to recognize who the people on this side are.

The nobleman who opened the window spoke.

“It looks interesting. “You prisoner, come to my carriage tonight.”

I wondered what it would be like to stick my fingernails into my nostrils as they fluttered.

“Then, will you untie the rope?”

“It would be more fun to do it without solving it.”

Seeing the desires and desires clearly emerging from the person speaking, rather than being unpleasant, I felt that this was an easy person to talk to.

At least he is a much easier opponent than the guy holding his rope, the guy holding the axe, or the guy holding him.

After hearing the nobleman’s words, a smile appeared on the lips of the crazy guy named Rem.

I can see that it is definitely at a dangerous level.

The guy named Ragna said nothing, but continued in silence.

“Even if you move without permission, you will be cut.”

This also has the same tone as ‘the moon rises at night’.

‘Are you saying you will kill me if I do as the nobleman tells me?’

Dunbakhel saw the most calm person in all these situations.

Did you say Encred?

As the carriage departed, he took out a sword next to it and began swinging it.

‘What are you doing now?’

Boom, boom.

The blade cuts through the air.

Training while walking? No training?

As I watched him move his feet here and there, it seemed like he was practicing taking steps.

The nobleman’s guard who also served as a coachman looked at this and snorted.

“Rolling around doesn’t turn a slug into a butterfly.”

What does that mean?

Dunbakeel fought against Encred. That guy has scary skills.

But looking at what he was doing now, curiosity rather than fear suddenly arose.

Glancing behind him, he saw a human named Ragna looking closely at his captain. Dunvakel could not contain his curiosity and asked.

“With such skills, why do you train so hard? … .”

I didn’t know how to react, so I trailed off, but Ragnar, a man, answered more easily than I thought.

“The captain originally had poor skills. “He couldn’t even deal with a single ghoul.”

A ghoul? no way.

Dunbakhel fought Encrid. She knew Encred’s skills perfectly well. He is the person I have faced most directly recently.

“Yet I swung my sword like that every day. It was like that even though the palms were just a little harder and the muscles were a little stronger. It was the same every day. Always, always. “How could that be possible?”

At first, the guy named Ragna spoke as if he was answering to himself, but later on, he was just talking to himself.

No, was it something you were talking to yourself from the beginning?

Dunvakel looked Ragnar in the eyes. I wonder why he is like this.

Those eyes seemed strangely burning.

Those eyes are immersed in something, absorbed in it.

It seemed impossible to talk now.

‘You couldn’t even deal with a ghoul?’

And yet you swing your sword? everyday? same?

“He is that kind of person. usually. He was a person who found it amazing to be alive, and he was a person who couldn’t understand why he was eating so much. “When did it increase like that?”

A person named Rem also said something. Even though he didn’t show any interest, he suddenly approached me and opened his mouth when I started talking about a person called Encred.

In his words and tone, there was no sign of the guy who was picking at his wounds and mocking him.

Still, he was crazy, so Dunbakeel slowly took a step to the side.

Then I saw Encred swinging his sword while still walking.

Dunbakhel thought.

‘Since when haven’t I done that?’

After being kicked out of prison, he struggled to survive.

Then I realized that I was half a prisoner.

Since I wouldn’t be able to learn any of the beastman’s skills or anything, I quickly concluded that it would be difficult to develop further from here.

There was no further development or growth potential in sight. Since I couldn’t see any way forward, I stopped training and training.

‘That man once couldn’t even fight a ghoul?’

A crazy guy named Rem next to me said, ‘It didn’t even take a year, was that guy actually a genius? I heard him mumbling, ‘No, it definitely wasn’t.’

1 year?

Is it possible to go from not being able to even catch a ghoul to that much in just one year?

Without realizing it, Dunvakel looked at the back of the human named Encrid.

He is an amazing and strange human being. He didn’t rise up with extraordinary talent, but he swung his sword every day with insufficient talent?

There is no reason to lie to yourself, so it must be the truth.

To Dunbakhel, this whole situation was just amazing.

Between such novelty and curiosity, envy suddenly arose.

I also regret thinking about what it would have been like if I had lived like that.

With a brief moment of regret, Dunbakeel turned his gaze left and right.


Although she didn’t show it outwardly, she checked the mark on the black sword.

A choice was needed here.

Should I say something or should I just move on?

It’s a crossroads.

It was that kind of situation. Dunbakhel pondered, and the carriage stopped.

“Let’s rest here and then go.”

said the coachman and black-clothed escort.

And Encred stopped swinging his sword.


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