Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 194

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194. Take care of yourself (2)

“Isn’t that too much? Leader? “I mean it.”

Kreis said, his eyes black and swollen. En Creed replied as she took off her boots.

“Were your eyes originally blue? Rem, you’re very talented. It’s at the stomach level. “I almost didn’t know it was you.”

My eyes are so blue that I can’t even see them properly. Her cheeks were also moderately swollen from how she had been hit.

I’m sure he didn’t beat me up intentionally.

I did use a little too much effort.

He must have had a nosebleed, and there were traces of red paint flowing down his nostrils.

At Encred’s words, Cryce sniffled, swallowed, and sighed.

“Isn’t Rem a bit like that these days?”

Encred also acknowledged that he was sensitive.

Should I say that it is somehow sharper than usual?

I often took the ax for things that would have been overlooked before.


“You have to keep your eyes open. “I want to split your head open with an axe.”

Or say something like that to a soldier next to you who sees you.

There were frequent cases of sparks flying with Ragna.

“Hey, picky eater, do you want to break your head?”

If Rem suddenly says this.

“Come out. “Cut your head open and eat it with honey.”

Ragna responded as if accepting, and a bloody sparring between the two immediately followed.

Encred’s reaction was different from before. Previously, I would have just stopped it, but now observation comes first.

There is a lot to see and learn in their sparring.

If they were watching closely, the two would end the fight on their own.

Is this supposed to be a bit big?

Should we say that he has moved on from being a child who frequently gets into fights?

“It’s nice to sweat, are you going to attack me?”

After that, it was Encred’s turn. Watching the fight between the two, I bring back what I learned, reflect on it alone, and take out what I have trained. It was truly a fun time.

Unlike before, Encred was more intense, and Rem was also quite serious.


If you are late, scold your feet.

“Where are you going Boshu!”

Rem would sometimes disappear as if by magic. Of course, he achieved it with physical ability, not with spells.

Even though Encred missed it with his eyes, he barely caught it with his senses.


swinging the blade


Face the axe.

Being serious was a good sign, and I always felt refreshed after sparring.

But why am I becoming so sensitive?

Rem and Ragna, their fights were normal.

The worst was the relationship with Saxony.

From Encred’s perspective, it seems like a completely useless thing, but is it something different for the two of them?

Rem, who was about to leave, and Saxony, who was about to come in, stood facing each other at the door.

Neither of them got out of the way.

Rem slowly started stroking the handle of the axe, and Saxony let his arms hang down.

Even Encred couldn’t just watch that.

‘It’s dizzying.’

How did he squeeze his body between the two in the past?

The fierce air and the ‘intimidation’ exerted by the para-knight Asia had to be pushed in between them to stop them.


If you add words to it.


Saxony cleared his throat and got out of the way, and Rem trudged out without a word or a smile.

It is sensitive. Sensitive.

Of course, Rem wasn’t the only one who was sensitive.

Ragna used to give off a similar vibe.

The same goes for Saxony.

Should I say that Audin is the same as usual?

Rem went out, saying that he was going to patrol, and that he hoped to meet a manticore passing by.

Auddin said that he gave evening prayers and sermons to soldiers in other units.

There was a group of soldiers with deep religious beliefs, and Auddin was a highly respected soldier there.

Saxony is away as always, and Ragnar sleeps in a corner of the bed. It was his usual appearance.

Encred looked around the barracks and opened his mouth.

“It seem to be like that.”

This is the answer to the sensitive question that Kreis asked. If you think about it carefully, it seems true that Rem is sensitive.

“Aww, but what did the battalion commander call you and say?”

Krais seemed satisfied with just agreeing with what I said, so he didn’t spend any more time talking about Rem’s sensitivity.


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In reality, what’s the point of talking about being sensitive?

He was such a crazy person.

Ignoring was the answer.

“Escorting the mercenary contract delegation of the Black Knife Bandits.”

Kreiss eyes widened at the simple words. When I opened my eyes, I could see the color of my eyes through the blue puffiness.

But doesn’t it hurt? It looks like it hurts.

But Kreis didn’t care about the pain.

No, Kreis asked with a somber expression, as if he was finally feeling the pain.

“Are you going to do it? article.”

I don’t know why he suddenly asked that, but Encred nodded.

The answer to these questions is always fixed.

I also understood the need to double-check.

The dream of becoming a knight is truly absurd.

Now that it has been tilted and sewn back together, it doesn’t feel like a torn and torn apart dream like before.

Still, it is not an easy path.

Wouldn’t you know it was Encred?

Kreis didn’t ask the question to ridicule my captain or to make him realize his sense of reality.

Encred is a crazy person.

If he does it, he does it.

If you ask for it, save it.

If you fight, fight.

‘It’s not normal.’

If you live like that, your life will be short. It is natural that it is difficult to pass the age of 20, but was the captain’s age 31 this year?

It makes me wonder how it survived until now.

Anyway, he was that kind of person.

A person like that will become a knight. Since he was not a great man to give up, Cryce briefly researched the process of becoming a knight of the kingdom.

What kind of person usually joins the knights?

What kind of people can become squires before becoming a quasi-knight?

Most of them are children of nobles. Or an acquaintance of the target group. If it’s not both power and wealth, there’s also collateral royalty.

So what if you are neither a noble nor a child of a decent family?

And yet, sometimes, really sometimes, very occasionally, geniuses who realize ridiculous talents are born.

Such people may be recognized by the kingdom solely for their skills and become knights. Of course, you may need a little luck.

‘Then are such cases common?’

Absolutely, absolutely not common. Those guys who heard geniuses here and there?

If you meet people who were born into prestigious families and learned systematically and properly from a young age, you will often get beaten up.

The center has an advantage in learning swordsmanship and discovering talents.

This means that the level of the center is much higher than that of the periphery, so the teachings, the prayers, and the sparring partners are all the same.

Since talented people were gathered in the center, talented people naturally gathered in the center of the palace, and among those who gathered, talents would develop further.

A real genius.

So, unless you are a writer who relies solely on your own skills, it is usually not a difficult task.

Generally, if you are not from a great family, it is very difficult to become a knight. difficult. pain. It is the path of adversity.

So, conversely, assuming you have a genius, what does it take to become a knight?

skill? Skills are something that is taken for granted.

“You didn’t refuse, right?”


“It’s a mission. You didn’t reject that, right? No, right? Probably not, right? You have to do that. “Definitely, definitely.”

What is needed other than ability is merit.

Traces of hard work for the country.

Achievement will soon become honor, and honor proves its subject.

As an outsider, and even a former mercenary, the first task to become a member of the Knights Templar was, in Kreis’s opinion, merit rather than skill.

So if you really want to become a knight.

“Tell me. Did you reject it? “That’s not right, is it?”

The mission mentioned by the battalion commander may not have been very pleasing to Encred.

That’s how Kreis sees it.

Escort of the delegation?

Who is that envoy?

Cryce’s extraordinary mind read the context from Encred’s simple words.

He was going to go, it was obvious. That half-penny noble bastard, an escort with strange eyes.

Those two will be the main players.

The need for at least one platoon of escorts is replaced by Encred’s military power.

why? Why bother putting Encred next to that nobleman?

‘There is something I’m aiming for.’

The goal is very clear. It’s control. Wanting to kill, or something similar.

If there is a problem, the noble will notice and do something about it.

‘Is that why?’

Marcus was a fox. What is a warmonger?

In Kreis’s opinion, the battalion commander was a fox among foxes.

What happened was that I ended up rubbing shoulders with some kind of bandit.

It is the battlefield against Azpen, the Green Pearl battle. After his performance there, En Creed killed a thousand gnolls. He cut down the colony’s leader and killed a cult member.

Just last night, he also defeated ten powerful fighters from Black Sword.

Auddin also killed the Manticore.

In the process, he swallowed the manticore’s body, but the higher-ups didn’t say anything.

I thought if you wanted something in return, you had to give something.

The battalion commander buried all of this, starting with the nol. No, he didn’t make it public, he just kept it low-key.

He let people believe, but also allowed rumors to spread.


Because you don’t like Encred? Is that possible?

‘Why do you bend your knees and squat on the floor?’

To jump higher.

Hide and deceive. There is only one thing that can be deceived: the skills of Encred and the Mad Company.

The benefit of hiding it.

Kreis’ head spun. Anyone else might get steamy, but this is easy for him.

Why not?

In order to survive, I moved with more than this in mind.

Compared to back then, it was safe and all I had to do was sit down and move my head.

If you continue to think like that, the answer will come out.

What is leading the battlefield on the current continent?

It is the servants called ‘knights’ who break down strategies and tactics.

Among mercenaries, weren’t there those called ‘knight-level’ soldiers?

Among the different races, there are those who are called similar to knights, so didn’t the term ‘knight class’ come about?

Therefore, a small number of elite soldiers.

That has been the core of our strategy for a long time.

Of course, there is no commander who trusts a single knight and laughs in a large-scale battlefield.

In fact, even in the previous battle with Azpen, the overall flow of the battlefield changed with the victory of the Border Guard standing army, which was only a battle on the outskirts.

‘It’s war.’

They say all of this is preparation for war. If you hide your ally’s skills, it will be a fatal move for your opponent.

‘This is the first move for that.’

The swelling in Kreis’ eyes seemed to have gone down.

It seemed that way in Encred’s eyes.

‘It’s so shiny.’

The eyes of the battalion commander I saw earlier were sparkling brighter.

“If you refused… … .”

What is rejection?

“I said I would.”

“Wow, thank goodness, that’s important now. because.”

“I know.”

“No, that’s not all it seems. “This delegation’s escort is not an escort.”

“You’re probably asking me to kill you, that bastard.”

Cryce blinked at Encred’s words. Two swollen blue eyes spoke.

Oh, I wasn’t stupid.

“Your eyes are irreverent?”



I can’t beat up a guy who’s been beaten like this any more. Encred passed.

“It’s a public achievement, a step towards becoming a knight. know.”

So it’s important.

Marcus has wider feet than expected and is a man of high status.

Although the mission of the mission he mentioned was not directly related to public service.

I knew this wouldn’t start and end that way.

It’s not about knowing the reason or guessing.

It was just a feeling.

Intuition and sixth sense.

After my senses became sharper and more sensitive, I sometimes felt a stabbing intuition in my head.

It was like that this time too.

This thing cannot be left alone.

So there is no reason to refuse.

“No, I was surprised that he refused again because it would interfere with training. you’re right. Public interest, right now, it’s about taking care of that more than anything else. What is more important than ability is achievement. Actually, there are probably some people like that among the knights? Those who make enemies of the Knights Templar out of public pride? “No matter how flying and crawling the Knights of the Red Cloak are, they cannot be free from power.”

It may be cynical, but Encred also thought so.

“So I decided to take the two of you.”

If you had the chance to kill, would you kill?

Or will we move according to the situation?

How far did Marcus think?

So what is Encred’s choice?

I decided to accept the mission.

Then, there will be things that change depending on his choices.

“Two, who are you?”

Kreis asked.

“Not you.”

Encred struck Wangnuni’s head with a sharp slap and then turned his head.

Esther, I think she will follow you even if you don’t tell her.

“Oh, I can’t. busy.”

Finn refused first.

Is a ranger needed for this job?

I don’t think so. A good ranger is always a great companion, but I don’t think I need to give directions this time.

“I’m taking Rem and Ragna with me.”

I was concerned about the sensitivity of the two. Leave Saxony and Lem apart.

If I keep Rem and Ragna by my side, there won’t be any major accidents.

Fortunately, Saxony and Audin are living calmly.

Kreis nodded and spoke at the calculated appointment.

“I decided to kill you all.”

“… … hmm?”

Encred didn’t mean to do that. The mission is the mission, and I plan to stick to escorting externally.

“Speaking of Rem, you need to stop him well until he gets out of the unit and no one is watching. “Yes, you have to bury the body, so I’ll pack a folding shovel in my backpack.”


Encred was about to say no, but he remembered a few days ago that he thought that Rem shouldn’t run into that noble bastard.

Well, we can stop it somehow.

It’s not like Rem doesn’t listen at all.

“So when are you leaving?”


Pay profit.

Kreis tried and failed to whistle because his lips were swollen and could not come out properly.

“It’s urgent.”

Kreis, who added words instead of whistling, quickly muttered that it was worth it.

Encred was thinking about what it would be like to take a prisoner with him as a guide.

If you take Rem and Ragna with you, there won’t be any problem with force.

More than anything.

Encred looked down at his palm.

Calluses were visible. It is a palm that has been ruptured and healed repeatedly due to countless swings of the sword, resulting in an ugly distorted palm.

The fingerprints on the fingertips were worn away in some places.

When training the tangeom style, I used my fingertips a lot.

Wanting something in return for your efforts, wanting some kind of reward.

It’s so natural for humans. What if, after holding on and holding on, you finally managed to get the reward at your fingertips?

‘not bad.’

Encred muttered as a habit.

Because I have gained some confidence through what I have built up over time.

Because I still don’t rely on repeating today.

There is no boatman in his head.

I was just assessing tomorrow again.

A path to move forward and walk.

Because there are signposts, the destination is more visible than before.

Apart from training, I certainly had no intention of ignoring achievements.

I will not hesitate to stand at the forefront of the battlefield.

This is no longer the time when we had to work hard to survive.

Even when running into a gnoll.

Even when I step in front of a black sword.


It was fun. Honestly, it was so much fun.

That moment when you step forward instead of hiding behind.

“I want to become a knight.”

When I was young, the first time I expressed my dream was Encred dreamed.

Standing in front of someone.

Standing at the forefront of the battlefield.

Standing at the forefront of the battlefield and standing in a position to prove my skills is proof of skills that are different from before.

The source of my dream of becoming a knight was a kid who pictured himself fighting on the battlefield.

The boy born in a rural village eventually reached part of his dream and was still moving forward.


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