Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 193

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193. Take care of yourself (1)

Marcus reports in the middle of the night.

“It surprises me every time I see it.”

Starting with admiration.

“Thanks to you.”

He expressed his gratitude, which was almost a formality.

Even though the battalion commander is just a soldier, or even a company commander, how can he bow his head like that?

Encred said it was a coincidence and simply listed the facts.

That was the end.


After saying hello to Marcus, I left the office.

As for the rest, isn’t it up to Marcus, the head of the Border Guard, to take care of it?

After finishing the report, I left. The fairy company commander followed as if to welcome me and said. His gaze was cast blankly ahead.

It was an insincere look and tone of voice.

“Together tonight? “Before marriage, we must maintain chastity, so we must sleep holding hands.”

“I won’t even hold your hand while sleeping. alone. “In my barracks.”


Are you really saying that’s a joke?

After parting ways with the fairy company commander and returning to the barracks, Encred washed with water to wipe off his sweat and settled down on his bed.

Water dripped from my wet hair. As I shook off the water with my hands, I realized that her hair had grown quite a bit again.

“I had a hard time sleeping. “If you’re going to come, come hot, you bastards.”

“Everything is in the Lord’s will, so pray. “Brothers and sisters.”

“What happened?”


“Ugh, the situation must have gotten really violent when the black knife came like this.”

Everyone said something to each other and then went to bed as usual.

No, I didn’t just sleep. At least Encred said that.

He closed his eyes and replayed the fight from earlier.

Win or lose, dominate or not.

There is something to learn in every battle. That’s how I learned it, and that’s how I did it.

It was the same this time too.

Even if you literally cut the opponent into pieces, nothing will change.

As I fell asleep repeating the story, ten white lions attacked me in my dream.

But this time too, there was no hesitation. It was worth dealing with. It was worth fighting for.

Encred suddenly felt his own growth.

‘Should I say it’s funny?’

What was his original battlefield like?

It was a place where people struggled to survive.

This is a place where people did not go out of their way to avoid dying. It was a place where one had to watch from the rear rather than go to the front to survive.

But now?

Even though I knew it was a dream, my heart pounded. This is after spending a long time training and training. What did he originally want?

If these thoughts overlap, your dream may go astray.

Is this thanks to the boatman?

Even though it was a dream, my mind was as clear as reality.

The strange thing was that Esther was fighting next to him, but he did not look like a leopard.

She had pale white and smooth skin, and was wearing a black robe on top, which was shiny even though it was black.

It seemed like clothes made from expensive materials.

“Is that really you?”

“… … “Can you please stop pretending you don’t know anything in this world?”

What does this mean?

Recognizing the face even though it was not a leopard was quite surprising, even for Encred himself.

But wouldn’t anyone recognize that black hair and blue eyes?

He told me not to pretend like I knew, so I did. It was a dream, but he ignored it.

‘But isn’t it my dream?’

I do think that the problem lies in the person coming from one side of my head.

Soon a pack of white lions began to attack. Ten white lions swung their claws and scimitars, but what seemed like a bloody fight at first later turned into a dance.

Come to think of it, I didn’t ask you how you learned the Valenc mercenary sword.

It didn’t even feel important at that moment.


‘He wanted to die, but suddenly he seemed to have a lot of regrets about life.’

It’s a strange beast. Even its appearance was like that. It didn’t look like an ordinary beastman.

A dream is a dream, and what needs to be done is what needs to be done.

A lion came out, but the dream, which was almost like a dog dream, quickly became blurry and disappeared.

Encred opened his eyes and stood up, looking at the ceiling of the barracks.

Because it was summer, it was already bright outside even though it was only dawn.

So, what should I do?

You can start with the technique of isolation.

Afterwards, there was time for swordsmanship training and strengthening concentration in between.


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I didn’t forget about the tangeom diet and training of the five senses.

Didn’t Saxony say that?

“Training is something you do every day. In particular, training of the sensory system adds up every day, so don’t skip it.”

It’s somehow similar to Audin’s thoughts. Isn’t the technique of isolation the same idea?

“Brother, it doesn’t mean you skip a day and then double the amount the next day. That’s just hurting your body. I do it every day. Every day, every day, every day, every day, brother, did you hear?”

He emphasized those words so much that a seal was stuck in his ear.

However, that doesn’t mean that daily training is painful. Encred also took it for granted.

This is the start of a day where you check, restore, and train what you have.

No matter what happened yesterday, Encred is spending the same today.

Marcus, who was in charge of the city and had admired Encred last night, was checking to see that the guy who had received the black sword’s gold coins and ate them was very thick.

In a way, this was also an object of admiration.

* * *

Dunbakhel revealed everything he knew.

It was the same even after I was imprisoned.

“Go to a place called Border Guard and make a moderate noise. This was the order. me? I’m half a mercenary. I can’t tell where this started. However, it is clear that he has a connection with someone in the city.”

When the prisoner said that, Marcus didn’t even ask who it was.

Instead, they called a nobleman who had been bribed into prison. He came down to the prison with an escort, and when asked if he knew anything, this was the answer.

“I don’t know.”

The guy frowned for a moment, then spoke again.

“Trash beast, tell me straight. Are you really a black sword? Do you believe this nonsense about mercenaries moving for a few gold coins?”

On the contrary, I even got angry. Marcus was completely taken aback by what the guy who took the gold said to the prisoner in front of him.

I really don’t think I should cut this up and throw it away.

Marcus took his eyes off the nobleman.

When I look at it, I feel like I really want to kill it.

That doesn’t mean I was planning on leaving it alone.

How can we just leave this guy causing such a mess?

‘You can’t cut it down in the city.’

Still, he is noble. If something like this happens within Border Guard, there is a high probability that it will become a problem even if it goes away for now.

No matter how I cover it up.

‘I don’t know if it could be a weakness when working in the center. No, it will be a problem.’

Considering what happens next, that would not be possible.

‘Then what should we do?’

Thanks to his nickname of a warmonger, he was often seen as someone who was ignorant of the secrets of political strife, but this was completely out of the question.

To become a central aristocrat, or someone who maintains power, secret fighting is essential.

Marcus was also a politician and had a knack for stabbing people in the back.

Marcus made up his mind, thought it over, and came to a conclusion.

Since you can’t do anything about it, let’s get rid of it for now, but how about attaching a friend who brings more results than necessary every time you give him a job?

‘It seems like if we just send it together, it will somehow be resolved on its own.’

Encred, that friend.

We didn’t even send out a patrol. Even though it was just left in the barracks, it cut up the Black Blade elite, made a Manticore into a blood clot, and the cultist that came with it lost his head.

That was what happened last night.

‘Should I just send it along?’

So what if nothing happens? That’s something that can be left as is.

‘First of all, let’s send it like that on the outside.’

Didn’t the guys called Black Knives pull a trick? I can’t just leave that alone either.

Marcus had a sinister heart in his heart, but he spoke straight and straight from his mouth.

“Martai organized an army.”

This is the truth. In fact, a bastard calling himself a general in the mercenary city is preparing for war with the Border Guard.

Although this is still only known to those with keen ears, rumors of an urban war breaking out will soon spread.

“And we have no troops for support.”

Marcus, speaking, took a step to the side.


Because it was underground, the light from the torch hung on the wall illuminated half of his face and made the other half darker.

The face appeared to be in agony as it contemplated the safety of the city.

The Martai clearly have the upper hand militarily. Marcus knows that too. Even noblemen know that.

Knowing that, isn’t that why you’re talking nonsense about bringing in a black knife?

As a conductor and a representative of the city, this is something that would cause me distress.

“How about hiring them as mercenaries?”

Although the subject was not made clear, the nobleman’s ears perked up.

A black sword cannot be openly acknowledged as an ally. But didn’t that group of thieves also do mercenary work?

So, the idea was to hire an appropriate amount of people and use them for this job.

Bansento, who had received money from a nobleman, Black Sword, pricked up his ears at those words, but tried not to show it.

In reality, his expression was grave.

When he finally heard the words he had been waiting for, Bansento immediately opened his mouth, but swallowed his words because it seemed like he was too welcoming.

I thought everything would go away due to the failure of the raid, but no.

Did this actually wear Marcus down? I didn’t know it might be so.

‘If we go by the order of hiring them as mercenaries and then bringing them inside later.’

Bansento, who saved his life with his wit when he was young, has now become an adult and has taken power.

The sweet taste of power pickled his brain.

He did not properly perceive the situation. In addition, the skills of the escort sent by the black sword that stood by his side also played a role.

“The captured woman is a prisoner woman named Dunbakel. It’s not difficult to deal with, but it would be a lie to say that I was able to stop an attack by ten people on my own. With those 10 people, it would take even me a long time, but why don’t you even prepare for a nighttime attack and stop it by yourself? That crazy platoon must have all moved. Manticore? I don’t know that either. “Wouldn’t it be better to wonder if they’re just spreading rumors?”

The Manticore’s body was immediately hidden and swallowed by the Gilpin Guild, so only rumors remained.

The corpse itself of a high-level monster has high value. Of course, Cryce planned to disassemble and sell it, so he just hid it in the guild, but it was good to cause misunderstanding.

‘What is Manticore doing and where is he doing it?’

This is one of the strategies commonly used before war. Inflating one’s body is a tactic done because one knows that one is at a disadvantage if one fights.

It must be Marcus’s plan.

Now that the attack is here, let’s blow this up.

In that respect, it would be a boost to Encred.

Bansento didn’t even make an effort to properly investigate the situation.

The same was true for the escort sent by Black Knife.

I know that Encred has changed. I know that he is also a member of the platoon below him.

‘If it sticks properly.’

Being strong doesn’t mean you can survive. Those who survive are strong.

Even if Howie wasn’t confident that he would win in a fight, he was confident that he would kill him.

He was arrogant.

Bansento was already envisioning a rosy future. These things hardened their minds. I narrowed my sights.

Bansento, who was thinking about such things, instead of saying that he understood, turned his eyes towards Dunbakel and said.

“I don’t think he’s a very famous mercenary.”

Without this name, mercenaries are usually treated like that.

“Execute him. When would you like to leave?”

When Marcus looked at the bansento, he wondered how this bastard ended up here.

Well, this is the downside of the frontier. There is no talent. rare.

Considering that, it seems like there are a lot of talented people in the barracks right now.

“Tomorrow would be better. “Before we march from Martai.”

Making excuses.

Bansento’s face stretched out as if he was satisfied.

Marcus was satisfied on the inside, but on the outside he had a gloomy expression.

The remaining prisoner named Dunbakel was buried in silence in the darkness.

“The execution should be done later, not now.”

All she got was a slight delay in death.

* * *

This was the beginning.

“They say Martai made an absurd demand. Have you heard? “I don’t think there needs to be support from the central government for this.”

It’s Benzence. Maybe it was off duty today, but he came to Encred and opened his mouth for no reason.

Kreis, who was listening to it next to him, burst out in tongues.

“What about support, I can’t come. No, he won’t come. Why? Do I need to explain this to you? all right. Let me tell you. A war against monsters has broken out in the south. It wouldn’t matter as long as monsters attacked, but Rihinstätten, the southernmost powerhouse bordering the border, quietly got involved. In many ways, the fate of the country was at stake. The Lihinstätten was at a time when even a group of demonic monsters would struggle with its strength. On the other hand, the Border Guard proved their power and bought time by blocking Azpen. If it is an internal battle and not Azpen, there is no need for the center to step forward. Even if another group were to intervene here, there are also Viscount Bantra and Count Molsen to the west. Originally, it would have been best to request support from two noble armies, but I don’t think that would work. Bantray is actually Count Molsen’s hunting dog. “Count Molsen has a reputation as a great man who does not move unless there is benefit to him.”

Encred was amazed at how Chrys could figure this out from where he was sitting.

Above all, it’s amazing that his mouth talks non-stop.

“Doesn’t your throat hurt?”

“yes? What is this much? “At one point, I even played one of five roles in a puppet show.”

He is also a very talented person.

It won’t be easy to lead the play by imitating five people by yourself.

When I saw Kreis on a regular basis, I wouldn’t have done that too roughly.

If he becomes Crona, he’ll mortgage his soul too.

“And how many peddlers go to and from this city? Border Guard is a fortress city, but with its unique characteristics, it is also the best trading city north of Naurilia. If you just listen, you can hear the words. “That is the problem and core of this matter.”

Kreis said, placing his palm behind my ear.

The tone seemed obvious, but how could this be natural?

People who predict the future are usually called this.

One is a fortune teller and the other is a conman.

Kreis was neither a fortune teller nor a conman. I just had an innate eye for reading trends.

“The black knives have come there, cultists have appeared, and it’s bad in many ways. Are you planning on leaving the Border Guard and moving to another city? Leader?”

I didn’t even hear the last question.

Even if he leaves, who remains?

“Are you serious about that? “I’m not thinking about protecting the city!”

Venjens got angry.

Kreis also didn’t mean what he said. Encred knew that too.

“Yes, yes, we must protect it.”

“If you have something to eat, go to work. “Wangnun.”

Encred took Vengeance’s side.

“At times like this, I want to react like Rem. Are you siding with someone else now? I guess I’d be a little disappointed then? Right? “Is that correct?”

As if his puppetry career wasn’t all wasted, he did a pretty convincing imitation. It seemed plausible that he was grumpy, leaning on his other legs, and pouting his lips.

“huh? “Wangnun wants to put an ax on top of his head instead of a flower, or something like that.”

The problem was that Rem was coming out right in front of the barracks.

“… … “That’s not it.”

“Looks like Benzone came back again. “Are you bored?”

Rem changed Benjens’ name to his own taste and added one more word. Benjens didn’t even pretend to hear.

It was like that.

“Fiance, I’m calling you.”

The fairy company commander spoke just outside the perimeter of the training area. It sticks its upper body and face right above the small fence.

Somehow, the fortress is a face we see more often than a messenger. It’s a call from the battalion commander, but why is the company commander moving?

“I volunteered because I wanted to see it.”

“… … Is that so?”

Encred, well, I’m used to fairy jokes, so I can get through this without even laughing.

“Wangnun, I think you need training too. “Dangaoshu, I will make this bastard a great soldier in the meantime.”

From behind, Rem gave Kreis something similar to a death sentence.

“Let’s go together, together! Leader! Leader!”

Encred prayed for Chrys’ peace and turned around.

It seems like Rem is frustrated in many ways these days, and sometimes it would be important to relieve his feelings in this way.


Soon, the sound of a pig being ripped from behind was heard, but Encred ignored it.

“Murder within the unit is strictly prohibited.”

The fairy company commander glanced behind him and said.

“I won’t kill you.”

When Encred answered, the fairy company commander thought for a moment and then spoke.

“You will take care of it.”

It was a tone full of faith.

As I entered the battalion commander’s office, Marcus suddenly spoke.

“Just one mission. “I would like you to go as a delegation.”

This is even before the military ceremony. The tone of speech is quite urgent.

“What if it’s a delegation?”

“Ah, shouldn’t we at least hire mercenaries? so.”

Don’t envoys and mercenaries go together as words?

I also heard that the battle with Martai is really close at hand.

But is it really a threat?

“Please go to the Black Knife Thieves’ delegation. Oh, not as an actual envoy, but as an escort.”

A word came out that was even more fitting than envoy and mercenary.

Envoys and thieves.

Escort there.

But why do the battalion commander’s eyes sparkle so burdensomely?

It was full of some kind of anticipation. His eyes shined like stars.

Encred found that very strange.


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