Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 192

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192. Are you crying?

Valencian mercenary sword, melee weapon.


Encred was surprised. No, I was surprised, but the road I had walked so far was too rough to be hit by a blow like this.

As the sense of avoidance kicked in, my body moved on its own.

I tilted my head, avoided it, and walked straight ahead.

When he kicked his ankle with a thud, the white lion rolled forward.

Encred’s sword passed by where he fell.

If he had stayed there, there would have been a knife mark anywhere on his body, but he avoided it by rolling forward.

Has good reaction speed and good judgment.

Encred also naturally increased his speed.

Take steps and swing your sword.

Then, the reaction speed also changes.

The tempo itself changes.

This is what Encred has changed the most recently.

A diagonal slash that was twice as fast as the sword he had swung before was extended even from a twisted waist position.

Dunbakhel clenched his molars.

It was an unavoidable angle.

She propped herself up on her elbows.

Perfect! Pop! Fuwaak!

I tried to hit the edge of the blade with my elbow bone, but the opponent managed to notice and twisted the blade.

So, the blade that was pointing downwards suddenly lay sideways, and it was as if Dunbakhel had placed his elbow on the blade.

However, because the beastman’s unique reflex ability did not die, he was able to throw it away even though part of his elbow was cut.

“You do that?”

A quiet voice.

Sharp and clear.

It’s closer than anything.

I thought Dunbakel would be able to hold out for some time if he turned into a beastman.

It was an unthinkable sound.

Before I knew it, the blade came and fell on my head.

To be honest, I didn’t even know how he narrowed the distance and swung his sword like that.

I was in a hurry to block and I was in a hurry to avoid.

Dunvakel raised his scimitar and struck, feeling the pain of his arm muscles being torn.

Even if I decided to die, I couldn’t die without being a warrior.

After she dies, she wants to go to the temple where their god resides.


Dunbakhel chanted to his god.

It is the name of a god believed by all beastmen to be in charge of war and reproduction. It is said that he is the only god of beastmen.

Do you want to be held in Krimhalt’s arms?

Die as a warrior.

If I die as a warrior, I will live as Krimhalt’s sword within the vortex of eternity.

Boom! Ta-da-da-da-da-dan!

The sword that met the scimitar burned its blade and sparks flew.

Through the moonlight, red flames seemed to illuminate the surroundings.

In a very brief moment, Dunbakeel aimed at the opponent’s likely foot position and kicked the ankle with a Valenic mercenary sword technique.

On the contrary, gaze is a technique of inadvertently kicking the ankle while moving the weapon and pretending to aim at the opponent.

It was an intentional move, but the opponent raised the sole of his foot to block the top of his foot.

After that, the sword comes down to the back of the neck.

widely. Feeling the cold touch, Dunbakkel thought about the end.

‘Can I go to Krimhalt’s side?’

When it’s time to die, random thoughts suddenly creep in. Why not?

Those who have lived their lives trembling with injustice naturally have a lot of regrets.

He was abandoned by his village and the city, and none of the prisoners accepted him easily.

So he lived abandoned by his servant.

As a mercenary, he wanted to prove himself with a sword, but that wasn’t an easy task either.

I thought that was the only way, but that too was blocked.

It was unfair that I couldn’t have children.

It was unfair to be born like this.

‘Why only me?’

Why do you have to live a life like this?

The resentment was soon replaced by the desire for life.

Lingering grabbed my ankles and anger pounded my heart.

Encred, who had just put his sword to the nape of his neck, stopped his sword due to a strange feeling.

What to say, just intuition or sixth sense.

It feels like it would be better not to kill than to kill.

Let me add one more rational thing here.

‘Where do you belong, where did you spend your time, and you need a mouth to say those things.’

At first, he was attacking me as if he wanted to die, but as soon as he stopped for a moment with his sword, his body began to tremble.


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Encred could see the white lion’s fur trembling.

I could see fear and anger and things like that.

The beastman placed his palms on the floor, pulled his back feet, and crouched down.

‘It’s like the posture Esther does when she’s tired.’

Isn’t it strangely similar?

It’s with that thought.

“Do you want to live?”

I immediately asked.

Dunbakel raised his head with his sword resting on the back of his neck.

Were his eyes originally this blue?

Tears welled up from my soft golden eyes.

‘… … ‘Crying here?’

It’s natural, but it’s an unexpected moment.

“Crung, crung.”

Suin cried. It was difficult to pinpoint the internal change, but I felt like I knew one thing for sure.

‘It sounds like you’re asking for help.’

The sword was withdrawn, and as soon as Encred did so, a familiar voice pierced his ears.

“what? Don’t you kill me? “Hmm.”

It’s Rem. These were words he spoke as he opened his mouth so hard that his muzzle was torn apart. It makes me yawn once.

“When did you come?”

“Ever since I was cutting with that animal. But is this a lion human? Or are you a prisoner?”

Although its appearance is close to that of a lycanthrope, no monster would shed tears like that after losing a fight.

“Hey, are you a crybaby?”

Rem hit the white lion on the back of the head. It was like usual. It’s a bullying attitude.

He squatted down and poked his head, then hit the back of his head with his palm again.

“Stop crying, I won’t kill you.”

Rem wasn’t the only one who came.

Before we knew it, Audin, Saxony, Ragnar, and Kreis had come down below.

“What is going on in the middle of the night?”

Kreis said.

“Was it noisy?”

When Encred asked back, Saxony responded by pointing to the side.

“Ester called.”

It’s the same dry tone as usual. However, Encred felt that there was something subtly different within it.

Admiration? Could it be something similar?

“Why do you look at me like that?”

“Did you see the fight?”

Saxony nodded and closed his mouth. In fact, he came and saw everything before Rem.

With a more detailed and thorough look than Audin.

A first-class eye can recognize first-class skills.

So I was secretly admiring it.

Even though I already knew it, when he showed such a change in his skills, it felt like something magical had happened.

Aren’t you surprised by other people?

“How did you do the last trick you showed?”

Ragna asked.

“I mixed the Valen-style mercenary sword with the newly learned swordsmanship.”

Ragna’s expression became subtle at those words.

“Did Frock tell you?”


No, Rua Garne told me to learn various sword techniques. Mixing things like this was just something I did naturally once.

At that moment, that’s how it felt.

As he thought back and pondered that moment, Encred once again wondered why he did that.

‘Why did you do that?’

I did it because I thought it was the most necessary action at that moment.

So, is that wrong?

no. Probably not. I felt that way.

The opponent was worse than him. He went out in the mood to test his new sword.

We’ll only find out after we reveal where they came from.

‘At least the elite level of the frontier guard.’

The border garrison is a place where special soldiers gather.

Among them, the elite fought especially well.

It was often heard that one of the guards who was away on some sort of mission was the strongest sword in the Border Guard before.

So, the devastation that Encred himself had just created was roughly equivalent to dealing with an elite team of frontier guards.

The last prisoner was better than that.

Did he finally come to be able to look at them like this?

You never know. really.

‘It’s still not enough.’

Nevertheless, thirst burns again. I wasn’t satisfied here. No, I couldn’t be satisfied.

What would it have been like if that assistant driver had been there?

Acea, if there was a woman whose name was unforgettable.

‘It would have been easier than this.’

No matter what battle or moment, there was no end to learning. Encred knew that from a young age.

The problem was that his body didn’t keep up with the learning, but Encred’s attitude was always right.

Because I crave learning and never stop.

“Where do you belong?”

Just as I was gathering my thoughts, I saw Krys open his mouth behind Rem.

Instead of sticking to the prisoner’s side, he just opens his mouth.

In front of him, Rem is moving his mouth with a wry smile.

No, I’m playing with my hands too.

He hit the head with a tap and then touched the shoulder with his finger, to be exact, where the knife cut him.

“Does it hurt? “I’m not sick.”

“Hey, are you a crybaby? “A prisoner crybaby?”

“Why did you look like that? “Did you eat curses instead of meat when you were young?”

“This is my first time seeing a lion roar. Cry more. Do you want me to heal your wounds? “It’s easier to cry when you’re sick, right?”

“Hey, I told you to cry.”

Encred realized something again. Rem is the person with the worst personality in the world.

If provocation is needed on the battlefield, he will be able to put that bastard in front of him.

Encred’s use of his mouth was to some extent to understand the other person’s intentions, but isn’t that just a case of his mouth being possessed by an evil spirit?

“Why does this bastard come here at night and mark his territory? Huh? So, should this body come out of sleep?”

Rem said, and there were two errors in what he said.

One is that crying is not a sign of territory.

The second thing is that no one called Rem.

‘Why did that come out?’

When Encred tried to move slowly, the impatient white lion raised his head first.

There was something similar to anger in his crying eyes.

To be more precise, I think it would be better to call it anger.

“What the f*ck are you… … .”

The angry white lion’s cry could not end properly.

Snap, pop!

Rem was merciless. He sat down, put his left foot to the side, and swung his right elbow sideways.

It is a strike that is delivered by rotating the waist.

If it were not for this situation, it was a blow that would have left one amazed at the perfect striking posture that could be achieved from such a crouching position.

“That’s great.”

Even Audin expressed his admiration.

Anyway, the elbow struck the back of the white lion’s head.

The guy who got hit rolled forward.


Something similar to a moan came out of the mouth of the rolling white lion.

“No, let’s talk for a moment.”

Kreis stopped Rem from doing that.

Encred also had to take Kryce’s side.

If you leave it alone, isn’t it likely to kill you?

“This kitten, where are you going?”

I saw Rem shaking, and it seemed like he was still there.

“Do not kill.”

After I calmly stopped him, Rem raised his hands.

“No, I just touched it. Just tap, tap, like this, okay? “It’s like waving your hand to say you’re happy to meet you.”

If I greet you twice, many people will die.

“So where do you belong?”

The white lion cried after being beaten, vented his anger while being teased, and resigned himself to being beaten again.

I want to live, but I feel unfair, and in fact, I have no loyalty to protect.

The prestige he earned in the mercenary world was not what he wanted.

You can lose that.

There are no pockets of crona or anything hidden inside the bandits.

I’ve used up everything I make.

Thanks to this, Dunbakhel’s mouth was easily opened.

“Black knife.”

“A group of thieves? “Are you talking about that?”


As Dunbakkel nodded, Kreis’ expression hardened.

“This is true.”

Encred was listening silently.

It was a coincidence that it was stopped, but there was no way to know what was behind this.

Battalion Commander Marcus asked me if I loved the city.

I was satisfied that I was able to keep it like this at a moment like this, and it seemed like a pretty good result.

However, there was something that bothered me.


Isn’t the military strength of the border troops too poor?

It may be because my eyes have become higher during this time, but wouldn’t it be a problem if an enemy like this comes again?

If a similar attack happens again, the patrolling troops will not be able to resist properly and will die.

Worst of all, there was a guy dressed as a soldier trying to open the side door.

It was inevitable that there would be many spies in the city, but opening the door openly was problematic.

It was true that I wanted to do something because it happened right in front of Encred’s nose and I could see it, but there was nothing I could do right away.

“Captain, I think we need to report first.”

Before I knew it, Kreis came over and said.

Rem looked at it and asked.

“Are you really letting this live?”

“We have to keep him alive.”

Kreis said loudly. It seemed like Rem would really ‘hang’ his neck if left alone.

Encred nodded. With a nod, I gave strength to Kreis’s words and added to his words.

“Send me away.”

Just hold it for now. The battalion commander will take care of the rest.

As I thought about that and moved, I saw a group of soldiers who had become spectators one by one.

When I turned around, I made eye contact with a commander.

He is a small man with epaulettes. Immediately after our eyes met, he showed military courtesy.

He is the platoon leader. It was a face I saw on my way back and forth.

Although he received the rank of company commander, there has been no official recognition yet.

Therefore, it was the first time that a military ceremony was held in such a manner.

Encred received a salute by sheathing his sword and tapping the pommel with his palm.

“Thanks to!”


Talk and turn around. The platoon leader was actually very surprised and was now thrilled.

If it weren’t for Encred.

If it weren’t for that crazy platoon or company.

He would have died like that attacker.

He must have become a cold corpse, leaving his wife behind.

Was he the only one who died? Many of his subordinates, who he considered like brothers, must have died as well.

While I was lost in thought, Kreis came up to me and said.

“The story of the black knife is a secret.”

“… … hmm. i get it.”

Now, I was ready to listen to whatever he had to say.

“We will report it.”

Kreis continued to make fun of his mouth and stayed away from the body, saying he was going to clean up the area.

I wondered why.

“Wouldn’t it be right for our company to retrieve the loot?”

His eyes were shining and his attitude was extremely confident.

Of course it was true.

The platoon leader personally ordered his subordinates to carry the manticore corpse.

They searched the arms of the dead.

There were no Crona pouches, but all the weapons they used were high quality iron.

Therefore, it was worth holding on tightly.

And Kreis was not a great person to miss an opportunity like this.


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