Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 191

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191. White Lion

Auddin literally played with the Manticore.

I made it look like that by hitting my male cheek.

The manticore that had been hit curled its tail. I quietly stepped back.


Its sharp teeth, missing fur, and dark blue blood were scattered on the floor.

As the manticore curled its tail, Audín waved his hand with a benevolent smile.

“It’s time to go. Brother Monster.”

The tone of speech was still the same, but the content was not. It was a kind of death sentence.

The manticore took one foot back. Anyone who saw him looked scared.

It seemed like he was going to run away. Most of the soldiers watching thought so, but not Audin.

Manticores are high-level monsters and very clever ones.

It pulls back and then suddenly lunges forward. It was truly an unexpected blow without any sign or sound.

It raised its protruding claws and stabbed, and its tail stabbed violently from top to bottom.

Audin had expected it, so he struck out his front paws, grabbed the tail, and threw it on the ground as if he was throwing it over with the force of the rush.


With binge drinking.


The manticore moaned in pain.

It was a high-level monster, and it was a monster that could fight a company of troops alone, but even if the opponent was not good, it was very bad.

When I hit it on the ground, stone fragments flew out in all directions. The surprised soldiers have now turned into a male cheering squad.

“Well done!”



Among them, why is the word crazy used?

Audin walked up to the manticore and slapped him on the cheek a few more times.

After beating this monster so many times, he quickly jumped on its back, grabbed its neck, and snapped it backwards. The manticore stuck out its snake-like tongue.

The guy whose eyes rolled back let out a thin sigh before finally breaking down. My forehead fell to the floor with a thud, making a noise.

The high-class monster that had been hit so hard on the cheek became an expensive corpse.

Everything from teeth to skin to internal organs was quite expensive.

“What are you?”

A question filled with absurdity was heard from one side. This is the other side where the soldiers are gathered. There was a group of soldiers to the right of Auddin, and voices were heard from the left.

“I don’t think a monster like this would come alone. Where are you from, brother?”

Auddin stood up from the manticore’s back, facing the moonlight.

Where his words were heading, on top of the gallery at the end of the castle wall, there was a cult member who had already come up.

Audin expected it. He had no choice but to do so.

High-level monsters are smart and clever.

The foolishness of attacking a man-made castle did not go well with the Manticore.

Especially after getting beaten up like this, you still fight to the end? This is out of character.

I don’t know if they’re attacking me because they’re so hungry.

No, even though I showed him an opening that allowed him to sneak away, he continued to attack me until the very end.

If so, it means that someone is controlling this.

Audin waited for the other person to come out.

That was the reason the fight lasted so long. He killed the Manticore as soon as he sensed his opponent’s presence.

Because it’s out of use now.


There was a bluish light in the eyes of the guy who was shouting like that. Auddin recognized it.

Traces of a cult.

Because he is a servant of God.

“You are a brother who worships a xie jiao.”

It is a low whisper.

These were some of the things I experienced during my days as an Inquisitor. Those were the days of beating up cultists.

The cultist, whose eyes were shining blue, raised his hand. The action was continuing.

The soldiers are so shocked that they can’t say anything.

It was a gap.


Auddin has disappeared. No, it seemed that way. The body hit the ground and narrowed the space faster than the manticore.


A loud noise separate from the sound of hitting the ground erupts.

To the soldiers’ eyes, all they could see was a lump flying to one side and crashing into the wall.

It was a mass that was now a corpse, twitching and twitching with its fingers in the air.

“God is looking down.”

Auddin’s voice reciting a prayer alone resonates faintly.

Where the soldiers’ eyes were directed, there was a monster as large as a bear, stopped with its right fist outstretched.

Auddin of the Mad Squadron.

A member of a unit that is now rumored to be an independent company.

Auddin’s blow was not even clearly visible to the soldiers.

It just happened, and the only thing that remained was the result.


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Audin returned to his usual self with his hands folded in an outstretched fist position.

The soldiers inspected the blown chunks. A broken body was seen hitting the gallery wall.

There was nothing that should have been in that half-squashed body. The top of her neck felt empty.

“Where did your head go?”

I don’t know. The only thing that’s accurate is that that crazy religious person simply wiped out a person from the face of this earth with a single punch of his fist.

The blood sprayed radially on one side of the gallery is evidence of this.

“… … “I really cum.”

A foul odor began to rise between one soldier’s crotch.

I’m more scared because I couldn’t see it properly. How can a person like that exist?

Dead Manticore and Cultist.

Most of the soldiers could not even understand the situation properly.

Finally, a platoon leader who came up to the gallery belatedly began to control the situation.

“Raid, uh, eliminated? Looking at the commotion outside, it looks like other guys have arrived too, so let’s all go downstairs and provide support… … .”

“There is no need for that. “Brother.”

After praying, Audin, who was looking blankly at the bottom of the castle wall, said:


“It’s coming to an end.”

In Audin’s eyes, I saw my company commander fighting.

I knew it from previous sparring, but seeing the company commander in actual combat was different.

‘There’s more, brother.’

I can see something that wasn’t visible before in the way I use my body and the way I swing my sword. Confidence and faith, things like that.

If you knew him from the beginning, you could say it was a truly remarkable development.

I’m proud of that. What can I do? I just hope that he does well.

‘Your servant asks. Is this what you mean? ‘Have you guided him?’

Still his Lord does not answer.

However, I didn’t really need an answer anymore. Audin also gained a small insight here.

It started through Encred.

‘The fact that I need an answer is proof of my weakness, so I will move forward without proof or doubt.’

There are people who live like that over there. According to the words of the temple, he is a person who overcomes hardships without giving in to anything.

How could it not be a joy to watch someone like that?

Audin hoped that Encred would be blessed as he burned his life.

He went on to secure the blessing himself.

So now you can pray for him, but you don’t have to ask God for anything.


The platoon leader blinked as he looked at Gomtaengi, wondering what was good about it.

But is it really okay not to go down?

He was bothered by the commotion outside, so he still played with his feet. As he went down, he saw a soldier with a hole in his stomach and blood dripping from his thigh.

“That guy is a spy.”

The soldier holding his stomach said. Perhaps to stop the bleeding, I was pressing my stomach with my clothes.

The platoon leader spoke to the soldier following him.

“Hold it.”

The platoon leader picked up the spy that Encred had thrown away and looked outside the open side door.

It was a fight that could not be clearly seen from the top of the castle wall.

There, I saw a lone person chopping and stabbing a group of people dressed in black to death.

It was a face I knew well. The most famous person among the Border Guards right now was the crazy platoon leader.

* * *

The Black Knife Bandits were going crazy. In particular, Dunbakhel was my first time experiencing something like this.

“article? “No, are you a member of the Knights Templar?”

Dunbakhel opened his mouth. His hand is on the scimitar. Is this too bad for the opponent?

Or maybe they came here without knowing something.

Five of those who came with him became corpses.

Both had one leg cut off.

Even if a high-ranking priest came and immediately poured out divine power, he would now be crippled.

Of course, such a priest would not come, and even if he did come, he would not pour out divine power, so he would be crippled.

That too will happen if you are lucky. Looking at the amount of bleeding, it seemed like it would heal in a little while.

I saw the person who had created this situation turn his sword back and forth and nod his head slightly.

They don’t even pretend to listen to me. There was a hint of leisure.

“What are you really?”

Dunbakeel asked in bewilderment, and Encrid shrugged his shoulders again.

It was natural that I had nothing to say unless I wanted to explain to the murderous author that my dream was to be a knight and that I was not yet a knight.

More than that, Encred looked at the sword, or more precisely, the blade.

‘It works amazingly well.’

I swung the knife with the intention of cutting the thigh area, but it cut the thick leather pants cleanly.

The cutting power is extraordinary. Is this because the blacksmith sharpened the sword well, or is the sword itself great?

I decided to think of it as both.

The center of gravity held by the pommel is good, and the leather strap wrapped around the hand feels good. In addition to the cutting power, I really liked the strength of the sword itself.

Just looking at it, I could immediately feel its sturdiness.

Although it didn’t seem to be made of valerian steel, it was a high-quality sword of fairly good quality.

Should I say that this is the first high-end product that Encred has had?

This was my first time with a sword like this.

“Aren’t you coming?”

Encrud spoke with enthusiasm.

I wanted to use the sword more. Of course, it is also a skill that I have now become accustomed to.

I dismissed Rem as a frustration.

‘Is it the same for me?’

Why, I can’t wait to fight more.

Dunbakhel was impressed by the other person’s words.

‘Where did this guy come from?’

The smell is different. A prisoner’s sensitive nose also served as a barometer for recognizing the level of the other person.

To be exact, it is the realm of instinct to preserve one’s life.

Dunbakhel was slowly coming to terms with it.

‘I think this is my grave.’

So, should I run away then?

I didn’t want to do that.

Well, wasn’t it a life where I lived half of my life trying to die? If so, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to close the book called life at this point.

Dunbakhel was prepared to be here because he wanted to die fighting.

Above all, the last opponent was not bad. I like this person, both in looks and skills.

‘It’s full and overflowing.’

Thinking about that, Dunbakhel giggled involuntarily. It’s a laugh that doesn’t fit the situation.

At that sound, the only remaining member of the Black Knife Bandits glanced up.

It had the characteristic smell of a frightened person.

It’s a similar smell to an earthy smell.

“Do you by any chance want to live?”

Dunbakhel asked his remaining companions. He is a thief whose name I do not know.


What is this crazy bitch talking about now?


As soon as he finished speaking, a fist made of bulging muscles was thrust into the guy’s face.


With a heavy noise.


The guy’s feet floated in the air as he let out a short, strange sigh.

The right eyeball, which had been smashed in by a single punch, popped out, blood splattered, and the broken facial bones stuck out to the side.

No, some of it broke and splashed everywhere.

The guy who was nervously watching Encred had one side of his face caved in, and of course he died.

“It’s a good place.”

Dunbakhel spoke with his fist outstretched. She didn’t explain her actions. Instead, I showed my true colors.

“Hey, let’s stick together properly.”

The moment Dunbakhel spoke, her eyes changed. The pupils are torn vertically and become like those of an animal.


What is the difference between werewolves and beastmen?

It was different in appearance.

Originally, a beastman was a human form with the characteristics of an animal added to it.

That’s why they don’t do this type of transformation.

Even if something wild resides in it and changes its shape slightly, it doesn’t have a wolf head or anything like that.

There were times when its fangs grew, its eyes changed, and its fur grew a little longer, but it did not deviate significantly from its human form.

So, that’s what an ordinary prisoner was like.

But Dunbakhel was different.

As the blood of the beast ran through his body, with something human remaining, Dunvakel began to change.


Long white hair began to grow all over his body.

The facial structure changed to resemble that of a lion, accompanied by a clanging sound.

Encred had seen several beastmen in his life, but this was his first time seeing something like this.

Hey, why are you changing?

The explanation was long, but it changed in an instant.


Encred asked. Does that kid know how to speak?

Doesn’t that shape resemble that of a lycanthrope?

Of course, the other person looked like a lion, that is, a lion with white fur fluttering around, and the energy he gave off was very different.

To be honest, it looked more like a sentinel protecting a heavenly temple in some legend or myth than a monster.

At least Encred felt that way, but the first word that came to mind was, of course, monster.

“Crumbling, I heard that sound a lot.”

Dunbakhel said, crying. It was a habit I developed when I transformed.

Encred felt a strange feeling from the other person’s energy, attitude, and tone of voice.

The grave doesn’t mean it’s his, it’s as if he wants to die.

Well, maybe that’s not the point.

“Are you coming?”

“of course! “Croung!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a white lion kicked the ground and rushed towards him.

I made a large cut with the protruding nail on my left hand, and swung the scimitar I had already drawn with my other hand.

The claws and blade crossed, targeting Encred’s chest and waist.

Encred, who saw this without missing a single point, straightened his sword and swung it forward twice.

Both blows are cutting, shocking blows.

It was a defensive technique that instantly activated the heart of super strength and left no room for binding.

To hit with force.



I swatted away the claws and swatted away the scimitar.

Nevertheless, the beast did not move away.

It is an indomitable charge, a charge prepared for death.

Encred seemed embarrassed for a moment.

That’s how close the two were, and the white lion tilted its neck and thrust its forehead as if it expected its attack to be blocked.

‘Valen style mercenary sword?’

A headbutt after a charge was a familiar attack technique.


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