Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 190

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190. Open


The manticore that was hit let out a roar. The guy who had bitten his body as if he was going to step back kicked the ground again.

The heavy body cut through space like the wind.


Claws tore through the air.

Audin momentarily changed his posture by changing the position of his feet and swung his hand. He hit the manticore across the face with the palm of his hand.

The front paw split the air and hit the cheek almost simultaneously.

It was a quick attack and defense.

Audin’s palm was a weapon in itself, but the Manticore was a high-class monster.

He got hit once and his head turned, but he held on with strength and swung his front foot again.

Audin stepped back slightly and dodged his front foot again.


The manticore’s cries of rage tore through the air.


The group of soldiers groaned again under the pressure unique to high-class monsters.

And the monster let out a roar that overwhelmed the surroundings.



I got slapped by Audin.

This time I was hit harder than before. Blue-black blood flowed from the corner of its mouth. Drops of blood fell on the floor.



“That, um.”

The soldiers open their mouths without realizing it. It’s such a shocking sight.

For a moment, the paralysis of my body was lifted.

No, what kind of crazy person slaps a monster and makes it look like that?

Was your pride hurt at all?

The manticore lowered itself, ignoring the pain on its face.

And then it charged again, this time the boat was faster than before.

The attack wasn’t simple either.

It swings its front paws and flicks its rear tail. The tail struck from top to bottom like a thunderbolt.

Audin’s body also became fast enough to leave an afterimage.


The front foot misses again.

Afterwards, the scorpion-like tail stabbed the air.

Meanwhile, Audin succinctly waved his hand again.


What on earth is this about?

Encred inwardly clicked his tongue. He also saw all the battles. He didn’t miss a thing.

If at first it resembled some form of swordsmanship, it has now become nothing more than a slap in the face.

This would be the first time Manticore had encountered an opponent whose athletic ability and speed exceeded his own.

‘Even if I were a manticore, I would still be embarrassed.’

He tilts his head as if he feels the same way. My head must have been shaking because of being hit.

And then again, the shiny life appeared in my eyeballs.

“If it’s a monster, that’s the way it should be. “It was said in the temple that there is a difference between having a different faith and following the wrong path.”

Audin muttered and twitched his hands. A human as big as a bear played with the manticore like that.


The manticore rushes in.


get slapped

If you get hit just enough, your head will bend to the side.

If you were hit harder than that, your body would bounce to the side.

Boom, boom!

Looking at the demon beast rolling around on the gallery like a failed water swallow, who would say that it is a manticore, a high-class monster, the fear of soldiers, and the monster of monsters?

Audin waved his hand and for the first time in a long time, a memory of old times came to mind.

Monsters, demonic beasts, cultists.

The days when I carried those things around.

He had a lot of experience like this. In particular, I had a lot of experience fighting high-level monsters.

The face of the manticore, which had been fighting despite being repeatedly slapped, began to swell. A few of his missing teeth were also lying on the floor.

Sometimes I wonder if I should look at that with pity.

Encred felt a small commotion coming from below. He heard something that resembled a small moan, and also saw a shadow shaking.

“It looks like there are guests downstairs, so I’ll go down first.”

Encred said.

“That’s right, brother.”

Audin even turned around and smiled.

Seeing this as an opening, the Manticore rushed in.

This time it was a triple attack.


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Next to the front feet came a tail, and finally a tongue resembling a snake.

Audin twisted his body to dodge with his front paws, twisted his tail’s trajectory by tapping the middle of his tail with the back of his hand, and finally released his tongue to wrap around his neck.

“For the Lord said, ‘There is a sin that is not forgiven.’”

Auddin spoke and waved his hand, ignoring his tongue.

In fights at close range, demonic beasts or monsters always have the upper hand.

That’s what the soldier who watched the fight learned.

So what are you seeing now?


A sound sounded cooler and stronger than ever. One side of the manticore’s face was caved in after being slapped.

It was something that was accomplished entirely with the palm of one’s hand.

The soldier who was watching needed to pee.

Monsters are scary, demons are scary, but the scariest thing right now is that guy who pretends to be kind and smiles.

“Return to God, erase the sins from your body, and I will suck and lick your filthy soul anew. So ask and ask for forgiveness for your sins.”

His tone of voice is also benevolent. The same goes for laughter. But what about in your hands?

“I feel like I’m tired of peeing.”

A fellow soldier muttered next to him. All the soldiers watching felt the same way.

Encred, who watched the manticore’s face sink, tapped the soldier’s shoulder just before going down.

“It stinks.”

After saying that, I went down to the gallery.

As I sped down the stairs, I saw a soldier loitering in front of the small side door next to the lower castle gate.

I don’t know the face, but the attire is that of the Border Guard standing army. I saw him place his hand on the latch of his side door.

Next to the side gate, a soldier was seen lying on the floor with his back against the castle wall. Dark red liquid flowed through the half-disintegrated body.

As I walked closer, the guy who had put his hand on the latch turned his head back.

Encred ignored those gazes and looked at the soldier who had fallen on the ground.

Since I recognized the opponent’s skills at a glance, it was okay for the guy behind me to attack him with the aim of stabbing him in the back. Thanks to that, I was able to afford it.

I looked at the soldier’s wounds like that.

‘It’s not that deep.’

It’s not like dying. I think I could walk if I had a bad case.

Of course, that was because Encred had high standards.

The soldier felt like he was going to die. It hurt so much. It would be strange if there was a hole in the stomach but it was still intact.

“Can you walk?”

Encred said. to crouch down The back was also visible.

The soldier who had placed his hand on the latch winced. Can I open this door? No, I think I can just stab it now.

It’s an attitude that causes concern. I know that the opponent is the famous demonic platoon leader.

Meanwhile, Encred helped the soldier up.

“Shut it off, it hurts. sick! I got stabbed in the stomach. “It hurts!”

“I think it’s worth walking at this level.”

“No, I can’t walk. If I die, my sister will tell me that there is a pocket under the bed… … .”

“You won’t die.”

Encred cut off his words. He was a very strict friend. Didn’t he die like crazy during this time?

It’s not to the point where it can be cured by applying acupuncture, but it’s not to the point where death is threatening you.

I roughly tore off part of the soldier’s sleeve and bandaged the wound, which helped to stop the bleeding.


When I pressed on the wound, his eyes widened as if he was complaining of pain, so I gave him a push and made him lean back against the castle wall.

“If you can’t walk, there’s a whistle, right? Yeah, that one. “Watch it and if it doesn’t fit, blow it.”

Encred, who had just said that, turned around. The soldier winced, one hand holding the clasp and the other holding the knife handle.

I was still thinking about it.

Rumors about what the demonic platoon leader had done blocked his hands.

Wasn’t he literally at the level of a battlefield hero?

Even if we didn’t know the details of the recent gnoll colony incident, it was clear that he was a dangerous person based on his previous false name.

Even so, he couldn’t handle the ten Black Sword members waiting outside.

Isn’t it originally impossible to take the heat with just one hand?

Moreover, the people waiting outside were all people who had a knack for killing people.

It was natural. The black swords came at Bansento’s request, and their purpose was clear.

Originally, proper battles in this land were fought by a small number of elites.

It is a threat and pressure to those few and elite. This is a situation where their skills can be seen because they sent only 10 people, not just 10.

Of course, you won’t know that all of this is the work of a black knife.

It had to be that way.

What if you claim that you don’t have enough troops to defend yourself after causing a disturbance?

What if we add intelligence that a fairly threatening neighbor named Marta is on the verge of starting a city war?

You will have no choice but to open your hands to the black sword.

There won’t be any reinforcements to send from the center of the kingdom, and the southern part will be busy stopping the monsters that have risen.

The Black Swords were a group of thieves, but the Martai were just like them. They are a city created by eastern mercenaries.

Mercenaries were originally treated as such, but eastern mercenaries were treated as particularly barbaric.

It’s like bringing in a tiger to get rid of wolves, but we will push the situation to that end.

Such preparations were steadily underway.

I even secretly brought some insiders to my side.

This was Bansento’s plan.

The start was to bring in those waiting outside, so this was the first step.

“What are you doing, you?”

A soldier who was in a cold sweat due to complicated thoughts. No, he was a spy disguised as a soldier.

He swallowed at Encred’s question.

His mission is to open the door. He uses it to bring in the warrior with the black sword waiting outside.

Just as I was about to plunge a knife into a soldier’s stomach and open the door, Encred came down.

He may not have been assigned to a patrol mission or anything, but he appeared out of nowhere.

Several months have already passed since I began working as a spy in the Border Guard.

The spy knew Encred.

I swallowed my saliva and couldn’t move.

If you make a mistake, you will die quickly. The spy knew that he couldn’t deal with the author with his skills.

It’s not like you have to show any kind of sacrificial spirit to open the door.

‘I had to open it earlier and pop it out.’

It was late to judge. I was wondering if Encred might be letting my guard down, and then I lost track of time.

His eyes rolled around as he searched for a corner to escape to.

Encred took a quick look at the guy and roughly understood the situation.

More than anything, I felt like I was popular outside. Sensitive senses, plus intuition, spoke.

‘Open the door. ‘Introduce enemies.’

What is the purpose? Riot? Something else?

I don’t think I’ll know that until I meet him.

It seems that the soldier who was hit by the sword was not fatally wounded.

After completing rough calculations and thoughts, Encred opened his mouth.

“open it.”

The spy was visibly taken aback by those words. Her eyes flutter shut and her hands shake. She seemed quite surprised.

“… … to?”

“Open it.”

It is close to intuition, but it is a judgment made based on the experience and senses accumulated over time.

Those who stay outside will find another way to come in even if you leave them alone. Then chasing it will become more of a hassle.

The emergency bell would ring, and if they wanted to make a fuss, they might move like that.

It’s still quiet right now, and since it happened during a patrol, it could be ended with just an appropriate response.

If you get caught there, wouldn’t it be okay to at least blow the whistle?

This is Border Guard and Encred came with Audin.

What if the whistle blows here?

‘Wouldn’t Rem be excited and run out?’

It seems like I’m especially frustrated these days.

Of course, more than anything else, Encred had a certain amount of confidence. He would be quite capable of holding on, no matter who or what his opponent was.

Is this confidence in vain?

no. Along with the sense of avoidance, it is the confidence gained from dancing with hundreds of gnolls.

“… … to?”

It is a repetition of foolish sounds. The spy was extremely embarrassed. Encred took a long step forward. So bold that her opponent couldn’t react.

The spy reflexively lifted the latch. She then pushed open the door and ran to the other side. The side door was pushed to one side in response to the force of the push. The spy tried to get rid of him.

I tried to turn and run away.

Encred’s hand waved in the air as he watched. It seemed like a meaningless gesture.

It looked like that to the spy, but a throwing knife pinged and lodged itself in the back of his thigh.


A short scream, a scream this loud, would bring in other nearby guards.

Beyond the door that opened slightly, waiting eyes could be seen. It’s not a small number. But that doesn’t mean you should call him some kind of great general.

Encred walked up to the door, pulled out his sword, and pushed it in.

As I sharply thrust my sword, the guys standing in front of me stepped back, and in the meantime, they went out the door.

Encred went outside and counted the numbers with his eyes. There were ten people.

“… … “What a crazy guy.”

A man dressed entirely in black spoke. He leaned on the moonlight to examine his face.

Well, he doesn’t know.

One of them raised an eyebrow. She is a woman in the back, her hair uniquely white.

Seeing that its ears resembled those of an animal, it looked like a beastman.

“You came out even though you knew we were holding out here, right?”

Encred shrugged his shoulders.

The idea is to think for yourself.

“You crazy bastard.”

This is the first guy to open his mouth.


A person dressed in black drew a short sword and rushed at me. It was truly an unsuspecting blow.

It was almost a moment between the steps and the drawn blade approaching. It was very fast.

Ping – It’s a blade that cuts through the peaceful night air until a while ago.

It’s fast, but full of life.

It’s fast, but the trajectory is simple.

Encred struck with his drawn sword from bottom to top.


When I deflected the shortsword and lowered it again and raised it diagonally to take a slashing stance, the opponent moved his foot in the opposite direction.

Instead of raising his sword and cutting, Encred swung the blade carelessly and drew a shape that looked like two circles intertwined in the air.

After changing the position of the sword, he lowered it at a fast tempo and switched to cutting.

To be exact, one of the newly learned sword techniques was a spiral cut.


The surprised guy raised his shortsword to block it, but the weight of the weapon made a difference in the first place.

Kang, Kwajik!

Encred struck the guy with his blade, pressing it down with all his strength.


The blade on the other side of the sword-holder’s shortsword went into its owner’s chest.

‘For now, one guy.’

After reducing the number of people with one simple movement, point the tip of your sword toward the moon and take a stance.

“Do it together. “If you go one by one, they go one after the other.”

A woman who appeared to be the leader spoke. The tension in her tone was clearly visible.

No matter who saw it, he seemed like an outstandingly talented person.

Encred assessed his opponent. Then I suddenly realized something.

‘I don’t have to hold on.’

In the past, I wouldn’t have come forward like this. She must have used her brain to find a way to survive.

So, now?

The spirit of those in front of me was unusual.

But is this a battle that can’t be won?

Encred didn’t bite his foot because he didn’t even think about that.


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