Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 19

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19. Fire

Endure today.

Repetition of discipline and training.

Encred did just that.

And it was the first time that I had reached this point in the repeated today.

‘Do you want to die?’

This is my first thought from the company commander’s reaction. Encred soon changed his mind.

‘If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it earlier.’

When did Kraang escape?

I couldn’t even feel its presence.


Even in this situation.

‘It’s still not enough.’

Encred feels that his trained hearing is lacking.

It was his nature.

As a result, I missed the time to answer.

The newly appointed company commander, a fairy woman, was staring at him.

Are you alive? Did you say that?

Then what should I answer?

Encred opened his mouth.

“… … Did you have to die?”

“Well, not really.”

The company commander responded by only moving his lips.

She looked at Encred like that for a while and then turned back.

Then, he retrieved the poisonous needle that had fallen on the floor and checked the condition of the watchdog he had brought with Vengeance by turning it upside down and opening his eyes.

‘Are you checking to see if the soldier died in the meantime?’

Then, bring the poisonous needle to the corner of your mouth and lightly touch it to your tongue.

‘I see you have some expertise in herbalism.’

Sometimes I saw mercenaries doing something like that.

There are many fairies who are friendly to nature, so it was quite possible for them to have deep knowledge of poisons and medicine.

Encred sat down and just looked.

I just didn’t feel like getting up.

Of course, even now, if someone is aiming for my neck, I will avoid it by rolling or flipping, but it is difficult.

Although it wasn’t as bad as today when I repeated it for the first time, it was just as tiring.

If the first thing was physical strength.

This time, I felt like I had exhausted all my mental strength.

I dodged repeated attacks several times just by hearing the sound.

In the meantime, not a single scratch appeared.

Of course it wasn’t a coincidence.

How many times has it happened so far?

There were times when I was attacked without warning, but there were also several times when I managed to avoid the first attack.

Repeated patterns can be learned.

There was also a pattern to the assassin’s behavior.

Encred learned that reflexively.

‘I tried this once too.’

Was it a little easier the second time?

It wasn’t.

It was never easy.

If someone saw Encred repeat this day, if they were there with him, they would never be able to say that.

But no one can do that.

In today’s isolation, he was always alone.

Encred sat down and pressed his fingers to his temples.

The excitement hasn’t gone away and my head is pounding.

Over time, you will get a headache.

I had that feeling instinctively.


At the sight of someone sticking something to his neck, Encred reflexively turned to the side and held out his palm.

There, Kraang was seen pretending to hit Encred’s neck with the blade of his hand.

“Are there really eyes in the back?”

Krang said curiously.

“I don’t think it’s time to joke around, do you?”

Have you seen this immature friend?

Krang smiles and speaks in a carefree tone.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Is it really true that the assassin was targeting this bastard?

‘Then just kill him, why me first?’

Is it just because I’m unlucky?

Is it really just plain bad luck?


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Is that possible?

First of all, it would be correct to target Krang.

No matter how much you think about it, it doesn’t make sense for an assassin to come targeting Vengeance and yourself.

‘If it’s me and Venjens, it’s easier to frame them and kill them.’

Why do you need an assassin to deal with two helpless soldiers?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

What could be the reason for sending an assassin?

I want to get away without making a fuss.

It gets done and finished without anyone having to make a fuss.

The body left behind after death? Just set the tent on fire.

Who cares about the stab wounds left on a burned body?

Even if that’s not the case, there are many ways to dispose of a corpse.

You can erase the blood and traces and throw it in a remote place.

Then we think it is desertion, and we do not focus on kidnapping and murder.

Moreover, this is a medical barracks on the outskirts.

It is not a place for officers to stay, but rather a temporary medical barracks for soldiers.

It is a place that no one pays much attention to.

Of course, this is not a place you can come if you want to.

“They were probably targeting me.”

It is time for the company commander to roughly organize the situation inside and take a peek outside the tent.

Krang, who was squatting next to me, suddenly spoke.

“Um, why?”

“You’re not that surprised, are you?”

“I was surprised. enough.”

“You have a good poker face. you.”

Is now the time to focus on that?

Encred tried to scold him but stopped.

I know this after seeing it for so long. This person has a carefree personality.

‘Of course, I will do it when I have time.’

Since today has already passed, it may not be something that Krang remembers.

The sight of him giving a speech as if absorbing everything around him remained engraved in Encred’s mind.

“You’re not planning on telling me who you are, are you?”

The company commander approached me without a sound and said,

Krang nodded roughly and spoke again.

“So anyway, I’m sorry.”

Is this also called an apple?

Krang, who spoke, stands up from his seat. He looked around and made eye contact with the company commander.

“I don’t think I’m in a position to give orders to anyone, so I’m asking.”

Krang spoke not only to Venjens but also to the company commander.

This cannot be done unless you are a high-ranking noble.

Otherwise, there’s really nothing to say even if you get stabbed and beaten.

He didn’t just open his mouth.

One step.

I only took one step forward.

It was the same as back then.

An air similar to the time when I asked him what it was descends.

Krang quietly accepted the gaze.

Two audiences, one actor.

But the actor is like a whirlpool.

He is a greedy person who sucks in and swallows everything around him.

“Can I ask you a favor? “I will treat this as a debt and pay it back.”

“do it.”

The company commander grumbles and answers.

Krang said with a soft smile.

“I hope no one dies today.”

It’s small but solid, calm but like a storm.

If there was magic in the voice, it would definitely be like this.

I want to hear those words. It’s the tone and tone that makes you think like that.

How can you make me feel this way?

Encred felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

That’s because it happened once.

The vortex that sucked in the surrounding area quickly disappeared.

Krang spoke and held out his hand to Encred.

“Are your legs loose?”

“No, it’s not that bad.”

Encred held his hand with mixed feelings.

“… … Is this why you changed your mind?”

Looking at the two, the company commander asks.

“Let’s put it that way.”

Krang answered.

Encred couldn’t understand anything about the conversation the two were having.

But I didn’t even have the heart to ask.

‘I don’t think they will tell me.’

The company commander let out a small sigh and spoke to Encred.

“Can I keep quiet about what happened today?”

“Yes, of course.”

If you don’t do that, you’re asking with the intention of putting a hole in your throat right away, but do you have the courage to come up with a different answer?

We were able to get a glimpse of the newly appointed company commander’s skills earlier.

Just one number.

‘Was it possible to hit it like that?’

One move is to push it out with the back of your hand.

With a single gesture, Encred lost his balance and fell.

I wanted to see it as many times as possible.

In that case, if you die, that’s it.

Just repeat today.

What if I insist that I won’t keep quiet here?

You don’t want to kill me?

no. That won’t work.

There are probably many ways to silence someone without killing them.

It was useless. Moreover, I didn’t even want to commit suicide on purpose.


Above all, Krang says:

Encred only had a few conversations over a few days.

I felt that there was a lot of affection built up with a friend named Krang.

The relationship between the two was strangely close, regardless of how long they had been together.

“Keeping my mouth shut is my specialty.”

These were not empty words.

How many secrets does he know within the squad?

Some of them are important and some are not.

Nothing has ever been said anywhere.

“Then we just have to resolve this situation.”

The company commander spoke and saw a torn tent and two fallen soldiers.

“Wishing no more people die includes those two.”

Krang spoke and the company commander nodded indifferently.

No one knows what happened here yet.

But what if you knew?

Looking at it, it seems like it’s difficult to reveal Krang’s identity.

The company commander was worried.

“If that watchdog wakes up, will he know he’s been attacked?”

Encred said, shaking the dirt off his butt.

“I guess you don’t know. Even if you knew, you wouldn’t have seen anything.”

The company commander speaks with half-confidence. Encred thought so.

How many times have you been injured without knowing anything?

That freckled guard must have fainted without knowing anything.

Then what?

“Please carry just one person outside.”

At Encred’s words, the company commander turns to look at him.

“There is a simple and convenient solution. Instead, I might get some criticism. “I think the company commander can stop that.”

Talk about a plan. Kraang laughed when he heard that, and the company commander nodded his head without a smile.

* * *



The watchman in front of the barracks, who was on duty while dozing off, suddenly opened his eyes because his cheeks felt stinging.

When I opened my eyes, I felt warm heat from somewhere.

He looked to the side, half asleep, and his body instantly stiffened.

‘Is it fire?’

It’s fire. The fire in front of the tent rises upward, sending embers flying.

Just right.

I woke up to the sound of the spear I was holding falling to the floor.

“Boo, fire! fire! fire!”

The soldier who lost his spear shouted. Surprised, he twisted his tongue.

“fire! fire! fire!”

It wasn’t even ‘fire’, it was just shouting fire over and over again.

But the words were so urgent that they caught the ears of those around him.


At that moment, a patrolling guard nearby shouted loudly, clearly informing the situation.

“The medical barracks are on fire!”

The quick-witted patrolman’s voice rang loudly.

“Bring water!”

Only then did a group of other soldiers raise their heads one by one and begin to understand the situation.

“Plague, in the barracks?”

“Was there anyone?”

“You know, that f*cking soldier!”

The fire that started only in front of the tent quickly spread upwards and throughout the tent.

Instead, there was an uproar during the night.

Black soot and smoke rise upward.

It was not a situation for even a brave soldier to go inside.

“Bring water!”

Among them, the supply company commander shouted loudly.

The people who were making fun of my feet brought me water in a bucket or something.


Sprinkle water from a bucket over the fire. For an instant, smoke rose.

“Let’s stand in a long line and take it!”

The supply company commander shouted. He showed off his experience carrying some luggage.

Grabbing was a method of moving objects by lining them up in a single line.

A long group of soldiers stretched out and began handing out buckets of water to the front in the same manner.


One of them even dropped a bucket on the floor.

“Are you kidding? “Why don’t you pick it up quickly?”

“I will correct it!”

There is a commotion. Flames illuminated the faces of the soldiers.

The supply company commander stamped his feet.

The fire in the tent is not important.

If it were moved to the side, there wouldn’t be such a fuss.

To him, the problem of the fire spreading was bigger than the death of a few people inside.

As the fire began to subside little by little with the delivery of the bucket, the supply company commander inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Then suddenly some kind of fire.’

Is this the season when fires tend to occur?

It’s not that dry?

Fortunately, the fire did not spread sideways.

As if the fire had been waiting, it ended after burning only one tent.

“There’s someone over there!”

Meanwhile, a bright-eyed soldier shouted.

“Bring it back, I’m glad you survived.”

The supply company commander spat out words he had no intention of saying.

It was a hundred times more fortunate that the fire didn’t spread than the one they bought.

* * *

Encred laid down the freckled soldier next to the Vengeance platoon leader, who had been moved outside by the company commander.


And I shouted, and people came rushing in.

“Are you okay?”

“Suddenly there’s a fire.”

“What happened?”

Encred coughed loudly with soot on his face.

From what anyone could see, it was a person who had just escaped from a tent that was on fire.

“Me too, cluck, kek, I don’t know.”

Encred continued speaking while coughing.

The fire in the middle of the night ended up being an accident.

* * *


From afar, I heard the sound of an owl or something.

Probably towards the forest.

The fairy company commander listened to the sound, used the map in his head and his current location to get his bearings and walked.

Not far from the camp, there was a stream littered with pebbles.

Upon reaching the destination, the company commander opened his mouth.

“If it weren’t for that squad leader, it would have been dangerous.”

Just by looking around the barracks, the company commander realized the assassin’s intention.

‘Eliminate the one near the entrance and immediately eliminate the target.’

Encred was at the entrance.

Thanks to you, I survived.

If he had held out a little longer, he would have died.

He died and so did his escort.

“is it.”

Krang spoke and took a deep breath and then exhaled.

The company commander turned to see him.


It’s a simple goodbye.

The light footsteps characteristic of the fairies did not make even the slightest noise.

Her current position is the 4th Company Commander, 4th Battalion, Cyprus Division.

It was time to return to camp.

The figure of the fairy who entered the darkness quickly disappeared from sight.

Looking at this, Kraang remembered Encred’s dream.


“Seeing you makes me feel like I have a sense of how to live.”

Kraang heard Encred’s dream and responded that way.

Those weren’t empty words.

Even though Krang may deceive his opponents, he never said empty words to those who approached him sincerely.

Krang has a secret of birth.

But he didn’t like his birth or secrets.

So it was something I had avoided until now.

‘I will try to meet you too.’

I recognized Encred’s skills at a glance.

He dreams of becoming a knight.

Five out of ten people passing by will say that the dream is absurd.

The other five will be busy laughing.

Still, he dreams.

I won’t give up.

It was only a few days, but I could tell that he would not change from the way he silently clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly.

People like that don’t change easily.

“He was such a fun friend.”

A strange sense of intimacy remains. The clouds clear above Krang’s head. The moonlight began to peek out again.

He walked.

A life slightly different from before would be waiting for him.


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