Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 189

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189. This guy, let’s take a hit.

“It’s a good sword.”

Find a sword from the blacksmith.

“You do this too.”

I also received a steel plate breastplate. It was fixed with rivets only on the sides.

It was comfortable because there was nothing hanging over my shoulder, but I felt like I needed to get shoulder pads separately.

In Encred’s eyes, he saw miscellaneous iron piled up in the corner of the blacksmith shop.

There are two more blacksmith shops within Border Guard.

Among them, this one had the best workmanship.

Since the Border Guard does not have a lord-only blacksmith, all three blacksmiths had to supply weapons within the barracks.

After the battlefield was over, it was time to stock up on supplies, so we would make spears, swords, blunt weapons, etc. from miscellaneous iron.

So, to sum it up, there is a blacksmith right in front of me who is trying too hard to repair my sword even though he doesn’t have time.



He flicked a gold coin and placed a few more on top of it.

“There are a lot?”

“If you have any leftover, give your wife flowers.”

The blacksmith looked at Encred with wide eyes.

If you give it to me, I just use it, but what do you see?

Crona’s situation has been very prosperous recently. And Encred was not a person who necessarily cared about Crona.

Kreis saw this and said it was the captain’s biggest weakness.

In fact, the only person in the platoon, or rather in the company, who was sensitive to Crona was Kreis.

Even that pin did not have a clear concept of money.

Needless to say, Esther is a leopard.

‘But is it correct to view Esther as a member of the unit?’

Well, I did a good job, so what can I do?

Even though it cannot be included in the organization, leopards are also recognized as companions.

Anyway, Rem, Ragnar, Audin, Saxony.

Didn’t they all spend a lot of Crona?

I think so.

Of course, the best among them is Encred.

Whether he was receiving a reward or robbing a treasure trove, he didn’t hesitate to spend his pockets full of crona.

It was the same even after leaving the blacksmith shop.


“take it.”

A gold coin was flying in the air, and there was a rough hand snatching it up.

John was a tanner.

John was good at it. In fact, some of the peddlers who stopped by this city even came to see John.

His skill in handling leather was worthy of being called a craftsman. He has gone far beyond the level of a craftsman.

What I received from him this time was a forearm protector made of leather. It was called a bracer and was designed to protect from wrist to elbow.

Even though it was wrapped around my arm, it was soft and hard.

It was pitch black in color, and was secured by pulling a leather strap made of the same material and wrapping it around the bottom.

Traces of care are evident here and there.

The craftsmanship of the craftsman can be seen here and there. So, maybe one gold coin.

“It’s a monster leather that has been oiled three times.”

One gold coin won’t do it.

Ting, one more coin.

“It’s appropriate.”

Craftsman John always receives the right price. He was a conscientious leather craftsman.

This is why even peddlers keep coming until their threshold is exhausted.

Normally, if you hear something that sounds like a craftsman, the price of the item will skyrocket, but that wasn’t the case with John.

In any case, demon beast skin is one of the most difficult items to handle. Tanning itself required the use of special chemicals, and even that often failed.

It’s easy to get in the capital, but not so good in the outskirts.

‘Is there anyone other than me who has something like this?’

It didn’t seem like it would happen.

I also liked the sword there. The evil spirit who taught me how to use a sword has disappeared, and the vessel that contained it, a sword that could easily be called a magic sword, has now become just a piece of metal.

I really liked the soft blue color, deer skin wrapped around the handle that the blacksmith had polished with special care, and the round, hard pommel.

“Gajishu, I have some time left.”

Is it because it has been on the market for a long time?

A shoemaker I met when I opened the door to the sixth sense came up to me and gave me a pair of boots.

These boots have thicker soles than before and the instep is reinforced with hard shell.

Just looking at it, it doesn’t look like it was made with the usual care.

“I made it roughly, but why sell it?”

What is this funny sound?

“Father, just say you want to give it to me.”

Next to me, my daughter smiled and said. It’s a refreshing smile.

Encred’s hand flicked the coin again.



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It’s a gold coin.

My daughter accepted it.

“There are a lot.”

“If there’s anything left, you can use it yourself.”

Encred scattered coins and received plenty of seasoned beef jerky on the way.

I also received a couple bottles of wine. It didn’t taste bad.

But why are you giving me charcoal?

“It’s good charcoal.”

Where should I use this, should I use it for charcoal grilling?

Anyway, they are fun people.

Is this the power of Gilpin Guild? It seemed as if many of the dark and stained parts of the city had been erased.

Of course, there are some that cannot be erased.


“Commoner, go away.”

He’s such an aristocratic bastard.

He is a noble accompanied by a bodyguard whom he meets on the road.

He looked at Encred, and raised the corners of his mouth with determination. It’s ridicule.

“To be a company commander, that’s absurd. “I don’t know what they did to Marcus, but it was a mistake.”

Hmm, if it were Rem, the moment you said that, I think I would immediately cut your head in half with an axe.

No, it looks like he’s going to start throwing his fists at ‘Get Out’.

I just hoped that he wouldn’t say something like that to Rem.

It looks like he made friends with a ghoul somewhere. The eyes are slitted and the lips are thin. It’s the kind of face that has lived a mean life.

Impressions may not prove everything, but it seemed like this cub would have a similar life as he did. In fact, there were rumors like that.

‘If it were Ruagarne, she would look horrified.’

Frocks are based on appearance. It also has a human appearance.

Isn’t this a truly unique species?

Did you say that such a frock falls in love with you?


The nobleman passed by with an escort behind him. He headed toward the gate, wondering if he had anything to do in the market.

He was originally a guy who hated himself. He had nothing to worry about. So, Encred was calm.

Instead, the fruit vendor muttered next to him.

“You unlucky bastard. “He’s a shitty guy.”

Wow, that’s a creative swear word.

But what was that bastard’s name?

I’ve heard it before, but there’s no need to know.

All you have to do is avoid running into Rem.

“What is the assaulter going to do?”

Encred returned to his unit muttering to himself.

Rem blurted out something unexpected.

“Where can you find someone like Andrew?”


“I’ve lost a lot of taste these days.”

This is dangerous, and it was a sign of Rem’s frustration.


It was time to quickly put out the fire. It was a pretty rough sparring. So much so that he uses the heart of superpower at will.

“You use a good bracer.”

Rem recognized the changed equipment. I also have good eyesight.

“Does it seem like a sword is not an ordinary object?”

“I came and picked it up.”

By the end of the evening after the sparring with that conversation, my whole body ached.

Have you ever pushed yourself like this while sparring recently?

Anyway, thanks to that, Rem’s frustration was moderately relieved.

“I think I’ll sleep well today.”

He acted as if he was worried uncharacteristically about becoming a knight or not, but now he is fine.

“Okay, sleep well.”

In the evening, Audin finished praying as usual and called Encred.

“Brother, company commander.”


“Would you like to go out on patrol tonight?”

The bear smiles as he says this. Although it is large, it is a smile that seems gentle. Looking at it this way, it seems that if Audin decides to beat up women, he will do quite a bit.

I could understand why Kreis wanted to come to my salon.

“How about becoming a night priest?”

Kreis used to nudge me with words like that.

Still, Audin just laughed. He didn’t even answer, saying he wasn’t worth dealing with.

Anyway, it seemed like Audin had something to say. Otherwise, it could literally mean going for a walk at night.


Since I was already excluded from all duties as an independent company and all, I was noticed in the barracks.

So this patrol was accidental and was more like a walk.

Audin had something to say, a night patrol was a good excuse, and Encred was also thinking of doing something similar for duty at least once.

“There is a saying in the temple that a day of doing well is more important than a day of overdoing things. What this means is… … .”

It’s a sermon. Usual sermon.

Sometimes, even though Audin talked a lot, it was too much. Especially when it comes to sermons and temples.

Is the pin okay despite this?

“What about Finn?”

I said I was aiming for it.

“I’m trying to convert you, sister.”

Are you saying that you are instilling religious views in the person you are trying to destroy? She fits in well because she’s Auddin, but that would be quite prideful for a woman.

Aside from that, Finn had a bright face every day.

“The point is this. It is better to push your body to an appropriate level rather than overdoing it. “Brother, company commander.”

You clearly remember and talk about the change in position.

Encred nodded at Audin’s words. I understand. He’s been rolling his body lately as if he’s being chased.

What can I say?

‘It feels like I’m going to get caught, but I don’t feel like I’m going to get caught.’

Swing a sword and use the heart of might.

During the whole process, when I thought it would be nice to go one step further, I didn’t even know that something similar to impatience arose.

Just because I didn’t know frustration and despair didn’t stop me from getting anxious. That doesn’t mean I really decided to do it, but depending on how I put my mind to it, my actions and attitude change. Because of this, your perspective on the world changes.

It was a good lesson.

“I guess so.”

“I did.”

Just a few words, if you think it’s appropriate, immediately acknowledge and agree. This was Encred’s biggest advantage.


‘I guess I lost my conscience. ‘I can’t believe you said that.’

Technique of Isolation Who said that breaking your limits every day is your job, making excuses?

“It’s not too much to do when I’m watching, it’s just the right level.”

I spoke with my eyes, and Audin answered with my mouth.

“I feel like my eyes are being read very well lately.”

“You make it so easy.”

Sigh, Encred smiles.

Auddin also laughed.

As I walked on patrol above the gallery, several soldiers I knew showed military courtesy.

“It’s just an irregular patrol. don’t mind.”

The city is peaceful. It was safe. No matter what happens around them, these walls will protect them.

‘Did I tell you to love the city?’

With my back to the moonlight, I looked at the city immersed in darkness. Above the gallery, the city lay beneath one’s feet.

The sound of insects on a summer night irritated my ears.

‘I don’t know about love.’

At least I won’t just watch them die before my eyes.

Protect the weak.

This is the first word that comes up when discussing chivalry.

Some people say it’s an excuse to wield the power of a knight.

‘Even if you have power, if you don’t use it properly, it’s just a mess.’

Encred’s dream was not a fool’s dream. The moonlight warmed him. He does not believe that he can become a knight overnight.

There is still a long way left to walk.

There is Will. She thinks she still has more to learn.

Before that, I needed time to properly digest what I had now.

Just because I learned new swordsmanship, I don’t neglect my previous skills.

‘There is still room for training.’

Encred should have made that decision himself.

I was drunk in the moonlight and lost in thought. Encred’s ears perked up.

“There is something.”

Audin also reacted. After that. There was a strong odor in the air, and something came up on the castle wall.


It is the howl of a wild beast, no, a demonic beast. It contains the power to shake people’s hearts.

“Uh, uh.”

The soldier standing right in front of him froze as he heard the demonic beast’s cries.

This was before Encred could even move.

As soon as I heard the cry, there was a bear running across the moonlight. A talented and very fast bear.

It’s Audin.


The opponent was Manticore. It is a high-level demon beast that resembles a scorpion’s tail and the head and body of a lion, or rather, it is a monster called both a monster and a demon beast.

Just by crying, you tie the other person up.

If you brush against a scorpion’s tail, you will be immediately addicted and will make you move to the next world.

This is a guy who tells you not to fight even with a decent amount of company power.

Not all magical beasts were the same.

Because the manticore is a monster that cannot be compared to hyena beasts.

Such a monster, a truly terrifying monster, to the eyes of an ordinary soldier, it was nothing short of a nightmare.

“Meow, if you make that much noise at night, people will wake up.”

Seeing Audin gently soothing such a monster, it seemed as if the manticore had fallen vertically to the level of a wild cat.

As soon as I saw Audin, I saw the Manticore lowering its posture.

Auddin stood in a comfortable position and raised both hands in front of him. Only half of his palm was visible, his thumb pointing towards him.

In the meantime, Encred grabbed the neck of the stiffened soldier and pulled him.

“Take a deep breath, exhale and move. “Slowly apply pressure starting from the tips of your fingers.”

“Uh, yes!”

When you become a manticore, even your cries contain the power to put pressure on the other person. Encred recited how to solve it.

One of the soldiers standing guard above the gallery held a whistle. It was on fire right away.

“wait for a sec.”

Since he didn’t want to make noise and become a target for the manticore, Encred stopped him again with his eyes.

Even with his frozen body, the soldier was faithful to Encred’s orders.


Encred is holding back the soldier on the gallery.

The manticore moved. Running through the moonlight, swinging her front paws. It was fast. It was indeed a high-level magic beast.

I lightly hit the ground, but a blurry afterimage remains. Encred’s eyes followed it all.

Audin, who became the target, narrowly dodged the front step and stretched out his left fist.


Encred was inwardly impressed. It is a counter following a perfect evasion.

It was similar to some of the sword techniques I learned this time.

“All you have to do is take your foot out, pull the opponent into your arms, then turn your body to secure space and hit them. “It is possible if you predict the opponent’s attack.”

Ruagarne’s teachings came to mind, and Audin’s punches and movements overlapped with them.

Audin’s fist pierced the manticore’s bamboo pole.


The sound of hitting leather drums resonates refreshingly.

The one who fell to the floor was pushed to the side.


The beaten demon cried out in pain.

“This guy, let’s get him hit.”

After that, Audin became a teacher who scolded the child.

The only thing is that the opponent is a high-level magic beast that eats up the company.

The rest was like daily life mixed with admonitions and sermons.


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