Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 188

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188. Manticore and Bear

“Even if we are a group of thieves, we cannot ignore the power of the Black Knife group. If you attract them, Martai will curl his tail and retreat.”

Martai is the name of a city in Naurilia that has a difficult history.

Sometimes it was a city belonging to the Eastern Mercenary King, and sometimes it became Naurilia’s territory.

Thanks to this, it was also a city where two peoples were mixed, and is currently the city of Naurilia and a territory ruled by a self-proclaimed general.

Half of it was Naurilia, but half of it was an eastern city.

And Martai had just declared that he would declare war on the Border Guard and launch something similar.

So this is what comes out.

The guy speaking was one of the Border Guard nobles.

There were several nobles in the Border Guard. Even though their power was worse than that of the central nobles, they were not people who could be ignored.

The Border Guard were people who had secured great influence in the city.

For example, the guy in front of me was one of those noble brats.

What was your name?

Marcus didn’t even remember the other person’s name.

‘The guy who got the gold coins from the black sword and ate them up.’

I just remembered it like this.

I thought he was a member of the Black Knife Bandits.

I felt like I wanted to cut it down. I want to cut off all the branches right away and tell them not to know about me.

The fairy company commander may be a subordinate to the outside world, but he is not like a subordinate.

It feels like no matter what you do, you have to pay a price.

Marcus valued his intuition.

For one reason or another, I couldn’t cut down the guy in front of me with a single sword.

In the first place, Marcus wasn’t that kind of idiot. He is not the type of person who solves everything with a sword.

Above all, it didn’t seem like it would be that difficult to kill if you were a little more clever.

Because narrow-minded bastards are inherently easy to catch.

“Martai’s advance is a pain, but it can be done by focusing on defense.”

Marcus said clearly. The black sword nobleman pouted his lips and then put them back.

If I had said anything more here, I probably wouldn’t have been able to stand it anymore and would have been in pain.

‘I wouldn’t go that far, though.’

But it may give you that feeling. Isn’t Marcus’ nickname externally ‘war monger’?

It’s an image and a nickname created for that purpose.

Marcus looked at the other person with an expressionless expression. In some ways he was glaring, in other ways he was just staring, but the effect was clear.

The warmonger’s bloody yet indifferent eyes silenced the nobleman.

After I told him to shut up like that.

“What’s next on the agenda?”

It was a regular meeting. Border Guard is a military city and fortress city.

Just because Azpen was pushed out right now didn’t mean there wasn’t anything to do.

Even just in the southern part of the country, there is news that a fairly large group of monsters is coming up as a result of some nobles not properly dealing with monsters and ‘pulling them up’.

If you leave that group of monsters alone, it will be a problem. This is a problem that needs to be dealt with.

It was, to say the least, a truly outrageous thing that the southern monster Jundong could even affect the northern Border Guard.

‘Well, they are bastards.’

Anyway, the nobles are rotten. They are only interested in their own land and property.

This is why people say that the country is falling apart.

He’s the same as that noble kid who doesn’t even know his name. I really didn’t want to see it.

If you only think about these things, your life will be short-lived.

Therefore, Marcus deliberately changed his mind.

The thoughts that followed reached Encred. The noble guy is the one who doesn’t even want to remember his name, but this one is the one who can’t forget his name.

‘Are you going to jump into the gnoll army to save the pioneer village?’

Keya, this is a story that just makes you wonder.

He cuts down a thousand gnolls alone.

It may have been an exaggeration to some extent, but it was clear that his skills had improved. This is a fact that the 4th company commander also confirmed.

“If it were a real fight, no one would be able to easily guarantee victory.”

Marcus Mann had a vague idea of ​​the fairy company commander’s skills.

She is far superior to any famous warrior. She proved that with her performance on the battlefield.

Encred is recognized by such a fairy.

‘Originally, I said he was an ignorant trainer with poor skills.’

The saying went around that he was a lucky soldier.

That’s nonsense, it’s not luck, it’s skill.

He also has a lot of personality.

Even if it is not visible on the outside, you can tell by his attitude and the results of his actions.

Above all, the image of Encred when he spoke of his dream remained engraved in Marcus’s mind.

A battlefield, a sword, and something shiny.

Can he really become a knight?

Marcus, who had seen many people over the years, was able to speak clearly rationally.

That’s impossible.

However, if I were to ask you to say what you felt after seeing Encred in person.

‘I don’t know if it can work, but I hope it works.’

It’s the same even if it’s day and night.


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It’s the same even if the weather changes.

He was consistent. Every day was the same. Live a year like today. He is that kind of person. I suddenly felt like I wanted to help with that step.

A soft smile appeared on Marcus’ face at that thought.

The black sword noble who was watching this suddenly blurted out another word.

“I think it is unreasonable to immediately appoint a company commander without proper organization. In reality, even if it was a mission to prove oneself, many people say that it is exaggerated… … ..”

It was a matter of Encred’s appointment. At those words, Marcus’s brows, which had been pretending to be indifferent and cruel until now, gathered together. The corners of the lips lowered. He frowned.

“Up to that point, it’s my decision. “If you don’t like it, you can be the battalion commander.”

Even if he refused the offer to bring in a black knife, he still had room to stab, but when the name Encred came up, he was merciless.

It is clear that they will not listen to any objections or opinions.

He was truly determined to cut down anyone who rebelled against him.

The Black Sword Noble was the most unlucky.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t kill Marcus.

‘f*ck you bastard.’

All the arrows were aimed at Encred.

If you receive cheers, trust, and love from someone.

On the contrary, it could cause hatred to some people.

This was the case with the Black Sword Nobles, one of the core power groups in the Border Guard.

He hated Encred. I hated him so much that he even wanted to kill me right away.

After the meeting was over and all the nobles left.

The fairy company commander looked at Marcus blankly and said.

“Who gave you the nickname warmonger?”

The fairy was quick to notice, and Marcus didn’t bother to deny it.


“You’re clever.”

“I take it as a compliment.”

It was literally like that. Marcus was not a person who actually loved the battlefield or was crazy about fighting.

They just made it look like that to the outside world.


It was an excuse not to be heavily involved in central politics, and it was also good to catch the enemy off guard.

In reality, Marcus was not particularly talented at waging war.

Although he knew how to send troops to fight at the right time, his real specialty was something other than war.

For example, the sense of taste to find a good tea.

“Well, aren’t you telling me that joke?”

The conversation between Encred and the fairy company commander was famous within the barracks. That’s what came to mind when I said it.

“Because I hate jokes.”

The fairy company commander said that and turned around to leave.

Marcus thought carefully about the true meaning of those words and then burst into laughter.

“Won, it’s difficult. “Fairy jokes.”

It must be a fairy joke. It was obvious. That fairy loves jokes.

* * *

The name of the Black Sword nobleman was Bansento.

Bansento grew up in a place called the monster border area.

It was a place where the devil’s influence was great, and food was always in short supply.

So, for Bansento as a child, everything was taken away, not bought. That was natural to him.

A person’s life was like a loaf of bread. No, sometimes bread was worth more.

Bansento, who survived a cruel childhood, somehow found his way into the city.

Due to luck, I was able to build a small business.

There were knives, blood, fists, and threats as the top band grew, but there were no major problems.

It must have been around that time when the black sword and kite touched.

Their power was enormous, and it served as a strong support for Bansento as it grew.

After living like that for ten years, the owner of the merchant sold the merchant and spent a lot of money to become a nobleman.

Just like in childhood, it is a life achieved by taking and stealing what you want.

Bansento’s current goal was a city called Border Guard.

To be precise, this place was swallowed up using the power of the black sword.

Since it was not a noble blood title passed down from generation to generation, but a title purchased with gold coins, it was clear that there were limits that would be difficult to overcome.

Therefore, Bansento wanted to have something greater than a title.

For example, a city.

That was the future Bansento dreamed of.

He took over the city in a land ruled by a black sword.

It would be nice to become the mayor and lord of this place.

‘Then we’ll have to catch that fairy bitch first.’

Every time I saw the fairy called the 4th Company Commander, I felt delicious.

“Shall I kill that bastard named Marcus, or should I kill that Thunder-naked bastard?”

“No Marcus.”

If he dies here, the central government will take notice. That’s something I don’t want.

“Just weed out the guy named Encred.”

The member and guard of the Black Sword nodded at Bansento’s words.

Strangely enough, the guy who stepped in as an escort was a car that Encred didn’t want to see.

‘Sucking someone who has nothing.’

It’s a common trick. Sparring? That’s possible if you work hand in hand with the platoon members.

The stories I heard here and there were extremely flimsy.

A thousand gnolls? It’s funny, what kind of quasi-knight am I? Does that mean you can become a knight?

I’ve actually seen his skills before. Not recently, but I saw him training in the barracks a few months ago.

‘It’s useful, but.’

It’s worse than yourself. So I decided. By nature, narrow-minded people judge only what they see to be true.

In the meantime, Encred had changed incredibly, but he didn’t even bother to look at it. He decided that he was simply a bastard and ended his thoughts there.

‘Of course, those platoon members.’

amazing. fairly.

They are two guys that would be difficult to deal with alone.

Why would a person of that level of skill be a damn thing in a fortress city on the border?

Anyway, the plan was going smoothly.

The kingdom of the black sword would begin here.

It starts small, but it will grow bigger.

Thus, Naurilia will disappear, and a new Kingdom of the Black Sword will be created.

The guard warrior and member of the Black Sword flew a dove in his own dream.

The pigeon that flew away would deliver news.

A black knife will not waste a person’s time even when removing an unsightly stone.

They were like that.

Of course, other purposes would be greater than killing one person.

* * *

The Black Knife Bandits sent ten warriors through a contact from inside the city.

They were all of great skill.

For example, the leader who led them was once one of the most famous men in the mercenary world.

She is a beast named Dunvakel. Despite her beautiful appearance, the scimitar she uses is light and destructive.

That made her a city-level powerhouse.

It is often said that this skill is enough to make a city famous.

The other nine who came with him were also similar to Dunbakhel.

“Put pressure on me? You mean to scare me, right? “Sure.”

Dunbakhel nodded. He gets paid, so he does the work.

It was just before entering the border guard.

Dunbakhel’s nose twitched. A pungent yet sour scent, plus a dull rotten smell.

It is the smell of a demonic beast or monster.

There was also a human scent mixed in there.

Pack and Dunbakel’s head turned.

There I saw a man covered in a black robe.

Next to it, there was a demonic beast with evil eyes shining.

“What is it, you?”

Dunbakhel immediately entered a battle stance.

The opponent was the same.

Among them, a member of the quick-witted Black Knife Bandits spoke as he sensed the atmosphere.

“I don’t think it’s our business.”

Coincidentally, both of them were targeting the Border Guard.

What if one side is the Black Knife Bandits?

The other was an assassin sent by the Holy Land Church of Demonic Lords.

They have already sent people skilled in assassination several times, but the news has been lost each time.

It meant that something was happening in that city.

I was about to set out to check and cause some trouble in that unsophisticated city.

“Where are you?”

The cultist asked. A monk or someone who uses social skills. He was difficult to mess with.

The answer came from a quick-witted subordinate.

“Black knife.”

“What is the purpose?”

When Dunbakeel, who could not understand the cultist’s question, felt uncomfortable and tried to rush at him, a subordinate grabbed his arm from behind.


Dunbakhel asked with his eyes. If you’re an ordinary cultist, shouldn’t you just cut off his head?

It’s someone I don’t like. His subordinate shook his head.

She tried to shake off her arm but held back.

Because he was in a position similar to that of a mercenary.

Even though he is a leader, it is only a position he obtained through military force.

The subordinate standing behind rolled his eyes and said.

“It could actually be a good opportunity.”

“do it yourself.”

Dunbakhel was cynical. The attitude is that it is none of your business. He crossed his arms and looked away.

As Dunbakeel left it alone, a brisk transaction took place in front between the cultists and the black knife thieves.

“Then, let’s take advantage of each other.”

“The purpose is clear.”

We decided to be cautious but move with the same purpose.

“I’ll start.”

The cultist said with a twisted smile. He reached out his hand and stroked his demon beast’s hair.


The howl was like a hellhound from hell.

Wouldn’t it be safe to say that it is actually similar to that?

It is a magical beast that gives people chills just by looking at it.

It has three layers of sharp teeth and a tail like that of a scorpion, and its body and head resemble those of a lion.

Its eyes were slit-yellow, and each of its claws looked like well-sharpened knives.

Manticore was a high-level monster that was said to be capable of chewing through an entire company when it appeared.

“Go, enjoy your feast.”

The manticore ran at the cultist’s words. Its feet were frighteningly fast, and the guy who hit the floor climbed up the castle wall.

Without even having to cross the gate, I crossed the castle wall. He wasn’t a high-level magician for nothing.


A cry that terrifies the opponent, a manticore in the moonlight, and in front of it.


Dunvakel narrowed his eyes.

It seemed like there was some sort of bear in front of the manticore.

It was far away, and I couldn’t see it clearly just by looking at it by moonlight.

Still, it was clear that something was there.

Even though he suffered a lot, he is a Naurilia nobleman on the outside.

So, if you cut this guy down, it would be the crime of murdering a noble. At least not in front of others.

‘It’s better to kill them secretly.’

Of course, it won’t be easy.

At first glance, the guy who was labeled as a noble’s bodyguard seemed to have formidable skills.

‘Let’s try to persuade the 4th company commander.’

Aren’t fairies born assassins?

With that sensitivity and stealth, wouldn’t it be possible to cut off every single part of a guy like that?

‘But it’s still a burden.’


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