Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 185

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185. Are you kidding me?

The system of cults was similar to that of ordinary temples.

It consisted of the Pope, followed by cardinals, bishops, priests, and believers.

Sometimes there were people called monks between priests and believers.

Usually, when referring to a high priest or high-ranking priest, it means someone higher than a bishop.

The blond man was the bishop.

Externally, he had a different status, but he was a bishop whose status was not low at all, that is, he was a man who grew into a very strong tree among the seeds sown by a cultist.

“Are you saying we failed because of just one platoon leader?”


The bishop frowned at the junior priest’s words. His handsome face was distorted hideously.


Will the Nol colony collapse because of the platoon leader?

“It’s not like a member of the Knights Templar came forward and did something?”


“Well, that doesn’t make sense.”

The bishop said and I shook my head.

Can the Kingdom of Naurilia have the capacity to send knights or troops here now?

It was an unthinkable sound.

There is a lot of work to be done right now. No, there were many things that could not be resolved.

There are thieves called Black Swords roaming throughout the kingdom’s territory.

To the west is a plundered city built by settlers.

To the east, a country ruled by human butchers frequently makes provocations.

It was fortunate that it ended here, but other problems arose from all directions, as if a flood had exploded.

‘For example, a power struggle between nobles and royalty.’

Well, if you think about it, it could be said that it was all caused by the royalist and aristocratic factions being divided against each other.

The power of the kingdom was broken.

Thanks to that, other guys started poking their heads in to see if there was anything to eat.

It seemed like Azpen, who was fighting in the north, had been dealt a blow this time.

‘Wasn’t that too much?’

That was the bishop’s judgment. He withdrew some of his troops stationed in the south and west and attacked Azfen. Yes, this couldn’t be helped either.

If we had left it there, the entire Green Pearl Plain above would have been taken over.

However, in the bishop’s judgment, he thought he could just stop it and maintain the status quo, but Naurilia won a major victory.

In any case, it was because they used their power to stop Azpen.

When their hands were short, they also sneaked in from the western plunder city.

Hasn’t the human butcher kingdom in the southeast also taken strides?

What about the Black Knife Bandits? Should they just watch?

Also, since they are unable to stop the rampage of monsters located in the southern part of the kingdom, darkness is casting over the southern region, right?

I also heard that refugees were lining up.

But will it be the end if Azpen steps down?

‘What about the protests between the remaining cities?’

If Azpen withdraws, what will be left?

Green pearl remains. Moreover, there will remain trade routes in all directions.

Afterwards, everyone will look at the size of each other’s bread and struggle to steal it.

The kingdom that is supposed to mediate is so weak that there is no point in trying to stop it.

‘It’s better not to fail.’

Since this is a kingdom like this, the bishop was also here.

There are a lot of gaps and a lot to eat. There are many rotten places.

How can we ignore such a delicious piece of meat?

The Magyeong Holy Land Church was not established for no reason.

What about the materials and capital that have been poured into this area?

This place was enough to become a new magic world. It could become a sacred place.

I was devastated that one of those preparations was ruined.

‘Just because of one platoon leader?’

How much did Crona cost to prepare this?

It wasn’t worth a few gold coins. Moreover, what about the armament given to the gnoll?

The Crona invested by the cult became the responsibility of the pioneer village. In return, Encred received some financial compensation.

To be exact, I received it through Kreis as he relayed it.

The bishop couldn’t have known that far.

It was just unpleasant.

What should I do? After a short period of contemplation,

Isn’t he barely a platoon leader?

Did you get lucky?

In fact, there was no one who watched Encred’s fight from this side.

There were a few surviving monsters, but the gnolls had nothing to say.

You’ll get lucky. If you think about it, it made sense.

The barrier was strong, and the believer who infiltrated first must have accidentally gotten caught, and later, while trying to clear it up, the priest’s identity was discovered.

Also, by chance, preparations had been made in advance at the level of a siege.

… … But aren’t there too many coincidences?


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He must have had some level of skill.

However, the bottom line is luck.


‘Just because he’s lucky, will that luck last?’

That won’t be it.

“Send a prisoner who is good at assassination.”

If there is a problem, just temper it and that’s what the bishop did.

Of course, he never heard the news of Encred’s assassination.

The bishop did not even listen to the news.

I was just preparing for the next one.

If you were a member of the kingdom, what would be the biggest problem?

It will not be a black sword, a monster’s attack, or a surrounding country like a flock of wolves.

Their biggest problem will be cultists.

And among those they call a cult, you are the backbone of this area.

The bishop prepared the following: I quickly forgot about Encred’s existence.

Sometimes, guys come along who do great things like that. Sometimes it was just a soldier, but it was all just a temporary thing.

You survived among a thousand monsters? Let’s say heavenly luck favored you. So, what next? What if a similar crisis comes? He was going to die anyway.

So I ignored it.

* * *

The border guard was still there. Nothing had changed from before.

“Are you here?”

No, something has changed.

It’s different from before, it’s an attitude.

The soldier’s attitude towards Encred himself completely changed.

A soldier on duty at the outer gate showed military courtesy.


I nodded roughly and saw a familiar face.

“Have you come to pick me up?”

He was a fairy company commander. She responded to Encred’s joke with a polite tone.

“My lord is coming, so you should come. “I don’t want my fiancé to be cut off in one place, so if he gets cut off in an especially important part, wouldn’t I have to give up one of the joys of my life from now on?”

Isn’t the level of joke a bit high? While Encred was thinking this, the fairy company commander continued without a trace of laughter.

“I can’t hug you if you don’t have arms, but seeing that both arms are fine, I think it’s okay.”

The speaking fairy’s eyes scanned Encred’s whole body. Do you think something has changed?

The fairy’s senses were keen.

“I have to go to the battalion commander to report it.”


At Encred’s words, the fairy nodded and went on her way. He appeared to be on his way out to run errands.

So it wasn’t until we met. It’s a coincidence.

Encred showed a military courtesy to the departing fairy and turned around. It seemed obvious that he had some business to attend to as he swished away.

‘As expected, a coincidence.’

Could it be that he really came to meet me?

I am not a person who has nothing to do, but do I have the ability to do so?

As we enter the city, Esther disappears.

“Should I go too?”


I sent Kreis and only Finn accompanied me.

Finn was lost in thought in silence, then suddenly opened his mouth. The tone of his speech was strangely powerful.

“I have decided.”

“… … what?”

“Giving up is giving up.”

… … Are you still aiming?

“I will aim at Audin instead.”

Finn’s eyes lit up. Encred shook his head inwardly.

Even if it’s you, it’s Audin.

They are not just obsessed with religion, they use divinity. What does that mean? He is a priest.

Of course, being a priest doesn’t mean he doesn’t marry a priest or doesn’t embrace a woman.

‘That Auddin?’

That gomtaengi will surely embrace a woman.

Encred just nodded silently.

“The demonic platoon leader is out of my range.”

Finn mumbled nonsense and went on his way.

“Weren’t we going together to report?”

I guess not. Encred, who was left alone, headed to Marcus’ office.

I went inside and showed military courtesy. Marcus watched silently and then opened his mouth.

“I have already been contacted. However, there were conflicting opinions.”

Conflicting opinions?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

What you don’t know is what you don’t know. Pointless predictions only create useless words.

I heard that there was a contact from the pioneer village.

Marcus clenched his chin.

“In the pioneer village, they said they would name the castle wall after you, and that they cut down a thousand gnolls and all that.”

Are you really going to put your name on the castle wall?

I wondered if they would do something like that officially, but the village head, Deutsche Pullman, and the craftsman were sincere.

It was clear that it was mentioned in an official report.

They were all crazy people.

“And the other one is the commander of Viscount Bantra’s army. I think I cut down about 50 gnolls, but they told me to be careful not to boast about exaggerated achievements. Now, let’s ask our platoon leader, which is the truth?”

Encred answered immediately.

“You can believe what you want to believe.”

Do you believe something just because you tell it to believe it?

Do your words and tongue have that weight?

The other person is the battalion commander and the commander who represents the city. Then you probably already know the answer.

Above all, he was already speaking with his eyes. Even though her face was dull and slightly tired, her eyes were smiling.

“is it?”

“Yes, it is.”

Marcus looked closely at Encred, who answered calmly. Where did this guy come from?

“Still a knight?”



What do you want to say?

“I saw a cultist.”

In any case, the core contents must be reported. The pioneer village was not far from the Border Guard, and the appearance of cultists was a sensitive issue.

“They’re bastards.”

After expressing his point of view, Marcus relaxed his chin and took a sip of tea.

The cold tea went down my throat.

‘A thousand gnolls.’

I didn’t cut it all at once alone. Wouldn’t that be difficult work even for a semi-engineer?

It wasn’t exact, but that was Marcus’ judgment. In any case, the majesty of Encred cannot be ignored. At first, I heard the words about Viscount Bantra and the like with only one ear and let them go.

Marcus knows Encred.

Of course, it may be hard to believe that a large colony was literally cut up.

In fact, he must have accumulated achievements equivalent to that.

Even Marcus wouldn’t have thought this if he had seen it in person, but it was actually a story that would be hard for anyone to believe.

That’s what Encred did.

This wasn’t because the commander of Viscount Bantra was an asshole – he was half an asshole – but it was something that was really hard to believe.

It would be correct to say that all the village residents were intoxicated with the joy of surviving the crossroads of life and death.

Marcus spoke after thinking about this and that.

“Do you love this city?”

“I don’t hate it.”

“Do you have a lover?”

“doesn’t exist.”


“I like women.”

Conversation with a quick-witted person is comfortable and easy. Marcus nodded his head and said.

“As of now, the independent platoon has been promoted to a company. “Now you are a company commander.”

“… … “Is that correct?”

I have completed an external mission. It would not be a small matter if the work was properly recognized. That’s right.

But didn’t you say there were conflicting reports?

That’s why you’re a company commander.

“My platoon members are out of temperature.”

“Now it’s the company.”

What company has less than ten soldiers?

“Does that make sense?”

“I am in charge of this city. “It makes sense if I do it.”

It seems far-fetched.

“Are you cursing your superiors with your eyes?”


Still, it seems far-fetched.

“It’s not far-fetched.”

This is what the battalion commander says. What can I do? As for Encred, he just nodded.

After finishing the report and showing military courtesy, he turned around.

“I hope you love this city.”

“I’ll try my best.”

It’s like a model soldier. After saying that, I turned around and headed back to the original barracks.

“Can you come?”

What can I say about this?

‘I don’t think I would feel this way even if I went to the village where I was originally born.’

It was literally like that. It felt like returning home. Rem was watching, holding the axe as always. The subtle hope in those eyes encouraged Encred.

These eyes will not tolerate even a moment of rest.

Well, there was a time when he rested as soon as he came.

The journey was peaceful. I got enough rest on the way there.

Encred’s eyes turned to Rem’s face.

The scratches on Rem’s face before leaving disappeared without a trace. A goal comes to mind again.


Encred’s mouth suddenly opened. With the pounding of the heart. The corners of Rem’s mouth rose. She literally smiled brightly.

“Where have you improved your skills? They say you cut down hundreds of monsters? I heard she was flying around. Let’s take a look. “Where and how much fun did you have?”

Rem said, holding the ax in both hands and taking a step forward.

Encred had a strange feeling.

Before, before a fight, I didn’t understand what that single step meant. No, I didn’t understand.

But now I know.

Take a half step forward with your right foot, and the first ax strike is to the left.

The center of gravity, the movement for the next move, it all seemed natural to Lem. He didn’t even try to hide his intentions.

Rem narrowed her eyes and looked at Encred, not knowing if Encred was seeing that.

“Isn’t this a little strange?”

Encred felt that he was not in front of the barracks he always saw.

Before Rem could reply, Ragna and the rest of the group came out one by one.

There were no soldiers around.

No, now that I think about it, something like a training ground was created.

Right in front of the barracks. The perimeter was opened up and a low fence was built.

“I heard that the company commander built a training hall just for us?”

These are the words of Kreis, who had arrived in advance. He was quick-witted and read Encred’s intentions.


“I took care of them, and the company commander said that they were interfering with the training of other soldiers.”

Without losing any momentum, Rem pointed backwards with his thumb and said. It’s a calm tone of voice. What kind of algebra is that?

“No matter how barbarian you are, you cannot kill your own soldiers in the barracks. I told you to do it here.”

Ragna speaks behind him.

“I think it’s because it’s noisy. Because these are making a fuss. “Not me.”

Saxony also glanced at the audience, pointed with his hand, and said something.

“haha. “The brothers seemed to be having a lot of fun hanging out together, so I guess it’s because they were concerned about whether other soldier brothers would also hang out.”

Audin also said: He saw that everyone was eagerly opening their mouths, and it seemed like they were welcoming him.

As for the parade ground, there was absolutely no way the real reason was what they said.

So this was kind of a joke. From starting out as a squad of troublemakers to becoming a platoon of crazy people, the kind of jokes they make now that they know each other to a certain extent.

“Are you kidding me?”

Rem frowned at Encred’s words.

“Do I look like someone who beats up the kids around me when I’m bored?”

“… … You are the first person to shut me up like this recently. “Rem.”

What are you talking about every day?

Rem was half-mortified. Not this time.

I didn’t lose. Since I was so absorbed in sparring, I just cleaned up the clutter around me.

“Do you really believe that I beat him?”

Rem rolled her eyes.


“f*ck, correct answer.”

Rem chuckled. That was the signal. After laughing, my feet gain strength. The direction of the center of gravity is the direction of attack.

Swordsmanship is a collection of techniques for killing people.

It’s a path I’ve been honing and honing.


The ax and the sword meet. The roar of iron rang out. Although it was a dull sword with no sharp edge, its sturdiness was greater than any sword I had ever held before.

It was called a magic sword, but now it is just a strong sword, or rather, it is at the level of a famous sword.

Encred quickly mastered the new sword.


As soon as I came back, I was going to face this axe.

Swords and axes cross and a fight ensues.

In addition, Encred’s reflex speed had changed significantly compared to before, and his blade was curved like a snake.

It was one of the secret techniques of swordsmanship using wrist snaps.


As the blade bounced off the ax blade and went up, Rem tilted his head back.

Then he raised the blade of his ax and swung it briefly as if cutting it off.

Encred also tilted his head to the side.

Pick pick.

That’s how scratches appeared on each other’s cheeks.

Rem narrowed her eyes and snorted.

I was surprised, but I put other things before that right now. It’s speculation, it’s momentum.

Rem’s excited eyes sparkled.

He immediately stuck out his tongue and licked a drop of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and then said:

“f*ck, I’m surprised.”

Those words were sincere.

And the eyes of the rest of the people watching widened.

Encred and Rem exchanged swords and axes, and Encred was not easily pushed back.

It was a growth trend that could not have been surprising. No, it would be nice to say that it was a surprise to heaven and earth.

That talentless writer came back changed like this? Everyone’s eyes vomited those words.


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