Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 184

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184. Liberation

If only I could endure pseudo-death, which is similar to death but much easier than dying, if only I could, if only I could.

There was a living textbook. It also shows each movement in detail right in front of your eyes.

This was a good thing. Whether it’s a magic sword or an evil spirit, it’s good, at least for Encred.

“Think about why you pull your left foot to the side.”

There was also a teacher who carefully interpreted the textbook.

So, this was very natural.

Encred learned his sword skills like a wet cotton ball absorbing water. No, it is engraved in the body and understanding is behind it.

I learned this by developing a sense of avoidance.

‘Do I need to understand?’

If you don’t understand, just try your hand at it. All you had to do was repeat it, engrave it in your body, and put off understanding it.

“You are crazy no matter how you look at it.”

In the middle, Ruagarne spoke with admiration. Encred sighed.

It was because I immediately fell in love with swordsmanship.

In fact, it was extremely enjoyable.

What was the original reason for learning the Valenc mercenary sword?

It was a thirst that started from within.

I wanted proper technique and proper swordsmanship. A foundation that gives you the strength to move forward.

“Start with the basics!”

This was what every teacher, every instructor, and everyone who lost their silver coins said.

It wasn’t that it was bad or that I didn’t like it.



As any human being should, I just want to see what happens next.

Encred laughed as he held his sword again. It’s a smile. A bright smile, an extremely clean smile.

“To be honest, I’m a little scared of you now.”

Ruagarne said.

“I agree with that, but it’s creepy.”

Finn agreed, and Cryce was surprisingly calm.

“He’s that kind of person to begin with, but he’s even worse now.”

Kreis has seen Encred’s crazy behavior countless times. He thought it was a good thing he was laughing.

Isn’t that better than silently swinging a sword without smiling and with your palm exploding?

Holding a magic sword and experiencing quasi-death is something that Kreis himself could not even dream of.

‘But I think the platoon leader will endure it well.’

I just had that thought. It is a combination of intuition and intuition. Kreis saw right through the essence.

As long as there was the joy of growth, Encred was able to sublimate the pain of death into effort.

I fell in love like that. The sword and I, in swordsmanship.

A sword is a tool that kills people.

Swordsmanship is a way to kill an opponent.

“Your feet, your back, your posture, everything is for the next movement. think.”

Adding to Ruagarne’s words:

Encred thought again and swung his sword.

In order to find a great textbook, I held the sword imbued with an evil spirit without stopping.

There was a time when he opened his hand immediately after death and then closed it again.

Let’s go over this hundreds of times.

The evil spirit seemed to hesitate.

Am I right? Did you see it right?

Encred doubted so much. He also found it strange that the guy who was charging at him didn’t immediately swing his sword.

Because it was something that Encred really did not want.

“Let’s not do that. “Let’s do our best in our respective positions.”

If each of us, as an evil spirit, decided to break through and pierce the spirit of the person holding the sword, we should do our best.

He was hesitating, which was something I really didn’t want.

With so much sincere hope and urging, the evil spirit fulfilled its duty.

I attacked. fought. I trained my sword skills. learned. I memorized it. Cooked. I thought about it and recreated it.

I grabbed my sword again.

So it was repeated.

If you know how to use your body properly, if you can embody what you dream of.

After that, all that was needed was an understanding of the movements.

After memorizing the entire swordsmanship and listening to Ruagarne’s interpretation of each one, it actually became an easy task.

If the man who created the magic sword and imbued it with an evil spirit saw it, he would grab his neck, but isn’t this how things are in the world?

Things don’t always go as planned or expected.

“Good work.”

It is an evil spirit whose chest has been cut and its head blown off. Blue light flickered between the metal bars. It seemed like he was saying something.

Encred watched the evil spirit silently.

Soon the evil spirit inhabiting the sword spoke.


Is there anything to be thankful for?

The demon told his story. It was quite a long story.


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Encred didn’t really want to hear it. The evil spirit was confused. The blue light became more blurred. He had no choice but to speak briefly and boldly.

“I was unfairly detained. And my swordsmanship is not complete, but only half-formed. “It has been my lifelong wish to find my other half.”

How did a mere swordsman become an evil spirit? This required powers such as spells and sorcery. And before that, the deep desire of the subject to become a vengeful spirit was needed.

The evil spirit’s wishes were similar to Encred’s.

One side dreamed of becoming a knight.

‘It’s my family’s lost swordsmanship.’

One side wanted to restore proper swordsmanship.

In terms of earnestness, they were similar.

Encred nodded.

What I meant was that I would do it when I had the chance. I’m busy looking at my dreams. It was impossible to carry someone else’s dream on my shoulders.

At the last moment, the blue light blinked and disappeared, and a blurry human figure appeared and spoke.

“And let’s never see each other again.”

The evil spirit was fed up. I was bored. I really never wanted to see a person like that again. I meant it.

Of course, the two would never meet again.

One is that the evil spirits’ instruments will be erased and they will go to a distant place.

The other one will remain on this earth.

The soul, which was an evil spirit, was very happy about that.

“Let’s never see each other again.”

So much so that I say the same thing one more time.

Encred tilted his head. They’re the ones who bullied you, so why are you saying that?

“My family name is…” … .”

The last words were not heard. The energy dissipated. Everything around me began to fall apart. A familiar face appeared beyond the collapsed world. By escaping from the world of images, the evil spirit dwelling in the sword disappeared.

“You won.”

Ruagarne’s voice was heard. It was reality. Encred nodded.

“Was it dangerous?”

Encred shook his head at Ruagarne who asked again.

It wasn’t dangerous. Once inside, the only thing left was swordplay.

It’s a fight. Instead of winning with force, you had to defeat your opponent with swordsmanship itself.

I held the sword well over a hundred times, but I didn’t bother to count the number.

In terms of time, a full day had passed.

The gray curtain disappeared without a sound. When it was gone, Ester lifted his head and glared at Encrid.

It was certain. I glared.

Esther was surprised. How to do that?

It was a different matter to exorcise evil spirits through divinity or incantation and to rid them of them by ignorantly purifying them with the body.

‘The latter is difficult even for excellent wizards.’

Although she is now a leopard, Esther was once a wizard and witch with a world of spells.

In her opinion, what Encred did didn’t make sense.

That’s why it was surprising and amazing.

‘How could they do that?’

In reality, his soul was purified by practicing swordsmanship to the point of exhaustion and death, and it was because an evil spirit conveyed his dream, but there was no way to know even that.

Esther, surprised, blinked repeatedly. Encred saw that.

“why? hungry?”

Encred waved his hand and said. Esther sniffed at his absurdity and lay back down. It was a coincidence, that’s what I decided to think.

Even if we dug into it anyway, there was no way we would get an answer.

Encred was secretly impressed when he saw Esther.

For a leopard, he really has a variety of emotional expressions. It was fun to watch too.

When I saw that his eyes were still shocked and asked him if he was hungry, I thought he had something similar to contempt in his eyes.

Encred chuckled and sat down. Although his legs were not shaking, he swung his sword all day without a break, and mentally experienced quasi-death.

It would be a lie to say that I wasn’t tired.

Still, whatever.

‘Kreis was right.’

Did you say it was at the level of picking up fallen fairy tales?

Encred felt that way about this incident. However, what I picked up thinking it was a copper coin was only a gold coin.

I learned a new sword technique. How much further did he go by learning that?

It’s difficult to estimate. It’s a matter of where you set the standard. However, instead of being arrogant, I gained a little more confidence.

‘Naurilia’s soldier rating system is meaningless.’

In the end, I needed Rem. How about hitting him with an ax and giving him a scratch or two on the cheek?

It was a neat goal.

“Let’s go to sleep.”

Encred said. Still, it seemed like it would be okay. The gray curtain has disappeared and there is no danger. It was a perfect place to stay for a day as there were no flying insects. It was moderately cool and not damp.

This is the group that decided to stay for a day.

Encred went to bed and had a dream. The evil spirit appeared again in the dream.

“Let’s compete again.”

He said. En Creed nodded his head. This time he won easily.

You start by understanding the movements, but what if you memorize them all? There was no reason to lose if the opponent only repeated the moves he had memorized.

There was also some added understanding.

The reason the left foot is pulled out to the side is to prepare for a thrust after cutting the top of the head.

Breaking your wrist in response to dozens of movements that your opponent is avoiding or blocking becomes a strike aimed at a path that your opponent cannot anticipate.

The basics follow the basics and become one flow. This was swordsmanship.

As I was ruminating again, everything in my dream was torn apart, and a boatman suddenly appeared out of thin air.

He was speechless. He did not express any intention.

However, it seemed unfair.

‘Are you using my curse for something else?’

It seems like he is saying this.

Encred lightly placed his hand on his right waist and expressed his apologies as a military courtesy.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a cave again.

It was a dream.

“You’re sleeping quietly.”

When he woke up, Ruagarne said.

“Didn’t you sleep?”


Ruagarne, who was looking at Encrid, asked.

“You really intend to become a knight, right? you?”

What can I say? Encred nodded.


Ruagarne said calmly.

“It doesn’t have to be this country, right?”

The words that followed were meaningful, but I couldn’t ask more. With those words, Ruagarne turned away as if she would not listen any further.

What she said was not a question, but advice. Knowing that, Encred didn’t bother to ask any more questions.

‘This country.’

When I was young, I did not know the concept of country.

When I grew up, I realized that being a knight bound by an oath of loyalty was different from what I had dreamed of.

So is there another way?

It won’t be a problem to worry about yet.

‘When the time comes, at that moment.’

All I had to do was put my mind to it and follow the right path.

That’s how I’ve lived so far. In a way that you can call it belief or stubbornness.

“Let’s just go.”

That was when Encred had just said that.


Kreis’ surprised voice was heard.

“There’s a secret box under the chest?”

Cryce raised his head, made eye contact with Encred, and said.

I don’t know what the author’s intentions were, but it was clear that he was a person who liked to pick on people.

He empties the chest, attracts attention with a letter, locks it in the dungeon with a magic sword, then selects only those with a good eye and gives the treasure again.

“Ancient gold coins!”

Expensive items came out. The modern currency was solidified as the imperial currency.

Imperial coins, silver coins, and gold coins were the standards for the krona.

It has been more than a hundred years since currency standards were established. Of course, it was natural for the krona to be the imperial currency.

Beyond those times, something from the past, somewhere between history and legend, emerged.

It’s not the price you ask for, but if you meet the right owner, you can get ten times more than the same weight of gold.

There are more than ten such coins.

The size of each coin was the size of the palm of one’s hand, so it wasn’t small. My pockets were heavy.

“Share it.”

Encred said. Kreis was in tears, but soon nodded his head.

After giving it to Ruagarne, who refused to accept it.

“Are you going to take this?”

Kreis asked as if it were obvious.

Of course, it was directed at the sword stuck in the ground.

Before the words were finished, Encred stood in front of the sword again.

The crazy guy with the knife was freed and left for another world. He escaped reality and went to the world of the soul.

So what’s left?

“Just looking at it, it’s expensive.”

Kreis said.

Encred held the sword with one hand and pulled it out. It is a power close to monstrous strength. Maybe it was because I used the Heart of Superpower often, but I felt like I had more strength than before.

The pulled out sword was dirty, but the core was still alive. I thought I could just keep the blade and sharpen it well.

After holding it and shaking it a few times, the center of gravity was pretty good, but the handle and pommel seemed to need a lot of work.

“It’s a power I want to make an honorary proc.”

Ruagarne praised him in a frock-like tone.

“Are you going to sell that or not?”

Kreis asked.

“I’m not selling it.”

The two swords just happened to be messed up.

Encred and the group packed up their belongings and set off on their way back.

Demonic beasts and monsters still did not seem rare.

Perhaps it was the aftermath of a large colony, but even the commonly seen thieves were gone even after wiping my eyes and looking for them.

Finn showed rare resilience, and occasionally asked Encred for martial arts sparring along the way. I couldn’t fight in earnest, so I just fought slowly, moving my hands and feet.

Since learning swordsmanship, Encred has become more skilled and has never been able to beat Finn.

And then Ruagarnet left.

“Then, I’m going.”

“See you again.”

It was a simple greeting. Kreiss also waved his hand and Finn roughly lowered his head.

Esther was in perfect condition. Ruagarne turned around without any regrets.

Encred, who was watching Proc leaving alone, also turned around as if he had forgotten any regrets.

“I’m hooked.”

“Because it’s strange that it stayed in the first place.”

Isn’t that because of the platoon leader? Kreis expressed his thoughts briefly and boldly.


“don’t do it.”

It is the most unpleasant nickname to hear. Some kind of devilish thing.


Kreis raised his eyebrows and spoke again. Encred didn’t hold back.

“This is an Aelkaraz-style wrist snap. “It’s good to learn.”

With words, Bitney snaps Kreis’s wrist.


Kreis’ scream spreads across the summer sky.

The group returned to the border guard without incident.

So, Encred and his group return to the city again.

The higher-ups who had dispatched the cultist, or priest of the Holy Land Church of the Devil, heard absurd words.

* * *


A bishop who manages a diocese. He was right above the priest.

He was a handsome man with blonde eyebrows and thick eyebrows.

The white robe and gold embroidery go together well, making it a truly great look.

He asked back with a face filled with absurdity.

“Have the knights come?”

That wasn’t it.

“what? Platoon leader? leopard?”

It was even more absurd to hear the subject of the incident.


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