Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 183

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183. Some crazy guy is chasing me with a knife (3)

Ruagarnet did not express any surprise.

In a situation like this, I wonder if it makes sense to train in swordsmanship, no matter how crazy you are.

That was the correct answer again.

‘Because he’s a bastard.’

It also seemed to make sense since it was Encred.

Immediately after holding the sword, Encred, who was trembling, let go of the sword and stepped back.

‘Have you given up?’

Giving up is easy once. It will be easier the second time.

If you step back even once, the tutor will become a wall you can’t overcome.

For Encred, that would be a fatal flaw.

Ruagarne looked on worriedly.

“It would be difficult if I showed you another method.”

Encrid muttered and grabbed his sword again without even breathing.

“… … ?”

“Well, um, the platoon led by our leader is called the Madman Platoon.”

Kreis said back. No, was this enough to say it out loud?

Doesn’t it seem like they are calling Encred crazy?

Should I call it a commotion?

While Estherman was sleeping on his stomach, Encred held onto his sword four more times and smiled lightly.

“This is it.”

Then he swung his sword in the air. At this point, Ruagarne realized that trying to stop him would be useless.

Then what should I do?

“You crazy bastard.”

I admire you.

“That’s not it.”

This is something that can be taught.

Encrid welcomed Ruagarne’s guidance.

Winning a fight and being proficient in swordsmanship were two different things.

Ruagarnet had extensive experience and excellent swordsmanship.

Swipe, hit, and read the opponent’s intentions.

A story told with a sword, an orchestra made with a sword. Encred memorized exactly what he saw and what happened to him, and Ruagarne helped him with that.

The evil spirit living inside Tutor also had excellent swordsmanship, but he was not as good as Ruagarne.

If that sword really had just one ring attached to it, something that could be activated with a light touch of the finger, wouldn’t Ruagarne have been able to solve the problem?

In Kreis’s experiment, nothing happened when he put his finger on the sword.

I had to hold on tight. Beyond a certain force.

So it was too much for Ruagarne.


I tried a few more times, but it was the same.

“I can see it.”

The time was too short to do anything, and of course Encred was the only one holding the sword after that.

“It seems like something is going well.”

Finn mumbled and went to bed. I took out the blanket I kept in my backpack, took out the hard cheese, peeled off the outside with a knife, and cut it into thin slices.

All you had to do was place it on top of the hard bread that had been cut off with a knife, and the meal was ready.

“It’s my responsibility too.”

Krais didn’t know what to think, so he stepped forward and grabbed his sword.

And then died. His body remained the same, but he suffered mental exhaustion.

This happened when Encred did not hold his sword for a while.


Kreis collapsed with foam at the mouth, and it was for no reason.

Esther just slept, and naturally they decided what to do.

Encred grabbed the sword, released it, and returned.

Proc taught swordsmanship based on that.

Finn and Kreis got ready for bed and dinner.

Esther ate, slept, and woke up.

There was no place to go to the bathroom, so everyone worked in a corner.

Although the curtain blocked the ground, it was possible to dig up the land to a certain extent.

It looked like a prison with a roughly hemispherical shape and a slightly convex bottom.

I went to work in the place where I dug it.

“We don’t have to go to the bathroom for more than a week if we have to.”

Finn nodded at Frog’s words, saying he was really jealous of that.

After one full day.

Ruagarne was secretly impressed.

Originally, she had a lot of things and advice she wanted to give.

To the point where something is boiling inside.

It’s not enough to just go back and forth so far.

Originally, it was something that should have been condensed on the way back, but at this moment, it was becoming unnecessary to Encred.

What does Encred need for the next time?


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I was trying to give you the answer to this question.

‘I’m already looking for the answer.’

Still, I needed a few words of advice.

Kreis kept quiet the whole time, thinking it was his fault.

It was an easy task, picking up silver coins that had fallen on the floor, but suddenly I was trapped and couldn’t see an inch ahead.

His head was busy spinning to get out of this place.

Of course, there was no way the answer would come easily.

‘I was blinded by Crona.’

What happened because he did not assume the worst, Kreis reflected on his mistake with regret.

As the situation took a strange turn, Finn completely let go of his thoughts.

I just observed Encred.

‘It’s a bit of a cut here too.’

I would say it’s really consistent, but if you want to go beyond being a tutor, you have to cut your teeth.


‘It definitely can’t be said to be normal.’

This is what comes to mind when I look at Encred.

No, behind that outstanding skill, there must have been crazy behavior like this.

As he looked at it, Finn felt something new filling his heart. It is a small or even bigger realization.

She set her own limits at some point and stopped.

While all of that was breaking down one by one after meeting Encred, I finally came to some kind of enlightenment today.

‘It’s not up to me to set the limit.’

Ailkaraz-style martial arts skills and skills as a ranger.

Did none of them want to go any further, why did they stop?

‘Because everyone said that was true.’

But not Encred. Even if he didn’t say it directly, he said something different through his actions, attitude, and outlook on life.

Finn quietly greeted the wave of emotion.

It was unexpected, but it made her keep her mouth shut.

Esther was blaming herself.

‘It was an ordinary week. ‘It’s something that can hardly be called a curse.’

Something that is difficult to say has reached the realm of incantation.

But are you trapped without noticing this?

If it had been her before, before she became a leopard, she would have been so devastated, she would have bitten her tongue and died right away.

If I had to give a reason, there was no reason.

From immediately casting an enchantment on Encred’s sword, to continuously consuming spell power to strengthen his body.

Everything was impossible.

Her body was bound by a curse and her world of spells was closed, so they used expedient means.

It all came back and left a mark.

‘Even so!’

You barely notice this?

This is because I neglected what I needed to do right now.

I thought the way back would be leisurely, so I didn’t focus on recovery.

Esther needed time to recover her used strength and lost stamina.

I don’t know what will happen next, but I won’t wait and see.

Esther lay down. I buried her head and let her take a nap. In a week at most, she will recover some of her magical power and break through this seemingly insignificant barrier.

Esther thought half-asleep and then fell asleep.

Such situations intertwined and intertwined, and a strange time passed.

“It’s important to know what you lack.”

In the meantime, Ruagarne did not spare any teachings.

It is separate from the tutor’s swordsmanship. It was just a teaching.

Encred was clearly feeling the difference between winning a fight and being proficient in swordsmanship.

Ruagarnet was a great teacher.

It was obvious that Encred was better than any instructor at the training center that gave Crona to him.

“What happens if you don’t hold a card while playing a card game?”

These are the words of Ruagarnet.

It was a type of perspective that Encred had never encountered before.

Encred was inwardly surprised by what he said, and was able to see once again how great a teacher Ruagarne was.

She was someone who could create milestones beyond teaching.

* * *

“Basics, start with the basics.”

“No matter what you do, you have to build your body first.”

“If you don’t know how to hold a sword, you can’t lift it, and if you don’t know how to lift it, you can’t swing it!”

“The next thing comes only when your eyes open, so do you really need to keep holding the sword?”

“So all that’s left is to think. There is no choice but to think and rediscover and burn the candle called life. “Until it goes out, I will have to use my body as fuel to burn. If I don’t die, I will gain something.”

“Can’t we just farm? Do you really need to hold the sword?”

There were countless instructors.

They always spoke in unison.

The basics are important.

So I did that. Stick to the basics.

I tried to widen my eyes, tried to move my feet, and didn’t waste any time swinging my sword.

Even if I did that, I would often hear things like that.

Go farming.

Do you really need to hold a sword?

“If a guy sitting at a gambling table comes and sits down with a bunch of silver coins, what should he hold in his hand?”

Ruagarne was also discouraged and embarrassed at first, but to some extent he seemed to enjoy this situation. Well, it could be Encred’s own illusion.

Reading Frog’s facial expressions is not easy for humans.

I just felt that way intuitively.

“You can’t sit at the gambling table without cards.”

“Yes, Card, you are a bigot sitting with a bag of silver coins on your back.”

Silver coins were the basis. No one sits down at a gambling table without a coin. However, there was no one who sat down with just a few fairy tales in hand.

What can I say, why do I feel proud the moment I hear those words?

‘I told you to lay the foundation.’

It is said that the foundation has been laid. He hated the slow progress, so he found and learned the Valencian mercenary sword as a way to struggle.

So, can Mercenary Sword be that card?

“do. But what is better than that would be swordsmanship that has been refined over a long period of time, and the Valen-style mercenary sword is ultimately a very one-sided attack method. “If all the cards in your hand are jokers, you cannot use them.”

That’s an amazing analogy.

The Joker needs to be combined with other cards to see the light.

That’s what Valen’s mercenary sword is like.

Jeongjeong Hwanheyuyu, Lionesis Oniak defined the branch of swordsmanship.

Later people created swordsmanship based on that branch.

Even if it is a Northern style heavy swordsmanship, it is not the same thing.

The same goes for Central Continent style swordsmanship.

Swordsmanship was created by mixing things that fit together and weaving them together through trial and error and talent.

What Ruagarnet was talking about was one of them.

To be precise, it refers to swordsmanship learned through a tutor.

“This is a magic sword, but what’s inside is real?”

In fact, Encred rarely learned any other sword techniques other than the basics.

It was all just superficial.

Ruagarnet once again emphasized the necessity of swordsmanship.

“If you learn proper swordsmanship derived from the traditional swordsmanship, you will feel as if your opponent is reading your mind.”

I was experiencing it several times.

The evil spirit living inside that sword is doing something similar.


Encred nodded, his eyes still like a flame. The eyes are a mixture of red and the usual blue color due to the reflection of the torch light.

When learning, Encred showed his emotions without hesitation. That was just a surprise to Ruagarnet.

‘He is truly crazy about swords.’

To put it briefly, is he a swordsman?

Everything I have learned and mastered so far was preparation for handling the sword rather than sword handling skills.

This was the gist of what Ruagarnet said.

Encred realized this while learning swordsmanship through a tutor.

“I’m going to go pick up some sword skills for a moment.”

With a joke, he picks up his sword again. It was repetition. So, all I had to do was learn the sword through death, which was much softer and more peaceful than actual death.

To be honest.

‘Easy and enjoyable work.’

It was like that for Encred.

Encred grabbed his sword, shook his body left and right for a short time, and then came back.

He blinked and shook his head from side to side.

“Did you get hit again?”

“This time, all my legs were cut off.”

He was too calm to say that.

“The last part seemed to be a cut on the top of the head, but before I knew it, it turned into a diagonal slash on the neck.”

I saw the process, so I understood it.

So what is needed here?

Encred lifted up the broken sword he had been using instead of a wooden sword.

Ruagarne’s heart was pounding without realizing it.

My cheeks naturally puffed up as my interest surged.

“You really are.”

He’s an incredibly fun guy.

Even the tutor cannot restrict him. No, look at this now, his spirit has already surpassed that of a tutor!

That is an abbreviated version. You can’t teach new sword techniques. That’s because Ruagarne was bound by a related covenant.

However, it was possible to teach other sword techniques learned.

They both did that.

Go in and steal the technology and implement it as you come out.

This is possible because I have complete control over my body.

Afterwards, Ruagarne refined it.

When you master it, you pick up the sword again.

The words came out of Encred’s mouth this time: his finger flew off.

“Then he stabbed me in the neck, and the blade was curved like a snake.”

“I used a wrist snap.”

This is Ruagarne’s answer.

Even though he was training again and the area under his eyes seemed to be darkening, Encred remained calm.

I did take some breaks in between. If you don’t eat and drink, your body will get damaged.

During a short break, Finn, who was looking at the swinging sword, muttered.

“It reminds me of an old legend. There was also a story that if you draw a certain sword, you will become king.”

Encred, who was resting, also heard it.

Are you saying they will make you a king just because you draw a sword?

I think it’s too crude even for a legend.

Isn’t a king a person whose existence is intertwined with politics and various situations?

Legends and stories are inherently exaggerated, so whatever.

After that, Encred devoted most of his time to swordsmanship.

I have already held and released my sword more than a hundred times.

It had to be seen as an act of self-abuse.

Encred was calm. The pain clearly remained in my body, but for someone who repeats this day, it feels like something has weakened.


Encred felt joy again in learning swordsmanship.

It was just one day and a half.

Instead of repeating the day after death, you can immediately exchange high-quality sword skills by simply holding a sword.

It was because I was so immersed and wasted no time.

A short but rich time passed.

That was enough.

“Now that’s enough.”

Those words came out of Ruagarne’s mouth.

Is this thanks to the tutor?

No, that wasn’t it.

Above all, Encred was different from before. It was so different now from when I was struggling with my weak talent.

Encred pondered over the past day.

In all that process of recovering and ruminating, how did I get past it?

What did you get from it?

It’s a time that can’t be said simply, but if I were to say it now, Encred would be able to condense it all into two words.


What I felt among the group of gnolls was that there was a stamp on their organized bodies.

From the heart of the beast to the sense of evasion.

By training my body, I increased my strength, agility, and reaction speed.

I even realized that I had complete control over my body.

It supported me by encouraging boldness, concentration, and even sense.

“What are you?”

Ruagarne was surprised. She had a talent that she didn’t think she had.

How can I hold a sword like that again?

Soon, a lump of iron rushed towards me along with the feel of the muddy floor.


Sword and sword meet. Is there anything different from before?

There was only Encred who understood the opponent’s swordsmanship.


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