Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 180

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180. The eyes of a dream chaser are always burning

Kreis continued, crossing his arms and shining his eyes.

“The time when the owner of the treasure map, Dolph, created the dungeon was in the past.”

When I looked at it, wondering if it was nonsense again, Kreis showed a confident smile.

It may seem a bit silly, but there’s nothing else to say, so let’s just look at it.

“So, there was no way like this.”

As times change and time passes, treasure hunters become more clever.

Risking your life to dismantle traps, enter the dungeon and obtain fruit.

I skipped the tedious process of disarming traps and focused on the results.

Did you say that the sum of all of this was ‘Christ Rowan’s Dungeon Destruction Method’?

“It’s a technique called back-pulling.”

It’s an expedient method, but it’s also a great method if it works, and Encred himself experienced it right away.

If it was a wall to catch the leader of the gnolls, wouldn’t you have found a way to overcome it by not waiting for the gnoll, not sacrificing the village to them, or choosing an unfavorable battlefield?

“This is it.”

Kreis found a rock the size of an adult man and said,

“Please, Ruagarne.”

At those words, Proc obediently stepped forward.

When she stepped forward and pushed the rock, it fell sideways.

There was something that looked like an old hole underneath it.

Kreis took out a shovel from his backpack, dug a few times, and then said.

“This is the entrance, then roughly.”

Then he walked briskly. While the candle, which was about the size of a finger, was burning, Kreis, who was walking around, showed a smile on his face again.

“I think it’s around here.”

Kreis took a shovel and started digging. It’s a lot of work. Of course, it was impossible to do it alone.

“come out.”

This time it was Encred. I picked up the shovel and dug the ground.

What I heard was that they were going to avoid all the traps and make a hole where the treasure was hidden.

It’s hard to say that it’s a fresh idea, but in the past, when Dolph was creating dungeons, it might have been an unthinkable method.

Although it was an expedient method, it was much more efficient than disarming the trap and risking one’s life.

Encred agreed and helped.

As Ester wandered around and raised her claws, Encred shook his head.

“Get some rest.”

It was a leopard that clearly looked tired.


The leopard cried out as if he was very happy to hear those words, and then lay down on one side.

Crouch down and close your eyes. Looking at it like this, it looks really tired.

Except when we were sparring on the way home, I brought him here in my arms.

He looked like he was tired from handmade fatigue.

Anyway, Kreis was right.

“All I have to do is pick up a few treasures along the way, but are you leaving this behind? Oh, maybe not. “Someone might have robbed us without a map, but the probability of that happening is low.”

Was this the third time I was told it wasn’t a big deal?

As I dug the ground, the soil crumbled and fell inward, revealing an artificial passage.


Kreis said. This is the result of alternate digging with Encred.

Several gold coins rolled inside the hole and reflected the light.

It didn’t look dark further inside, but it couldn’t have been just a few gold coins.

As Kreis said, it was easy.


Finn’s eyes also lit up. Kreis promised some of the krona. You can also take a few pockets of pins and crona with you.

Ruagarne and Esther were not interested, and Encred thought it would be nice to have Crona because of the broken sword.

Go down, pick up the treasure and come back. It was still easy.

It had to be that way. It should have been easy.

The sun has set and the moon has risen before we know it. Kreis took a quick look at the moon and opened his mouth.

“Let’s all go together. I don’t think it would be a bad idea to spend a day. “You may have a lot of things to carry.”

There won’t be anything particularly dangerous.

There aren’t any demons around, and it’s not like I can survive in there for more than a day.

Even if we take our time, we are losing, aren’t we?

Since we had to camp, if there was no danger in here, it would have been a good idea to stay below for a day.

Kreis spoke with various calculations in mind.

We all agreed that rather than suffer from useless insects, we should stay downstairs for a day and move tomorrow.

“That would be great.”

Encred also agreed. Agreeing, Encred wondered if there was more to it than a few gold coins.

‘Are there any good items?’

Crona is not lacking, but the sword was damaged too much in this battle.

In particular, the teeth made of valerian steel and noir wrought iron were too long.

Apart from setting a new day, I was also upset.

‘I can’t use this.’

For mercenaries, weapons are life. The swordsman who did not recognize the value of life was wrong from the start.


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Of course Encred knew how to check the condition of my weapon.

Cut down hundreds of demonic beasts and monsters. If the sword was intact, that was strange.

This means that the cores of both swords were damaged.

The armor was torn here and there. The leather was torn and there were holes in several places where the chain was woven inside.

While thinking that, I looked to the side and saw Ruagarne moving carelessly.

“Your return will be delayed?”

When Encrid spoke, Ruagarne responded by puffing out her cheeks.

“Okay. “It’s just fun.”

It was friendly. Encred gave seasoned beef jerky to Esther.

Meanwhile, Finn tied a rope to a strong tree.

The Ranger style knot shined.

“It won’t be released unless I get stabbed somewhere. And it’s not to the point where you can’t climb up.”

It is a preparation for the unexpected. It was like a ranger.

After hanging the already prepared rope down the hole.

They went down one by one, starting from Encred. After Finn and Cryce, Ester jumped up and clawed her way down the wall.

Finally, Ruagarne twisted the rope with both feet and plopped down.

After everyone got off.

Before I knew it, the moon had risen.

‘Is it around midnight?’

Encred thought back to the time in his mind.

“It’s perfect if you camp below and go up tomorrow.”

Kreis said from behind.

Encred nodded. I thought there might be some danger left, so I lit a torch and looked around.

I could see a long passage in the back, toward the entrance to the dungeon that Kreis had found, but it was so narrow that I had to bend down to get out.

‘If I go out there, my back will hurt.’

Not really, but it’s that narrow. If you fight in a place like that, it will be difficult to respond properly.

‘A bad place to use a sword.’

Encred decided thus.

There is no particular risk. Everyone had the same thought.

It wasn’t as full of dust as I thought, and there were no traps that exploded when you stepped on them.

Esther yawned leisurely, yawning. Since he looked tired all the time, he held Esther in his arms and handed the torch to Kreis.

Ruagarne looked around and muttered.

“It’s an old trace.”

What does she look like as a scholar?

Encred was also leisurely lost in thought.

‘He knows ancient languages ​​and is also a gifted reader belonging to the kingdom.’

A versatile proc, regardless of its combat power, its value will never be low.

Finn couldn’t find any danger in the passage leading back and forth.

Ranger Finn may not have been a treasure hunter, but he knew how to see traps.

‘I’m fine.’

If it’s a trap she can’t see, it’s probably related to a spell, or it’s a fairly advanced trap.

It’s not the basic thing that fires arrows when you step on a thin thread or a trap, but a type of trap that activates just by brushing against it.

Things that are difficult to notice unless you are a professional treasure hunter.

‘It’s too much for one rich person to make.’

It’s such a trap, it really looks like something out of an ancient tomb. Basically, the spell must be tied together.

Finn saw Chrys walking side by side.

Kreis, who had picked up three or four gold coins that had fallen on the floor, was examining his surroundings by the light of the torch.

Until then, nothing had happened.

No danger, no special work.

The passage was short and soon we came into a round cave. There was also an altar and an old chest that would be suitable for the end of a dungeon.

There was a sword stuck on the altar, covered in dust.

To put it in a good way, it was an old-fashioned sword, and in a bad way, it was a worn-out sword.

“You came to the right place.”

Kreis could not contain his excitement. He dug the ground properly and found the right path.

Isn’t this enough to call me a treasure hunter?

Christraun’s Dungeon Destruction Method was a good read.

From a young age, that is, after learning how to write, Kreis would get various books and read them.

I thought that this would be the hand that would help me escape from the swamp of poverty during my childhood.

It was correct.

Haven’t you found a treasure like this now?

“Do you need that much crona to open a salon?”

It was a trivial question from Encred.

“Yes, of course.”

Kreis answered without even taking a breath.

really? Encred asked with his eyes. Kreis recited his dream for the first time in a long time.

“It will be the most luxurious and luxurious in the capital, with facilities that everyone will want to come in, and we will also create memberships. That’s not the end either. We will create a branch. “All over the continent.”

The eyes of someone who pursues a dream are always burning.

Not only did Encred have no right to laugh at other people’s dreams, but he also enjoyed seeing Chryce’s shining eyes, so he just cheered him on.

“okay. “Sure.”

A place where there are two chests with nothing special except for an old sword stuck in the middle of the altar.

I saw gold coins falling in the passage, etc., so there must be something here too.

Kreis looked at the chest with anticipation.

It might be a structure that, if opened, would cause a poisoned arrow to come out. Kreis took a cautious step forward.

Behind Chrys, Ruagarne gave Encred advice worth more than a gold coin.

“Learning just the basics won’t be enough. “If you learn proper swordsmanship and become accustomed to it, you will be able to move forward.”

“For example?”

“You learned northern style swordsmanship from that guy, right?”

Frog’s eyes were sharp.

After seeing Ragnar and Encred, I figured out the origin.


When Encred nodded, Proc spoke again.

“It would be good if I could learn proper northern swordsmanship from that blond-haired, red-eyed friend.”

“You can’t teach?”

“I am bound by the covenant. This was also an unconventional vacation. “I have to go back.”

Ruagarne spoke with genuine regret.

Covenant and Proc are easily swayed by needs and desires. That’s why they made something called the Heart Oath.

Since I was reluctant to bring up the word heart again and again, I replaced it with the two letters “covenant.”

Therefore, Proc’s covenant was not light.

It’s like a rule that must be followed unconditionally before one’s needs and desires.

There were very few procs who lived without observing it. It was good to see that there was almost nothing.

For this reason, the phrase ‘the knife of an innocent prog’ was coined.

The idea was that a Prog who knew nothing could be tricked by humans or other species into selling the covenant, causing massacres with unwanted swords.

‘That’s true.’

Encred once again felt that Ruagarne’s words of falling in love were not light.

Was it even necessary?

Are you willing to make a heartfelt promise to fall in love with yourself?

why? Why?

Encred couldn’t even tell him to cancel it.

There is no fool who does not know that Frock’s oath is heavy.

I also knew that Frog enjoyed chopping off the heads of those who insulted that oath.

Not losing in a fight and insulting the opponent were two different things, so Encred closed his mouth.

It was then.


Esther, who was curled up on one side from fatigue, suddenly let out a fierce cry.


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