Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 179

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179. Enk Enk En Creed

The nobles of the Kingdom of Naurilia used to give their entire units their own names.

That’s how Viscount Bantra arrived in front of the pioneer village.

Some of the cavalry that had received the emergency charge rushed forward first, and what they saw was.

“I heard we’re being attacked?”

the cavalry commander asked. This is a sight I saw when I went out to reconnoiter myself.

What are they doing?

Why are you burying the body in the ground?

The black blood of monsters and beasts also made the land more fertile than it seemed.

The poison in a ghoul’s fingernails was also neutralized and disappeared when buried in the ground.

For that reason, the residents of the pioneer village did their best to bury the monster’s body in the ground.

The wilderness land has become uneven. Most of the residents were sweating.

He swung a shovel and a pickaxe.

Soldiers and residents alike moved as one body.

“Yes, it was an urgent call.”

said the adjutant.

It wasn’t at the emergency level.

– Large colony, group of gnolls, requesting assistance immediately.

It was written just like this.

It was so urgent that there wasn’t even an approximate number written down about the scale.

It actually did. Doichi was in a hurry when sending his urgent message, and in his haste, he did not use the number of the monster.

It was just written to guess that it was a large colony with at least a few hundred units, and it also included mention of a cult.

The pace was fast enough for those who sensed danger to move.

“To me, it looks like you’re doing slash-and-burn farming for monsters?”

said the cavalry captain.

There really didn’t seem to be any threat.

Minus the monster’s body, it was a very idyllic scene.

In fact, it was almost all sorted out, so the number of monsters didn’t seem that large.

“Hwii, thump, thump, I cut five hundred cuts by myself.”

“I will name the wall.”

“Enk enk en creed.”

They were singing some ridiculous work song with an absurd melody.

“Find out.”

I ran there covered in dust, and this is what I saw.

At the words of the captain, one of his subordinates ran forward.

Come on! Come on!

The subordinate rode out on horseback, assessed the situation, and returned to report the situation.

“what? Cut five hundred to play by yourself?”

The villagers were honest.

“What, the legendary freedom knight? Or did you say that the mercenary king had come?”

“That’s not it, he’s a platoon leader from the Border Guard.”

One platoon leader cut up five hundred gnolls by himself.

Of course, he said it wasn’t something he did in one day.

They also killed a cultist. No, he’s dead. After tricking his insidious opponent into giving him a hand and hitting him in the back, he grabs his heart and rolls over?

Is the cult member a thief walking around in the mountains behind him? Could it be that I am a small-minded idiot?

‘You’re laughing.’

The captain snorted. What kind of platoon leader could do that?

“okay? “Then, let’s take a look at that bastard’s face.”

The captain said, and they entered the village.

“I already left.”

The village head came forward and spoke.


“I heard your mission was to solve the colony.”

Just like that, he left.

Have you seen this plain guy?

The cavalry commander snorted a second time.

As the situation unfolds, the only witnesses who come forward are mercenaries and residents.

It is difficult for them all to tell lies, and it is also difficult to believe that everything they just said is true.

‘When you’re pushed to the edge, you tend to exaggerate.’

The captain knew the principle well. A person standing on the edge of a cliff is overcome by the fear of falling immediately even if he or she has more than five steps to spare.

These will be the same too.

Five hundred? Probably about fifty at most, maybe a hundred at most?

If a former mercenary were to say that he couldn’t solve a monster colony of that size, it would be like talking about his lack of ability.

‘I guess I exaggerated.’

The captain decided thus. He had no intention of digging up the buried body.


Anyway, as long as the village was fine, that was enough.

There were some nonsense here and there, about Encred’s walls and all, but that wasn’t something he could say.


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‘Whether it’s fifty or five.’

It must be true that that platoon leader saved this village.

However, I didn’t like the fact that he left me to inflate my reputation.

‘I’ll see you sometime.’

I will break your nose once. It might be a good idea to cut out your pretentious tongue in half.

Thinking so, the captain turned his nose around.

* * *

“It would be nice to stay longer.”

When told that he was leaving, the village head quickly expressed his regret.

It was the morning two days after a festival-like night.

As I was soaking in sweat and washing up, some women among the village residents came to look at Encred.

“I feel good too.”


“He’s good at fighting too.”

“He also has a good personality.”

“It’s sound, obviously down there…” … .”

The last one may seem like it’s crossing a line, but it’s close to envy, respect, and worship.

It wasn’t a bad feeling.

Just enjoy it in moderation.

As soon as I said I was leaving, Deutsche Pullman came and brought me a glaive.

“Can you join me for a moment?”

Even though he said this without pointing a weapon, respect was evident in his tone of voice and respect in his attitude.

It was a request, or rather a request, made with an upright posture.

More than anything.

‘My eyes are so beautiful.’

Encred liked eyes like that. He is something blazing and burning.

“It’s good.”

It was a simple sparring.


He bounced the glaive twice, once vertically and once horizontally, then dug inward and delivered a single punch with his left fist into the location of the lungs.

Doichi was hit hard in the stomach and fell to the floor with a yelp.

Whoop, whoosh, whoosh.

Doichi barely let out a breath before finally catching his breath and opening his mouth.

“What power?”

Then he got up and bowed his head again.

“Thank you.”


Encred nodded indifferently.

Since there was nothing to hesitate about, we decided to move right away.

“Let’s go together.”

Even though I was told to go back to the village after recovering, Finn insisted on following me.

“I’m a ranger.”

There was a lot contained in those words.

As a member of the group, the Ranger goes first, that’s the slogan.

“I don’t like being left behind.”

It wasn’t that I was stubborn. First of all, it was not a fatal wound with internal organs spilling out, and the treatment was excellent. It was Kreis’s skill, but he is a very versatile friend.

Everything is useful except for fighting. Especially when it comes to using your brain.

Above all, there will be nothing particularly dangerous on the journey you are about to embark on.

Even if there was.

‘It’s just a monster and a demon beast.’

Basically, when a colony is created, most of the surrounding monsters die. It was a natural phenomenon.

A colony is a group.

Nearby monsters gathered together to form a group, and since they were exterminated, it would be difficult to easily see a group of monsters.

‘It’ll be okay.’

“It’s a treasure. treasure.”

Kreis was reciting a cheerful melody, and from what he had heard, the location pointed to by the treasure map was only a day’s journey away.

“This isn’t a big deal, you had to destroy traps before and it might be complicated, but now, if you’ve read ‘Christrown’s Dungeon Destruction Method’, it’s not a big deal, this is it.”

Confidence was evident.

In reality, it wasn’t a big deal.

Afterwards, I grabbed some preserved food and a few bottles of cider and headed out.

“Come again, definitely.”

The village chief bowed his head behind him. No, it wasn’t just the village head. All the village residents came out and bowed their heads.

Encred also nodded and said.

“If we get a chance.”

Although it was crude for a greeting, it stood out because it was sincere.

It was a journey that ended when I picked up a treasure on the way back and turned around.

“Let’s go look for treasure. treasure!”

Kreis continued to chatter with excitement.

Encred nodded gently.

“Let’s go there together.”

Ruagarne did not leave right away. He didn’t bother to ask whether he didn’t need to go back right away or if he still had regrets.



I just treated it as usual. He said he was in love with me or something, but that’s something we’ll have to wait and see.

What he learned from her now was more important to Encred than any other day in the future.

In terms of simple force, that is, if she wanted to kill, Encred was confident that she could surpass Ruagarne, but her experience and skills were not fake.

In terms of combat power alone, it was more manageable than expected. You cannot see the surrounding scenery before you climb the peak, but what you see and feel changes only after you climb up. So now I can see it.

Encred’s eyesight opened. The more you know, the more you can see, so now you can see the way to catch Ruagarne.

‘Are all procs like this?’

That won’t be it.

As she said several times, she was a scholar.

“It’s not a bad offer. I was a little rusty too. “I’ll have to spend some time training again.”

It seemed like she herself had learned something while dealing with cultists.

Crack with two wooden swords! This is the path you walk after making a sound.

What you have gained, what you have learned, what you have mastered.

I walked while thinking about that.

“You are a truly amazing human being.”

Right after the fight with the wooden sword was over, Ruagarne spoke.

“No matter how talented you are, this cannot happen.”

“Is that so?”

Encred passed it off without notice.

His dream is to become a knight, and there are still many mountains to climb and a long way to walk.

I am not satisfied with just taking one step forward. No, it couldn’t be.

Even if the steps are big, they cannot reach the faded and torn dreams.

Even if you reach it, will you be satisfied with it? You never know. Is everything over when you become a knight? That wasn’t it.

The dream remained the same, and the reason for trying to achieve it remained in my mind as it piled up while wandering around the continent. Some are regrets, some are regrets.

“The most surprising thing is your attitude right now.”

Ruagarne continued to speak, but Encrid remained unchanged.

learn and learn That quenched the thirst inside him, so now all he could do was quench his thirst, see the signpost, and move on.


It’s still the same.

After sweating from the sparring that followed, I quenched my thirst with a moderate amount of water and cider.

I walked along a path that did not lead to a stream.

Finn was in the lead, and Kreis was next to him.

“If you look at the map, the terrain is exactly this way. What do you think? pin?”

“I think that’s right?”

What can I say about Kreis’s talent?

When my life and Crona were at stake, I truly shined.

He found his way by only looking at parts of the map. Although Finn was there to help.

‘Isn’t that more interesting?’

Wangnuni, Rem, Ragna, Audin, Saxony.


Platoon of lunatics.

These guys really fit that name. So, compared to them, aren’t you at the top?

The extent to which the dream is big and the effort is spared is probably within the acceptable range.

Of course, it was Encred’s own idea.

Was Ruagarne the only one surprised to see Encred fighting the gnolls this time?

Esther was also surprised.

‘Crazy person.’

Something changes overnight, I’ve seen it several times already. Still, something was different this time.

Cutting down hundreds of monsters without a spell?

Have you heard of any magic weapon?

Did you pick up a magic sword?

no. It was the same as usual. Sword and armor.

It’s just that people have changed.

Isn’t this truly a semi-knight-level force? I don’t know about the force itself, but in the end it was like that.

Kreis was also surprised. However, he did not pursue it.

‘Because he’s the platoon leader.’

Because he was originally a crazy person and fascinated by swords.

It could be like that.

It’s useless to worry about things you don’t understand. Instead of wasting his energy on something useless, Kreis just accepted it.

The one who was most surprised among them was Finn.

‘How does that happen?’

I don’t think it was like this when I first saw it.

I was surprised even then. He was surprised to see a fight between werewolves, and was also surprised to see a wizard killed.

Still, I think it was within the scope of something I could understand at the time.


It was like stepping into human limits or their limits.

Above all, its resilience.

‘I’m going to slap Frog in the face.’

I fight like I’m going to die, then come back to life the next day and fight again.

How could he do that, since there was no priest next to him pouring out a lot of divine power?

Finn tried to figure out how to do that, but soon gave up.

In fact, most people who saw Encred gave up understanding him.

It was something that could not be helped.

“Anyway, he’s an interesting guy.”

Ruagarnet’s words represented all of his feelings.

“Is that so?”

Encred was still calm.

There were no monsters or beasts to be seen on the short journey.

As they walked diligently, they arrived at the back of a rocky mountain.

It took a day because we had to go all the way around, but if you hurry, it could take about half a day.

I sparred, ate, and got plenty of rest.

It wasn’t urgent. As Kreis said, all you have to do is pick up a treasure along the way.

Behind the rocky mountain, there are scattered stones, short grass, and a few trees that occasionally raise their heads.

It was a land that could be called a plain, a wilderness, or a stony ground.

“Captain, do you know what?”


In that situation, Kreis suddenly opened his mouth.


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