Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 178

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178. I will fall in love with you

“Really, you can come anytime, any time. No, you can come. No, come. Are you married? That’s good too, good. Yes, you are welcome to come anytime and put down roots here. My daughter is pretty, so she lives with me. Well, that’s nice. yes?”

When the drunken village chief repeated the same thing for the 19th time and asked the person sitting next to him, one of the villagers, who was also drunk, kept nodding.

Following his nod, food scraps were scattered from his bushy beard.

“Good, yes, good or bad.”

Anyone could see that he looked drunk.

Anyway, I think it tastes better after drinking this.

Encred had seen the village head’s daughter in passing. I know you’re not even fifteen yet. It was a kid.

It is said that there is also a child marriage custom in the western part, but not in the central part. So, that was really drunk nonsense.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

The village head and the two men with beards and lunch boxes walked away with their arms around their shoulders.

Encred stared at it silently.

Festivals always came to villages that had overcome a crisis.

When the Border Guard blacksmith tried to cut down a cultist, wizard or not, Ruagarne shook his head.

Is there any reason to keep it alive? As I looked at him with doubt, Ruagarne spoke.

“It’s already dead. That stopped.”

The cultist’s final fate was a heart attack.

Afterwards, the monsters who came to their senses escaped.

The remaining few attacked, but Encred did nothing.

Sigh, the arrow flew and hit the head of the remaining monster.

“I won!”

“I protected it!”

Shouts and cheers, cries of joy after surviving, and your own name heard among them.


Everyone in the village already knows his name and is calling out to him. The voices of those who protected me, the voices of those who saw my back.

Feeling not too bad, Encred shook off his sword and turned around.

Amidst cheers.

Between people.

Now it was time to return to the village where we were just starting to stretch.

“Long live the walls of Encred!”

I also heard some strange words.

The construction craftsman strongly insisted, the village head nodded, and even Deutsche Pullman, the head of the guard and later the city’s key authority figure, said that the name was natural.

‘It’s a name on the wall.’

Well, honestly it wasn’t bad. I half thought it was a joke.

It was the night when the monsters and beasts were defeated.

The village chief scattered all the leftover food around the village and ate and drank with everyone.

Encred did the same. I ate, drank, and had fun.

“a drink?”

I took the drink Finn brought and took a sip. It tasted good.

It was a cider, and the sweetness and moderate acidity combined with the unique aroma of alcohol filled my mouth with flavor.

“Isn’t it delicious?”

He was a man with an unsightly beard that looked like it had been torn by rats.

The man whose face and name I didn’t know smiled sheepishly and asked me again how I was feeling, and Encred nodded.

“It’s delicious.”

“It’s my pride.”

The man with the rat-eaten beard puffed out his chest. He seemed to be a foundry master.

“I’ve been saving this, so I’ll give it to you.”

Although the tone of speech was crude, the emotions contained within it were not. He expressed his gratitude.

“Thanks to.”

He abbreviated the phrase “lived” and held out a cider. He said it was a little different from what other people drink.

I opened the lid and took a sip.


It was different.

The flavor, taste, aroma, everything was different. The scent of apples passing by the tip of my nose, a certain umami that deepened as I savored it, and the sweet taste that enveloped my tongue kept me moving the glass.

It was Encred’s first time drinking alcohol like this in his life.

“Sounds like a rare drink, doesn’t it?”

“I tried to criticize my daughter when she got married.”

It was a liquor with its own history.

I asked if I could give something like this.

“I still have one bottle left.”

He said and smiled brightly. She had a beard that resembled a mouse, but whatever it was, her smile was very bright. Pure joy, something like that was visible.

“Here, you too, to say hello.”

The brewer quickly brought his wife. She was a beauty.

They say that talented people find beautiful women, and that was quite true.

“Drink well.”

Encred glanced over and savored the cider.

Around him, the village head, Deutsche Pullman, and many others sat down next to Encred and then stood up.

It was like a large-scale festival was held with a large board laid out in the center of the village.


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“We celebrate this day every year, should we call it Encred Day?”

Are you going to give it a name every time you do something?

“What’s important about a name?”

When someone answered that question, they nodded and said that it was true.

They decided to celebrate this day when summer began every year.

Are you sure you want to do this? Encred sipped his cider and watched it indifferently.

The village chief was drunk and repeated the same thing.

The village chief’s wife said that in just two years, her daughter would become a beauty that would make the city cry.

‘I don’t think it would be difficult.’

He was just an ordinary kid. The child was too shy to speak to Encred.

Instead, a brazen little boy approached him and asked him to take him under his command.

“Take hold of the five Deutsche Pullman vigilantes.”

He said.

The little boy was heartbroken.


And after attacking a drunken vigilante, he was hit with honey and burst into tears.

He was a kid who looked like he was about to wet the bed, imitating an adult and running away crying.

It was outrageous. It was a tough world to live in without even such a dream, so Encred secretly cheered.

“Thank you.”

Deutsche Pullman seemed to have a very strong drink. It didn’t seem like I would get drunk easily.

My nose was a little red, but at least my tongue wasn’t twisted.

He took a few drinks without saying a word.

“They said I don’t have anything like this.”

Cursing the brewer.

“If you need a glaive, call me anytime. “Dance on the blade and make an oath.”

It’s a mercenary-style oath. It is an expression of the will to respond to the call no matter what.

It was a dance on the blade, a tasteful greeting.

“Dance on the blade.”

For the first time in a long time, Encred gave a mercenary greeting.

“See you again.”

Deutsch got up with a simple greeting.

Another glass of cider.

Encred didn’t lose his mind after drinking a few drinks.

However, I didn’t want to pick up the sword and swing it like crazy again.

The recovery from the fight has come to an end to some extent.

“Rest is important. “Brother.”

For some reason, Audin’s words came to mind.

Encred agreed with that. Resting has always been important.

In that respect, it seemed like today would be a good day to have the one day off in the year.

With that in mind, Encred drank and ate.

A skilled hunter-turned-vigilante caught a deer somewhere and roasted it whole, and the friend who prepared it was good at it.

The meat was soft and had almost no fishy smell.

The salt seasoning was just right.

“Whoa, if I go back and tell you this, who will believe me?”

Finn, who was moderately drunk, also came over and said.


“Dance of a monster slayer and a madman with dual swords.”

Although it was limited to when he was drunk, Finn had the qualities of a minstrel.

Finn, who was giggling, took his steps to another place.

Cryce also came over, looking quite drunk, and poked Encred’s side.

I knew it was coming and I knew it was going to sting, but I let it go.

“Let’s go look for treasure.”


“No, let’s go. Are you saying I will eat alone? No, really. “You really can’t believe what people say.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Well, it’s only half a day away from here. I said I planned everything that went into it? trap? “No problem?”


“Don’t you think it’s time to decide?”

Kreis’s eyes burned brightly. Who poured alcohol on him like this?

As Encred sipped cider while looking at the moon, Krys blinked his big eyes a few times and said.

“But what did you say a moment ago?”

“When you wake up, ask yourself tomorrow.”


“It means to turn off.”

At first, there were only a lot of people around Encred, but now one by one they left the place and mingled among themselves.

Looking at it, Encred thought it looked good.

The moonlight is coming down.

In temperatures that aren’t too hot.

It’s not the time for flying insects to be rampant yet.

The northern part of the continent did not originally have many flying insects.

In addition, delicious cider, deer barbecue, and foodstuffs that each household brings out as their secret weapon.

Cheese and smoked meat were served.

It may seem like you’re wasting food, but what’s the problem?

The threat to the colony has been eliminated.

The corpses of the cult members, the corpses of the monsters, etc. were all laid out outside.

The village used the equipment and paid an appropriate price for it, giving it in krona.

They were going to have a busier day starting tomorrow.

We will collect the bodies, repair the damaged walls, and in the process, move stones from the quarry and recruit villagers to increase the size of the village.

Will it end up absorbing the small surrounding villages?

That was usually the case.

That’s how the size of a pioneer village increases.

People with various talents will bring Crona with them.

That’s how we’ll turn this village into a castle.

How long would it take to properly build and raise the walls and create something resembling a fortress?

Assuming there is no help from the wizard, only the help of the artisan guild.

‘I think it will take a few years though.’

We also need to build a mansion, and considering various circumstances, it may take longer.

However, since the village head is very motivated, he will do whatever it takes.

It is a land where monsters and demons run rampant, so it will be difficult to receive trade goods.

‘Everything should be short and bold.’

Then it will work.

Encred raised his head with random thoughts.

In the center of the village square, it was noisy everywhere.

Someone sings a song.

Someone brought a lute and strummed it.

That guy knows how to play.

I was listening to it carefully, looking at the stars that embroidered the sky, and thinking that it looked like a person swinging a sword.

“Aren’t you curious how to get Will?”

It was Ruagarne. En Creed did not turn his head when asked by Proc, who was sitting next to him.

Didn’t even answer.

Ruagarne opened her mouth again towards Encred.

“Why don’t you ask?”

Only then did Encred slowly open his lips.

“You’ll know when the time comes.”

Are you carefree? That won’t be it. The man I’ve seen so far is far from that carefree.

Ruagarne didn’t know why she felt impatient, but she suddenly felt a desire to let her know. Today wasn’t the first time. It’s been like that all this time.

I couldn’t hold back and tried to speak up, but he responded so calmly that I felt like teasing him.

“Do you think you can become a knight?”

“I don’t know.”

Another listless answer.

It was a completely unsuitable answer.

Encred opened his mouth while looking at the moon.

“A dream, just a dream.”

A blade that is short but clearly pierces the chest.

That’s what Encred said. Ruaga Rene placed his hand on his breastplate.

His left arm was still regenerating, so he was one-armed.

I felt like my heart muscle was tightening.

“This is the way the semi-descriptive writer uses Will. They randomly open their will in one or two moves. Even that is not an easy task, but it can be said that it is the realm of superhumans who have surpassed their limits. “It’s the land after the moon.”

Why is this prog suddenly saying this?

Drunk by moonlight? Or drunk on cider?

“Is Frog drunk too?”

“Sometimes, not now.”

Because Ruagarne was honest, she told me exactly what she was thinking.

“I think I’m drunk on a guy right now.”

There was no need to ask who it was. Ruagarne didn’t particularly wait for an answer either.

“Associate Knight Acea was obsessed with Will, who creates momentum.”

A knight is someone who properly uses the power of Will.

A quasi-knight is someone who writes at least part of the time.

“Even among the semi-knights who have realized their will, there are those who end up not becoming knights. No, there are a lot. “Do you still want to become a knight?”

Was this an explanation to ask? Anyway, it was helpful.

Encred nodded silently.

“Yes, it will work. article.”

A dream that was torn to shreds, Encred healed and stitched it together. Just like that, he came closer to me again, as if I could grab him by the hand.

Ruagarne looked at Encred.

On the outside, he didn’t show any passion, but Ruagarne could tell because he had seen the man called Encred.

‘A terrible human being.’

This person is a person with a hot flame that is not extinguished externally.

That’s why it’s beautiful. That’s why it looks good.

“If you become a knight, I will fall in love with you.”

For Proc, propagation of the species and love from the heart are two different things.

So they were able to love humans too.

Above all, Frog’s love was different from the human concept. It wasn’t just different, it was a completely separate concept.

They have no concept of redemption and no concept of physical love.

It’s okay for the man I like to meet another woman.

Rather, I make my presence known to the woman and ask for her understanding.

It was truly rare for a human to be loved by Frog.

It was such a special thing, something that didn’t happen easily.

Encred looked to see what this was talking about, then nodded.


It was an insignificant answer, an attitude that showed courage. Ruagarne really liked that too.

As the two shared a drink under the moonlight, a leopard jumped in between them.

He rolled his eyes as if he knew how to drink.

“Do you want a drink?”

Encred asked. Esther opened her mouth. The precious cider entered the leopard’s mouth.

The leopard gulped down a sip of alcohol and roared.

“Is it delicious?”

In response to Encred’s question, the leopard just opened its mouth again.


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