Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 176

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176. That was my feeling.

Let’s take out what we have learned and learned, let’s do that.

The moment I made up my mind to move, my body moved on its own.

Anything could be seen and reacted to.

The countless days of training with the technique of isolation have given me strength and support.


The body moves as intended. I only focused on swordsmanship.

Northern style heavy swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship that developed throughout the continent on the basis of ‘Jeongjunghwanhwayu’ was a combination of five basic forms.

For example, Mitch Huryer used a sword technique that added ‘jung’ to ‘jeong’ and ‘yu’.

Ragna taught me swordsmanship that seemed to focus on ‘medium’ and add a bit of ‘pleasure’.

That was the Northern style of heavy swordsmanship.

Of course, all I learned was the basics. It was just a simple technique, but that was enough.

Based on the swordsmanship he honed as a foundation.


Hear the enemy’s attack pattern with your eyes and ears. As my senses became entangled and I opened the door to my sixth sense, I continued to see. The falling blades are classified and distinguished in the order in which they arrive. I was able to figure out everything one by one.

The speed of feeling and reaction after that was literally a ray of light.

‘Left here.’

It was natural to have time to think.

Now, Encred was faster than the monsters and beasts surrounding him, he could see them in advance, and his body followed them.

It moved more like that. He went one step faster than his opponent and swung his hand once more.


If the Heart of Superpower is activated for a long time, the body will be damaged. So short and momentary.

Repeating today’s past, I didn’t just learn a sense of coordination during that time.

In the process of avoiding and avoiding again, it is naturally obtained through training and training.

My heart is pounding and my muscles are tense.

‘third time? No, I can swing it four times.’

With one heartbeat, there are four slashes with tremendous power.

Let’s go!

All were cuts that did not feel any resistance in the hand.

It was a sword strike that split the heads of four gnolls, or more precisely, cut the tops of their heads in half.

Your body moves as you wish.

The sword went as desired.

The body’s coordination doubles the speed of all reflexes and allows us to unravel everything we have learned.

Encred thought of Rem at this moment. How can he run alone through the middle of the battlefield and not get hurt?

How is such a thing possible?

With this kind of skill, it was possible with the person I am now.

Then cut and cut and cut and cut again.

I was drunk and walking through drunken times.


The driver I saw back then also came to mind. How was he able to do that? The power he showed by kicking the ground alone.

They say ‘Will’ is needed. He said that was a long way off for En Creed.

So is that a reason to give up?

That sounds like a no-brainer.

My days are busy with walking and doing my best at what I can do now.

Because there is no time to be frustrated.

Encred did just that.

I did everything I could. With a heart of great strength and a body trained through the techniques of isolation, he imitated the lunge of a semi-knight.

I ran wild and ran wild, but when my limbs began to tremble and a tingling pain came to my intestines, I took a quick step back.

“iced coffee!”

Behind me, Ruagarne was making strange noises.

Encred’s entire body was drained of energy.

When I asked for help, Ruagarne wrapped a whip around my wrist and pulled me. Just like that, I fainted in Ruagarne’s arms.

It was only natural that he showed a force similar to that of a semi-knight without Will.

However, those who were watching him.

Those who climbed on the castle wall.

Ruagarne, Finn, Kreis, and even Esther.

An inexplicable fire appeared in their chests, goosebumps appeared on their skin, and their entire bodies trembled.

‘What kind of person could do that?’

Even though I’m not a bard, it’s a moment when I want to compose a song.

“f*ck, the name of the castle wall is a winning bid.”

A castle wall construction craftsman, who hit his head while carrying a rock and got a bloody crust, said.

I’m just going to build Encred’s walls, without the crazy ones.

“That’s right, why am I crying?”

Some of the vigilantes even shed tears.

Rather than the joy of returning alive, they all trembled with inexplicable emotion at the sight of the man running wild in front of them.

The word impressive is often used. It refers to seeing something and having it engraved in one’s mind. Feelings and emotions are engraved in it.

Now, at this moment, Encred has been engraved in their hearts.


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“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Amid shouts and cheers.

They had not yet retreated.


They chanted someone’s name, fired arrows, and threw stones.

Finally, the group of monsters took a step back.

“Who is he?”

Seeing him fall and come back, everyone asked in unison. I hope you don’t get hurt. I hope you don’t get hurt. I hope you come out okay and walk. I want to see his smiling face.

We all felt the same way.

I want to support you. I want to give anything for him.

That was my feeling.

Their expectations were met.

“Did you go?”

Encred stood and walked fine and asked.

Deutsche Pullman landed on the wall. He looked at the glaive in his hand a few times and, as if he didn’t like it, threw it aside.

It was quite a surprise for his subordinates. As a mercenary, he treasured his weapons like his life.

Deutch then gets down on one knee. He knelt down, lowered his head, and opened his mouth.

“Thank you.”

Although it was short, everything was contained in the man’s bold words.

“… … “It’s probably not over yet.”

Encred just accepted those words calmly. He didn’t even smile at all. Deutsch didn’t want his smile, his gratitude, or his congratulations.

He just showed respect to the man who made him seething.

Everyone who saw that put one knee on the ground. Someone standing on the wall, someone on the floor.

Encred just shrugged his shoulders.

Those who watched him for a long time knew. That he’s quite happy with the situation.

After the battle, knees, and activities were all over, Encred washed up and returned to the cabin to check his body.

It was too much.

My muscles were sore and my heart was constricted.

‘This is enough.’

Adjusted. You will recover in a day. It was enough.

Should I once again express my gratitude to Audin?

“The technique of isolation is also the technique of creating a reborn body. The word “rebirth god” comes from the eastern or northern end, and refers to a body that is eventually restored even if it is broken. “This technique does not end with just modifying the skeleton.”

Audin repeatedly emphasized this. The technique of isolation ultimately creates a foundation for the body to recover.

I was taking full advantage of it.

‘are you okay.’

I clenched and unclenched my hand to check its condition. The soreness slowly subsided through her trembling muscles.

“Well, um, I was surprised.”

Cryce said from next to Encred.

Everyone was looking at them. It’s not like he passed out for half a day after doing something like that, he closes his eyes for a moment, opens them, and walks fine.

“I fell in love again.”

Finn says.

Esther just looks on. What those eyes meant was something I couldn’t figure out.

Ruagarnet only said what she had to say calmly.

“Once this matter is over, I will return.”

I just say it’s time to go back. It is a proc bound by a covenant. She wasn’t free at all.

Encred said yes.

“Don’t speak too loudly. “Don’t use honorifics.”

Then he added words that were full of coercion. En Creed nodded his head.

What did it matter? He was busy preparing for tomorrow.

The whistle dagger has been used up.

If the opponent, that is, the cultist, wasn’t an idiot, he wouldn’t back down like this.

I saw you leave today, I know you will come back. Instead of holding on any longer, they retreated in an attempt to preserve their forces.

‘I can just make the ladder again.’

Since he saw that he was overexerting himself, he thought he might try to attack once more.

‘Shall we try fishing?’

Since I showed what I had, I felt like I could do something about it.

“Shouldn’t we catch the cultists and go?”

asked Ruagarne. This means that it would be difficult to leave right now.

“Of course.”

Good, I think it will work.

Kreis came up next to me and whispered.

“Guys, I think I’ll come back tomorrow.”

Cryce, this guy had an amazing head. He is also quick to notice.

“I’m thinking of trying fishing.”

“Ah, that’s nice.”

With just a few words, Kreis immediately came up with something similar to a plan.

It seemed like it would work. No, this seemed to work. Kreis’s mind instantly set a direction that would break the enemy’s heart and proceeded with the work.

So I had a good rest for the day. No one disturbed Encred.

Some of the retreating group of monsters were within visual range, so I wasn’t at ease.

However, if there is anything different from the previous day.

“Are you going to lose our village to a monster?”

It’s just that I’m overflowing with energy.

Something Encred showed ignited fire in everyone’s hearts.

Even before the fire goes out, the morning sun rises.

The group of monsters also brought something similar to a ladder.

This time, I also prepared a hook attached to the end of the line.

It looks like it was made by plaiting tree trunks, and although it wasn’t much, it seemed like it would be a powerful weapon.

“You bastards.”

Deutch ground his molars.

Encred opened the gate again.

And then I repeated the same thing as yesterday.

Did you say that the body is recovering, the god of rebirth?

The technique of isolation supported my body, so it was okay. There was no problem.

Just like that, there was an uproar again.

A monster slayer with two swords.

When that name starts to spread, after a short but intense battle that can be called premature e****lation or rapid e****lation.

Encred vomited blood.


Two days, it was definitely a sign that I was overdoing it.

Beside him, Ruagarnet deliberately left a gap and his left arm was cut off.

He lifted up his forearm, which had been cut off below the elbow, with his mouth.


That sounded like a cry of victory.

The group of monsters and beasts retreated again, but Encred spewed out blood and Ruagarne lost his left arm.

On the third day, the monster attacked again.

“Aren’t you tired of it?”

The cries of the mercenaries standing on the wall rose up, and Encred came out of the castle walls again.

Encred, who had fought and vomited blood, held out for a shorter time than the day before and retreated. A dark, dark shadow began to form under his eyes every moment.

Before I knew it, the number of demonic beasts had been reduced by half.

The number was drastically reduced to less than five hundred.

What he meant was that the number of people who had been cut, cut, and stabbed by Encred’s hands was close to five hundred.

It was a feat achieved in three days.

Encred eventually lost his limbs and was taken in by the vigilantes.

By that time, the number of arrows flying had also decreased.

The log barrier once again held.

It seemed like I could just last two to three days like this.

The next day, Encred came out with darker shades under his eyes and a pale complexion.

Although his fatigue seemed to be at its peak, he burned his life once again like a candle that illuminates the surroundings. He performed like a ghost.

“Oooooh! Monster slayer!”

The cry of a vigilante with a deep voice.

Those who were provoked by him, twenty vigilantes, rushed out and engaged in close combat.

It was a fight in preparation for a retreat in front of the wall.

Thankfully, there were no deaths.

Still, it was close. The damage to the barrier increased and it now seemed dangerous even without a ladder.

On this day, Encred really felt like a monster slayer.

He reduced the number of demons by as many as a hundred, just like the first day.

The remaining number was less than three hundred, there were no ghouls left, and the number of demonic beasts was greatly reduced.

There were only two hundred gnolls and less than a hundred hyenas.

The morning of the fourth day dawned like that.

* * *

The cultist knew how to stop people and kill them.

Of course, when I saw Encred’s performance, I immediately tried to run away.

‘It’s a knight! At least he’s a semi-knight!’

A knight is a force that cannot be dealt with, so of course it was right to run away.

I tried to fall back, but for a knight, something was lacking.

They don’t look like humans.

There was a time when I was almost killed by an arrow thrown by a semi-knight from a distance of more than fifty paces.

The cultists knew their power well.

But, this is the outskirts.

What kind of quasi-knight would come to a place like this?

I have something to eat.

The number of knights in the kingdom is at most thirty.

Among them, there are at most one to two who can be called knights.

They are strategic weapons and beings that change the direction of battle.

Knights are usually made up of semi-knights. Even they changed the direction of the battlefield.

Originally, on the battlefield of the continent, a small elite military group was important.

‘But this is the outskirts? What kind of knightly order is coming here?’

The knights aren’t that leisurely people.

In other words, the opponent was neither a knight nor a semi-knight.

He showed surprising force, but quickly retreated.

He repeated the same thing the next day, but he was like a wizard who had pledged his soul. It was a struggle without any regard for my life.

‘Can you hold on to this?’

The opponent held out. After torturing him like that for several days, he ended up vomiting blood.

Only Frock with a severed arm and a villager who had fallen out of arrows and stones remained.


The cultist laughed with satisfaction. Now, with a group of monsters at the forefront, we will pick it up and swallow it, chew it up, and eat it up.

In this way, the dream of monsters becoming rampant in this land will come true.

In this way, God’s will will be preached.

In the end, when things get bigger, whether it’s an article or something else, it all falls apart.

In the meantime, there will be quite a bit to be gained from here.

“let’s go.”

A cult leader led the monsters.

Fourth day, morning.

It was a day of victory. Before, I didn’t dare to rush straight to the log wall.

It’s over now.

The cultist led them and pounded on the barrier. Above the barrier, a leopard was seen. It must be somewhere nearby.

All this time, the leopard was next to that crazy guy.

It was natural. Learning through repeated situations is the way to create stereotypes.

‘Come out, you bastard.’

That’s when you hit the wall like that.

“Kreis is right.”

It’s a voice coming from behind.


I flinched, my fur stood up. I turned my head and looked behind her.

I saw a man with dark skin under his eyes and a pale complexion, and a frock.

“It was hard to see the face. you.”

A man with a pale complexion spoke and wiped under his eyes with his fingers.

There was something black on that hand.

He was clearly a guy who should have been coughing up blood and lying around, but is it an illusion that his complexion and skin look so clear and good?


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