Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 175

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175. I need to hurry up

Encrid was able to express Ruagarne’s fight in two words.

They are ‘thud’ and ‘bang’.

It was a ridiculous charge that ran straight towards the group of gnolls and didn’t even think like a ghoul’s brain.

When a knight mounts a proper war horse and strikes, it is called charging.

Wouldn’t Ruagarne’s charge be called that way now?

‘I think that will work.’

The effect was sufficient. Ignoring the scratches that occurred as he charged, he swung the whip with his right hand and the sword with his left.

phut! phut!

Every time the whip cuts through the air, it hits the heads, shoulders, and belly of the group of gnolls.

Okay! pop! Boom!

A loud noise like this erupted. The head exploded, and black blood and brain fluid splattered everywhere.

Then, he struck the head of the approaching hyena beast with the sword in his left hand.

Growing up! Mugwort, puk! Sigh! I heard those kinds of sounds one after another. As she repeated the motion of stabbing and pulling out her sword, three or four short-snouted hyena beasts fell to the ground, spraying black blood.

Gurgling, gurgling.

Ruagarne ran past the dying beasts with black foam at the mouth, and killed nine gnolls and fifteen hyena beasts with his charge.

Afterwards, a group of gnolls gathered together in groups of five or six or seven and began to deal with Ruagarne.


Ruagarne puffed out her cheeks and swung her whip violently.

The whip flew around and did not hit the enemy, but instead wound around his neck. Wind it up, grab it, and throw it away.


Have you seen a gnoll flying in the sky? saw. I just saw it.

The flying ball fell headfirst to the floor with a thud, and in the meantime, Frog’s whip and sword took over the role of a stretched guillotine.

Killed and killed again.

The power of an angry Proc is truly amazing.

He was showing off his super strength and natural fighting sense.


The gnoll’s scream-like cries rang out loudly.

Meanwhile, Encred also trudged forward.

Ruagarne was a proc, and she showed her anger by appropriately expressing it through provocation.

It was truly amazing power.

However, now that I have started to see or grasp something by repeating today.

‘Can’t I deal with it?’

The Procs were a fighting race, but they were not all the same. Didn’t Ruagarne repeatedly say that she was a scholar?

I’m not the type of person who is obsessed with combat.

If only now.

‘I don’t think I’ll lose.’

That thought suddenly occurred to me.

Is it arrogance or confidence due to accumulated experience?

Of course, you have to fight every fight to find out, but if you want to kill.

‘I think it will work.’

That’s what I thought.

“I can teach you swordsmanship, but knights and your group of madmen are, well, quite difficult opponents.”

Ruagarne, the talent reader was cold. He made it clear about his skills and where he currently stands.

“I tend to have a stronger curiosity than a desire to win.”

Which proc is not curious?

Ruagarne’s eyes sparkled as she said those words. She seemed to have light shining into her large, round, bulging eyes.

Afterwards, when Encred spoke of a strategy for dealing with a group of monsters, Frog puffed out his cheeks and tilted his head.

Ruagarnet, accustomed to human life, would express its intentions with human-like gestures.

Let’s hear the strategy, what kind of crazy thing is that?

“I did it yesterday too.”

As he answered those words, Encred felt his heart, body, hands, feet, and whole body becoming hot.

What should I say, I feel like I want to go crazy.

Should I say that I suddenly felt like running in the pouring rain?

Or should I say that it feels like I want to roll around on a snowy field covered in pure white snow.

Anyway, I wanted to do something that put it all together.

To be precise, I wanted to swing a sword.

“So you just have to look behind you.”

This is a request to both Ruagarne and Esther.

If left as is, the village is on the verge of collapse.

If you brought a ladder, well, you’re done.

Then what should I do?

‘It breaks what you believe in.’

What do play and cultists believe now? Numbers and tools, ladders and numbers.

At the same time, I wanted to pour out something that was boiling inside my body.

Something burning, something boiling.

“It looks like we will have to fight a short but serious fight.”

Encred muttered as he stepped forward. He muttered that as if he were reciting a poem, remembering the boatman, and stepped forward.


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While Ruagarne was attracting all attention with his force, Encrid came right in front of the group of monsters and beasts.

Then Ruagarne took a breath and stepped back.

In the meantime, she had slaughtered nearly thirty total gnolls and hyenas.

Frog returned with minor wounds on his arms, legs, thighs, and stomach.

she is strong

But if you ask me if I am strong enough to not be overcome.

Well, I don’t know. It seemed like I could get over it.

Encred stopped between the gnolls, the hyena beasts, and the ghouls.


Kia! Kaaa!

Gnoll and hyena beasts.


First, a ghoul greeted him. He was truly very welcome.

Encred thought as he looked at them.

Is it possible that the knight’s military power is out of reach?

Does that mean we can’t reach it?

I do not know. Because no one knows the future.


Short, but bold.

I felt like I could show them something.

The enemy is a large number, a collection of countless monsters and beasts.

There I saw people holding ladders.

Is the number approximately thirty or more?

Okay, thirty.

I recognized it and drew my sword.


One on the right hand.


One on the left hand.

Although I am still much more accustomed to handling only one sword.

This would be better for now. Since there were many opponents, Encred swung his sword.

* * *

‘What are you trying to do?’

Ruagarne did not ask Encred.

There were many reasons for not asking.

First of all, even though he was among a group of proc and gnoll monsters, he was confident that he could save himself.

If you don’t suit up, all you have to do is give up one arm and get out.

The arm will also regenerate, so there is no problem. Therefore, when asked to go among the monsters, there was no need to ask.

Let me point out another reason.

It was because of Encred’s change.

‘Why did it change?’

I was only gone for about half a day. However, Encred’s posture and momentum changed.


Frog, Roagarnet was a talent reader. Her eyes and senses naturally watched En Creed’s steps, hand gestures, and posture to gauge her skills.


This man has changed to the point where he asks the same question twice.

Originally, skills could improve so suddenly, but it was different. It was clearly different from those I had seen before.

“I have an appointment at the salon.”

Geniuses were originally like that. Ruagarne was taken aback when a guy who was just playing around improved his skills so much.

That’s what a genius is.

Even so, were there no signs or signs from them?

No, there was.

Ruagarne could see it.

A sign or sign that appears just before your skills improve.

It’s only natural to grow after seeing a sign.

‘does not exist.’

I didn’t see anything like that. Signs and signs.

Nothing really changed suddenly.

Is this possible?

Moreover, in Ruagarne’s opinion, Encred was not even considered a genius.

But how?

Same question again. So now she stood here to see if En Creed had really changed or if her sense of self was broken.

‘If it’s wrong.’

It would be enough to just take him out.

Next to me, Ester pulled out her claws and stabbed the floor. Looking at it, it seemed like this fierce leopard had similar thoughts.

Worries, expectations, curiosity, and a desire for the unknown all overlapped, and I cast my gaze forward.

After that, any worries went away.

Chi-ring, tee-ring.

Encrud drew two swords and moved. Between gnolls and demonic beasts, into a group of ghouls.

The purpose was clear.


It lunges in a straight line towards the guy holding it.

Rua Garne was aiming for that too. However, he is not a monster that he calls a true knight, much less a compatriot whose main occupation is fighting.

A crowd is a crowd.

They are the ones who purposely hide and retreat. You might be able to catch and kill the ones that come rushing in front of you.

What about chasing a guy who runs away? It takes a lot of effort. The problem is that there are too many numbers.

It’s a play partner. As a proc, they were people I could kill while sleeping, but there were too many of them.

Ruagarne was not a knight. She is a proc, but even a proc has limits to her physical strength.

You can catch one cultist, but you can’t deal with this whole group. That was common sense.

On the continent, breaking common sense was called knighthood or knighthood.

And now.

Hung. Hooung, puk, puk, seoseok, pang, puk, poo bubuk.

Encred’s sword broke the road. The path laid by common sense.


You can’t improve your skills without any signs or signs.

Even if you’re a genius, that’s impossible.


Encred’s sword moved at the moment of need and as much as needed.

Stab and cut. Cut and pierced. The top of the head of the approaching gnoll was lightly split, and the sword swung sideways cut off the spear holding the gnoll.

As the one with the spear cut off opened its mouth and its sharp fangs bit Encred’s shoulder, a flash of light flashed from bottom to top.

There was a flash of light and my head was split in half. There was no way a head cut in half could bite something.

The severed head split left and right and the two-headed figure collapsed.

The power of the blade.

Ruagarne knew that its power was no less than his own now.

This is the power he showed once during sparring.

However, during sparring, I only knew how to lose my balance and pour out.

Now I spend and reap what I need in perfect balance.

Cut vertically, thrust forward, and move your feet non-stop to occupy space.

When the ladder comes into the gap, swing your sword and break it. Then, five or six ghouls attacked from the side like a lump.

The attitude of holding on to the legs of one’s pants even if it means death.

A cultist’s brainwashing spell was involved.

That too was useless.

Before the ghoul mass approached, Encred put his left foot forward and his right foot back and naturally swung his sword as if he had been waiting.

Bung, hung, kwagagagak!

What use are bones, muscles, and tendons?

A heavy sword-style rotating slash cut the entire ghoul mass.

Their body parts, including arms, legs, head, chest, and abdomen, were scattered on the floor.

In between.

It is accompanied by the image of one of the swords being slammed into the ground.

Beep beep beep!

The throwing knife flew from Encred’s hand as he let go of the sword and moved with a strange sound.

It was a whistle dagger.

Ten blades of rain scattered like the wind and pierced all directions.

All of the blown whistle daggers hit the head of the guy holding the ladder.

Just because you know how to use play equipment doesn’t mean you know how to save it.

When the ladder falls to the floor, I accidentally step on it. The improvised ‘tool’ broke.


The mutant gnoll rushed in. They have one big head. Three or four of them occupied the front, back, left and right sides, and through the gap, the hyena beast pushed her head in.

The image of Encred holding the sword that had been stuck in the ground disappeared for an instant.

Ruagarne’s eyes did not miss it, but an afterimage remained in her eyes as well.


This is a charging machine commonly seen by semi-cavaliers. Should I say it is at a similar level of speed?

It disappears just before it is surrounded, appears behind the right variant, and stabs while crossing the swords in both hands.


The two swords crossed into the mutant’s heart and came out.

Because of my heart, my cheeks swelled for a moment. Still, I could ignore it. Because she is an experienced prog.

However, even in that experience, there is a person in front of you that you have never seen before.

Midge moved her chest.

Encred pulled back the stuck sword.

Black blood flowed along the sharply pulled blade.


The variant is dead.


The hyena beast rushes in. Her foot kicked her with a thud, and her head was hit by the pommel and exploded.


The ghoul did not disappear and attacked. Stick your fingernails in. The poisoned fingernails themselves were deadly weapons.


When he was hit on the head by a sword he swung as if he was annoyed, the ghoul’s head cap disappeared.

One of the common myths is that ghouls don’t have brains, but now I see that they don’t have brains.

However, it was small. It was barely the size of a finger.

It wasn’t long before Encred stepped forward and swung his sword.

Not in half a day, not in hours.

Is it just time for a cup of tea?

Is this a time when the position of the sun will not change?

For dragons and fairies who have lived for a long time, a period of time that must be considered a moment.

Encred broke the placenta while on a ladder.

A total of nearly a hundred demonic beasts and demons were turned into pieces of rotten meat.

The ghouls were almost annihilated.

Ruagarne was a prog, and instead of getting goosebumps, her heart muscle hurt.

Admiration and emotion, the joy and joy of discovering something unknown and incomprehensible.

Happiness when something unknown is in front of you.

Everything came together and brought tears to her eyes.

It is a harsh happiness.

“iced coffee.”

She sang Frog’s song, the battle song, with admiration.

Encred took a step back and collapsed before the song even started. He bent his knees and plunged the sword into his floor.

My body shook even when I made that movement. Then she opened her mouth.

“Me, please.”

uh? uh? I’m just so moved that I have to sing more and shed more tears?

Why is this guy who was acting like a quasi-knight suddenly?


Encred spoke with blue lips.

Ruagarne reflexively stretched out her whip. Whirling, the whip wrapped around Encred’s wrist, which had been blown away.

As I continued to pull, Encred came along, dragging along the ground.

The floor was full of dirty corpses, so I flicked my wrist and made Encred float in the air.

I lifted the flying Encred into my arms and bent my knees to relieve the shock.

“let’s go.”

The black-haired, blue-eyed man in his arms spoke.

Ruagarnet was moved, but the feeling he had received for the first time did not disappear.


Ruagarne nodded.

The remaining gnolls and demons attacked, but decided to run away.


“Shoot! Shoot!”

As they retreated, arrows flew from above to provide support.

The monsters and beasts rushed forward again. Even as my head was pierced by an arrow, I swung my claws and the ax in my hand against the log barrier again.

Arrows and rocks fell on top of him.

A few people climbed the ladder.

“Is it time to go sightseeing?”

At Kreis’ shout, the former mercenaries and vigilantes under Deutsche went on a rampage.

They pushed the ladder and fought.

Since Ruagarne and Esther have returned, the ladders that are less than ten are useless.

“You’re crazy, you’re crazy.”

Deutsche Pullman muttered as he looked at the retreating monster on the wall.

Ruagarne agreed with that.

‘It was crazy.’

Although Encred was short, he performed similar to a quasi-knight.

Without any sign or hint.

The transformation of a man who was thought to have no talent in half a day.

Ruagarne’s heart muscle moved like it did when she was younger.

For a moment, I felt like a girl.


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