Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 174

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174. Provoked Frock, Leopard and Man

The emergency bell rang, but no one woke up after hearing the sound.

Because a person who has already woken up cannot wake up again.

Everyone spent the night with their eyes open. The news that another group of gnolls was coming made them do that.

It’s a group of monsters and beasts that have come back like that.

This time was different from before.

They filled one side of the wilderness and rushed at each other, and in between them there were things that had never been seen before.

Two or three men were approaching with long objects at their sides.

It’s a ‘tool’ that’s long and has a hole in the middle.

Instead of charging indiscriminately like before, there was some order to it.

There are dozens of groups that have come together like that.

When Deutsch first entered the mercenary world, he estimated numbers as he learned from a former military mercenary.

This is a method of bending your finger to create a circle, then counting the number of circles using the circle and calculating how many circles will fit in the total area.


About twenty to one circle, maybe fifty circles like that? I thought that was about it.

A group of ghouls scurried between the gnoll and hyena beasts.

It’s a terrible number. It was more than yesterday. Even yesterday was a nightmare.

Everything was terrible, but the most terrible thing was being in their hands.

A long, holey tool.


I couldn’t help but say something to myself.

Deutsche Pullman felt dizzy.

The play brought a ladder.

Monster gnolls use weapons. Therefore, once you learn it, you can use the tool.

What’s even more absurd is that even at first glance, it looks like it was a hastily made product.

‘Can you make a ladder?’

No, what kind of ladder are you making?

They said there was a shady mastermind behind it, and it was clear that the guy was manipulating it.


The more I thought about it, the more dizzy I felt. Of course, the biggest problem right now was the ladder.

Whether it was made hastily or with great effort, once it was hung on the castle wall, the completeness of the ladder was not important from then on.

“Boiling oil!”

Deutsch shouted reflexively.

“Is there such a thing?”

The village chief’s shout returned.

There were some stones left to throw, but it couldn’t be said that there were many. There were quite a few arrows, but would these be enough to defeat a horde of monsters that seemed to number about a thousand?

It was only when they were huddled together under the castle wall that it was possible to hit them by shooting them.

But the number of archers is only twenty?

It was impossible to pour boiled oil into it as if it were a siege.

Should I collect the waste and pour it out?

Will the game or the hyena’s monster retreat if I get hit with some poop and urine?

It was out of the question.

If you hold out for seven days, reinforcements will come, but will you be able to hold out?

‘As long as there are enough stones.’

What would happen if everyone in the village attacked the twenty-year-old archer?

Once the stone throwing was over, the villagers would no longer be able to be used as troops.

Bringing out a villager like this in hand-to-hand combat isn’t like throwing a rare steak at a gnoll.

It is not possible to transport a stone suitable for throwing from the quarry in one day. There is neither the capacity nor the manpower to do so.

I could carry it around as much as I could, but it would be impossible. You can’t stop it like that.

‘There’s no way around it.’

Once the ladder is placed, it’s over. The difference in numbers was clear to block with arrows and falling rocks.

Even if a cultist tries to do something, if he even curses me, how can I stop him?

It’s lucky if everyone doesn’t fall over.

Even Deutch himself had no means of resisting the curse right now.

It was just a pioneer village, and it wasn’t big enough for a former mercenary leader to stop it.

To be honest, Deutch wanted to run away.

Yesterday’s victory has already disappeared from my mind.

Did you say that the craftsman brought in to build the castle wall named it the Mad Encred Castle Wall?

That’s ridiculous, they wouldn’t even be able to raise the foundation stone.

If things continue like this, this will become a gnoll colony nest. It was going to become a village of bastards. It’s a village of gnolls.

Then, if a large-scale punitive force is organized, the village will quickly burn down.

So, what about those who die and lose their homes in the meantime?

Deutsch invested all his money and everything into the pioneer village. If it was taken away, I would have been penniless. I will have to live my life swinging my sword from the ground up again.

So should I run away? Is that really true?

‘If I run away, where will I go?’

There is nowhere to go. If you escape with a group of mercenaries through the quarry, where will you go afterwards?

Should I at least cross the border?

I’m sure I’ll do well. Traveling without preparation would be like suicide, right?


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Nevertheless, my long experience as a mercenary has taught me that my chances of survival are higher if I run away.

“f*ck you.”

A curse suddenly came out.

It was then.

“What was that friend’s name?”


The sound of words coming from nearby.

The hero of the night before, the crazy platoon leader with black hair and blue eyes.

A madman who jumped into a group of people playing alone and stabbed the leader.

“Deutsch, let’s open the door a little.”

The Encred said.

Deutch’s eyebrows fluctuated as much as his emotions, and Kreis, who was next to him, recited prepared words in a bright voice.

“I must not have forgotten that the operational command authority rests with my platoon leader, and I immediately follow orders. “The pioneer village’s guard captain.”

It was just a recitation of things to keep in mind and things to do, but the effect was clear.

Kreis did not use a particularly arrogant or forceful tone.

The timing couldn’t have been more appropriate.

There’s no way anyway, right? Don’t you know it when you see it? Look at the number on the ladder, isn’t it a more terrifying moment compared to when you first came here? What about the cultists there? You have no choice.

In short, it was a way out.

If I let go of command, I could escape responsibility.

By Kreis’s standards, Deutsche Pullman was a dull but brilliant man.

‘It would be easier if I gave up right away.’

A garrison in a pioneer village? watch? What is the good of using such bravery?

Work for later? Hey, this is a gamble. Are there just one or two pioneer villages that have collapsed like that?

What if the situation turned out this way?

If it were Kreis himself, he would have taken his mercenary corps and looted the village right away.


Of course, Kreis couldn’t do that.

If that were the case, a blade might fly instead of Encred’s hands or feet.

Well, what comes back is that the platoon leader was sincere about saving people.

Thinking about that made me feel a little sick. He seems like a person who only chooses to do strange things.

Look at this, he’s still doing weird things like that.

It was right after the emergency bell was raised.

“Only me, Ruagarne, and Esther are going out.”


“Outside the walls.”

This is what Encred said while the emergency bell was ringing.

Cryce seriously wondered if Encred had hurt his head during the fight yesterday.

“You know I almost died yesterday, right?”

Encred nodded.

“It was a little close.”

Doesn’t this guy’s life matter to him?

“Keep your eyes straight.”

As soon as he thought about it, Encred’s mouth opened. Kreis, who didn’t want to get hit for no reason, looked away.

“What if I have bad luck today?”

“There is Ruagarne.”

No, no matter how great Frog is, what kind of article is Rua Garnet? Isn’t it?

Nope. Then it’s dangerous.

“Find out what you need to do and do it yourself.”

Encred said exactly this. That’s the end of the conversation. After that, Kreis was able to figure things out.

‘The full-scale battle is fought by only one human, one proc, and one leopard.’

What can the remaining people do?

There is also support.

‘I might be able to fire an arrow appropriately.’

Kreis threw away a brief thought that had passed through his mind. It was time for him to think of something to do right away.

“Then, I am transferring command. “Open the door.”

Kreis said.

Encrid had already landed in front of the castle gate, chatting with Ruagarne.

I saw Esther walking beside me, giggling.

‘Don’t give up.’

Kreis said to himself. If the platoon leader died, Kreis himself would have difficulty surviving.

In Cryce’s opinion, Encred was not a stupid person.

‘He must have something in mind.’

Even though it was absurd, I believed it. In the past, Krys remembered the back of Encrid, who had blocked his path in the middle of the battlefield.

At that time, I barely survived.

It was difficult to even compare the platoon leader at that time with the platoon leader now.

The promotion from squad leader to platoon leader was not a problem.

My skills have improved. It is said that his dream is to become a knight, and his growth has grown so much that it seems as if he really is a knight.

“I told you to open it? Hangmyeong is ruled by beheading. Deutsche Pullman!”

Kreis’ voice gained strength. It is a coercion that has never existed before.

He is neither a mercenary leader nor Encred.

He’s just a weak human being, so shouldn’t he have power on his back?

“… … Yes, four.”

Deutsch responded. He is a former security captain who abandoned his duties and responsibilities.

“Cut off the heads of those who disobey.”

I told Doichi, but would he really cut off his head?

Of course that didn’t happen.

Soon the pulley turned with a gurgle, and the log door opened with a click.

Encrid, Ruagarne, and Esther went out.

It’s not a reckless rush like yesterday. A clumsy but large-sized beast of gnolls and hyenas, and even a group of ghouls coming together from one side.

There must have been a cultist hiding somewhere in there.

There were only three people standing in front of him, despite the number that could be considered a large army.

When I checked it, my saliva suddenly dried. Kreis swallowed his saliva, avoiding other people’s eyes.

No matter what they do, you have to support them.

“Bring all the soldiers who are confident in archery.”

With the archers.

“Put stones around so you can pick them up and throw them at any time.”

Everyone, even the village residents, began to follow Kreis’ words.

Using the log stockade as a wall, it was time to face the enemy of the great army again.

* * *

It was nice that Encred had less to worry about as Chrys moved on its own.

‘If it wasn’t for the treasure, I would have had trouble falling into it.’

If it weren’t for him whining while holding a map, Cryce wouldn’t have been able to go on a mission like this.

Then, he wouldn’t have bothered to bring him.

Miscellaneous commands and trivial tasks, if it weren’t for Kreis, it was something he would have had to do himself.

One-eyed or one-eyed, Deutsch Pullman, who was said to be Glaive, looked like he had lost his balls.

‘It’s the kind of face that’s perfect for holding on and then falling.’

That look of broken heart is something I often see.

After seeing that far, Encred stopped paying attention. After that, I just reflect on the sword, myself, and the new things I realized.

It was time for that.

As I stood in front of the log door, last night’s dream naturally came to mind.

The conversation with the boatman, his reaction, and what happened afterward remain vivid in my mind as if branded.

“You used a shortcut.”

The boatman who said those words showed no emotion.

‘It just so happened.’

I say this from the heart.

The boatman managed to understand it.

Even though there were no waves or waves, the ferry boat moved up and down.

It seemed as if it represented the boatman’s current mood.

How dare you? Expedient? That kind of manipulation?

Nevertheless, Encred was at peace.

“Wandering through time, bound by the rules, you will regret it, this is not the end.”

The boatman warned by reciting a verse, and Encred thought that was it.

What should I do after mulling over words that I don’t even understand?

I just dream of tomorrow, both now and in my dreams.

That was the end. The boatman disappeared, and what followed was a nightmare.

It was a dream where I was stuck in a well, and even though I could see the moon shining above my head, I couldn’t go up, repeating the day.

In the dream, Encred climbed the wall with his fingernails breaking and peeling, but in the end he couldn’t climb up.

This is why I was struggling in my sleep.

“What was the dream?”

Ruagarne asked as the log door opened.

“It was a dream with beautiful moonlight.”

It wasn’t wrong. The moonlight shining from above the well was truly beautiful. Even though it was a dream, it was so intoxicating.

It was the kind of moonlight that didn’t require a drop of alcohol.

“Doesn’t sound like a nightmare?”

“Is that so?”

After exchanging a few insignificant words.


Esther cried when she saw the open door. He glanced down to the side and felt Esther looking at him.

“Let’s ask for something today too.”

Esther is no ordinary leopard. That’s a fact we’ve already faced.

Then, what about yourself?


Take a breath. Reflect on what you have learned.

Oh, there was something to check before that. I almost forgot.

“Rua Garne.”

“Say it.”

“Please show me your skills.”

It reminds us of a fact we might otherwise forget: how well a provoked Proc will fight.


Ruagarne’s cheeks swelled greatly.

“Okay, I’ll show you.”

Said proc comes first. With a bang, it kicks the ground and runs, making the dirt rise like a fountain. How reassuring that sight is.

I was curious.

How well does a provoked proc fight?


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