Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 173

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173. Speak with your eyes.

What was the original wall?

‘Tolerate injury and surpass leader Knoll.’

The leader gnoll was surprisingly fast and held a poisoned dagger.

‘A fight that shouldn’t even pass by.’

A fight where one scratch can determine victory or defeat.

I also felt like it was a wall prepared for me. The speed of reflexes to see and react, the coordination of body movements the moment a perception is made with the eyes.

Because it felt like a fight I could never win if I didn’t realize this.

Encred thought of the opponent as a wall, and gave it a slight inflection point. It would have been nice to say it was something like an expedient method.

‘What if we face it without injury?’

Stamina was lost, but there was a way to do it.

Additionally, most of the people in the pioneer village do not have to die.

Encred did just that.

Now, it was time to check the consequences that would follow the action.

In short, Encred had to find out whether he had crossed the wall or had done something stupid.

Confirmation was easy. All you have to do is spend some time.

So conclusion.

‘It’s not working.’

Blink, blink, blink, blink.

Even though I blinked countless times, it was still the same.

The night was deep and it was already past time to go back.

So I climbed over the wall.

“what are you doing?”

It is the voice of Kreis, who was watching.

It’s lying down next to me. It was also the person whose voice Encred heard earlier.

The world is so, so, ha, am I unlucky this year?

Well, after mulling over those words, I looked at Encred and asked.

“I guess I’m lucky this year.”

“I don’t think that’s wrong. If you were unlucky, you probably wouldn’t have come back alive. But why are your eyes like that? You look like someone possessed by an evil spirit. “It’s scary, so let’s not do it.”

“Oh, I guess so.”

After that, Encred blinked his eyes a few more times.

This is a thought I think while blinking.

Was it possible to get through the day using this expedient method?

Or is this the original path?

Otherwise, all you had to do was overcome the obstacle called the wall.

I don’t know. In reality, it is full of unknown things.

It was a series of incomprehensible events starting from repeating today.

‘I wonder if it will come in my dream today.’

How about asking the boatman?

I don’t think I’ll get a good answer, but I think it’s better than not asking.

It was all useless.

There’s no point in wasting your mental energy on something like this, so I guess I’ll just swing the sword one more time.


I am in the midst of thinking. Esther, in her arms, pressed her chest.

Perhaps it’s a reward for using it so excitedly, but it hasn’t left my heart since I came back.

Even when washing, we would soak together in a wooden bathtub filled with hot water prepared by some workers.


It must have felt so good that instead of crying sharply, he let out something that resembled a steamy moan, and for no reason he pressed Encred’s chest and dozed off.

I was afraid that I might drown while dozing off, so I held him in my arms and came out to wash him. Well, I don’t think Esther will drown.

Anyway, Encred finally realized that a whole day had passed.

I climbed over the wall and survived. Today has passed when I learned something new based on my sense of avoidance. It’s tomorrow.

“Is it tomorrow now?”

I mumble intoxicated by the night, the moonlight, and the wind.

“It’s still midnight.”

Beat, beat, beat.

This is what Proc, who came back with his whole body covered in dirt and pieces of grass stuck here and there, said, and Ruagarne, who came back with the moonlight behind him.

“Are you here?”

When I asked when he would return, he said he would return after a full day.

Ruagarne didn’t know what he had been doing all this time, nor did he know about the attack by monsters and beasts.

“I ran for a long time beyond the quarry. That guy, the guy you mentioned, was a cultist. “He ran away.”

Encred and Ruagarne talked about what they had put off.

That’s how Ruagarne said he missed the cultist.

“Are you saying you missed it?”

Frog? Humans? Just a human? Even if you are a cultist and a priest? Frock misses a human?

In Encred’s eyes, those words were constantly written and then erased.

Ruagarne felt strangely uncomfortable. I opened my mouth out of discomfort.

“I deserved to miss it.”

“Oh, I see. Yes.”


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You must have let your guard down, or what, was the half-penny a frock? Maybe it was. So, you’re still here now, right? If not, wouldn’t he have returned to the capital a long time ago?

“It’s strange.”


“It seems like your eyes keep saying different things.”

“Do you mean me?”

Encred was always calm.

Just the eyes tell a different story.

It’s a half-punchy frock, but you’re quick to notice.




It’s true that I missed it. I wouldn’t have gone so far as to say that half a penny is a frock. The look in his eyes was quite irreverent, but it probably wasn’t intentional.

Because it’s true that I missed it.

But why do I feel so bad?

“He must be connected to a group of demonic beasts and monsters.”

Encrid spoke and Ruagarne nodded.

“Those who retreated today may not disperse.”

Even at those words, Ruagarne nodded.

If he were a cult priest, he could easily take his place as the leader of the colony.

The monsters and beasts that attacked were not legendary, and the gnolls were only low-level monsters.

Because low-level monsters are inherently stupid.

Among the same low-level monsters, there are ghouls.

Considering the common saying that ghouls have no brains, gnolls were not very smart either.

They just have a habit of organizing, fighting, and stabbing others.

To begin with, if there is one gnoll and one ghoul, it is easier to deal with the gnoll.

Of course, it was a different story if they were armed and militarized like this.

“I was wondering why the bastards were so well-armed, and it turned out that they were prepared by cultists. Then, they might come back tomorrow.”

Encred came to a conclusion.

At that moment, Encred’s eyes seemed to Ruagarne to be telling another story.

‘It happened because you missed it?’

“Your eyes… … .”

Just as I was about to say something, Deutsche Pullman approached me with perfect timing.

“You mean they didn’t just leave?”

While Doichi was loitering nearby, something extremely important was being said, and I couldn’t just sit there and listen.

“I think so.”


At Deutsch’s question, Encred’s gaze briefly passed by Ruagarne.


“The person behind the movement of the monster group remains.”

“back? Yes, something was strange.”

Deutsch nodded. It was quite possible.

A group of armed monsters.

An abnormal number of monsters and beasts gathered together.

Among our allies, especially among my subordinates, there were some who resembled spies.

“Ah, the missing adjutant was a cultist.”

What Encred added was quite a shock.

‘That bastard?’

Deutch shook his head left and right. First of all, I wanted to shake off all my random thoughts.

“We sent a pigeon, but it will take at least seven days for reinforcements to arrive. “There are no reinforcements nearby.”

This is not the case for a clumsy group of mercenaries. Even if you could call in a mercenary corps, using mercenaries in a battle of this scale would break Krona tremendously.

Moreover, gathering that number of mercenaries is a difficult task in itself.

Deutsch had only one choice.

Requesting support from nobles who are the village’s backbone.

I had already sent a pigeon, but I thought it would take seven days even if it came really quickly.

“Does it take a week?”

Encred muttered those words. Seeing that it was barely audible, it didn’t seem like it was meant for anyone to hear. Looking at his pensive eyes, he was talking to himself.

Deutsch did not question what those words meant. There were too many things to worry about than that.

We will have to change our defense immediately.

If the group of demons that retreated was related to a cultist, you would also have to keep spell attacks in mind.

If the opponent was a cultist, he might use a curse that would deplete his mind.

Those so-called cultists really didn’t know what they were going to do.

When you enter a mountain valley, there are some guys who rule the village as if they were gods.

Above all, if he remains, we will have to prepare for what order he will give to the gnolls.

“I am in charge of the cult.”

Ruagarne spoke to Deutsch. For Deutsche, it was a reassuring statement.

“Thank you.”

Deutsch spoke with sincerity.

Ruagarne, who spoke, looked into Encred’s eyes.

The bright blue eyes between the black hair gave off a strange light.

‘Are you supposed to clean up the poop you spread?’

Ruagarnet had that thought.


My cheeks moved spontaneously, but I had nothing to say. Because he missed the cult.

Still, it’s inherently difficult to catch someone who uses summoning techniques alone.

I think it’s because I’ve never been affected by a summoning spell, but it’s something that guys who only fight with metal can’t do anything about, and it’s difficult to block or block without the help of a spell.

“Why are you doing that?”

Encred’s eyes were still blue and vivid.

Rather than talking to those blue eyes for no reason, Ruagarne thought that if the cultist did not give up on the village the next day and showed up with monsters and beasts, then he would go and prove himself.

“Why aren’t we doing some sparring today?”

Ruagarne asked, stepping away.

“I ordered something from Esther, and she looked like this, so I’m in trouble today.”

Encred said, stroking the head of the leopard perched on my chest.

There was nothing more to say.


Ruagarnet neatly left the place and went to wash. He went back and forth and saw a stream. It seemed like she could just go there. Procs are a race that is naturally friendly to water.

I wanted to do some swimming in the cool water.

“Can you hold on?”

Kreis asked, looking at Froc who had left.

Encred, who was standing blankly, tilted his head.

“Hold on?”

“Aren’t you saying that a group of people are coming to play again tomorrow?”

“Oh, he will come.”

He had a distant attitude, a calm tone of voice, and it was clear that he was thinking something strange.

Why is this platoon leader doing this again?

Krys spoke with his eyes and Encred did not hold back. When you show this kind of attitude, you have to catch it in the past.


I suddenly kicked Kreis’ chest, who was raising his upper body at an angle.

“100 million!”

Chrys was hit and rolled to the side.

“Why, why?”

“Aren’t the eyes a little strange?”

Encred said, and Chrys knew very well that his platoon leader was someone who would push through once he made up his mind.

Above all, his sense of wit is similar to mine.

It means that you noticed what was said with your eyes. Although he usually accepted various jokes well, he was also good at using his feet when he thought something wasn’t right. Like now.

“The color of your eyes.”

“Yes, I will knit straight.”

Well, Encred was satisfied only then.

Now it was time to sleep. It would have been nice to sleep well and be in top condition for tomorrow.

I also applied ointment to a few scratches.

It’s a bit of a strain on your muscles, but you’ll be fine when you wake up.

‘How well will the provoked Frock fight?’

That was a very curious night.

While Encred slept soundly for a day, Deutsche Pullman, his subordinates, and other village residents went back and forth between heaven and hell.

“Didn’t you say everyone left?”

“You’re coming back?”

“Cultists were involved? Oh, Lord of the Sun, my Lord.”

“Bend and watch, Lord.”

“Ugh, the devil is coming. “The devil!”

Those who are scared shed tears and nonsense.

Those who have faith pray.

Those with cool-headedness realize the dangers of this job.

Those in leadership positions should do their job immediately.

It was a night where each person had their own worries and fulfilled their duties.

It was a day when most of us had no choice but to stay up all night. Vigilance guarded the night and dawn.

It’s a day that was made possible thanks to Encred’s performance.

In Deutch’s view, if it weren’t for him, the fight would have been over.

I watched how he fought.

I won’t be able to do that again.

It was a coincidence that resulted from a twist of circumstances.

Otherwise, what kind of person would jump into a group of demonic beasts alone?

The day passes and dawn breaks.

The vigilante guarding the front of Encred’s house saw the dark-blue-haired hero come out.

It was Encred who started the morning later than usual.

Encred came out, warmed up his body, drenched in sweat, and continued training.

Isn’t that a bit excessive? Is it okay to use up your stamina like that?

Before worrying, the vigilante’s mouth opened.

“Hey, you’re not taking a break even on days like this?”

I overexerted myself yesterday, and I don’t know if the crisis will continue today.

Encred nodded at the vigilante’s words.

“I had a good dream.”

hmm? I think I asked you if you were taking a break.

Encred said only what he had to say. He was focused and disciplined.

After that, the proc came out.

“A good dream? You struggled. very.”

“I guess I was talking a lot in my sleep.”

This is a conversation between Frog and Encred.

The vigilante has nothing more to say and falls back.

Soon a leopard and a soldier with big eyes also appeared.

A large-eyed soldier came out and yawned, and when he made eye contact with the vigilante, he slightly lowered his head.

The vigilante also reacted.

Lastly, the female ranger came out.


He came out with a deep breath, and just by looking at his walking, I could tell that it was not normal.

“Why are you coming out?”

Encred asked after seeing that.

“I should at least shoot a bow.”

The female ranger answered.

“it’s okay.”

“You said you would come today too?”


“It’s good to come.”

Encred, Finn, Encred, that’s what Frock said again.

The vigilante had a hard time keeping up with their conversation.

“It’s a good thing if you come.”

Meanwhile, Proc repeated the same words once more.

Those words were powerful.

Momentum, survival, speculation, things like that.

The vigilante’s stomach tingled just at the sight of Frog.

Bang, pound, pound!

While the vigilante’s balls shrank for a moment, an emergency bell rang, which reached the ears of everyone in the village.

Did you say that the worst situation you imagine always comes?

Or did you say that the thing you don’t want to face the most always comes right in front of you?

I think they both mean the same thing.

“It’s play!”

A messenger ran and shouted from the front.

It was time for Deutsche’s defensive operation, which he had prepared all night long, to begin.

Encred also moved.

My body is fully warmed up and all I need to do is gather my equipment.

The two black kreiss were cleaned before going to bed.

Wipe off the blood and make it soft with oil made from lamb fat.

Some of the chains placed inside the leather armor were dented, but it was okay.

I may not have enough throwing daggers, but I can only swing a sword today. This is the end of the preparation.

“So, Rua Garne?”

Encrud called out to Proc as he put on his armor, and Proc nodded.

It was time to make up for my mistakes and at the same time let the cheeky-eyed Encred know the value of his existence.

“egg plant.”

Ruagarne answered, and soon the group moved. Finn was also there. If I couldn’t help, the goal was to at least observe.

Kreis sighed and kept repeating that his luck was bad, but that didn’t change anything, so he made fun of him.

I didn’t know what would happen right now, but it was clear that we had to work together.

Thump, pound, pound, pound!

Emergency bells rang continuously above their heads.


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