Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 17

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17. If you put eyes on the back

If you were good at it, you could even meet a pr****ute even inside here.

I heard that pr****utes also prefer to work within the military base rather than in cities or rural villages.

First of all, you can receive more hwadae than usual.

Even if you know it, this doesn’t happen within military law and regulations.

The man I met here, whether a soldier or a commander, extremely avoided making a fuss.

No guy would enjoy causing trouble by getting caught for calling a girl for no reason.

Therefore, this place is full of rich people who pay a lot of money.

‘Even so.’

You’re talented too.

No matter how much you want, there are people who can do it and there are people who cannot.

‘Wangnun probably arranged it.’

“Well, um, I’m jealous. “Are you talented?”

“There’s no need to live with frustration, right?”

It’s not wrong.

Because it’s not a bad thing to do it if you can.

Saxony walked, buttoning his shirt.

I didn’t even look back, wondering if my relationship with the woman who remained in the barracks was really tied to currency.

A red, swollen kiss mark was visible through the buttoned shirt.

It seemed like a very hot time had been had.

Saxony’s red-brown hair fluttered slightly in the wind.

His appearance is strangely attractive. He looks ordinary but is handsome.

Yes, this is enough to entice a woman.

“Is there a problem?”

Saxony asks, glancing at Encred.

Same as usual. A simple and simple attitude.

Squad member Saxony.

According to Rem, he is a pervert who prefers to pick on loopholes.

For a brief moment, Encred thought of Saxony on the battlefield.

If Rem resembles a galloping wild beast, then this one.

‘Not really.’

I’ve never really seen Saxony fight.

What I know from what Rem said.

I once saw an enemy being stabbed in the back with a spear.

That was it.

However, skill can be inferred.

Even Lem gets hurt a little bit.

There are no such wounds here. Injuries are very rare and minor.

“Are you not going to fight properly?”

However, there were times when Rem spoke like this and growled.

At times like that, Saxony would openly laugh at Rem.

“Because I’m not the type of person who enjoys seeing blood.”

“If you don’t enjoy seeing blood, you can just leave. Otherwise, don’t stay here, you sneaky bastard.”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Oh, do you want me to split your head or your body?”

“Before that, I’ll just make two thumbnail-sized holes in your heart.”

The conversation ended there.

Rem holding an ax with blood dripping from his forearm.

Encred stood between them as he watched Saxony quietly get up from his seat.

“If we want to kill each other, I think it would be easier for one of us to go towards the enemy, but why here?”

Afterwards, the two glared at each other as if they were going to kill each other, but they didn’t fight.

You can’t just say it in words, but if you put your body between them, it would calm down like a ghost.

Are there one or two squad members who stopped you like that?

Rem called Saxony a sneaky wild cat.

Saxony called Rem a crazy barbarian.

Encrid also saw Saxony stab an enemy soldier in the back with a spear he had picked up somewhere.

Even after being stabbed, the opponent was unable to find Saxony’s location.

While looking around, I got kicked on the ankle by Saxony, who was squatting down.

I vividly remembered the image of the enemy struggling on the ground with a spear stuck in his back.

I was curious about how that was possible, so I asked during my free time.

“It happened because the opponent’s attention was all focused on the front.”

There was no detailed explanation.

Rem, I tend to easily share what I know and have.

Because I couldn’t hope for the same thing from Saxony.

However, Encred did not give up easily.

“Squad leader?”

Saxony stopped. Before you know it, you are in front of the medical barracks where Encred is located.

When I was asked what was going on, I became lost in thought.


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There was no need to worry about the answer to that question.

Encred became the squad leader of the troublemaker squad of the 4th Platoon of the 4th Company, not on purpose.

Who could plan and create a relationship like this?

So, there is no need to worry.

If you have any questions, ask.

If you need something, ask for it.

Encred treated his squad members like that.

“If someone like you stabs me in the back, how can I avoid it?”

Saxony understood Encred’s words at once.

How many times have you begged me to tell you how to sneak up behind my back?

It was terrible.

I repeat the same questions every few days.

It would have been easier to deal with him if he had whined.

It was enough to just scare them away.

But the squad leader didn’t do that.

I just want to know, I want to learn, that kind of desire is all I see.

I wasn’t impressed by that passion, but one thing was certain.

If left as is, he will probably say something like that every few days throughout his time in this squad.

If you know this guy for the rest of your life, you will probably ask him this question for the rest of your life.

It is not easy to say that Saxony is terrible. Because I know people’s limitations all too well.

I know the vainness of words such as mental power, faith, and will.

And yet.

To him, Encred was a terrible human being.

His passion for swords and martial arts is stronger than anyone else’s.

Is that passion what drives him like this?

“Why do you want to learn like that?”

“If you know that, you’ll have a better chance of surviving.”

What are you going to do if you survive long enough to give all the money you earn to a training center?

Saxony was about to ask what he wanted to do, but stopped.

What are you going to do?

Isn’t this a fate that will pass anyway?

Afterwards, although it was not an easy task, Saxony explained it with sincerity.

However, the squad leader could not learn it.

It was natural.

Because that’s not something this ‘affiliate’ can use.

But today’s question was a little fresher.

“Do you think that your ribs were cut by a blind knife, or rather, a blind kick?”

For Saxony, this is a natural question.

If you think that the reason you got kicked by Proc in the previous battle was because you didn’t sense him, you would be greatly mistaken.

“No, that means the other person is just ignorant.”


A rare question followed.


In response to that question, Encred actually asked back.

He knows Saxony’s usual attitude well.

He doesn’t wonder.

Just keep a reasonable distance from everyone and don’t get closer or farther away.

Although no one has a very close relationship with Saxony.

Excluding Squad 444, there is no one who particularly dislikes him.

reasonable distance.

That’s Saxony’s usual appearance.

So it could have been awkward to ask this question.

And Encred knew that if he asked this question, Saxony would give the answer without asking any more questions.

I didn’t mean to become this kind of relationship, but as we lived like this, I knew their usual reactions and stances well.

“no. no. “If there’s someone stabbing you from behind, you just have to notice first.”

As expected, the explanation is the worst.

Rem says he can’t explain, but compared to Saxony, he could be a swordsman from a famous swordsman.

Fortunately, Encred has met and experienced many different teachers.

Among them, there were people who taught better than their skills.

There were people who had good skills, but were bad at teaching.

In every teacher, in every moment, Encred got his money’s worth.

Therefore, there are many ways to learn well.

“How did you notice it first?”

Encred asked.

“You just have to always look around.”

“What if I get hit even if I look around?”

“Look around more often.”

“You can’t walk around with your head turned all day, right?”

“It is possible if you are a squad leader.”

“No, no.”

Saxony sometimes thinks he’s a weirdo.

Like Rem, he doesn’t do it as a joke, he’s serious.

After several experiences, Encred knew how to respond.

I am firmly saying that I cannot do it.

As if Saxony had changed his mind due to that decisiveness, he looked around and slowly took a step to one side.

It was a place where various luggage was piled up next to the medical barracks.

He was sitting on top of it, leaning roughly on the tent next to him and saying.

“I thought the story would be long.”

“Today is a long day.”

At least there is plenty of time left until I go to bed.

“You have to take care of your meals, right?”

“Will you die if you starve for just one meal? From now on, I will be on meal duty for you for the rest of your life. Oh, of course, the whole time we’re in the same squad.”

A promise that will disappear after today anyway.

Encred made too many promises.

“If that was a joke, wouldn’t it be funny?”

The funny thing is, what everyone in Squad 444 hates the most is being on duty to wash dishes and eat meals.

These are people who think fighting is better than that.

reason? I don’t like picking on what other squad members eat, and I don’t like cleaning up what these bastards eat.

They are all crazy people though.

There’s a lot to learn.

At least on the battlefield and in battle, he was an excellent teacher to Encred.

What if Saxony can’t solve this?

I just need to focus on not having to worry about things like that.

If that doesn’t work, I was planning on visiting Rem or another squad member on another day.

A soldier who leaves no residual scars on the battlefield.

I don’t know if Saxony really has outstanding skills.

I haven’t seen anything with my own eyes.

However, the conclusion says that he is a great soldier.

Rem’s attitude proves Saxony’s skills.

Then you will learn something.

Although it may not be particularly helpful now, it will definitely come in handy later.

Was the Heart of the Beast useful from the moment you learned it?

“I’m not free enough to talk empty words.”

“You said you had all day today?”

“That’s a different story.”

“great. “I will keep my promise.”

Encred nodded. He also collapsed in front of Saxony.

Several soldiers passing by saw the two, but no one spoke to them.

The two sat facing each other among the passing soldiers and carts of supplies.

Although one was sitting on the luggage and the eye level was high.

It wasn’t something I was particularly concerned about.

Saxony felt strange.

Encred flopped down and looked at himself.

There are pebbles and embedded stones on the floor, so it might be uncomfortable.

Above all, even though the carts come and go, raising dust, they seem to have forgotten about the environment.

Focus on your story without any doubt.

Saxony opened his mouth at the seriousness of those eyes.

“Humans have five senses.”

“Are you talking about eyes, nose, ears, etc.?”

“yes. “Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.”

Why is that being brought up now?

Isn’t it natural to ask such a question?

Encred showed no such sign at all.

Just listen.

It was a good attitude. To the point where unexpected words come out.

Saxony, who had originally intended to say that only the five senses needed to be trained, began to explain.

It was a sound that came from the heart, not the head.

“If you can’t keep turning your head, just put your eyes on the back.”

There is no law that says what comes out of your mouth is kind just because it comes from your heart.

Saxony thought what he said was bullshit.

The explanation is wrong.


But Encred nods.

‘This is so true.’

Saxony chose his words.

I didn’t know you would teach something like this.

There’s nothing that can’t be done.

You will only need to teach part of what you have practiced.

I know this because I have been watching it for a while.

The squad leader is ordinary. His senses are also like that.

There is nothing innate about it.

It’s okay though.

The training being done now is effective even for the general public. If you stick with it for three or four months, you will be able to achieve pretty good results.

Originally, it was a practice done while being confined in a place like a cave.

What better training than that would be done while having your life threatened dozens of times by an assassin who was determined to kill the squad leader.

That doesn’t make realistic sense.

“You can’t always look around with your eyes, but you can with your ears.”

Although the explanation was still like monster urine.

“Ah, yes, because the sound doesn’t distinguish between front and back.”

Encred, who had a listening attitude, quickly understood what was being said.

“To be precise, sound has a front and a back. As you distinguish between sounds, your hearing will develop. For example, this is a training that can be done while sitting. Now, listen.”

Of course, I heard various sounds.

The sound of a rolling cart, the sound of a soldier grumbling, the sound of a sick person moaning, the insensitive voice of a doctor telling him to hold on, and even the sound of the feathers on the tent fluttering because the wind was blowing quite hard today.

After a short silence, Saxony spoke.

“It’s a westerly wind today and the doctor is in the third barracks forward from here. And the left wheel joint of that cart is loose. “If you’re lucky, the wheel joint will break in two days. If you’re unlucky, the wheel joint will break today.”

It was just as he said.

The cart wheel, which had been rolling well, collapsed to one side with a clang sound.

“Oh, really!”

The soldier driving the cart lost his temper.

“If you can identify and distinguish between sounds, you can always see your surroundings.”

Encred was surprised.

Is this what happens? Saxony has now shown that it can be done.

“It’s about keeping your eyes on the back and training your hearing. “Can you do it?”

For this auditory training, the environment is important, but the training method is not difficult.

Because it’s all about distinguishing sounds.

Of course, I’m not saying it was easy.

“It would be more helpful if I listened to the same sounds over and over again and distinguished them, right? “Once you get used to it, how about doing it differently?”

Apart from his martial arts skills, including swordsmanship, the squad leader was definitely good at listening.

Listening well means being able to understand quickly.

The squad leader quickly understood Saxony’s words.

“Yes, that’s right. One way to read the footsteps or presence of a silent assassin is to distinguish them by the sound of the air flowing around them. If you know an assassin well, it would be a good idea to secretly ask them to come for the head. “That would be the best means of training.”

What I said afterwards was half a joke.

Because I actually said it with a slight smile.

It was a joke, but I definitely said something that wasn’t necessary.

Saxony said this without realizing it because he clearly understood the rubbish explanation.

I also thought that this was a story I would never have to talk about with the squad leader.

I said so.


The squad leader’s eyes actually shine even brighter.

A truly unknown person.

Saxony evaluated Encred like that.


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