Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 168

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168. Kreis, draw it out.

“Ester, let’s go together. “Chris, go see the village head right away.”


Kreis asks again. It looked absurd. Well, the awkward acting was over. It is neither necessary nor meaningful.

“Go and tell it. From now on, I will command all troops in the city.”


“Yes, suddenly. If you don’t follow me, show me this. “Failure to comply with the order will result in summary punishment.”

After handing over the order, Encred also turned around.

“Where is the captain going?”

Kreis was quick-witted. He felt something in Encrid’s attitude.

“If there is resistance at the gate or from the village head, we will hold on, even if we take that person hostage.”

“… … to?”

The last remark was half-joking.

Encred ran as is. In keeping with his thudding, running steps, a clanking sound rang out from the armor draped over his body.

It’s quite uncomfortable to run.

But that doesn’t mean I can take it off.

Ester, who was running at a lighter pace than Encred, glanced at Encred from the side.

“Don’t ask, just follow me. “I don’t have time.”

When I spoke to Esther, the leopard nodded. This looks like a real person.

This is the main gate we arrived at. Since dawn has not yet broken, it is not too late.

‘It’s not too late.’

First of all, I kept the time.

Originally, there were five vigilantes guarding the front door.

Two at the watchtower, two at the bottom, and one at the level of a commander.

Commander, he will be in the guard post next to the castle gate.

There are a total of four, excluding the leader, and all four would stand on the watchtower when a fight broke out. These are the guys who stand on the side of the monster and shoot arrows into the faces of allies trying to climb the watchtower.

It was a very familiar face to Enkry.

“to? “What is it?”

Among them, a man with a sad expression asked.

Encred opened his mouth as the two stood in front of the barrier gate.

“From now on, command here has been transferred to this platoon commander.”

“… … yes?”

Encred continued speaking to the guy who was showing a bewildered expression.

“I am in charge of village security.”

Was Deutsche Pullman wary of this?

That boundary has become a reality.

The expression on the face of the man who outwardly claimed to be a subordinate of Deutsche Pullman hardened.

“Did you get permission from our captain?”

Then there was a friend who came out of the guard post and stuck his head out.

He is a mercenary with a short spear. One of Deutsche Pullman’s subordinates and leader.

Of course, that wasn’t the important thing.

“Are you dissatisfied? “It goes without saying that I am in charge when I bring in the orders.”

“Since when? No, how long will you be the leader?”

“We will do this from now on, and we will do this until the colony problem is resolved.”

When I answered obediently, the man frowned. When I frowned, it was a truly brutal face.

“Sibul, are you kidding me? Hey, Saenim, do you think I’m easy?”

What to say, it was an expected reaction, so Encred spit out the words he had prepared.

“If you’re dissatisfied, you don’t have to use your tongue instead of your healthy fist.”

“Is this really crazy?”

A man approached. Although he didn’t immediately brandish his weapon, it was clear that he intended to take a hit.

The guy who approached suddenly swung his fist.

The fist flew out, and Encred appeared motionless.

Then, before the fist reached him, he simply bent his head to avoid it, then put out his left foot and kicked the opponent’s ankle.

It is so fluid that dodging and kicking seems like a single movement.

The unexpected blow tripped the man and caused him to lean forward and lose his balance.

Encred pushed the man who lost his balance with his left hand.

“Uh, uh.”


This is a man who fell sideways.

This is the moment when the red-faced man tries to get up using his short spear as a cane.


The sound of a sword being drawn.

At the same time, the blade touches his neck.

“Don’t get up. Don’t rebel. Resistance is summary execution.”

If a blade is touching your neck, especially if you see that the blade’s edge is blue, it would be difficult to open your mouth without permission.

Men did the same.

The man swallowed hard and barely opened his mouth.

“Do you know how many vigilantes there are here? “I don’t think I can handle it.”


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It was a threat, but it didn’t sound like a threat.

It was a fearful voice no matter who saw it.

Encred had no intention of killing.

I just thought that if I did it this way, I would get a reaction.

It was a simple principle.

‘How did the gnoll and hyena get inside?’

How did the thick log barrier become a bar for humans?

Why did this place become their banquet hall?

Because they came inside. Over the fence? That won’t be it. Gnolls are monsters with underdeveloped lower bodies.

The same goes for hyenas.

It is a barrier that monsters and demons cannot overcome.

Then did they break it in? That’s impossible to say.

There is only one answer. The door opened.

Then why was there no reaction until this number of monsters arrived?

At first, I developed a hypothesis and confirmed it on several occasions.

The guy who opened the door is guilty.

The guy in the watchtower saw it and didn’t say anything. Guilty.

As he held his sword, Encred’s eyes looked for the emergency bell.

It was next to the door.

That bell rang, so there is only one innocent person here.

That’s this guy who just fell down.

So, what is the opponent’s reaction here?

It was something I had been waiting for.

It was on top of the watchtower. A female soldier held up a bow. Hold, aim, and shoot without a sound. Encred, who was aware of his surroundings, lightly kicked the ground.


It is the same time as the sound of a protest. An arrow hit the spot where Encred was with a thud.

“… … crazy! “Don’t shoot!”

The leader who was attacked by Encred saw this and cried out in horror, but did you have the courage to listen to him?

“Kill it.”

He was one of the guys standing in front of the door with a sad smile.

The two people on the watchtower who heard this fired arrows at the protest again.

Two on the watchtower, one female soldier and one male soldier. The female soldier handles the bow better. It was something I knew from experience.

This is also a cult.

I didn’t have the energy to take matters into my hands, and I didn’t have any intention of doing so.

Beep! Beep!

Two streams, a whistle blows.

Rain split the air.

A series of groans came from the two soldiers on the watchtower who were shooting arrows at the demonstration.



That was the end.

No one can survive with a hole in their neck.

The male archer leaned forward and fell to the floor with a thud, and the woman sat down with her arms wrapped around her neck.

The cult archer’s neck, which fell head first, was seen to be bent in a misshapen shape.

Blood flowed and dripped from the watchtower where the female soldier was.

It all happened in an instant.


The leader shouted in surprise.

Encred neatly ignored it and said, pointing his drawn sword forward.

“They are both sentenced to summary execution for mutiny and attempted murder of their superior, but if they drop their weapons and surrender, they will be spared.”

It was a sound that didn’t even work.


The two cultists wearing vigilante masks guarding the front door had their eyes shining. What can I say, it seemed like a strange look in his eyes.

Above all, both had exceptional skills.

First of all, it was fast and the sum was good.


Both weapons are short swords, split to the left and right and rush at the same speed.

The two are flying through the bright blue air of dawn.

Encred endured countless days before standing here.

Continued today, repeated training.

Sense of avoidance, development of coordination.

All senses, including body vision, are obtained by sharpening the blade.

It was a change in reaction speed.

If the reaction speed changes, what do you see and what changes?

That place was a new world.

What can I say? It feels like the boat is moving faster than other people.

Rem, Ragnar, Saxony, and Audin.

The current Encred could also do the tricks they performed.



The current results would not be that surprising.

Something like striking and deflecting swords coming from both left and right with a single sword.

It was easy. All you have to do is swing once to the right and then swing to the left in no time.

Of course, it would have been absurd for those on the receiving end.

The eyes of the two holding short swords widened.

What is this? How did you stop it?

The blade seemed to have disappeared now?

Encred didn’t stop.

To commemorate entering the new world, I swung my sword with all my might.

What I have gained through today is not just a sense of avoidance and coordination.

With a single breath, the heart of strength awakens and the speed doubles with it.

The moment I saw and felt it, my body naturally moved and responded.

Hehehe. Suddenly! Suddenly!

Encred swung his sword twice more.

To the right, from bottom to top, point that sword towards the left, from top to bottom.

Both times it was a cut on the wrist.

The result was also like that.

“Ugh, ugh!”


The wrist holding the sword was cut and the two hands holding the short sword fell to the floor.

Between the two bleeding people, Encred stopped quietly holding his sword.

“… … “What is this? Why are you suddenly cutting like a crazy person?”

The leader, who was sitting alone, spoke with complete despair.

Encred looked at him and opened his mouth.

“I feel like I’m smelling something, but is that door closed tightly?”

When I first came in, I saw the door open with a pulley. That must be the lock.


“Check, if you don’t wake up right now, I’ll consider you an accomplice and cut you down.”

It’s a light threat, but it’s the words of someone with extraordinary action skills.

The leader suddenly stood up. It would have been difficult to fall down at a moment like this because my legs were shaking.

The man kept moving and checked the pulley.

“Why is this thing loose?”

He shouted in surprise and fixed the pulley.

If the lock is unlocked, that door is no barrier. It becomes a door that opens when you push it.

The man who locked the pulley lock with such force that his arm muscles exploded gasped.

“Hehe, hehe, but what are you aiming at?”

That was the moment when I said what I heard earlier.


Something hit the wall outside the door and the ground shook.

The stinging smell, which Encred had grown accustomed to and had grown tired of, seeped through the thick door.


A shout broke out outside. It is the cry of a gnoll. A heavy force, an invisible force, something like that could be felt beyond the door.

The leader was in front of the door and then hesitantly stepped back.

Are you going to pee like that?

Fortunately, the leader was not that small-minded.

After catching a glimpse, Encred turned his head.

He asked the two whose wrists had been cut off.

“Are you a cult?”

Both of their eyes widened. You can get an answer without having to say it out loud.

Should I keep him alive? No, it doesn’t mean much. In reality, cultists are said to use strange magic and such, but since they don’t seem to be able to do such things, they probably aren’t important people.

If I let that happen, it would be like putting a dagger in my back.

Deep, deep.

After making a hole in the neck with two stabs, two bodies were created.

Encrid climbed onto the watchtower.

It’s also a good idea to check the numbers and scale and see the surrounding situation. The higher place is always right.

Dawn was breaking. Thanks to you, it looked good. Under the sunlight, a group of over hundreds of demonic beasts and monsters could be seen.

It was a terribly large number.

Encred was once again surprised that he survived there.

‘They said I just endured it without dying.’

There are too many.

Looking at it from above, there was really a lot of it.

They were running and crashing into the walls and doors.

Encrud was skimming on top of the watchtower.

The guard troops that were supposed to be on the wall were not visible.

In Encred’s eyes, he saw that several of the vigilantes who were supposed to be standing on the wall had collapsed into corpses.

It must have been the work of a cultist, or more precisely, the work of the people I killed.

“No, shit, what is it really?”

It was a voice heard from under the watchtower at that time. It was Kreis.

The joke has come true.

Kreis shouted as he held the knife to the village chief’s throat. After that, several fierce vigilantes were also seen.

“What is it really?”

Kreis was in tears.

Why do I laugh when I see that?


Encred called Esther to guard the door.


From the way they responded as if they understood, it seemed like leopards were better than humans.

“I should ask what you are doing.”

Deutsche Pullman and many of his subordinates followed behind the chief.

Their eyes, most of them, were filled with confusion.

A monster outside, a guy holding a knife to the village head’s neck inside, and even a dead colleague.

Deutsche Pullman’s pupils also wavered. It might be embarrassing, but that’s none of your business.

Encred said casually.

“I give orders and have command authority. Disagreements are not tolerated. Block monsters. Move the remaining vigilante forces up the barrier. “Anyone who knows how to shoot a bow will climb up.”

No one moved.

Deutsche Pullman was a man of great courage.

Apart from the pounding noise outside, I glared fiercely at Encred.

Encred knew what to say here.

“Kreis, draw it out.”

Because the village chief’s life is in his hands.

“f*ck you, don’t do that! What are you all doing? “Put an arrow into the monster’s head right now!”

Deutch shouted. Of course, Kreis did not draw his sword.

Encred shrugged his shoulders.

“You’ll have to explain this later!”

Deutch shouted.

Encred ignored it.

This was an expedient.

Preventing everything from happening in the first place.

Move diligently to prevent the gnoll invasion itself.

If we block it like this, what will happen to today’s repetition?

I’ve thought about a way to get through today, but I don’t know if it will work out as I thought. It was my first time doing it.

There was still no sign of where Ruagarne had gone.

Of course, the same goes for Deutsche’s subordinates.

“Damn it, Enki.”

As I was trying to sort out the situation and watch the fight for a while, risking the village chief’s life, a pin crawled out from one side.

Finn went out on patrol and came back with a hole in his stomach.

Was it this?

Finn also got into a fight with someone and got hurt. It was not a minor injury. If you have a hole in your stomach, it is inherently painful and it is difficult to walk.

In any case, because Finn was injured, he was unable to report the attack by monsters and beasts.

Otherwise, there’s no way Finn wouldn’t have discovered the colony’s movements.

“Kreis, let go of the head and treat Finn first.”

Encred said. It is not a fatal wound. Still, it is not an injury that can be easily resolved. I needed treatment.

“The number of monsters and beast colonies was close to a thousand.”

Finn said everything he needed to say despite his injury. His face turned blue. En Creed simply nodded his head.

“Can you explain?”

Meanwhile, the village head, with a pale complexion, spoke. Could he really be the head of a pioneer village?

The wall here is also big. When I see you asking for an explanation in this situation.

“Let’s stop it for now.”

Encred also spoke and headed towards the barrier.

Even if your skills are clumsy, you have to shoot at least one more arrow.

In addition, we have to break down the wall to get through today.

Today has just begun.


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