Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 167

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167. Today when the moon rises

On the 186th day of today, Encred recognized the concept of coordination and felt a change in his body’s response.


The moment I felt the blade of a spear flying from behind, I turned around and grabbed the spear pole.

It was like a stunt.

A spear blade stabbing my back.

Encred turned his body to avoid it, and stretched out his hand and grabbed the spear in the same way he diddged.

It was a scene like a promised play.

After that, the sound of a thud and a blade hitting the head was enough.

When I recognized it and drew a picture in my head, my body moved automatically.

“The technique of isolation is the basis for easily controlling your body.”

Audin’s words touched my skin.

If I hadn’t trained my body countless times with isolation techniques, I wouldn’t have been able to do this.

The movements I imagined were implemented exactly as they were.

Naturally, I also saw loopholes in my movements.

‘With minimal movement.’

It is a realization that goes hand in hand with physical strength management.

The larger the movement, the more unnecessary stamina is lost.

If you do that, you won’t be able to endure it.

There should not be a lot of waste in movement. Now that you know, all you have to do is reduce it.

Jeong Geom-sik’s training was also helpful.

‘If you predict movement.’

Waste of movement could be reduced.

Without realizing it, Encred’s swordsmanship was also advancing to the next level.

That wasn’t the intention.

It was just a side benefit that accrued in the process of struggling and doing your best.

Even though this day has been repeated for less than two hundred times and the venomous scent of monsters and beasts has made me sick to the point of nausea.

Encred laughed.

The joy of growth filled him.

It was like that even after repeated failures.

However, the struggle did not stop. En Creed did not stop his thinking to take steps towards tomorrow.

It was the result of that invention.

At that moment, Encred felt his entire body tense up.

Today was the 200th time.

I see a flying blade.

It was around noon. As he dodges by moving his left foot to the side, his blade cuts through the air.

A spear blade came out from the side and an ax flew out from behind.

Encred lowered his body and pushed the spear pole out with his palm.

He caught the ax with his shoulder and threw it away.


The leather armor is scratched, but there are no injuries.

Afterwards, spears, blades called gladius, axes, and clubs came flying again.

The variant also swung a club as big as an adult man’s thigh vertically.

I felt the sword getting in the way.

Movement is hindered. It’s harmful. inconvenient.

Encred put his sword back into its sheath.

No, I just moved and unfastened my belt.

My body became lighter.

Bung, swish, straight, sak.

The flow of all weapons is not visible. I decided to just watch and react one by one.

I forgot myself and focused solely on what I saw and reacted to.

Before I knew it, the noon sun had passed over the top of my head and was slanting towards the west.

The sneaky hyena repeatedly tried to bite my ankle.

Encred avoided that too.

Sometimes dodging back and sometimes moving forward.

He also turned to the side and took a picture with his knee near the stomach of the hyena beast that was approaching.

He immediately threw himself into the arms of the gnoll that was coming behind him and pushed him away with his shoulder.

Stand up straight using the reaction of the pushing force.

Afterwards, as I saw the flying blade, I stretched out my hand and flicked my wrist.


The gnoll’s blade flew to the side and cut near the head of my comrade.


Another angry gnoll swung his hammer in anger.


The motion is large and the trajectory is also large. It’s not difficult to avoid. The problem is that five or six such attacks attack at the same time.

Then what should I do?

Look at each one and react. Encred did just that.

Push the spear pole with your hand, avoid it, and avoid it again.


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It is purely a sense of avoidance, excluding killing the opponent.

It was a period of avoidance accompanied by intuition, instinct, and the five senses developed together.

Before you know it, the sunset is setting and the moon is slowly raising its head.

Encred did not recognize day and night. He was only busy ‘dealing with’ the things targeting him right now.

Dodge, throw away, get out of the way and move.

It wasn’t a life-or-death fight; it was like a game of tag.

Today is a day that repeats itself, and it is Ester who hides her presence again and again and settles down on the roof.

I could see it in her eyes too.

‘What is that?’

To explain it in words, it was a scene that made absolutely no sense.

Encred escaped alone in the waves of gnolls. I just endured it. It’s death anyway. can not avoid. But why? why. why.

‘Why are you laughing? you.’

A question arises in Esther’s mind. Is this a question that will disappear after today is repeated?

What Encred did that was so surprising to her was something that couldn’t be explained by the two words ‘trick’.

He seemed to be playing along with the waves of monsters and gnolls.

It feels like I’m going to die at any time, but I never die. Dodge the axe, dodge the club, parry, and block.

Sometimes I even hugged the gnoll.

How could you not?

If he stays still, he will be beaten to death, so Encred grabs the arm of the gnoll that is hugging him from behind and shakes it as if it were his own. It blocks attacks from other gnolls. I hit the flying ax blade with my club.


It was crazy. Instead of giving up the attack, he just dodged it.

The sunset ends, the moon rises, and the carriage called Haru reaches its destination.

Finally, the day comes to an end.

The moonlight softly shone everywhere, brightening the summer night.

A place full of bad smells, the smell of dead bodies, the heat of iron, and the sting of monsters.

Encred stayed up all night.

To be exact, the day ended.

It was said that the day had ended without seeing the leader.


Only then did the immersion break. En Creed then realized what he had done.


I let out a second internal exclamation. It could have been so.

He threw away his weapon and just avoided it.

why? Why did you do this? It was a move based on instinct.

That’s how I got it. This is the only way to avoid it. It’s about seeing and reacting.

It was a talent that Encred originally did not have.

It is a change in reflex speed and motor ability.

Today, it was a tower built by building with techniques of isolation, filling with a sense of avoidance, and repeating, dying between poison and blades.

There were hundreds of them that attacked. He got through it. He can’t kill them all. That could have been an article.

But if you can endure it, if you can just endure it.

‘Is it possible.’

An exhilarating feeling of joy filled my whole body.

Even the gnolls who had been attacking him for a full day were on the verge of sticking out their tongues. Of course, there was no such person in reality.

Encred’s body was full of scratches. He also had blood streaming down his cheeks.

There was no way I wouldn’t get hurt. That was impossible.

However, there were no fatal injuries.

The end of the day, the end of today, the moment I watched the sunset and the moon rise, I realized that the day was over.

“See you again. “Not here this time.”

After speaking, Encred closed his eyes.

Will this be the end of today? By holding on? This sounds like a no-brainer. That can’t be possible.

I expected it.

And so, it was time to open my eyes again. Naturally, the surroundings have changed.

It is a black river, a ferry boat, and a boatman.

“That won’t work, right?”

And so the boatman passes by.

When I closed my eyes again and opened them, I saw the ceiling of the cabin.

It was today again.

This day, which repeats itself in the blink of an eye, is proof that holding on is not the solution, as I have experienced before.

Of course, that wasn’t the problem.

Joy filled my heart, but now was not the time to have fun.

This day has been repeated countless times, the information collected, and the contents that were associated with it.

As soon as Encred got up, he kicked Kryce.

“Get up.”

“Ah, what is it, from the morning.”

Well, the day has come when I have to run as hard as I can to avoid falling.

It was about the 120th time today that I came up with a method that could be considered a bit of an expedient.

I was about to try it out.

The original goal of ‘holding on to today’ was achieved.

It meant that the minimum condition set by Encred for passing today was achieved.

‘A sense of avoidance.’

Should I say that I have now become accustomed to it, along with the heart of superpowers?

I got a sense. She clearly showed the results of her training.

So should I repeat this again?

This damn day?

That won’t be necessary. Because of the way he blindly trained his sword, people around him tended to overlook him, but En Creed was a good talker and a smart person.

In particular, he was someone who had no aversion to using expedient methods.

* * *

Encred set a goal and achieved it.

‘I endured it.’

Spend the day to its fullest and see it through to the end.

I instinctively knew that the end result would be to return to the original today.

No, it was a hunch.

‘This is not the way to climb over a wall.’

Holding on wasn’t always the answer.

If holding on was the answer, the events of Wizard Letsha and Werewolf also had to end with flight.

All I had to do was avoid the traps of the crazy wizard who created my rare in the city’s underpass.

This was a curse, so a way to destroy it was needed.

Encred didn’t know the exact answer, but he had some thoughts.

There was a time when I thought about how to get out of today, so this is the method that came to mind.

Since there is a process of death and killing in the first place, what would happen if today were to be repeated, and if the process could not even begin?

‘It’s something you can try.’

Results follow the process.

“Did I mention that I’ve been working as a mercenary for quite some time?”

This was after I packed up my weapons and came out.

Sweat dripped from my forehead and brushed my chin.

It’s still hot.

Just by diligently putting on your weapons in the morning, your body temperature rises quickly. It was just right. Your muscles and joints will wake up even without you having to warm up.

Today is an isolation technique and exercise, and I didn’t have time to do it.

So this was just fine.


Ruagarne tilted her head at Encred’s words. I suddenly wondered what this person was going to say.

‘Do you have a headache since morning?’

Ruagarne’s gaze seemed to say so. Of course, Encred said only what he had to say.

“I once had a fight with cultists. “Magyeong Holy Land Bridge.”

When I pretended not to notice and said it in a dismissive tone, Ruagarne responded.

“… … “Are you talking about cultists?”

The reaction was still extraordinary. The cool air comes and goes. It’s a bloody momentum.

Encred said, ignoring the momentum.

“Do you know?”

This is a bit awkward.

Encred wondered if he should also train his acting skills, but Ruagarne didn’t notice anything.

She was immediately distracted by other things than the other person’s awkward tone or attitude.

The term ‘cultist’ emerged. To her, they were bastards who had to be killed at all costs. She was also the object of an oath.

“There was one guy I missed back then. “I can’t believe I remember that now.”

As he spoke, Encred tapped my forehead.

I think this is a bit awkward too.

Acting also needed training.

It was too unrehearsed.

Of course, Ruagarnet still didn’t care.

“Do you remember the friend who followed behind this guy named Deutsche Pullman?”

“A person with thick lips and an ugly face.”

Frock’s aesthetic sense was sharp.

Yes, it had a face that resembled a fish.

Encred knows a few more guys besides him. Didn’t he repeat this day over two hundred times already?

Is that one guy the only one I’ve known so far?

However, it was clear that the cultist disguised as a fish was the most troublesome person. In today’s repetition, Ruagarne always chased after that guy and never came back.

“you’re right.”

“Are you sure? “A cultist?”

“Yes, I risk my sword and everything.”

Ruagarne knows how much Encrid values ​​his sword. That sounded similar to what he said about his heart vows.

For a human being, his words had weight.

It means that you have faith.

“If you don’t believe me, you can go and ask now.”

“Let’s go.”

That was the end. It was hotter than expected. Ruaga Rene took out her whip, wrapped it in his hand, and walked as if running.

I was ready to go to Deutsche Pullman.

If you don’t see it there, you probably won’t find it anywhere.

“W-what is it? “What about that extremely awkward way of speaking?”

Kreis, who was watching quietly from the side, asked.

Was it awkward? I guess so. But that’s not the point.

“You should move too.”

Encred said, taking his steps. I repeated today and measured the time several times.

How come so many monsters flock here, and what is the problem?

I tried looking for the cause. If you don’t know the problem, you won’t know.

If you know.

‘It’s easy to stop.’

At least that was the case for Encred.

There was no hesitation because it was something I had already done several times.


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