Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 165

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165. In front of the waves of monsters rushing in

Encred did not count the number of enemies.

I just swung and swung again.

The monsters attacked endlessly, and the humans screamed one after another.

No, before I knew it, the screams disappeared and only the sting of anger and the cries of monsters and beasts remained.

The fight started at dawn, but before we knew it, it was noon. The sun passed over his head.

Encred was unable to block all attacks.

On his left thigh was the head of a hyena beast without a body.

The left arm was limp.

The right hand was fine, but the right foot was not.

All my toes were broken by being hit by a hammer. This caused his body to shake left and right. My vision also became a little blurry.

Nevertheless, the monster attacked endlessly.

“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !”

I heard people around me asking for help.

There was no scream coming from somewhere.

Dragging his feet, Encred swung his sword.

The muscles of the whole body screamed due to the excessive use of the heart of tremendous strength.

From morning until noon, I cut down gnolls and hyena beasts alone for nearly half a day.

That number is over a hundred million.

If only someone knew.

If someone saw it.

It was a frightening experience, but the only person left here was himself.

“Ah, Chrys.”

As I took a step back, something caught on my foot. It was a corpse. A corpse that couldn’t even moan because it was stepped on by her feet, its stomach skin torn and its internal organs spilling out.

It was a familiar face.

This is Chrys, who has the marks of the beast’s teeth on his cheek.

My face is ruined.

He shouted that my face was his wealth.

Finn went out on patrol again today. It’s probably a good thing he went out to check the surrounding terrain.

If he sees this situation, he’ll run away, so at least Finn won’t die.

Are all the others dead? Maybe so.

Today’s repetition is the wall. It is a premonition that is close to certainty.

I felt like I knew it without the boatman telling me.

No, I think I can already hear the boatman’s teasing voice.

“You’re going to overcome the wall just by training with the sword? Give it a try. I will be suffocated, surrounded by monsters and beasts. “It will make you feel your limits.”

Encred exhaled and held his sword again.

‘What are the limits?’

The group of gnolls attacked for a while and finally stopped.




A harsh cry breaks out. Then, the group of monsters split to the left and right.

In the middle of the separated group, a gnoll came out.

He was walking out like that, with his back bent and his spine sticking out in the typical gnoll-like posture with his neck bent.

It wasn’t like some kind of guy with a bigger head.

It wasn’t like he was holding a great weapon.

In some ways, it was an ordinary game.

The only difference is that it has more spiky fur than the others and its mouth is longer.

He was holding a dagger in both hands, and no matter what he had applied, the blade was shining and reflecting the sunlight.

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! The gnoll’s cries got louder.

The air is ringing. The resonance struck my ears to the point that my eardrums throbbed.

Encred raised his sword in front of him and felt his arms shaking.

This is because the heart of super strength was abused.

‘This is it.’

It was a little unfair.

What is this?

I woke up and tried to do some training, but suddenly a monster came rushing in like a wave.

Now is the time.

The shiny yellow eyes of the gnoll in front of me looked at Encred.

Encred’s blue eyes, which resembled lakes, also saw him.

Blue eyes and yellow eyes confirmed each other’s existence.

The monsters that make up a colony have a leader.

I could tell just by looking at the atmosphere.

That guy was the leader.

The leader, holding a dagger in both hands, twitched his nose. Soon his muzzle was torn sideways.

Is this the kind of smile that assures victory?

Are you laughing now?

Is that right?


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After thinking about it a few times, Encred decided to just ignore it.

It’s not pretty, but what does it matter whether Gnoll laughs or not?

I just reflect on what happened in the current struggle and melee.

‘I delved into Jeong Geom-sik so much.’

Well, I just tried to stick to the basics. It would be difficult to become something meaningful right away.

It was especially difficult to use the straight sword method against monsters.

Isn’t this a wave of monsters?

‘He’s not someone who can play with his sword skills.’

Ruagarne also said that the most disadvantageous thing when dealing with monsters is using a straight sword.

Well, in order for a human to go through the waves alone, he would have to be a knight-level person, or at least a semi-knight-level person.

So, wasn’t there anything gained in the struggle?

No, there is.

Encred also laughed. As always, he discovered a new clue and felt happy about it.

What I felt while dealing with countless spears, blades, magical beasts, and monsters.

‘If only I could move forward even if I had to risk death.’

The sense of avoidance could not be acquired through simple training.

But now, the bottom was visible.

Countless wounds on the body, being chewed, cut, cut, and stamped.

I felt it at every moment.

I thought about it every time I got hit. Why did I get hit here, why couldn’t I avoid it?

I fight and ponder and fight and ruminate.

Did he recognize Encred’s smile, or did he just not like the atmosphere?

The gnoll leader closed his torn mouth and attacked.

It lunges and kicks the ground, but it’s scary fast.

It doesn’t have any weight, but the speed is enough to remind me of that semi-knight.

It was a speed that would have been missed if there was no body vision training. No, it was still close.

Encred barely managed to avoid it by turning his body and falling halfway down.

Gnolls are not monsters, people who use weapons or swordsmanship or anything like that.

His cutting skills were simple and direct.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to avoid it.

Encred gripped the grip with both hands and drew the sword upward.

Because my body was a mess, I couldn’t deliver the best blow.

But I didn’t know that Gnoll could avoid it so easily.

Whoosh, the gnoll leader retreated as quickly as he rushed forward. The handmade image was almost like an afterimage.

Encred’s sword cut through the air in vain.

Between the yellow fur, black spots appear as soon as they disappear, like a blurry picture. As if magnifying before your eyes, right in front of your nose!

The one who dodged the sword charged again.

This time, I had no skill to avoid, so the dagger hit my thigh.

A burning sensation started from my thighs and spread throughout my body, as if I had been stabbed with a hot skewer.

Encred tried to catch him right after the dagger was stuck in his thigh.

The guy dodged again. Encred’s futile hand gesture stirred the air. The guy who retreated looked at Encred quietly. I just walked around in circles at a slow pace with him in the middle.

Taking time? At this moment? why?

What kind of monster is this?

That’s the moment I thought about it.

“You, you bastard.”

Encred showed admiration instead of a smile.

A dagger stuck in my thigh, something shiny.

There was a dull, tingling pain and nausea at the same time. It wasn’t the kind I could tolerate.


It was natural for me to vomit blood and what I had eaten.

It was poison.

The dagger was coated with poison.

‘You sneaky bastard.’

I know my specialties well.

They have faster hands, feet, and reactions than other gnolls. I know that I can win even if I only give my opponent a passing wound.

He knew how to fight, and he knew how to win.


After that, Encred fell to the floor.

‘Ruagarne is not coming back.’

I thought maybe if I held on, he might come. It’s not an expectation. It’s not dependent either. She just recognized the facts.

Since I knew it wasn’t coming, it was okay. That was the end.

If I knew I had to endure it alone, I would have done it.

after? Pain for the first time in my life followed.

The guy holding the dagger stabbed Encred’s body here and there as if he was joking.

Encred, still poisoned, suffered for over half an hour before dying.

Darkness, darkness, it’s the boatman again.

“Jeong Geom-sik? How can that be done? “Demons and beasts have become a piece of boat engulfed in waves?”

Ah, what can I say.

The boatman’s reaction was very expected.


Encred recalled Doitz’s reaction and tried the same trick with the boatman.

“… … Um, this bastard?”

The boatman must have guessed Encred’s intentions at a glance, and immediately became angry.

At dawn I opened my eyes again.

Encred took his weapons first.

A heavy weight presses down on my entire body, including the remaining sword and various throwing weapons and armor. I felt stable.

The group must have woken up because they were moving noisily to get their weapons ready.

This was also expected.

No, it was intentional. I had something to ask.

Proc, Ruagarne opened his mouth.

“Fully armed in the morning?”

“Do you know anything about xie jiao?”

A cold air flowed through the cabin at the sudden question.

Proc made it that way. This was not the always calm Rua Garnet.

“Where did you hear that?”

Of course, I heard it from Ruagarne’s mouth.

“For a moment during my mercenary days.”


“Can we talk outside?”

Ruagarnet killed the momentum that created the heavy air. There was no need to say anything now.

Okay, let’s go out and listen.

I’m curious as to why you brought up the word ‘social cult’.

Encred came out and checked his weapons.

There is no problem. It is a technique of isolation. When you move around while armed, it naturally adds weight and is uncomfortable.

It was uncomfortable, so I corrected my posture, and from that corrected posture, I reflected on Audin’s teachings.

“Inherently, training your body is uncomfortable.”

Well, what a crazy bastard.

It’s uncomfortable, but puts the load on your muscles, not your joints.

How much time have you invested here? How many times has today been repeated?

Encred quickly corrected his posture. Today’s isolation technique should be short and bold.

Because there isn’t much time.

As soon as Ruagarne came out to talk, she was taken aback to see Encred concentrating on training, but wondered what she could do.

That’s the kind of person he originally was.

“Xiao, why did you suddenly bring that up?”

Encred glanced at Ruagarne.

If you’re a cultist, I’ve seen it and eliminated it.

Those guys used to run amok in secret corners of the city, in shady back alleys.

Of course, it was a problem in the city, and the heresy inquisitors of the temple walked around with lights in their eyes, so it was not a matter for mercenaries to step forward.

In addition, even in rural villages, sometimes when such problems arose, the village chief or village head would hire mercenaries.

Encred had also dealt with guys who rolled up brain-damaging grass and smoked it like cigarettes.

They were half crazy.

The cult that Ruagarne spoke of probably did not refer to those types of people.

So I had to ask and listen.

It was Ruagarne who suddenly jumped out, calling it a cult.

“Suddenly in a dream.”

Encred spoke well.

Being good at speaking means being able to guess the intentions of the person you are meeting, being quick-witted, and having good agility.

Encrid realized that the way Ruagarne was looking at him was unusual.

‘I wouldn’t think it’s normal.’

Even if I say it this way, wouldn’t it be easy to overlook it?

What if it doesn’t work? Then drink it.

Just give up on hearing about cults. This was partly out of curiosity and the other half because I felt that something was involved.

You can tell without anyone telling you that it is not just a colony or a group of monsters.

The number gathered is not normal.


Ruagarne remained deeply interested in the man in front of her. One of the reasons for the interest was that Encred’s head was not normal.

‘Things like that happen, too.’

He said he agreed right away.

This man is still moving his body. And that too with full body armament.

How is this normal?

Isn’t he worthy of being called the leader of a madman platoon?

“True cultists are dangerous and dangerous. “You should be careful about even mentioning that name carelessly.”

Ruagarne said.

“Yes, I see.”

Is something lacking in explanation? Ruagarnet thought about it and added a few words.

“Cults are sprouting all over the continent, but the most dangerous ones are those who believe that the Demonic World is their sacred place. There is only the Magyeong Holy Land Bridge. In other words, they are Seventh-day Adventists, people who serve the six devils.”

This is enough. It’s just a scratch, but there’s no need to know more.

Ruagarne was silent.

Encred thought he had heard everything.

Is it the Holy Land Church of Magic, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, or the worshipers of the six devils?

‘Does it have something to do with it?’

It’s impossible to ask Ruagarne that far.

That’s something you just have to find out gradually and with intuition.

Encred continued his training.

Ruagarne, who was looking at this, made a gurgling and bubbling sound and asked.

“But aren’t you hot?”

Sweat dripped down Encred’s forehead.

It was hot.

Training your muscles while fully armed.

Something might look a little strange.

“It’s good because the weight of the arms puts a strain on the muscles.”

Encred cleared the situation by saying something. Of course, even when he was like this, he said something plausible.

This was agility.

Ruagarne thought it made some sense.

Time passed again.

Encred looked behind him to see if he could evacuate Esther or Chrys in advance.

The thick wooden fence was not a barrier that could be easily overcome, and there were two doors.

One is in the front, and the other is connected to a rocky hill used as a quarry.

Send it back?

But the back door was also tightly blocked.

Kreis said that it is never open during peacetime and that the vicinity of the quarry is not shown.

‘What are you hiding?’

It’s none of my business.

Encred did not treat his body harshly.

I loosened it up a bit. Nevertheless, sweat dripped onto the floor.

The day was hot. Even in the morning, I’m sweating just wearing this armor, and I’m even wielding a sword.

So, waiting for a group of monsters and beasts.

The boatman seemed to be asking.

“What can a single human standing alone in front of the waves of monsters rush in?”

No, it’s not the boatman’s question.

This was Encred’s question to himself.

What can humans do, standing alone?

Well, there were a lot.

Things I realized, things I reflected on.

I was able to train my senses within the waves of monsters.

Training of reactions, training of judgment based on information received in a short period of time, training of instantaneous muscle contraction ability, and training of crisis control ability gained by rolling the body against multiple blades.

Everything is discipline.

Didn’t you learn something earlier while dealing with the wizard Letsha, the werewolf colony, and Azpen’s ambush unit?

By repeating today, I will use everything I have as I move toward tomorrow.

Rather than wasting today, I will make full use of it.

I said I would do it, so I will do it.

Encred sharpened the blade in his heart.

Based on the blade of the heart.

Forward the sword in your hand.

So we welcome a new day. Encred turned his back to the dawning sky.



Soon, a loud noise and a gnoll’s cry erupted.


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