Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 164

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164. Swing a sword.

The moment the gnoll, holding a crude spear, lunged forward, Encred’s sword made an arc and split the gnoll’s spear holder and chest in one go.

Knock! puck!

Two noises sounded at the same time, and the Gnoll’s chest opened wide.

Blood was flowing out through the gnoll’s yellow fur.

It is thick black blood that is characteristic of monsters.

Encred swung his sword over the spotted leather, scattering the blood.

The gnoll, with its chest open, gurgled and spit out black blood foam from its mouth.


Then the whip flew. The hyena beast that was rushing towards the worker who had just fallen was caught by the neck and sent flying away.

Boom – and into the sky.

It flew far away and fell among them.

The thing that fell on the roof of a house rolled down one side with a screeching sound.

“Lua is the name your lover calls you?”

said Frock, reacting to the name. I don’t know when I wore it, but I was even wearing a breastplate. Her eyes grazed the gnoll’s corpse.

I didn’t mean to, but it broke my heart.

She looked away without notice.

Proc, who has extensive experience, showed his strength here as well.

That was her. Jeong Geom-sik’s teacher and an experienced Proc.

“Hey, I have to go.”

“… … “Where?”

It’s such a frock, but you’re leaving at this moment? So suddenly?

“It’s a cult.”

society? Even before I asked anything.


Ruagarne’s cheeks swelled greatly. It was an emotional expression similar to anger or regret.

It was impossible for Encred to know.

Ruagarne ran straight ahead. As if it hit the ground and disappeared forward.

Dirt poured out like a fountain where she was.

Proc’s body moved forward, creating an afterimage.

A few hyena beasts blocked the path, but it was meaningless.

Frog ran as a green line.


The mass of hyena beasts that hit the end of the line bounced in all directions.

Seeing them flying around made me lose a lot of sense of reality.

It was a feat performed by incredible strength. Only a prog who ignores minor wounds can do this.

Encred also focused his attention on where she was running.

There was something. No, he’s a familiar guy.

This is the guy I’ve been seeing for three days.

The guy who used to stick around next to that Doichiran captain.


Esther stood in front of the worker who collapsed in shock.

Encred also took his gaze away again. There were plenty of gnolls and hyenas in front. It was not a time to leisurely look at what was out there, nor was it a time to ask what a social organization was.

“What is it? This.”

Chrys muttered behind him.

There was no time to answer that I didn’t know.

In front of Encred, gnolls have started to flock.


After blowing out his breath, Encred hit the ground with his left foot, twisted his ankles, knees, and waist and threw his sword.

A heavy sword-style spinning slash struck the approaching gnoll.


Black blood and internal organs dripped from the blade that separated the upper and lower body.

The half-cut corpse flew to the left of Encred, slowing down the gnoll’s charge, but that was only for a moment.

One of the gnolls that climbed over the corpse swung its war hammer. After that, several more attack. Sticking out your tongue and spraying saliva.

Encred was not wearing any armor and was carrying only a sword.

The situation was worst.

“They keep coming!”

Chrys shouted and Encred took a deep breath again and raised his sword.

It was the beginning of a melee where there was no time to open one’s mouth.

* * *

There are things in the world that cannot be compromised and there are things that cannot be overlooked.

There were things that could not be forgiven.

For Ruagarnet, society was like that.

A group of crazy fanatics who believe that their god lives in the Demonic World.

A target of revenge that should not be missed.

Therefore, immediately after seeing the cult, Ruagarne’s eyes rolled back.

It was true that she had enough experience to say the two words ‘heart’ out loud, but she was a prog.

A race that brings out the desires and desires boiling in my heart.


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The guy who killed my second lover.

At that time, I made a promise to my heart. I will kill anyone who sees a cult.

To Ruagarne, this was more important than anything else.

Once you kill it, it comes back.

That was the purpose.

My feet were tied.

The cult bastard had better means than expected.

“Crazy frock bastard.”

The corner of the chased cultist’s mouth twitched. It’s a bitter smile. That’s what it looked like from my point of view.

Was she caught up in his temptation?

No, it is time to break their arrogance.

However, you won’t be able to return to Encred right away.

‘Don’t die.’

I just hope.

* * *

Immediately after Ruagarne left the place, the monsters rushed in like a wave of water from a burst dam.

Encred tried to buy time by stepping forward, but it was a no-brainer. Even though there were many opponents, there were too many.


With a strange cry, a small battle hammer was aimed at my head.

It is a weapon with an iron weight at the end. If you get hit, it won’t end in pain.

He took a step back and swung his sword from bottom to top.

It is a reverse vertical cut.


Encred split the opponent’s chin and head in half vertically with his sword.

Afterwards, I used the sword pommel as a blunt weapon to capture the head of the hyena charging at me from the left.


The hyena, looking for an opening, jumped up and fell down.

I could clearly feel the feeling of cracking a walnut in my hand, so my head must have cracked.

There was no time to check how well it was washed.

This time it’s on the right. There are three flashing blades. The blade flew out and tried to use itself on Encred’s body.

The cubs, hands and feet, got along really well.

Encred swung his sword three times with instantaneous wit.

If you can’t stop it, just hit it and hit it.

Encred’s eyes, showing concentration, emit light.

I hit two sword strikes.


As the other one had no chance to escape, he turned his body to avoid it, and the blade of a spear suddenly pierced his stomach.

Encred swung his sword down and struck the middle of the spear pole.


However, the spear that pierced the stomach was blocked.


In that moment, a hammer fell on his shoulder. This was another one.

I couldn’t possibly stop this. Even with sharpened senses, it was impossible to detect every attack in this situation.

It was an attack that came from a blind spot in the back.

If you stop after being hit, you die.

Instinct spoke, gut feeling and intuition spoke.

Encred put so much weight on it that he fell backwards. Then he reversed his sword and struck him on the left shoulder with the pommel.


Due to the heavy blow, the animal behind it groaned and let out a cry similar to a moan.

Encred pretended to fall backwards, then stood up and swung his sword to the right.

There was a hyena beast just rushing towards me.

If only the guy who first aimed for the neck was bold.

Afterwards, the attacking hyena beast was persistent.

This time, the guy was aiming for the wrist.

Right after splitting the head of the charging hyena.

Encred’s heart was pounding as he was in crisis.

Composure, boldness.

The heart of the beast holds Encred’s spirit.

The moment I became aware of my surroundings, the sensation of the blade stimulated my sixth sense beyond my five senses.

At the same time, time slowed down.

The weapons of the gnolls in front of me fall on my body sequentially.

Spear, gladius, battle axe and hammer.

A line connecting dots was visible.

It is the line that separates life and death.

Encred swung his sword along the line.

puck! Suddenly! Suddenly! puck!

This is a feat performed by a well-honed blade.

The head of the gnoll in front was cut off by cutting off the top of the head.

The second guy was cut off and the sword that rose upwards was gently slashed downward, cutting off the nape of his neck.

The third gnoll raised his sword in an instant and slashed it, slicing through the area around the collarbone and up to the heart.

The fourth guy pulled out the sword he had cut through his heart and swung diagonally, cutting off some of his ribs and the skin of his stomach.

It was a wound that caused the internal organs to crawl out and flow, so of course he was dead.

The same was true for the other three. All were fatal injuries.

It was like killing four animals in an instant.

The ground was soaked with the black blood of the monster.

Gnoll was synonymous with persistence.

They took advantage of their comrade’s death and speared him from behind.

Occasionally, the hyena beast became more persistent.

When targeting his wrist failed, he aimed for his thigh, and when he swung his sword again to kill him, this time he aimed for his shin.

It wasn’t just one or two.

It was almost meaningless to count the number of gnolls.

I don’t even have the energy to worry about other people.

Encred focused all his mind on what he could do now.

So, cut and cut and stab and stab again.

The heavy sword technique was unleashed and split the beast’s head and body.

Even though I had to fight to the death with about a dozen of them.

The number of gnolls and hyenas nearby was still the same.

No matter how hard I tried to keep my composure, I couldn’t stop myself from being out of breath and my heart pounding.

Above all, some strange people appeared among the gnolls.

These guys are one head taller than the others.

Of course, he was stronger and more difficult to deal with.

Most of them were smaller than Encred, but this special species was even bigger than Encred.

One of them approached and swung a studded wooden club from top to bottom.


‘You can’t avoid it.’

A split-second decision, the best you can do.



I prepared it earlier, but I can’t use it carelessly, so I take out the secret technique I’ve been saving.

Taking out the heart of mighty power, Encred raised his sword and struck without hesitation.


A burst of drinking broke out.

The mutant gnoll’s club rose upward as if some kind of explosive magic had exploded.

Encred stretched out his hand, flicking his entire body towards the neck of the gnoll that had let go of the weapon.

The stab of one hand turned into a beam of light and punctured a hole in the neck of a special gnoll.


It was a movement of thrusting and pulling out. It had to be that way. If you lose your sword, you lose your only weapon.

This time, two mutants rush towards the side.

No, even the other gnolls had shiny yellow eyes.

Murderous, malicious, and greedy eyes.

What can you do against those eyes?

What is possible?

I don’t know. All I could do now was swing my sword, that was all.

* * *

Esther knew something was wrong.

‘many. ‘Large-scale clustering.’

It was a word referring to the difference in colony size.

It was too late to run away.

The leopard’s eyes scanned behind him.

I could see the massacre committed by the monsters, with humans dying.

“Save me!”

A guy who can’t even finish his sentence and gets stabbed in the neck with a gladius.


A person who is bitten alive by the teeth of a hyena beast.

Puff puff.

A nol stabbing a spear several times over a body that has already fallen.

“Guuk! Guuk!”

It is a monster that radiates low pleasure.

Everything happened in an instant.

Humans could not escape.

The fence was high. The moment the monsters entered, this place became not a village for humans but a plate for monsters.

There is nowhere to run. Then some humans ran to the watchtower.

It seemed like he was planning to buy some time by going to a higher place, but it was out of the question.

‘It’s not just monsters that are the problem.’

Esther’s eyes narrowed.

On top of the watchtower, a former mercenary group smiled heartily and fired an arrow.

Aim at the person trying to climb up, and boom, boom.

The one hit by the arrow fell to the floor. With his head broken, he becomes prey to the hyena beast.

Those trying to climb up to the watchtower were all in the same situation.

Esther felt an ominous sensation fill her mind.


In doing so, she showed some of her abilities.

Breaking one of the gnoll’s heads with a powerful kick.

He jumped forward and slashed and slashed several hyena beasts with his claws.

puck! Sigh! Nod!

It’s a claw that splits the skull. Esther also went wild. Even though we killed a dozen of them, the wave did not end.

This is not a colony that can be solved with just a few people. It was a disaster-level colony.

An abnormally shaped monster colony that is sure to cause great trouble within the kingdom.

‘Someone did it.’

Esther is a wizard with a world of spells.

Her intuition told her that this was someone’s intention.

However, there was nothing that could be done right away.

Esther moved constantly while thinking, and soon realized her limitations.

There are too many.

If you hold on, you will die. I had to run away. That’s her judgment.

What about the escape route?

“You have to clear the front, the front. Leader!”

Crys, this is Wangnuni’s cry. Before I knew it, this friend had also pulled out a short sword.

He is also a very talented friend.

I was wondering how I survived with only a short sword, but my captain was near the place where a storm hit.

I held on just at the borderline.

The surrounding gnolls first targeted threatening figures.

So, Encred.

The person Esther needs.

He fought like a hero from some legend.

He frantically cut, stabbed, and killed the approaching gnoll with a single sword. Holding the ricasso area and crushing one of the gnoll’s heads with force, as if fighting with a half sword, is truly spectacular.

It was truly a positional force.

If there had been more time, if there had been less risk, it would have been a situation where I would have been surprised and enjoyed it.

‘It’s not good.’

Maybe it’s Ester, a human with a world of spells.

What can you do with a leopard’s body?

Fighting together? That means dying together.

Esther climbed onto the roof of a nearby cabin.

I just killed the sight and watched the man.

She decided to watch now.

‘Revenge is given.’

And once again, my determination.

I’ve never had feelings like this for anyone while I was alive.

Esther didn’t even realize it and vowed revenge.


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