Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 163

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163. Despite standing on the edge of a cliff

On the first day, as we were concentrating on training, the village head treated us to dinner.

They brought various foods to the cabin.

“Please eat.”

The person who brought it to me was a woman with red hair. Is he a couple of years younger than Encrida?

“I don’t mean it with bad intentions.”

She defended the village head.

“it’s okay.”

As Encred answered in an indifferent manner, the woman’s complexion brightened.

“I’m Shai.”


After a brief greeting, Shai left with a blush on his face, and Chrys muttered behind him.

“As expected, Maseong, let’s go to the salon with me.”

If your salon were to have a knightly name, such as Swallow Knights or Host Knights, would you say that it would be something to think about then?

Encred remained silent.

The answer is that the two letters ‘Devil’ do not respond.

It wasn’t a plentiful table, but it still included white bread, mulled stew, baked beans, and corn. It was enough to fill a meal.

It would be greedy to want meat here.

Since Frock’s meal could not be desired separately, Ruagarnet ate raw vegetables.


“These bug-eaten vegetables are good because they are mixed with delicacies.”

This is said while chewing a dandelion leaf with holes in it.

They really like it when there are bugs among the vegetables.

Encred was not offended.

Just this much.

The same goes for Finn and Kreis.

One is a former ranger, and she is a scout who believes she can eat anything that grows from the ground or moves.

Kreis also did not envy the hardships he endured.

What if I eat some bugs?

Is it any different with Encred?

After dinner, I trained again, and again, until I went to bed.

“I guess I’m really not sick of it.”

Training again while listening to Kreis’ impressions.

There was no separate bathroom, so I had to wash myself in a well. As the temperature rose moderately, I washed it off with cold water and felt quite refreshed.

After washing up, I came here and checked the damaged equipment.

Since the sword was swung so vigorously, all that needed to be done was sharpening the blade.

Wipe the blade with the amount of fat prepared in advance, rub it again with the leather, and finish with a clean cloth.

However, a fishy smell was left behind.

It would be better than having the blade damaged.

I checked to see if any teeth were missing, and they were fine.


Encred was once again impressed by the skills of the blacksmith at the Border Guard blacksmith shop.

Even if there is Valery steel and Noir wrought iron, not everyone can make a sword like this.

Actually, the two expensive irons probably wouldn’t have been used that much.

It’s the next day after a day like that.

As always, it was time to wake up at dawn and practice isolation techniques and training.

Finn said he couldn’t sleep after taking too long a nap, so he went out to scout around the area. He could still see the moon, but he just had to look around.

It must be a ranger’s habit. Keeping the surrounding terrain in your mind.

“Deutsche Pullman.”

As we continued our green training, as soon as dawn broke, a man with short, rough-looking hair approached Encred.

It was a one-eyed man holding a wide-bladed glaive in one hand.

The eye patch and scars across the face made the person look quite rough.

“He’s from Zaltenbug.”

Deutch said, looking blankly at me.

Where was Zaltecbug?

I think it was towards the center.

“Border Guard platoon leader, Encred.”

It was a simple greeting and introduction. Afterwards, Encred continued to train.

I don’t know what purpose I came here for, but I didn’t feel any need to stop.

* * *

Doichi looked at the other person blankly and then opened his mouth.

“I heard you came as a commander.”


Encred’s simple answer was heard. The answer is given by swinging a sword.

Deutch still looked at his opponent blankly.

What are you doing?

I saw him holding a wooden sword and waving it in the air. Slowly and precisely.

Once here, once there.


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Does that help?

“Are you busy?”


Are you kidding me?

Deutch frowned. Why do people react differently when they come and talk to me?

I was about to come here with the intention of wondering if he had come to take his position as the pioneer village’s guard captain.

But the attitude is really good.

Deutsch did not want to give the other party any room by starting a pointless argument.

‘Let’s endure.’

So I had to endure it.

“This wooden fence is strong because it is heavily coated with sap. “It can easily block most monsters and beasts.”


“We periodically organize strike teams and go out to deal with demonic beasts, but we haven’t had any major difficulties so far.”


“The people I brought in are over 30 years old, and I increased the size of the vigilante group through training.”


“Even the management of the quarry can be roughly considered as my responsibility.”


“I built a watchtower, and two of my men are on top of it, guarding it day and night.”


Is this guy some weird guy?

I was starting to think that way.

I’m here as a commander. I want to check whether the Border Guard wants to exert any kind of pressure on this village.

This didn’t seem to interest me at all.

No, shouldn’t we at least say something to the village defense?

I don’t care too much to say that I’m just ignoring him because he’s a mercenary.

Isn’t that what we should do by poking around here and there and pointing out our shortcomings and using that as an excuse to solidify our commanding authority?

Doichi felt that everything he had discussed with the village head was being distorted.

‘This guy seems a little strange.’

It seems like the eye color wasn’t normal to begin with.

Even now, I am staring into space with some kind of fascination. The eyes are blank.

What are you thinking while swinging your sword?

They say you play with a frog and a wooden sword. Is that really true?

Or what did he come here to do?

Complex thoughts raced through my head. Deutch’s mouth opened after thinking.

“What are you here to train for?”


Only then does the other person slightly look away, look, and answer.

I’m just saying this, but you really came here to train?

“We took care of the monsters that formed the colony.”


Let’s leave it alone. This isn’t normal. At least Doichi knew that this bastard wasn’t here to take over the command.

Time will tell what the plan is.

“Captain, it’s a monster.”

At that moment, his subordinate called him. He was a recent recruit and he was quick and smart.

It was the call of a great subordinate who took care of every detail.

“Uh, okay.”

After turning around like that.

Encred started training all the time.

Deutsche did his job.

Strengthen the village’s defenses and keep a close watch on the surroundings.

The colony was already dealt with before they arrived.

‘Just a mutt.’

What a big deal it is that about 20 hyenas gathered together.

They didn’t know.

The number of monsters Encred defeated on his way here.

The corpses of the demonic beasts were scattered along the road to the village.

One of the ‘Black Knife’ bandits located nearby was annihilated.


‘I thought the thieves would come and start a fight.’

Deutsch listened to reports every day and waited for the thieves.

Usually, when you think of a pioneer village, people come and drool as if there is some hidden treasure, but there was no sign of them.

It was quiet. Everything was moving along without a hitch.

‘Am I lucky?’

It seemed as if Goddess Luck had winked. That’s what she didn’t see.

It’s been three days since they arrived from Border Guard.

Bang, pound, pound!

The bell rang. The sound of a bell announcing the enemy’s invasion pierced the early morning fog.

‘Are you a thief?’

Doichi stood up at once and grabbed his weapon. He will show off the skills that made him known as the One-Eyed Glaive.

So I kicked down the door and went out.

“every… … town!”

Before Deichi could finish his sentence, he pulled out his weapon and blocked the way.


Iron meets iron and resonates. Thanks to the ax blade hitting my glaive blade, the sound of the walnut spear was loudly waved.


With all his might, he hit the guy holding the ax with his glaive spear.


The monster that was hit bounced to the side.

What is this?

Deutsch was embarrassed. He hadn’t even put on his armor yet, and there were monsters everywhere around him.


The fallen one let out a cry.

It was a monster that let out strange cries, a monster with a long upper body and spotted patterns all over its body, known as a Knoll.

If one of them broke inside, what would be the problem?

I’m going to hit that guy’s head right now. Why make a fuss when you can just handle it and report it?

What if about five or six gnolls and hyena beasts invaded?

I can ring the bell, but he will be angry at me for appearing in front of him like this.

Can’t you just solve this?

A former mercenary group?

But now something.


“Fight! “Don’t back down!”

“Shoot, shoot, shoot!”

“help me! “Help me!”



A duet of cries and deathly words that feel a threat to survival.

In the meantime, I caught a glimpse of my subordinates, but it was difficult to confirm their condition.

There were a lot. The hyenas and gnolls were rushing in like a tidal wave.

The number of gnolls in front of Doichi increased to five with cries of “guuuuk”.

Nols do group activities. The cry now was a cry calling for a colleague to deal with Doichi.


Deutsche fought hard. He fought against four gnolls with hatchets and one with a spear.

When the glaive finally splits the heads of two gnolls.


The play cried again.

The number of opponents has increased again.

“This is crazy.”

No, does this make sense?

Deutsch had a premonition of death, no, he was certain of it. The edge of a cliff from which there was no way to survive, that was here.

* * *

It was Encrud’s old habit to wake up at dawn.

‘I don’t have enough time.’

When geniuses and people with ordinary talent swung their sword once, Encred had to swing it 10 times.

If that’s not enough, do it a hundred times, if a hundred times isn’t enough, do it a thousand times.

Originally, even if you swung like that, there was no way you would receive a reward.


A series of small realizations, traces of consideration embedded in Ruagarnet’s teachings.

Find it, eat it, and chew it. I once again found and expressed the taste obtained through the chewing process.

The sword moved. At Encred, every day was new.

It was like that before, but even more so recently.

Above all, while practicing the isolation technique, an epiphany suddenly came to me.


It refers to how your body reacts the moment you see and feel it.

The difference is in reaction speed. The sense of avoidance was a skill based on that.

It is difficult to apply it to the body through ordinary training.

So what do you need?

‘I can die, I can die.’

Just be prepared to do something, even if it means risking death.

When the heart of the beast gives only boldness and not equanimity.

Encred realized something.

All you need is a small trigger.

This is when I organized my thoughts up to this point.


For a moment, an uneasy atmosphere spread, and as the blue light of dawn faded away, a scream came from ahead.

Bang, pound, pound!

The emergency bell rang.

“attack! It’s a monster! “Monster!”


Encred had been concentrating on training, but in his spare time, Cryce looked around the village.

“The fence is pretty strong. If something happens inside the village, well, it’s enough to hold out.”

“There are no siege weapons like tributaries or mangonels, but the fences are quite strong. I think it was built from the beginning with the expectation that it would endure. “The bottom line is this.”

This was Kreis’ answer to the question of whether this village could be dangerous.

“are you okay. “If something happens, reinforcements will come right away from other cities, so if you make up your mind and hold out, you’ll be able to last here for over a month, right?”

It was said. They said there was nothing they could do about the group of monsters that formed the colony.

“No. “Wangnun.”

Encred muttered.



The sound of kicking the ground, the footsteps of a monster running with dust flying around, the running of a demon beast.

I saw a group of people running without even breathing.

There are so many monsters and demons that counting their numbers is meaningless.



They cry to each other and run along the man-made path.

The gnoll’s ax fell on the market stall.

There was a thud and broken tree fragments flew out.


The screams of the humans who saw it were on top of it.

It was a pack of gnolls and hyenas.

The danger of monster gnolls.

A few things crossed my mind.

First, they do group activities. Even if only one appears, it leads a hyena beast.

So it’s a headache.

Two, each individual is absolutely not an easy guy.

Third, they tend to form couples only among hyena beasts.

Thoughts are thoughts.

body is body.

Encred stepped forward with his sword in hand.

The area behind the hut where he stayed was all villagers working.

The place where the vigilante Doichi stays is in the center of the village, so the number of combat-ready people staying here will not be many.

“eww? “Uh-huh?”

Behind Encred, it is the sound of a quarry worker who came out to urinate and falls backwards in horror.


In a fit of urgency, Encrid swung his sword while shouting Frog’s name in half.


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