Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 162

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162. It doesn’t matter if you don’t welcome me

After defeating a group of hyena beasts, the group visited a stream, washed up, and took out beef jerky to eat.

Eating, drinking, and washing are important. Especially on long trips.

If you catch a cold for no reason, the hardship of your trip will increase dramatically.

“This really tastes good.”

Finn also seemed to be feeling a little better.

It was the power of seasoned beef jerky.

Ruagarne ate dried fruits and edible caterpillars that she had prepared herself. I also caught and ate several insects that resembled cicadas.

It didn’t hurt my feelings.

I already know that that’s Frog’s meal.

“Insects strengthen the body.”

This is said while chewing dried caterpillars.

The Border Guard had no facilities for frocks.

In other words, that lunch box was made by Ruagarne itself.

Eating is enough as long as you are satisfied.

In that sense, Esther also enjoyed beef jerky. He chewed the chewy chewy a few times, swallowed it, and nodded in satisfaction.

Is that a leopard? Isn’t that enough to say it’s a human?

Everyone filled their leather canteens with water and drank.

The water in the stream was clear and cool.

As he followed the road and came over a small hill, Encred smelled an unpleasant scent.

‘Bloody smell?’

Death, battlefield, that kind of smell.

The smell of blood and metal, the scent of battlefield.

As I crossed the hill, I saw the epicenter of the scent.

The corpses of demonic beasts were seen scattered all over the place.

I also saw wolf beasts, snakes, and goats transformed.

The number was not that small.

Wounds of being cut, hit, and torn by weapons were visible.

There are many other torn bodies.

There were also traces of being eaten by a pack of wild dogs.

What is a demonic beast? It refers to a beast that has changed under the influence of the demon’s magic energy or demonic spirit.

The more carnivorous and aggressive a person is, the more easily and deeply they are influenced and change.

Even so.


As Finn said angrily, I wondered how there could be so many demons if this land was not some kind of demon world.

The number of bodies lying around was close to thirty.

The Demonic Land is a land that humans cannot invade.

It is the source of monsters and demonic beasts.

There were kingdoms that repeatedly tried to subdue it.

Instead of subjugating, the national power was weakened and only ended up being eaten by neighboring countries.

There is a lot of speculation that there is something spewing out monsters at the center of the demon world.

Of course, if it were really near the demonic area, this group would have been at best.

After that, there was no encounter with a group of demonic beasts.

“I’d like to say this is normal, but”

Finn muttered.

She also saw the corpses of dead demon beasts scattered all over the place. She saw a few ghouls, but most of them were demonic beasts.

The number of demonic beasts was far greater than that of monsters.

The party, who invested most of the twenty days, was soon able to confirm the existence of a pioneer village.

Thanks to encountering numerous monsters and beasts, it was two days late, twenty and two days.

It was a destination.

A tall wooden fence.

A solid barrier to prevent enemy invasion.

You can see a couple of watchtower-like things above it.

The scale was not small.

If a village is planned and supported by the government, then yes, it can become this size. It was a village of such size that it resembled a castle.

“Is it big?”

Kreis shared his thoughts.

“I know.”

Finn answered leisurely and looked around.

As a ranger, she was annoyed, but she arrived anyway. She decided to be satisfied with that.

You can’t be perfect at everything.

Encred, I didn’t even care about that.

He just headed in front of the wooden fence.

A pretty well-made defense facility, that’s what I thought as soon as I saw it.

It meant that it was a pioneer village where full-scale power was invested.

As soon as Encred revealed his affiliation, the door to the fence opened.

The eyebrows of the fierce-eyed man on top of the watchtower twitched.

I have a very bad impression.


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‘You look like you want to beat up.’

It was that kind of face.

Even though Encred wasn’t interested in other people’s affairs, he had a face that made me want to hit him.

Looking inside, I saw that both the fence and the gate were made of thick logs.

It was a fairly strong fence. It’s not at the level of a castle wall, but it’s similar in size and height.

There was a long flagpole and a platform in the center of the village, and it was obvious without saying that it was the village square.

As we entered, the head of the village, the head of the village, came out.

The village head was a young man. He was similar in age to Encred.

His face was ordinary, but his eyes were full of confidence.


The village chief said. Encred got the feeling that they were not welcome at all from his tone, attitude, and eyes.

Is it because of the development of sixth sense and intuition?

Even though Frock was with the group, the village chief did not really welcome the group.

* * *

“It’s enough just for us here.”

“We also chased out a large band of thieves nearby.”

“Have you heard of the Black Knife Bandits? “They don’t even dare!”

“I’m thankful that Proc came and I’m thankful that the commander came, but as you can see, it’s not a small village.”

“So you’re a platoon leader? “I guess you’re good at using a sword?”

“Among our group, there is a person who formed a mercenary group when he was young. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but it’s called a one-eyed glaive. “He is now our village guard.”

To summarize their treatment.

“Even if you don’t interfere, we’ll take care of it. Let’s just watch and then I’ll put in a good word when we go back. request? Wouldn’t it be okay to say that it was done well? “The colony has already been dealt with.”

This is what it said.

These people, including the village head, are probably the core power and backbone of the village.

There were no old people. They were generally middle-aged to young adults.

Their intention was not to intervene. Most of the village’s workforce seemed to support their opinions.

In particular, the ones that were either guards or vigilantes seemed to show something similar to male enemies.

“Let’s do that.”

Encred did not force them to do anything to secure his command.

It was useless.

A request is a request, a job is a job, and people are people.

They said they would take care of it, so I left it to them to take care of it.

However, I decided to stay here. If it was as long as seven days, if as short as five days, all I had to do was make sure it was really safe and then go back and report.

Anyway, it was their opinion, so Encred took it without a big deal.

They were given permission to use a hastily constructed hut as accommodation.

Ruagarne asked as Kreis went out to look around the village.

“Is it just going to stay like this? “Just taking a look?”

“I think I’ll spend some time training.”

“Here too? Yes, you can.”

Now, Ruagarne is also adapting to the human called Encrid.

This bastard could swing a sword here too.

There were many vacant lots near the cabin.

There were still many places where houses were being built.

On one side of the clearing, Encred swung his sword.

Since when did you care about whether someone sees it or not?

The basics of straight swords, plus the sense of evasion.

The things I’m most into and indulge in recently.

In the meantime, everything I learned was released from my body.

Swinging and swinging again, I forgot myself and readily entered a world where only the sword remained.

In it, Encred reflected on what he had learned from Ruagarne on his way here.

Encred began swinging his sword vigorously.

Kreis was busy looking around the village.

I thought I would be ostracized because I was an outsider, but I managed to blend in easily.

‘I can do that too.’

Ruagarnet thought so.

A man named Chrys knew how to read the other person’s inner thoughts and scratch their itch.

I looked back and forth.

“Would you like a cigarette?”

Buy the other person’s favor with just a rolled-up New Year’s card. That’s how I became friends with a man with a bushy beard who walked around the quarry.

“You are doing a great job. Didn’t you take risks to come this far? To the pioneer village, wow. huh? “It’s a man, a man.”

I won their favor with just a few words.

‘You’re also good at speaking.’

There were many people like that in the kingdom. They are often called politicians, people who eat the rust of the country due to their status as nobles, and officials.

‘Do you want to fit in?’

Considering common sense, the journey to get here was bloody and difficult.

Of course, considering the party’s military power, there was no such great danger.

Even so, it was quite surprising to see it moving so actively right away.

Proc’s gaze found the rest of the group.

A leopard named Ester put his paws on the cabin window frame and stared at his master.

Finn was getting some sleep inside.

Ruagarnet had nothing to do. What should she do if she had time left? She could see Encred and help him train. That’s what she did.

As I did so, past relationships came to mind one by one.

To be exact, the group of geniuses who have passed through his hands so far.

All of them were truly like blood relatives of dogs.

It was like that. right. The flesh and blood of the dog, indeed, it was so.

“Do you think this is enough?”

“Do I need to learn more?”

“I have an appointment at the salon this evening.”

“No, do you like me? “I don’t have any intention of having a romantic relationship with Proc, so I think it would be good if you could leave it alone.”

“This is the limit. “I can’t do it anymore.”

All talented guys were similar.

After just a little bit, my body got used to the technique, so there was no need to train my bones. Training to vomit blood is also difficult. I was just anxious to fill up my training time.

Thanks to the fact that they were born with a body that was incredibly efficient in terms of time, they became like a well whose mental power had dried up.

Ultimately, the sword requires being able to control the body and move it at will.

That is the basic condition.

These people are born with that. Geniuses who learn skills after doing it a few times, and guys who are not used to hard work.


When I think about that, my cheeks naturally puff up.

So, if you have met the basic conditions, what should you do next?

‘Well, what should I do?’

You have to swing, run, and roll diligently. But is there such a person? It was really, really rare. It was truly rare.

Even though the placentas were all so sick.

There were some people who weren’t like that, though.

‘Because God is not fair.’

It’s not depressing, but it brings back memories that aren’t very pleasant.

His first lover, a man who always did his best in the present without thinking about tomorrow.

“Training is fun.”

What the man said. Things like that came to mind.

Ruagarnet pondered the memories.

She was young then and much more passionate than she is now.

Of course, Proc’s enthusiasm will not diminish as he gets older.

They are hedonists.

They are a fighting race who live according to their own needs and desires.

My thoughts become blurred and another human male fills my vision. My mouth opened when I saw that.

“Is it fun?”

Ruagarne, lost in memories, asked.

Encrid glanced at Ruagarne and nodded.

“Yes, it’s fun.”

Ruagarne saw a man drenched in sweat.

Black hair and blue eyes, different from the man she had been in love with.

He was also talented.

Perhaps if he had lived, if God’s unfairness had not stayed with him.

He might have become a knight.

But not the man in front of me. Still, why do they look overlapping?

Just a memory, a faded past, a memory that became pain rather than pleasure.

Since Ruagarne is a prog, she threw away unpleasant memories.

All you have to do is live a life that is faithful to today, surrender to your desires, and keep the covenant.

“Captain, captain.”

For a brief moment, while Ruagarne was lost in sentimentality, Kreis often approached and called Encred.

Chrys approached and opened his mouth.

“It’s very serious, isn’t it? They were planning a quarry, a training ground, and even barracks. There is also a saying that there is some noble person behind the boat.”

It hasn’t even been half a day, but there’s a lot I’ve picked up.

Kreis said, raising his index finger and pointing to the sky. Above, it meant a village influenced by those in power.

Well, otherwise, something of this scale would be difficult.

“What about defense?”

Encred nodded and asked.

What happens if a large group of demon beasts gathers?

The original request was to deal with a group of demonic beasts that formed a colony. The reason I was given command was to use the village vigilante group.

What if it went across the water?

Can the village solve the colony on its own?

Will they be safe if something happens later? It’s already been my job. You are looking at it properly.

A request is a request, a job is a job, and a person is a person.

I had to know.

It wasn’t that Kreis was running around fussing because he had nothing to do.

He got along better with Encred than I thought.

I knew everything there was to know just from Encred’s glances.

“Excellent. It seems like the former mercenary leader or something gave him proper training. It’s not that I have a good eye for things, but at least I got discipline, right? And usually, a disciplined unit does not collapse easily. The guys in the watchtower also have very simple eyes. Their tongues are kind, but their eyes are cruel. very.”

The watchtower, the eyes, the face.

I really didn’t like it. That’s how I feel. Could he have been a mercenary who also went as a thief?

I didn’t know it might be so.

Anyway, I guess there’s nothing to worry about at this rate.

That’s what I thought.

Then what should I do?

“This is what happened, Captain, let’s get some treasure together…” … .”

“Rua Garne.”

Encrud called out to Proc before Chrys finished speaking.

Frock, out of appreciation, rolled his bulging eyes.

“Let’s stick together.”

Sparring and training, just do the same things as usual.

There are already people around to look at Encred.

It is a special species among special species.

It looked like he would be swinging his sword all day here too.

“Shall I use a wooden sword?”

Proc asks.


Instead of answering, Encred called out the name of his resourceful subordinate.

Even if you are an unwelcome guest, you can probably get at least two wooden swords.

“Aren’t you going to go find the treasure?”

Cryce asked back at Encred’s request. It’s a tone full of sincerity. It was natural. Crona is at stake.

“I’m leaning in that direction.”

“… … “I will get a wooden sword.”

Encred had a more sinister side than he thought, and Chrys was not unaware of it.

‘Because once you say something, you become a protector.’

Encred tends to keep his words.

It’s leaning, isn’t it?

Then it was halfway done.

As I watched Kreis start toying with his feet again, I heard a sound like a kick from behind.

When I turned around, Esther, the leopard was smiling.

The sound of laughter was very unique.

“Have you laughed like that before?”

When Encred asked curiously again, Ester pretended to be polite and not smile, craned her neck, turned to the side, and laid down with her head on her front paw.

I didn’t listen to the answer.

Soon, Kreis managed to get a wooden sword.

A sparring ensued.

There was a reason why Ruagarnet asked me to get a wooden sword.

“It’s a game of fighting.”

This was the way I once taught my lover, who was very talented, but of course Encred didn’t know.

I was just busy having fun.

It’s a new training, a new form of cutting.

It was fun. It was training to sharpen the basics of Jeonggeomsik rather than any physical ability.

Which way will you block and deflect the sword that your opponent holds out?

It’s all for the next move.

Soo digs traps everywhere to win.

Slowly, we made moves by clashing wooden swords together.

“What is that?”

“Did you come to play?”

“what? Support from the kingdom? “Isn’t it a vacation?”

There were people around who saw it and started wearing it.

Rumors began to spread that there was a guy who was having fun with Frock and having sword fights.

No matter how large it was, this was a pioneer village, and excluding the vigilantes, the number of residents was around two hundred at most.

There was a rumor going around that the guy who came from the Border Guard as a commander was Hanryang, a woman with a frock on.

They say the proc is a guard and the woman is a guide, and they also brought along a servant with big eyes and a pet.

Encred didn’t care.

Even though I suffered from even more rumors when I was the troublemaker squad leader, I didn’t care.

“Ugh, you came all the way here and started stabbing me again?”

As soon as Finn woke up after a deep nap, he stuck out his tongue when he saw Encred covered in sweat.


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