Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 161

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161. The power was sufficient to deal with the magical beast.

The basics of Junggeomsik are weight and strength.

“You just have to press it with force.”

“You can break it with force.”

“Narrow the distance and be strong.”

“By putting weight on it.”

“The other person can’t even think of avoiding it.”

This is something Ragna often said.

Even when facing a spear or a shield.

Most of the answers to various situations came like this.

Jeong Geom-sik was a little different.

“All you have to do is refine your form and drive your opponent with your intentions.”

Roagarnet taught from the core. It’s a method of adding small details after the main point, and it’s very efficient.

I’ve heard countless times that Frog is sometimes the best swordsman teacher.

‘It’s comparable.’

There is a gap with the platoon members who teach him. However, that doesn’t mean the platoon members were bad.

It also seemed like a better fit for Encred. Rolling over is easier, even if it is painful.

‘Rough, but straight.’

This is the moment when you realize that you have become accustomed to learning in a rough and rough way.

Anyway, Ruagarnet was a prog who knew how to teach properly.

And Encred knew how to learn.

I did my best to listen.

Is there anything different from before?

‘I can follow along.’

There was a time when I couldn’t do anything even if I heard it and struggled.

Now those days are just a thing of the past.

The technique of isolation is ultimately the art of manipulating one’s own body.

It is a technique with the meaning of forcing every single muscle to do what it wants.

Add to this the sense of the blade and the focus on one point.

The heart of the beast gives you boldness and composure.

I realized it again.

‘Four things are the center of my talent.’

Something of yourself that you have achieved through effort.

It is the nourishment given to me by those around me.

Because I dug into it by chewing, tasting, tearing, and enjoying the nutrients.

There was today.

Because I had repeated today, I was able to roughly follow Proc’s teachings.

That doesn’t mean you’ve become a genius.

It’s just that it’s better than before.

Ruagarne was already aware of Encred’s low talent, so she was neither tired nor surprised.

He was calm and silent. She just taught.

Meanwhile, a lot of common sense and stories about swords emerged.

Ruagarne knew a lot.

“There is a saying that the best sword for beginners to learn is a quick sword, and the best sword for dealing with beginners is a straight sword.”

Focusing on being fast is good for learning.

This means that if you are a weaker opponent than yourself, you will win 98 out of 100 times.

So, what is stronger when you meet someone stronger than you?

“Heavy swords and heavy swords are advantageous. “If the opponent is an idiot who is caught off guard, a quick sword is good, and if the opponent is a person with little courage and is very suspicious, a straight sword is good, but if it is the most advantageous, I would choose a sharp sword.”

A sword that deceives the eyes of the opponent and mesmerizes them.

Ruagarnet’s words were similar to saying that all five types of swords have some benefit, but there is no right answer.

How can there be a definite answer to everything in the world?

It was a statement that came from his temperament, thoughts, and experiences he had experienced.

It was like saying that people are more important than swordsmanship.

Just to conclude:

“It is said that when you meet someone stronger than you, someone who is quick-witted and quick-witted has the greatest advantage.”


Ruagarne laughed as she spoke. Now I was slowly getting used to the sound of Proc’s laughter.

Knowing that emotions are expressed through the sound of puffing out one’s cheeks was one thing, but actually experiencing it by being with someone for this long was a different story.

Even after that.

“There is also a story that the double sword style was originally a sword made to deal with monsters and beasts. Doesn’t that seem to be roughly correct?”

“A straight sword goes well with a soft sword, and a heavy sword goes well with a quick sword, but only the white sword can play alone.”

“As you learn how to hold a sword, other sword techniques will become easier, but the best thing is to learn them all in a roundabout way. You will become more skilled at the areas you excel at. But it doesn’t seem to be you, so I need to train more diligently.”

He looked at things from a subjective perspective and did not spare any advice.

“When I cut down the wolf beast a little while ago, I had to hit it horizontally, not vertically. Then there wouldn’t be any marks on my left arm. The idea was to place the center of gravity on his right foot and let it flow in a Yugeom style. “If I were to elaborate further, it would be like this.”

He also repeatedly provided advice and demonstrations after the battle.

“Now, try this again. “By blocking this.”

Repeated training continued. Ruagarne himself picked up the sword and swung it, repeating the same situation.

And he didn’t even slow down his pace.


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The teachings are divided into various times: mealtime, early morning, waking watch, and before going to bed.

At every moment, Encred focused, dug in, and learned.

“The response is slow. You saw it with your own eyes. Then you should have avoided it. Or you could have blocked it with the sword first.”


This is when I faced three hyena beasts.

They are more dangerous than anyone else in a group, but it wasn’t a problem if there were only three of them, so I went out.

The fight ended with only a scratch on his side.

Roagarnet pointed out the problem.

Encred accepted.

The thoughts that come to mind as I accept this are, to be exact, the thoughts that started from her words.

When the same thing is pointed out countless times, of course you have to face the problem.

‘A sense of avoidance.’

Saxony told me about it, but I haven’t been able to put it on my body yet.

‘Did you say coordination?’

The more I learned, the more there was to do, learn, and train.

One of them is something I haven’t gotten used to yet.

A sense of avoidance.

By training my visual acuity, I was able to see the enemy’s movements several times more than before.


Boom! I can tell in advance where the ghoul’s arm is swinging and where the hitting point is.

“Jeonggeom sees the light by predicting the opponent’s movements.”

It seemed predictable.

I swung my sword like that.

As I thought, I raised the sword that was lowered to the right and drew a long arc.

The ghoul’s forearm, where the blade was caught, cracked open.

Lift the swinging sword above the top of your head, turn your wrist, then pull it out and swing it forward for a vertical downward slash.

The ghoul’s head was split lengthwise at an angle.

Encred’s sword split the ghoul’s head and split its collarbone.

The sword that cut right there stopped.

Encred deliberately used force to stop.

It’s not polite to cut your heart out in front of a frock.


He kicked the ghoul with his foot and pulled out his sword. It was a fight that ended with two stabbings.

“Not bad.”

This was Ruagarnet’s assessment. From then on, Encred devoted himself to the sense of evasion and the basics of correct swordsmanship.

A sense of avoidance.

‘I can’t feel it.’

I know what the method is and I learned the training method. However, just because you learn something doesn’t mean it will stick to you. Isn’t this a fact that we have already learned through experience?

Should I say it is similar to when I first learned the Heart of the Beast?

Or should I say it is similar to when I first learned to focus on one point.

How did you learn it back then?

One came to this realization after experiencing death.

The other thing was that the method of a dunjae, not the method of a genius, was needed.

Do we need a similar environment this time?

When my craving boiled over, I would almost wish for a wall.

You may want the boatman to do something for you.

But Encred didn’t have that in mind.

As always, I just did my best in the given circumstances.

That was Encred.

The monsters and beasts that appeared every time were all excellent test subjects, so Encred would secretly welcome them and draw his sword.


While crossing a hill full of thorns, Finn opened his mouth angrily.

It was right after I saw the group of demonic beasts that appeared in front of me.

“This isn’t a land under the influence of some kind of demonic realm, huh? “You damn monsters come out this often?”

It’s anger. Clear anger, undeniable anger.

It is only natural that monsters and witches cannot understand what is said.

Therefore, there must have been a valid reason for expressing such anger towards the monster.

At what moment would I spew out such anger at a monster I couldn’t even communicate with?

To conclude, it wasn’t that he was angry at the monster.

At first, I wondered why he was like this, but Encred quickly realized.

Things that I ignored because I was focusing on training.

It was said to be a good subject for swordsmanship training, so monsters and demons often appeared, which was good.

“It felt like it was about to explode.”

Chrys muttered next to him.


Frock also puffed out his cheeks in approval.


Esther sneezed.

Finn is a ranger.

What do rangers do?

Pathfinder finds the way.

Map makers create maps.

Rangers were the ones who led the group on a safe path.

Why did the Glacier Rangers, who protect glaciers, become famous on the continent?

Why do we call them wonderful?

That’s right, since they live in a deep forest, a place where monsters roam and the cold is comparable to that of the Demon World.

They are the best rangers who sense danger and ensure the safety of their party.

There are people who hire Glacier Rangers to dig up medicinal herbs and precious metals inside the glacial land.

Finn is not a Glacier Ranger.

But she also had some pride in her work.

However, thin-legged monsters and beasts appeared.

He seemed to think that his abilities were being questioned.

“How many days has it been since we left?”

Encred caught a glimpse of Finn getting angry and opened his mouth.

“Three days.”

Quick-witted Kreis responded.

If you walk diligently to the pioneer village, it will take twenty days, and if you get on a carriage and take the road, it will take six to seven days.

There are risky paths everywhere, but with a ranger by your side, it could have been a quick and safe trip.

Before leaving, Finn said something while poking Encred’s side.

“If it were a carriage, it would be possible to ignore the slow-moving ghouls, but that is impossible when traveling on foot. but! “Shouldn’t you honestly consider yourself lucky to have a ranger like me with you?”

In Encred’s eyes, the Finn who was talking with a smile overlapped with the Finn who was now very angry.

It was worth getting angry.

“It’s not your fault.”

Hearing Encred’s words, Finn sighed and said.

“Oh, I really want to know what this is, but I really have nothing to say.”

Finn also felt unfair. He was still like that now.

Why did you choose thorn bush hill?

Monsters and beasts basically avoid inconvenient paths. So it’s the same here.

As I moved, a bush full of thorns blocked my view.

It’s not a place you can easily enter unless you have a knack for finding your way around.

It’s a difficult place to get through if you don’t cut it properly with a hatchet.

Look at the demonic beasts in front of you right now, no matter how thick their skin they are.

Are you prepared to get scratched by thorns and come all the way here?

It was a spotted hyena beast that is often seen around here.

One of them somehow ended up with a limp.

I also saw a guy dripping blood.

“This is unusual.”

Frock muttered. To Finn, that sounded like useless consolation.

Encred didn’t care.

Instead, he watched the movement of the magical beast.

Instead of rushing towards you in a fit of convulsions, the demonic beast first shows caution.

As they raised their guard and prepared for battle, Encred also prepared for battle.

Putting down the backpack on your back and pulling out your sword.

“I do it alone. “Stay behind.”

Encred came out.

A total of eight hyena beasts.

It’s not a small number. Even if there was one limping guy in the mix.

many. There are a lot.

Originally, many demonic beasts were dangerous, but no one was worried.

For three days, I saw the demons and demons that Encred killed.

It was an insignificant battle.

This time, Encred scratched his shoulder and almost got bitten on his thigh, but he easily escaped the crisis by using his quick wit and kicking the head of one of the hyenas using his shin guard.

Two out of eight came towards the group.

One was hit by Esther’s claws and its head became three.

In the other, Ruagarne kicked the body with his foot, giving the hyena an altitude similar to that of a bird for a moment.

It was amazing technology.

Making it fly in the sky rather than kicking it to burst its stomach was something that required clever control of strength and tricks.

Encred took care of the hyena.

So I continued on my way.

“Oh really!”

Finn’s irritation increased.

This time, a pack of striped hyenas.

“It’s coming out like crazy. really.”

Kreis clicked his tongue.

Because I’ve met that many people.


Encred drew his sword again.

Twenty days since I left the city.

This is in front of a group of people sitting by the stream to take a shower. About 13 to 40 hyena beasts jumped out.

It wasn’t a crisis.

Even when surrounded by a pack of werewolves, he held on.

Hyena beasts and werewolves are incomparable entities.


There was also support from Proc.

The whip cracked the ground coolly.

“I need to relax my hands before they get rusty.”

Ruagarne said.

It’s just as she said. This was enough to loosen her hands.

With a thud, Ester also hit the ground with his front foot.

It seemed like he was protesting that he was there too.

Of course I didn’t forget. This is a lake panther, a beautiful leopard that understands human language.

It was a power that was sufficient to deal with magical beasts.


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