Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 160

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160. A stepping stone to small goals

“You just have to do that 15 more times.”

Rem said indifferently.

At those words, Encred looked at him blankly.

“If you do that, you will reach the wall and climb over it.”

Is there something stuck that hasn’t been resolved?

Encred recognized it with his wits, but was busy reflecting on what he had actually done.

One attack and defense.

There was a lot to gain from there. I knew it intuitively.

“Good job.”

Encred said and turned around. He wanted to reconstruct and invent things. Just one sparring, one exchange of offense and defense, what was in it?

“Brother, you took a hit.”

I heard Audin teasing Rem from behind.

“Shall we have lunch with the Lord today? “Are you crazy?”

I heard the sound of Rem and Audin fighting.

Encred ignored it. The fortress held up reasonably well despite the fighting. It’s not that our relationship has improved, but we strangely kept the line well.

‘How did you cut it?’

A scratch appeared on Rem’s cheek.

Although I was surprised by the fact itself, I fell more in love with indulging in the process.

Since this wasn’t my first experience like this, I knew how to think about it and recover from it.


The experience of a frog trapped in a well jumping up and looking out.

What do you get here?

A frog that jumps high even once can jump again.

Outside the well, Encred wanted to welcome a new world.

Even though it was two days before he left for his mission, he continued to work hard.

So, excluding basic training, this is the end of constant thinking and thinking.

As I faithfully followed the saying that you see as much as you know, I felt that Encred was lacking.

‘Jungjung’s recovery.’

The basis for the five swords is the heavy sword style.

Is this what happened?

This is what I thought when I used this sword type before.

I felt like I wanted to try using other weapons as well.

It is said that a knight can skillfully wield ten weapons.

He wouldn’t be able to do that.

To handle something skillfully means to realize one thing and know ten things.

That may be possible because of talent.

It’s difficult for yourself. Very much.

So, what should I do?

‘If you learn one and cannot learn ten.’

How about learning them all one by one?

They say you can just repeat what you do every day, but on the way to the next step, if there is a way to walk rather than crawl.

“I have to do it.”

Determination flowed from my mouth.

It was a natural thing.

I was so immersed that I even forgot it was evening. In fact, even when eating, no matter what I do, I think about it in one side of my head and reconsider it.

This is when Rem got a scratch on his cheek.

Encred had a desire, not a satisfaction.

I looked at the way forward.

This is the result.

Encred muttered to himself and got up from the bed and moved.

The accommodation is not spacious.

Everyone’s eyes gathered.

Encrud stopped in front of Frock and Ruagarne’s bed.

Proc, who was well prepared, raised his eyes upward. He looked at En Creed while lying down.

“Do you know how to use Jeonggeomsik?”

Tomorrow was the day to leave.

The lantern casts a long shadow behind.

Everyone had washed up in the bathroom.

Finn was the last to return from the wash, water dripping from his wet hair.

Ester was picking her claws at Encred’s seat, then stopped and looked up.

The leopard’s deep blue eyes looked directly at Encred’s back.

“It’s a specialty.”

Ruagarne answered while lying down.

“Please teach me.”

Encred longed for learning. He didn’t even wait for someone to teach him.

In his opinion, this proc was a great instructor.

Apart from using a whip, he was also good at handling other weapons.


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Specialty or formal examination.

This is something I knew through the occasional teachings and sparring.

I needed teaching that was different from what I learned by watching and imitating by looking over my shoulder.

Ragna’s northern style heavy swordsmanship was excellent. The other sword techniques he taught me weren’t bad either.

But Ragna also learned from looking over his shoulder.

“I also imitate it after seeing it once or twice.”

I used to say this often.

The way a genius learns was not enough.

As always, what I feel is thirst.

There was something about Proc that could not be learned from other platoon members.

Rem? He has no established fighting style. It is an ax to grind in the realm of intuition and sixth sense.

In sparring, Rem got a scratch on his cheek.

Under the thrilling emotion, Encred looked.

The figure that looked like an evil spirit back then.

Is that the essence of Rem, or is it an illusion created by one’s own mind and eyes?

I do not know.

Just if you wish.

‘I hope to see you again.’

I also wanted to force Rem into that situation.

I hope so.

I don’t want you to break your limits right away and realize your ‘will’.

Encred didn’t do that.

The years and days of holding on by gathering the pieces of a dream.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, there’s only one thing.

Take one step at a time, even if you have to crawl forward.

The steps may have been slow, but as I progressed, I saw, felt, and reached.

I decided to take a step forward and set a small goal.

To see the ‘truth’ in Rem’s face, whether it’s a ghost or something else.

If possible, even on the faces of Audin, Ragnar, and Saxony.


Ruagarne nodded without hesitation.

Encred nodded, lowered his head, and went to sleep.

Tomorrow is the day I have to go to the pioneer village and fulfill the request as promised.

I have to go on a trip.

It wouldn’t be good if I remained tired, so I had to go to bed early.

“Well, this is something I’ve noticed again, but I don’t know if you know that if a person is too simple, it can make them look crazy.”

Rem muttered in bed. Encred did not answer. If we distance ourselves from each other, we will have to talk for a long time.

Fortunately, Rem also kept his mouth shut. It was just a trivial review.

“Hehe, brother, I hope you will be filled with the Lord’s grace, so please keep your spirit intact.”

It felt like someone was calling me crazy, but a prayer was a prayer, and a blessing was a blessing.

The others remained silent.

The night has passed.

The next day came.

Encred went out on the road with a normal attitude.

So I went out of the city.

Behind are Ruagarne and Kreis.

In front of him is Finn.

Esther was in his arms.

Even if I tried to drop it, it raised its claws and stabbed its chest so that it would never fall.

What should I do? I have to take him.


The group following the road led by Finn encountered a ghoul.


It was an early meeting. For an area where monsters appear, it was also quite close to the city.

Of course, that wasn’t the problem.

Two ghouls, gray-skinned monsters.

It is a monster that loves human flesh and blood.

Encred drew his sword.

The usual knife slashing continued, just like going out on the road in the morning.

Pop, pop.

The heavy sword style is a sword based on strength.

In one blow, the head was decapitated and the head was split open.

Black blood and gray brain fluid decorated the floor.

A few drops of ghoul blood spattered on Encred’s body.

“The basis of Jeonggeomsik is waiting.”

Ruagarne spoke from behind. The journey is a path of practice and a series of training.

It was the beginning of teaching.

* * *

There was a crust on my cheek.

As he was stroking it, Rem remembered the day he first saw Encred.

To be exact, was it the first day I was teased?

“Let’s spar? “With me?”

This kid did something.

The guy who came as the squad leader swung his sword as if he was struggling every day and stuck with him.

Just by looking at it, it’s third-rate. No, in some ways, would it be second-rate?

Based on the soldier grading system, it is between low and middle class.

He was truly a talentless person.

“I think I have something to learn.”

When you first met Encred, what weapon did you use?

I tend to use whatever I can get hold of, but that time I used a sword.

He held two swords in both hands and swung them.

It’s the same habit as when using an axe.

It was an easy fight.


Encred tripped and rolled on the floor.

I fell wrong and got scratches on my face.

There were also things that were deliberately targeted.

‘Somewhere, the handsome guy is called the squad leader.’

If your face gets ruined, there will be some kind of reaction.

I was also curious about its identity.

Are you noble? Or someone’s bloodline somewhere? Do you have a ally in the military?

There was no such thing.

Encred, whose face was scratched, stood up and spoke instead of tending to his wounds.

“Can you do it one more time?”

“Let’s do it again?”


Are you half crazy?

To be honest, Rem was the first person who was more advanced than him.

I hit it. I hit him and gave him a knife mark on my neck to scare him. He even cut the skin on his forehead and made it bleed.

Blood flowing from the forehead covers the area around the eyes. Anyone who hasn’t experienced this doesn’t know. The sight of your eyes turning red is a different kind of fear.

Nevertheless, the new squad leader did not back down.

Even though his face was covered in blood and he looked like a homemade blood ghoul.

“I have a question. What are you going to do if you break down?”

Sparring is in progress. Rem was relaxed, but Encred was not.

The crazy guy who was fighting all the time as the seasons changed answered while catching his breath.

“Then, that will be the end of it.”

Is this completely crazy?

That’s the end?

It can’t be the end, right?

“It’s not good.”

Rem spoke and taught the heart of the beast that day. If you are willing to die, then yes, you will gain something.

It was nonsense.

It is a temperament that cannot be learned from the heart of the beast. When I got tired and closed my eyes, my boldness could not take hold.

Even if I open my eyes, I can’t even see properly. The body freezes in moments of danger.

“You really have no talent.”

A sound like this came out of nowhere.

In any case, the position of the squad leader, who was replaced frequently, did not change.

He survived. Resolutely.

If you ask me if I enjoy sparring with him.

Well, it was just something to do.

He is not a great person in his life.

Rem also liked women, so it wasn’t like he had any strange feelings.

Just looking at it made me feel moderately good.

It’s all about something that’s good to see, like bright sunlight, a dry meadow, or watching animals running across it.

‘If you do that, you’ll die.’

Watching them struggle on the battlefield made me help out.

At least he’s a guy I don’t want to see die in front of my eyes.

The sparring continues.

Time goes by.

“How did you do that?”

Encred wore the heart of a beast.

Things started to change after that day.

My skills have improved. Sometimes it’s so noticeable.

Sometimes it’s so slow that I wonder if this is right.

Has Encred changed in that flow?

No, he stayed the same.

Still the same as before.


The speech became shorter than when I first saw it.

Now I know how amazingly his mouth can turn people’s stomachs.

Still, the sparring continued.

A scratch appeared on my cheek. The crust hardened.

Haha, to that Encred? To that squad leader?

Rem had to show his sincerity. He almost pulled out a buried technique.

No, not this one.

What can I say?

It’s a personal wish, but not yet. Rem had to play on Encred.

I want to play a little more.

Then this isn’t enough. It’s not fun until you catch up and really stick together, isn’t it?

If you’re going to tease and spar, you shouldn’t be pushed around.

You must not be caught up even for a moment.

A blow that left a scratch on my cheek, even if it was just the tip of my toe at that moment.

Because we caught up.

I didn’t really like that. I even felt anxious.

Moreover, the question Kreis asked on the battlefield remained in my heart.

“Can you deal with a semi-knight?”

“If you attack, I can kill you.”

Because I was serious, I answered seriously.

Somehow, I felt a strange power even from this big-eyed guy.

He is an amazing child. The amazingly smart guy nodded his head.

Even if it is roughly speaking, it means that you understand.

You can kill, but you can’t think back. If you risk your life, is it 50%?

To be honest, the odds of winning are somewhere between three and four-fourths.

After that question, Kreis seemed to have decided to evade the enemy’s power.

That’s how the battlefield went, wouldn’t it be correct? It will happen.

That strangely hurt my pride.

“You’re a lazy person with a short mouth.”

That’s why. The reason I didn’t follow along.

There was work left to do.

Maybe that idiot is similar to me.

Ragna tilted his head at Rem’s words. This is the guy half-leaning against the wall of the dorm.

“Do you want to risk half your life to stick together?”

It was the same playful tone as usual, but it was filled with seriousness.

“… … let’s do it.”

Ragna woke up. Lazy people have also changed. Even though Encred was not there, something similar to a flame appeared in his eyes.

Rem went out to the training ground without a trace of laughter.

“Big, you can come too.”

On the way, I also called Audin.

“Hehe, the Lord is calling.”

Auddin stood up with a smile.

I left the sneaky wild cat alone.

That guy isn’t particularly good at frontal combat.

‘I’ll come if you need me.’

That bastard is not the kind of guy who will come just because you asked him to.

More than anything. That’s a really sneaky guy.

Rem, aren’t you from a hunter background?

That guy was like a terrible night hunter or human hunter.

On one side of the training ground, Rem picked up an axe.

Ting. I struck my stance by clashing the two ax blades.

“Even if you die, don’t hold any grudges.”

Ragna, standing face to face, spoke.

“Who has anything to say?”

Soon the two of them are playing with their feet.

All the soldiers training around stopped their hands and became a crowd of onlookers.

Kang! Sigh! Okay!

A heavy sound resounds upon impact.

It is a sparring between three people taking turns.

Everyone clicked their tongues at the brutality.

“I want to join in too.”

The fairy company commander joined in.

“Are you risking half your life?”

When Rem questioned him, the company commander smiled and drew his sword.

Ages resembling leaves reflected light.

It is an expression of will.

Afterwards, her skills are shown to be just as good as theirs.

They hung out. I knew without even having to say that we all felt the same way.

You can see it when you split your sword and bump your fist.

‘Not yet.’

Not really yet. Even if it’s like the heart of an eight-year-old mischievous child who wants to maintain his position of dominating Encred.

I decided to focus on the present.

Risking half your life to fight, that was the beginning and acceleration of change.

All four of them were considered geniuses.

Everyone was refining their skills.

However, it didn’t end with just refinement.

Rem joined Ragnar, Ragnar joined Rem, and in the meantime, Audin also joined in, and sometimes Saxony also joined in.

The fairy company commander took turns hanging out with them.

If you become too serious, the rest will rush in to balance the problem and solve the problem again and again.

Now that he had shown off his talent, he had more to show to the returning Encred.

* * *

Meanwhile, Encred was traveling on a rougher road than expected.


It’s like a bunch of demonic beasts popping out one after another.

Well, it was kind of fun.

For Encred, it was an opportunity for training and also a testing ground.


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