Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 16

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16. Lack of skills

Third today.

Grip strength training and combat recovery were done as was.

Encred didn’t waste time.

Same day, nothing happened during the day.

On the outside, it was like that.

‘I didn’t notice.’

Today was different from usual.

Krang skipped breakfast and returned only after lunch.

The soldiers in the medical barracks were also away for a long time.

Originally, he was a soldier whose job was to always guard the barracks.

Other than that, it’s the same.

It was similar to the fact that there were several patients in other medical barracks nearby.

Encred sat in front of the barracks and observed the soldiers moving around.

Since this was the rear, the combat troops were smaller than those at the front.

A wheel on one of the human-drawn carts broke and the cart tipped over on its side.

The moans of the sick were heard here and there.

There is a soldier who is complaining because the wind is blowing hard.

When you think about it all, it’s not a great state of alert.

‘Still, it’s not at the level of missing a few assassins.’

The goal hasn’t changed.

All you have to do is confront the assassin and make a fuss. Get your mindset together.

I spent the rest as usual.

“Aren’t you tired of that?”

There was a routine question from Krang.

“We’ll see when we get back, you bastards.”

There was Vengeance’s meaningless muttering.

The night was deep.

Encred lay down in bed, then got up and sat down with his butt halfway on the bed.

He sat down and reflected on the information he knew.

When the assassin comes.

‘After the third watch shift.’

The weapons used are poison needles and blades.

A body type that looks like a woman or a child.

The suspected suspect is a newly appointed company commander.

The target is probably Krang.

This was all I knew.

This was enough.

It’s not like they’re targeting themselves, all they have to do is make a fuss.

Encred stood up as he watched the watch shift change.

“Haaaa, pee?”

The soldier standing guard yawned and asked.

“No, I just can’t sleep.”

“I heard you’re returning to base tomorrow?”

The soldier on guard duty secretly smiles. He was a soldier with freckles, droopy eyes, and a gentle appearance.

Encred was a squad leader, so his rank was higher than that of an ordinary soldier.


“Are you so nervous that you can’t sleep?”

“No, because the moon is bright.”

At Encred’s words, the freckled soldier raised his head.

It was a dark night.

It is a night sky where clouds obscure the moonlight.

Although the bright stars twinkled in the distance, the darkness was so thick that it was impossible to see an inch in front without a torch.

“The moon?”

“It’s a joke.”

As Encred spoke, he glanced at the watch alarm in the barracks next to him.

No matter how disciplined we were, soldiers like that were bound to come out.

I could see the watchman dozing off with his back against the tent pole.


The freckled soldier let out a stiff laugh.

“Actually, I can’t sleep because the torchlight is so bright.”

“You’re sensitive.”

“I’ve been like that since I was young.”

These were not empty words.

Encred was more sensitive than the average person.

I could hear it well, smell it well, and discern the taste well.

My five senses were keen.

‘But I’ve already been attacked twice without even noticing.’


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It was an opponent who had a knack for hiding.

Well, if an assassin isn’t confident in hiding and infiltration, then what can he be confident in?

dark. Looking at the stars in the night sky and the lights burning on the perch, Encred said a few more trivial words.

A story about where your hometown is and how you ended up in the military.

The freckled soldier told his story one after another without any hesitation.

I didn’t listen closely.

Encred was paying attention to the back while he was talking.

Meanwhile, I kept touching the area around my neck with my hand.

‘Because it hit the neck, the poison took effect right away.’

If it had hit my forearm instead of my neck, I would have had enough time to react.


If you’re awake, you have plenty of room to scream… … .

“Laura said she was waiting for me… … .”

The freckled soldier was in the middle of talking about his girlfriend back home.

At that moment, something came out of the freckled soldier’s neck.


The blade protruded from the front of the neck as long as a finger.

There was no gushing of blood.

Before I pull out that knife, it will soon become a tool to stop the bleeding.

The freckled soldier stumbles to the side and suddenly collapses without a sound, his mouth covered.

Ping- And something flew towards Encred.

All those movements were one breath.

Encred also reacted. I reflexively covered my neck with my hands. I picked it and a poisonous needle stuck into the back of my hand.

Now it was my turn to yell.

There’s an assassin here!

It’s an attack!

Or something.

I can’t do it.


This meaningless shouting was enough.

I said so.


Something covered my mouth.

There is no sound, no warning.

Encred felt someone grab his neck and twist it.


Afterwards, I felt the blade sticking out along with a burning pain in the back of my neck.

After experiencing so much pain, I could now roughly tell the depth of the incoming blade and the extent of the injury.

At this rate, you won’t be able to endure much and you will die.

Encred fell to the floor, stabbed.

Warm blood flowed from the nape of my neck and soaked my chest.

The opponent did not deliver the final blow.

Encred did not have the power to check the situation there.

‘What about Kraang? Venjens Platoon Commander?’

With blood pouring out like a whimper, Encred checked the two people lying in front of him.

One was the freckled soldier.

His throat was pierced and he died. Her blood poured out and soaked the tent floor.

‘What was that friend’s name?’

We talked about all kinds of things, but I didn’t pay attention to a single thing.

Inside the tent entrance, platoon leader Venjens was also seen.

This person was also lying there with his eyes wide open, as if he had been strangled.

But Krang was nowhere to be seen.

Encred raised his head with the last of his strength and looked into the tent.

As I moved, the inserted knife shook and a terrible pain followed.


A moan naturally came out. Nevertheless, I stood firm and looked.

I saw a woman with a slim figure.

Behind the torn tent, I saw a fairy woman blocking the way.

‘It was you, after all.’

He was a newly appointed company commander.

No matter how keen I was, I couldn’t fail to notice this.

“Take it out already… … .”

Another person’s voice is mixed in there.

This was the end of my memories.

“cypress! cypress!”

Today started again.


A helpless laugh inevitably comes out.

The opponent is an assassin.

Whether it was the heart of the beast or the Valen-style mercenary sword, there was nothing that could be done.

Once you face it and fight it, you’ll do whatever it takes, right?

But without saying a word, he suddenly stabs me in the neck and throws a poisonous needle at me.

Let’s stand up, kicking the blanket.

“Have you gone crazy since morning?”

Platoon leader Venjens asked, with a blown blanket half-covered over his head.

“Oh, no.”

This is not what is important.

“Oh, let’s die. “Isn’t this the worst?”

Encred ignored Vengeance, who was limping, and came out.

“hey! Are you running away? This guy? “If you get caught, you’ll be killed!”

Behind Vengeance’s shout.

“What’s so loud this morning?”

Even the voice of Kraang, who woke up.

It’s the same day again.

‘Let’s give it a try, Mr. Assassin.’

Encred prepared for the fourth night.

This time I also brought a few daggers.

Along with that, he coaxed the freckled soldier into the barracks.

“There are people here to protect you, right?”

Persuasion was easy. This simple country boy was taken aback by Encred’s words.

I brought a perch inside and put it in.

The inside of the barracks became brighter.

‘Now, assassins. ‘Is it possible to work in such bright light?’

It was possible.

I don’t even know when I went into hiding.

I don’t even know how to get close.

The assassin fell from the top of the tent.

The shadow that fell stuck a poisonous needle into Freckles and Encred’s neck.

Just before he died, Encred saw the tent being cut apart.

white blade.

The black seal beyond.

Thanks to the perch brought inside, a light shines and illuminates the opponent’s face.

He is a newly appointed company commander.

“cypress! cypress!”

The fifth day has dawned.


I suffered it even though I knew it. It was the fourth time.

An error occurred.

I tried again in a similar way, but this time I really concentrated on it.

The results were not significantly different.

The beds in this barracks had the bottom raised.

A black shadow came out from there and threw a short arrow. It is a memorization of the type of arrow that is thrown.

The arrowhead was coated with poison.

It was deadly poison.

A pain that was completely different from being stabbed to death came.

It felt like my heart was being eaten by ants.

I was out of breath and couldn’t breathe.

Therefore, he died without being able to do anything.

The sixth day was similar.

There were small changes from time to time.

Just before I died, I heard a group of assassins say something.

“You, ho… … .”

“you… … .”

“This is… … .”

“process… … .”

Of course, nothing changes just because you heard that.

What should I be able to understand?

At best, it’s just a few words.

No matter how hard I tried to figure it out, I couldn’t come up with an answer.

Since the problem arose, Encred tried all kinds of things.

Not knowing how to give up is an advantage, but in this situation, it could also be a disadvantage.

It is an age-old truth that if you are stupid, your body suffers.

Endless challenges are not necessarily the answer.

Fortunately, Encred wasn’t an idiot.

Twenty failures.

‘It’s no use screaming.’

The assassin’s skills are that great.

One time, I even shouted ‘attack’ before the opponent could even try anything.

Soldiers from the surrounding barracks gathered where Encred was.

I also saw Krang wake up and rub his eyes.

It’s roughly after the third wake-up call came. It could be said that it was a preemptive attack attempted at just the right time.

“attack? where?”

As a result, I only got my shins kicked by the platoon leader next to me.

If you shout first, nothing happens?

If this happens, will we just let today pass by?

Then it wasn’t a big deal that I just scratched my shin.

After the commotion was over and Encred made an excuse by saying he had a dream.

“How did know?”

Encred heard the assassin’s voice for the first time.

It was a man with a loud voice.

And died.

With a blade stuck in my neck.

If there was an attempt like this, there were other attempts as well.

“Platoon leader Venjence. “Are you getting sick because of me?”

“What the f*ck?”

“It’s because of Krang, not me? “Isn’t it because Krang keeps talking nonsense?”

Encred spoke lightly to wake them up and warn them.

“The assassin will come. Tonight.”

“… … Go crazy nicely. “You idiot.”

Benjens did not believe it.

“Is there a secret to your birth? you? “Why is the assassin coming?”

Krang didn’t believe it either.

They were people who lacked faith.

It was a failure.

The attempts were diverse, but the causes of failure were similar.

‘Lack of skills.’

Because it could come down to one reason.

The assassin’s skills were too outstanding.

I had to find a way.

Heart of the Beast, Valenic Mercenary Kendo.

It doesn’t help now.

‘Bring Rem in the middle of the night?’

Wouldn’t that also be a way?

Rem or any other squad member would not be easily defeated.

‘As long as it’s not Wangnun.’

You won’t get hit.

But how do you get it?

There was no way.

You are just a squad leader and they are just soldiers.

Regardless of ability, status is like that.

What would you say to the platoon commander in charge of the medical platoon?

‘I’ll listen to you.’

What’s your excuse?

There are things that will work and things that won’t work.

It was impossible to bring a squad member.

So is there any other way?

there was.

Same day repeat.

Encred knows the time and place to see Wangnuni.

‘I’d like to ask for some advice.’

All of his squad members are extremely talented.

‘Even if I’m not bringing it with me.’

I’d love to hear your opinion.

It’s a better way than holding on.

Encred lifted his buttocks to meet Wangnuni.

“Where are you going?”

Platoon leader Venjens asked from behind.

Krang has also been away since morning.

It seemed like he was asking questions as he went out to Encred.

Encred inwardly tilted his head and answered the question with a question.

“Are you feeling lonely?”

“What the f*ck?”

“Or else.”

“Hey, you, bitch.”

Ignore it and go outside and walk.

“You wait and see when I get better!”

Platoon leader Venjens shouted from inside the barracks. Encrid lifted his ears.

It wasn’t difficult to find Wangnuni.

The expression on his face is really bad.

What is the importance of Wangnun’s facial expression?

This person is repeating today 20 times without even seeing the other person’s face.


Wangnun, who was walking briskly wondering where he was going, turned his head when he heard the call.

He frowned and then spotted Encred.

“Squad leader? “Are you okay now?”

“Would you like to talk for a moment?”

“Oh, I’m a little busy. “If you need someone to talk to, there’s Saxony.”

Wangnun must have been really busy, so he raised his thumb, pointed to the back, and walked with his feet moving.

There was no time to hold on. Anyway, Wangnuni wasn’t the goal, but he was going to ask them to bring in other squad members.

Encred headed to the tent that Wangnuni pointed out with his finger.

It was a small tent, not a large tent.

It is a maintenance barracks that is rarely used among the supplies. It was a tent where broken supplies were stored, so it was a place where people didn’t come and go often.

It was a small tent between the maintenance barracks.

I think it would be perfect for two people to fit in.

“Squad leader?”

Saxony was there.

Reddish-brown hair and reddish-brown eyes.

A squad member with a normal smile.

And according to Rem’s assessment.

The most disgusting guy.

A perverted bastard who enjoys picking and stabbing opponents rather than confronting them.

I also said that.


Encred asked, scratching his head with his fingers.

I guess I came at a difficult time.

“Do U have a time?”

Saxony nodded indifferently.

Behind him, a woman with curly yellow hair peeked her face out from between the tents and then popped back in.

“I’m done with all my business.”

Saxony stood up, putting his unbuttoned shirt over his shoulders.


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