Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 159

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159. You only see what you know.

It had ten whistle daggers, and the wide leather armor was lined with thin cloth on the inside so it was not scratchy.

The armor was okay. I liked it quite a bit. It’s not an armor that blocks spells like the previous one, but if you’re blocking physical attacks, this might be enough.

If it’s hot, it might be difficult to wear this too.

If necessary, wear it, what can you do?

Thin chains that had been beaten countless times were placed between the leather in a lattice shape. Although it was heavy, it seemed to have superior defensive power.

“It’s my masterpiece.”

A blacksmith would say that.

They said they would only charge half price, but the armor itself was bound to be expensive.

It’s the cost of repairing leather, and even the cost of making thin chains one by one.

It is said that it took almost a year to make one piece of armor.

“Use it well.”

A blacksmith with a dark red face.

It was his gift.

I couldn’t just get something like this, so I paid for it by frying some kreis.

The blacksmith silently accepted the Crona bag.

Anyway, I received the armor and two daggers that could be worn on my ankles.

I packed a guard sword behind my waist and eight throwing knives on my thighs and sides.

The whistle dagger was worn in the shape of an X on the chest.

I already know from experience that it is an angle that is not uncomfortable when pulling it out.

This is an angle that has been used frequently for a long time.

I thought it would be a good idea to have a knife to use for random purposes, so I brought that too.

Should I bring a short sword too?

I think it would be suitable as an auxiliary equipment if the sword breaks.

It’s a burden as I take care of various things.

I think I’ll need a thick blanket to prepare for sleeping on the street, and at least a pot.

You could just ask Kreis to take the pot, but there was quite a bit more to prepare than that.

It would have been nice to have charcoal, a thick cloth, a wooden spoon and fork, and a thin copper plate to keep me up all night. It would be perfect for grilling something.

If you go on a trip, you have to carry a backpack, and it must be quite heavy.

If I were to point out the biggest factor that helped Encred, who is inexperienced in using a sword, survive so far, it would be this kind of preparedness.

Once a habit was ingrained in me, it never went away.

Moreover, there were only four of them, and of course, all four of them were possessors of formidable force.

Frock sometimes travels alone.

For whatever reason, Encred knew too well the dangers of the journey, so he could not neglect preparations.

This made me feel at ease.

“Are you taking all of that?”

Ruagarne next to me scolded me. It may have been just admiration rather than criticism, but Encred didn’t care at all.

Isn’t my comfort the most important thing?

“Yes, it’s a shame I can’t take more.”

Gauntlets, even shin guards.

He was a meticulous military officer. Each knife was sharpened one by one and diligently cleaned with oil made from sheep fat.

The blade was shiny and shiny.

“Are you aiming for something that reflects sunlight in broad daylight?”

“It’s sharp.”

Encred repeatedly gave indifferent answers to Frock, who was watching from the side and saying a few words.

It felt like they were having a comical conversation.

“Why do I feel like my place was taken away?”

Beside me, Rem was spouting nonsense.

I ignored that.

“Why don’t you answer what I say?”

Rem’s tone became rough.

I can’t let this go.

Encred opened his mouth, feeling like he might get into trouble if he kept complaining.



“With no response.”

What is this crazy sound? Rem’s face wrinkled strangely.

Encred easily accepted Rem’s reaction and swallowed it. It means they ignored it.


Rem also passed by. If he fights with words, he loses. It was something I experienced several times.

Whether there is a mission or not, it is everyday life.

Encred did as he was supposed to.

I wake up in the morning, immerse myself in training like crazy, and prepare for battle in the evening. It is a process of taking care of equipment as well as various tools. Frog was half fed up with Encred’s appearance like that.

‘Is he a toxic person?’

Or maybe he’s a dull guy.

I just did all of this. Training and preparation are both difficult tasks.

No worries, no suffering.

No, sometimes, when I roll my body in the name of a technique of isolation, I can see a hint of suffering.


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When I see a strange smile appear after suffering.

‘Is he just a pervert?’

Maybe so.

Not only is he frustrated and despairing when he is told that he cannot become a knight, he does not even care.

After observing for three months, I could see no lies in his actions.

Therefore, that person is a strange person, no, he is a really strange person.


This makes me interested.

It looks great and is fun to look at.

Where did this guy fall from?

“It’s mine.”

Ruagarne was squatting in the shade on one side of the training ground, watching. The fairy company commander came up next to him and said.

The fairy’s shadow appeared to bulge slightly beyond the shadow.

“Who said what?”

Ruagarne accepted it indifferently.


Esther, sitting in the shade on the other side, showed her fangs.

That happens all the time.

I did it because it was irrelevant. Ruagarne is a proc, and what is important to a proc is desire, desire, interest and stimulation.

With that stimulation right in front of me, it felt so good that even if someone struck my heart, it wouldn’t kill me with a single blow.

Of course, since you touched the heart, I will kill half of you.

* * *

Encred did not forget his work between training sessions.

“You want to go on a mission? Four people? Frock too?”

When I reported it to the battalion commander, I asked him a question, but he quickly gave me his consent.

“It’s a big deal.”

I just added those words.

“So what happens? They say I can’t become a knight.”

The battalion commander asked behind Encred, who was about to leave.

Encred answered indifferently before showing military courtesy.

“Yes, the gift was appreciated.”

Is there a hint of malice in his intentions?

No, no.

Even if there was malicious intent, it was still a good opportunity for me.

Did you say it was a dream that never came true?

This is not a story that applies to Encred. He came this far in pursuit of something he could never achieve, so it was just a process of piecing together a torn and torn dream.




In between boring conversations, we come back outside with military rituals.

The fairy company commander followed along. It occurred to me that I’ve been seeing his face often lately.

Is there nothing to do these days?

Looking at it with those eyes.

“Have you fallen in love again?”

He was saying something like this. Encred said no and turned around.

When I returned, I concentrated on personal maintenance again.

“I’m excited to get out, I’m excited.”

Rem started an argument for no reason.

“If I feel itchy, should we have a fight?”

Encred deftly accepted the argument.


Cool sparring, exciting blows.

Kang! Kang!

If there’s anything more satisfying than before, it’s that Rem’s face shows different emotions than before.

It was like a certain satisfaction.

When I activated my heart of strength and swung the sword and struck the top of the axe, Rem showed off his strength by moving his feet in an amazing way.

It was my first time. Rem used a technique similar to Yu Geom-sik.


“why? “Am I not allowed to use something like this?”


That’s not it.

The result was defeat as the heart of the monster was released by a heavy ax blow.

Afterwards, he became involved with Audin and also with Ragnar. Saxony showed his face as if he was free again, so I joined him too.

“There is a lack of training.”

Training has increased.

It is said that he readily helped with the training.

Training of body vision and reflexes, and ultimately a sense of evasion.

“There is still a long way to go.”

The results are still insufficient, but it is still a repetition.

This was it.

Since the personal maintenance was roughly completed, I devoted myself to training to the point of ignorance until the day before leaving.

“What I have has increased. Then you have to organize it properly.”

Ragna nagged in an unusual way.

Encred thought it was a story worth hearing.


I increased the time I spent meditating between training sessions.

When Roagarnet felt like it, he would brandish his whip and observe various postures, but for the most part, he had the attitude of a spectator.

Encred didn’t care about that either.

He was busy accumulating what he had.


The basics of swordsmanship and training.

That is the basic technique of the northern style heavy sword and the technique of isolation.

What supports this is the feel of the blade.

Open the door to your sixth sense and see the future just an inch away.

This also does not work alone.

One point of concentration had to be supported.

‘I’m not a genius.’

A frog that fell into a well called today.

A mayfly that climbs up the well and runs toward tomorrow.

That’s why I struggle.

That’s why I move forward, even if it means crawling.

Encred didn’t change.

It was so consistent.

A wandering walker chasing a faded dream, the walker just walked and walked.

So, I sharpen myself, gather my mind, and sharpen it again.

As I learn the beat, the Junggeomsik becomes more powerful.

I’m getting used to the heart of monsters a little bit.

It was the day before I left.

“I heard that the group of demonic beasts is very chaotic these days. They say that the peddlers who used to go around in groups of ten now don’t go around unless there are more than 20 of them. “Can I just leave it like this? Well, I guess it will work.”

I was feeling uneasy about something?

Chrys, who was looking around at Encred’s face as he pinned his frock, spit out his words in a strange twist.

After listening to Kreis, I went out to spar as usual.

The opponent was Rem, and he stood at a distance from him. As he drew his sword and aimed it, Rem also held up his axes and flicked his wrist.

This was our first sparring.

It’s been happening quite often lately.

“It’s something that makes me more happy today.”

He was a guy who was confused for some reason.

It was partly to ease Rem’s mood.

If this is going to happen, I will follow you.

Why do you even bother to stay?

We are now in the middle of the season, which is halfway into summer.

Encred felt the change in temperature.

I also felt the subtle direction of the wind.

The air changes in a moment, and the distance between us is measured in a moment.

At that moment, in a split second, a gap splits.

At the same time, all the things I had learned through repeated today came to mind and settled into my body.

Things you learn over time.

A line connecting dots.

A circle drawn with yourself as the center, the area of ​​the sword.

The timing of attacks, defenses, and counters, called rhythm, or tempo.

The future is just an inch away, visible through the other person’s hand gestures and breathing.

Encred lowered his hand slightly. It was an instinct, and it was something I had to do because I could see the future.

The tip of the sword was tilted forward a little more.

Two axes stopped in the sunlight.

The tip of Rem’s nose was visible. I saw snow. Sweat was also visible on his forehead.

By forgetting himself and facing his opponent, Encred found the most reasonable and quickest path.

The point where the areas meet, the tempo and timing that is advantageous to you.

The rhythmic feet lifted off the ground.

A sword cutting through the sunlight fell from above to the bottom.

The ax also moved.

The person holding the ax also moved along.

I saw a whitish shape, something like that.

In Encred’s eyes, it looked like an evil spirit or a ghost.

Anyway, the evil spirit’s ax came flying.


The illusion of being decapitated. Encred’s sword fell from above just before the illusion reached him.

It was like a thunderbolt, an accelerated sword strike with the weight of a heavy sword.


What about Ben? does not exist.

What about the neck? The neck was also fine. Being cut by an ax was an illusion.

“… … Well, um, have you mastered the skill of taking people seriously?”

“You avoided it, right?”

As I said that and turned around, I saw blood stains on Rem’s cheek.

There was no wound in my hand, but I cut it.

It’s barely a scratch on the cheek.


Something similar to emotion resonated throughout my body. The feeling of the howl of an animal spreading from within the body and creating vibrations.

When I think about it, it was the first time.

Rem, Ragnar, Audin, and Saxony.

No one has ever even been scratched by their own sword.

“That’s right.”

Ruagarne, who was watching, suddenly stood up, opened her mouth, and slapped her palm.

The sound of smooth palms touching was dull. Regardless of the sound, he seemed very happy.

“Well, now, I mean.”

Encred could not easily continue speaking. Was it a unique experience? No, there was a time like this. He had experienced it.


Even when I faced him for the first time, and when I was so enamored with Mitch Hurier that I showed single-pointed concentration.

An experience that breaks the limits of concentration.

Of course, things are richer now than then.

There was a lot more I learned.

Because there was more to learn.

Is it true that you only see what you know?

It seemed that way. As much as I know.


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