Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 158

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158. I received gratitude from the mother who raised her son alone.

Azpen was defeated. But it didn’t collapse.

Because winning and losing are repetitive.

No matter how thoroughly you prepare, problems will arise. Defeat was just something that had to be endured.

‘You might lose.’

I think it can happen.

But losing like this? Is everything you prepared broken every time? The strategy I had prepared seemed to work at first, but it was all rejected.

No matter how much of a battlefield we take a step back from, is it being denied like this?

Azpen’s genius strategist, Avnair, was quite confident.

Even if it wasn’t a complete victory, I thought it wouldn’t be easy to lose.

Was there one or two arrangements that could do that?

Attracted a giant.

Hidden power.

He caught the enemy off guard and provided a rough strategy.

The gist of the strategy was this. Splitting Naurilia’s main force by winning the Battle of the Detour.

It’s basic to divide the strength of their main force like that, but they did it wrong from the start.

Defeat in a battle that should not have been lost, that was the start of everything that became a mess.

If one bookshelf falls, it is like knocking over the surrounding bookshelves with a loud noise.

“That’s absurd.”

It’s absurd. That’s why I started talking to myself. Avneir ran a hand through his green hair.

Under the bright sunlight, I saw a child playing outside the window.

Several servants are chasing the child.

Then the child waved his hand toward the window. Abneir opened the window and leaned his elbows on it.

After waving to the child, I enjoyed the sunshine.

The day was nice. It is the season when temperatures rise.

I saw a child climbing on a swing hanging outside.

I look at the child with my eyes and think about the beginning of the operation in my mind. Abnair did so.


Why did you lose?

The defeat of the entire battlefield began with a detour.

A few documents flashed through my mind.

We have to go back and find the cause of the defeat.

I looked for the beginning, the beginning, the beginning.

‘From the soldier duel.’

That’s where the blockage started, and then Mitch Huryer died.

In the end, there were those who showed unexpected force in the battle of the bypass.

What and who was at the center of it all?

The name was in the report Abnair received.

This is what our commander sent right before he died.

Madman Platoon, Platoon Leader Encred.

The name seemed familiar, so I thought about it and realized that it was the man who had sent an assassin from the Hurrier family.

Just a platoon leader? Was that guy the one who started this whole fight?

I don’t know. From now on, it was purely a feeling.

The sense of a strategist and the sense of a soldier.

‘It won’t be any damage.’

It seemed like a really useless thing to do when the Hurrier family sent an assassin, but maybe that was the right answer.

Abneir decided to use assassins for the future, more precisely for the next war after peace.

He still only wanted to kill one platoon leader.

There is a long-established guild active in Azpen, so if you use it, you won’t get trampled on.

After organizing my thoughts, I moved. After removing his body from the window frame, he immediately corrected the situation and called the assassination guild and placed a request in the name of the royal palace.

“If you cross the border, the pay will be three times that, and unreasonable requests will be rejected.”

In response to the assassination guild’s answer, Abnayer also responded. A note with Crona written on it would be enough.

“A platoon leader? “He spends this much krona on that one thing?”

It is a request fee worth purchasing a mansion in the capital of the Principality of Azpen.

The Assassination Guild had no reason to refuse.

I’m not asking you to kill a famous noble, nor am I targeting key figures in the military.

It’s easy if you take away the risk of having to cross the border with just a platoon leader.

The assassination guild accepted the request and moved.

So he selected three assassins and sent them out.


The guild leader thought the job was too easy.

“As a mid-level assassin.”

If you think about it, didn’t mixed-blood fairies fail before?

She was also intermediate. Well, taking that into account, I sent three.

“Send two.”

This is the assassin sent like that.


“Fail again?”


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No, this is a bit strange. Why do you keep sending it?

“Two mid-level assassins?”



Should I send a high-level assassin? At this rate, I’m about to weigh the losses.

“Send a reward.”

I do my job. Above all, it is a direct order from the royal palace. Externally, it acts as an assassination guild, but in essence, the guild called ‘Swamp of Montaire’ is owned by the royal palace.

The guild leader also knew that well.

If you lose the palace and the castle, earning your living through assassination here is like crossing the river.

And just like that, the high-ranking assassin left.

“What is this!”

Even in the swamp of Montaire, it is a failure of an assassin who ranks among the top ten. Couldn’t contact you.

Unless a kind wizard suddenly appeared somewhere and removed the engraving spell on his body, he would have been dead.

Sure enough, the assassin’s head was delivered two days later. To the secret mansion hidden in Monterre’s swamp.

“Send a message to the palace.”

If this continues, the damage will be extreme. There was something on the other side. The high-ranking assassin did not escape but was cut down.

Is the location also stolen?

There is intervention from a group superior to this one.

“That is my judgment.”

The guild leader entered the palace as is.

I told him everything that happened.

He said it would be difficult to proceed any further.

Abnair swallowed a laugh inwardly.

‘The Assassination Guild fails?’

Even for him, it was just absurd. Because I don’t have the time or energy to do anything more.

“Let’s just leave it at that.”

Abnair gave up.

Things were busy inside Azpen so we could put more effort into this area.

If there is something to that guy.

If there really is something there.

‘I’ll see you next time.’

Abnier then threw away the name Encred.

If we are destined to meet on the battlefield.

All you have to do is adapt to that fate.

It was said that he was not the type of person who would end up assassinated.

* * *

It is a shadow that has been hanging around the barracks for several days. Familiar body movements and disguise techniques that make it difficult to guess that they are the same person if observed clumsily.

With the bastard in front of him, Saxony muffled his footsteps and held his breath.

In order to disturb the senses, all presence is completely eliminated.

‘What is this?’

He is an assassin. I recognized it at a glance. It was the same industry.

A thin thread came loose from Saxony’s hand. It is a thick thread coated with black ink and special oil to prevent light reflection.

It was wrapped around the assassin’s neck.

Before the assassin can react, he pulls the string. I hit his back with my elbow and broke half of his neck with such force.

“Knock,” he said, and his head was tilted to the side.

If you break your neck, you die. It’s an obvious fact.

Saxony looked at the dead man.

If it weren’t for you, would it have been difficult to deal with?

The Saxons in the Border Guard are not combatants but informants.

That doesn’t mean I’ll give in to it though.


After returning from the battle, this was the third attack in three months.

The third one was the one who decided to stick to the wall of the barracks.

For three days, he pretended to be a beggar, an old man, and a merchant, each time wearing a different disguise.

‘Quite a guy.’

These guys come into the city they are staying in. The target seems to be inside the barracks.

If I had targeted a company commander, battalion commander, or nobleman, I would have moved in a different way.

The first ones to come pretended to be new soldiers.

Their goal was very clear.

‘A platoon of lunatics.’

As I followed the flow, I saw the target.

He was a platoon leader. He aimed at En Creed.

But Encred didn’t come out of the barracks or training hall for three months, so he tried to go back to the station.

“You crazy bastards.”

Are you putting in this much effort just to capture one platoon leader?

Saxony, who was carrying a body on his shoulders against the wall of the barracks, hidden by two large trees, moved to avoid people’s eyes and placed the body in the alley near where the vagabond was staying.

I roughly got him into a sleeping position, bought a bottle of alcohol, sprinkled it around his body, and placed it next to him.

If this happens, they will just think of him as a dead vagabond without even bothering to find the cause of death.

After disposing of the body, Saxony entered the red light district.

He was a regular customer of the red light district.

When he came, some pr****utes glanced at him.

That kind of appearance isn’t really common.

Saxony ignored all the stares and entered the room as a regular customer.

Inside, a young blonde beauty greeted him half-naked.

As Saxony communicated his meaning through sign language by bending and straightening a few fingers of his left hand, the woman opened her mouth.

“I have no ears to hear.”

“the problem is?”

“No more problems.”

Previously, I missed the half-blood fairy assassin entering the city.

Even if snow wasn’t sprinkled all over the city, does this even make sense?

Saxony was concerned about that. My pride was hurt.

Afterwards, assassins came in one after another, killing everyone who came.

As long as he stays in the Border Guard, he won’t let in any other assassins or anyone doing similar things.

This wasn’t necessarily something someone did targeting the platoon leader.

Absolutely not.

Saxony, leaning against the door, is as expressionless as always.

The woman who was watching that expression closely opened her mouth.

“They are from Monterre’s swamp side. What should we do?”

Monterre’s Swamp was an assassination guild with roots in Azpen.

“Let them know this is my territory. “In our way.”

It was said that anyone who came in would be killed if they crossed the line. The woman nodded her head.

That might lead to a fight between guilds.

It will probably be a war that no one knows about.

That is where she belongs.

Afterwards, Saxony spent the night with her.

Although they were connected through work, they also lusted after each other physically.

The two were close to lovers.

The woman woke up early in the morning and had some of her men cut off the head of Saxony’s body.

I sent it straight to one of Montaire’s swamp bases.

It was a warning.

If you attack despite warnings, regret will be the responsibility of the attacker.

After that, Monterre’s swamp never attacked.

It was worth it.

If they move Azpen to the stage.

These were the people who moved the continent on stage.

* * *

“Is this the right one?”

Kreis asked, looking into the dark alley. I saw a bad smell and a dirt-filled floor that I didn’t want to step on.

It was an alley near where the tramp was staying.

Kreis’ question was directed to Saxony.

Encred also slightly turned his gaze.

While I was looking for various items, I asked if I could get a whistle dagger.

“You can get it.”

Saxony, who said that, told me to follow him. That’s the way it went.

I’ve been so busy these days that I didn’t think I would have time for this.

I barely even came into the barracks because I was busy looking around the red light district and other places.

Saxony didn’t even pretend to listen to what Kreis said. If you don’t think it’s worth it, you won’t react. He was his usual Saxony.

It is silence that conveys the meaning that this is the right place. Sometimes silence is the answer.

Kreis also asked, but didn’t argue.

Just because it’s a bit dirty doesn’t mean you can’t go in.

“Come this way.”

Saxony said indifferently and went inside.

Encred followed suit.

I was trying to find a blacksmith with good skills.

I already knew there was no answer there either.

I guess I already had Kreis to find out enough to find out.

Proc also followed behind Encred.

For some reason, Esther came too.

As we entered the filth-filled alley, Esther climbed up the wall and walked on the roof, using the roof as a path.

“That’s a monster.”

Ruagarne said after seeing that.

Encred half agreed. They say it’s like a young person.

Ruagarne wore frock-specific boots. It had a unique shape with eight strings that tightened the instep and a base made of hard wood.

Every time she walked, there was a clicking sound as her shoes met the stone floor.

“Here we go.”

Saxony stopped and said.

There were a lot of things to prepare for a trip, or even a mission, but Encred wanted to pack the Whistle Dagger among them.

“… … “There are many customers today.”

said the old woman, who had left the door open and placed a stall right in front of it. He was a fortune teller with a crystal ball, faded curly blonde hair, and wrinkled hands.

“It’s here?”

Encred has also experienced various things. Black market? I’ve been there quite a bit. During his time as a mercenary, he also saw an illegal slave market that was opened in secret.

Not a black market, but an old fortune teller?

The whistle dagger was a difficult item to obtain. A weapon that is not easily found even on the black market.

Is that what fortune tellers like this have?


Saxony answered and gestured. It was sign language. I don’t know what the sign language meant, but the old fortune teller snorted as if it was an appropriate signal.

It may not have been Encred’s fault that the act of blowing his nose seemed like permission.

“What are you looking for?”

the fortune teller asked.

“Whistle dagger, the more the better.”

Encred gave the answer.

“What is the price?”

“From this side.”

Encred put forward Chrys.

“Yes, I have to pay.”

Even though I knew I was reluctant to step forward, I felt cheerful on the outside. Kreis had already decided to use it, so he emptied his pockets properly.

Isn’t it true that you have to invest to make a profit?

“Send me to the military unit.”

“Do you know who I am?”

The old fortune teller chuckled as Encred asked again.

“Right now, there is no one in this city who doesn’t know your name, even if they don’t know the battalion commander’s name.”

What does this mean again?

I was about to ask more, but the fortune teller just walked away from the stall and began to gather up the crystal ball and his tools.

“Okay then, that’s enough.”

What should I ask the old woman who is just going into her house?

Looking at him organizing things, it wasn’t something he had done once or twice. I quickly folded the stall, and the cleanup was completed in just a few breaths.

Sometimes, I had doubts.

How does Saxony know about places like this?

It’s something that even Kreis raised his hands up saying he couldn’t get.

But I’m not asking how you know. The goal is Whistle Dagger, not Saxony’s past.

“Do you really want me to save you? “I really can’t believe it.”

Chrys muttered next to him. This is a friend whose basic nature is to be suspicious of everything.

“It’s okay if you can’t get it.”

Encred spoke and walked away. While he was out, he planned to pick up some things from the market.

For example, I wanted to stop by a beef jerky store with great seasoning and a blacksmith shop to try out some armor.

It’s a hot day, so it’s impossible to wear a Gambison jacket. That doesn’t mean you can’t go out bare-handed.

I wondered what wide leather armor would be like.

The leather armor he originally wore was discarded.

I tried to roughly put it on, but one day, Ester ripped it all up with her claws and threw it away.

“I think you have to sell your claws to pay for the armor.”

With that thought in mind, let’s talk to Esther walking on the roof.


The leopard let out a low cry.

It sounded like I was telling him not to be funny.

Encred also said that he just threw it out there. It’s a joke.

So I went out and stopped by a beef jerky restaurant and ordered various things.

“Thank you.”

The owner immediately said hello.


When Encred tilted his head, the owner lowered his head twice more.

Dots of white gray hair were visible between the crown of the head.

“Thank you. As a mother of an ugly son, how could she receive Crona from the person who saved her son? “Take as much as you want.”


Encred didn’t know. He just fought as hard as he could.

I risked my life and took the plunge.

I was just struggling to move on.

Thanks to you struggling and fighting.

“Thank you, because without my son, there is no point in living in this body.”

I received gratitude from the mother who raised her son alone.

The battlefield, what happened there.

Many people’s lives were saved thanks to Encred.

And they all had their roots in the Border Guard.

“Armor, give me half price for that.”

“I think this would be better if it were a leather water bottle.”

“Are your boots still okay? I also made something new. “If I bring that platoon member, I’m thinking of having him measure my measurements and make everything for me.”

“I have nothing to give you except flowers.”

“Take this.”

“Would you like to try eating an apple?”

“It’s a collection of dried fruits.”

“Would you like some charcoal?”

The market merchants, who had not seen Encred for three months, treated their hero to a treat.

It was truly something Encrud had never thought of.

“Sheesh, I feel good for no reason.”

What Chrys said next to him, Encred also said the same thing.

It wasn’t necessarily a struggle to save someone.

I also kept protecting those around me in mind.

This is a thought that comes to mind again.

What is an article?


A person who must protect his or her smile and move forward with faith.

It was a very satisfying outing and day for Encred.


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