Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 156

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156. Learning, mastering, teaching, and realizing.

the bird cries

The Wind Blows.

The summer sky was filled with a gorgeous sun, so the heat rose quickly.

Encred’s body was boiling with heat both outside and inside.

Over the past three months, there have been a lot of rumors about peace on the surface but war breaking out again.

In the end, Azpen took a step back.

There is no war. There is no fighting.

So what do those remaining in the barracks do?

It was all about training and rest.

There were many people who made requests through the soldier mercenary system.

Encred never lacked Crona.

The two swords were intact.

Chrys carefully handed over the crona he had earned through the guild.

So I spent most of my time training.

Nevertheless, growth was slow. At least that’s how it seemed to others. The word stagnation came up often.

It means stagnation, stopping.

Everyone thought Encred was so stagnant.

Actually, I thought differently.

Why not?


What has been Encred’s dream so far?

It was a ghost that could not be caught.

It was an invisible darkness.

It was a sky that could not be grasped or seen, so it was unreachable.

I saw a staircase leading to the sky. I heard it and it happened.

These are things called milestones.

To Encred, Will was like that. It was a staircase, a signpost.

The same goes for breaking your limits.

Identity? no.

The person I was before and the person I am now are very different, so I am not stagnant.

Even if it appears stagnant in the eyes of others.

Encred himself was able to see the results of his growth.

What could be the reason why this happened?

It was thanks to the things I had learned and practiced so far.

Starting with the heart of the beast, the sense of the blade, one-point concentration, and the technique of isolation.

‘If you have the basics of swordsmanship.’

Can we create a foundation for developing talent?

I do not know. But isn’t that what’s happening to your body right now?

Through one-pointed concentration, sometimes by using the heart of a beast, and sometimes by sharpening one’s senses.

I reflect on my past experiences over and over again.

That’s what Encred did for three months.

There were soldiers looking for him there.

I realized that my skills improve as I learn.

“Let’s compete.”

1st Company, Frontier Guards.

The two units were a group of highly capable members of the Border Guard standing army.

At first, regular soldiers also came often.

Now, no one except this unit was looking for us.

Sparring was always welcome.

“It’s good.”

Encred welcomed them calmly.

Soon the two men were sweating and sharing their skills with each other.

Encred won every time.

What’s different from before is that I now have more time and don’t use catch.

Fight by removing the Valencian mercenary sword and focusing on the basics. That was enough.

When fighting Rem and other platoon members, he uses everything he has, but not with them. There was no need for that.

That’s how I learned it.

‘It was too much.’

Sometimes I see a soldier like that.

These people are distracted from the basics because they are trying to learn and learn many things at the same time.

“Isn’t it efficient? this.”

When I pointed out a problem, these words would come back:

It was a thought he had too.

An efficient and reasonable fighting method.

I’m still using it a lot now.

But that’s a fighting method, not a training method.

Today’s repetition, for that purpose, I tried to acquire and learn as much as possible.


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So is there anything that comes easily?

Even now, I can’t properly use my sense of avoidance.

The heart of strength requires preparation time.

It doesn’t activate easily unless even one point of concentration is at stake.

This is a realization I have come to after thinking and mulling over it countless times.

‘Start with what you can do now.’

moving forward Moving on again.

With that in mind, I continued to repeat endlessly. Sometimes the boatman would appear in her dreams and say things like, ‘What kind of person are you?’

It was just training for three months. As was the case with Encrid’s life, he did it this time too. Repeat and repeat.

Live one week like today, and one month like today.

As I did that, I realized something new.


These are the things you need when swinging a sword.

For geniuses, like Ragna, things that pass by in passing, but for Encred, it was a stepping stone for him to ponder over, one step at a time.

If I woke up in the morning, I felt like my whole day would be blown away.

When I realized it in the evening, I was happy all evening, even in bed.


Esther followed Encred as if cheering him on.

Esther had been sleeping closely together at night, and now she wouldn’t sleep even during the day.

“You are popular even with beasts.”

So much so that Proc said this.

Esther raised her claws at Froc who said that, but the two did not fight.

The fairy company commander came to visit once every two days.

“Would fall be a good time? “What about the engagement ceremony?”

She tells a joke or something.

“Why don’t we spar?”

I returned with my sword.

The fairy sword is sharp and light, so I learned something from it.

We learn by teaching, and we learn through sparring.

“Now, let’s stop it.”

Rem’s ax cutting was still harsh and rough, but there were some things that were different from before.

Put something similar to a smile on their lips.


There are times when it surprises me like this.

It is a left-handed sword that strikes from the bottom up and stabs in an alternate beat.

The timing of cutting and stabbing was strangely different, so there seemed to be a dissonance in the beat.

Two hands playing different beats at the same time.

A Valencian mercenary sword with crossed blades.

The magic sword, and among the Valenic mercenary swords that are often said to be despicable, was a rare piece of real skill.

It makes it look like the sword in the right hand and the sword in the left hand are playing separately.

“The current one is pretty good.”

Rem said.

Recognition is also a joy.

“If you neglect martial arts, the Lord will be angry.”

No, what kind of god would be so wrathful about learning Balaf style martial arts?

It may sound impossible, but Encred hung out with Audin without saying anything.

Balaf style martial arts is a mixture of striking and joint techniques.

Didn’t he actually kill Mitch Huryer by mixing a joint with a Valen-style mercenary sword dog fight?

learn and learn

It is the joy of learning.

Receive recognition, learn, and teach in return.

That’s how it grows.

The joy of growth whips him.

Swinging a sword is bound to be fun.

‘One by one, half a step at a time, even if you crawl.’

It’s beginner’s intention. Just as I initially thought.

It’s really easy for Encred.

It was such a strange thing to some people.

Especially for Frog who is watching.

Of course, Encred was busy contemplating himself today rather than looking at his surroundings.

In addition to my visual acuity, I did not forget to train my senses, so I lived a busier life than anyone else.

Only some of the soldiers who initially trained with Encred still devoted themselves to training.

Is it because of the military spirit that was released after the battle?

Or is this the original human will?

As the number of soldiers playing around increased, the number of people devoting themselves to training decreased.

Still, there are some who remain.

There are some that stand out.

Aside from these, the best opponent to spar with was the border garrison.

Sometimes, he even asked me to visit him and have a sword fight with him.

“You are always welcome.”

The garrison commander always welcomed Encred.

I had a sword fight with him and hung out with others, but Torres, a familiar face, shook his head.

“I won’t fight with you anymore.”


“Hey, I’m not fighting a losing battle.”

Soldier rating system.

These are the words of those who discuss special soldiers.

Some of them rekindled their fighting spirit, but Encred went one step further than them.

Three months, time was always an arrow fired.

It was just one day for Encred. It was today. It was a process of moving towards tomorrow.

“There is not just one rhythm. “Didn’t you already know?”

Did you think you couldn’t understand just by looking?

Or maybe I just got bored staying here.

Proc and Ruagarne also began teaching Encred.

“I was just about to say something.”

Ragna, who was watching, muttered, but it was exactly what was needed at that moment.

Rhythm, beat.

yes. There is no need to be one.

Didn’t you already learn it through the Valenc mercenary sword?

Crossed Blades is a double attack using staggered beats.

There are also long beats in one breath.

There are also short and hard beats.

There are also beats where you hold on while keeping your stomach strong.

That’s how I learned.

“You start the beat at the anchor, and you take one step at a time. No, now you take a half step with your left foot. Then, a double sword-style rotational cut is possible there.”

Ruagarne was quite active.

Why does this prog stay by his side?

Why are you here, eating and sleeping in the dorm?

Why teach yourself?

All questions were put aside. No, I decided to forget it.

If you teach, you learn. Always eager to learn, Encred did just that.

“So, how about putting your right foot back here?”

“That makes it difficult to retrieve the sword. In that case, rather, it’s like this.”

Ragna also came forward.

What can I say? I don’t know how it happened, but it seems like everyone has become more proactive than before.

“No, you can do it like this.”

Rem also came forward.

This is a step where you balance on your toes and turn your body.

In addition to the basics, you can swing a sword, move feet, and react eyes to suit various situations.

“Expand your senses. “Didn’t you already learn it?”

Saxony’s advice also intervened.

That’s right, I already learned it.

Haven’t you expanded your senses by dealing with lycanthropes?

Don’t just look ahead, look at the whole thing. It’s about spreading the senses around yourself.

“Brother, platoon leader, every movement has a center. It’s the same thing as martial arts or swordsmanship. Holding the center line and connecting that line to the opponent. “That’s important.”

Auddin’s teachings were also added.

So everyone was more enthusiastic than before.

To Encred, it all came as joy.

“There is an advantage.”

This is Frock’s conclusion after observing everything.

“What benefits?”

Rem stands next to him and asks. It’s still a training ground. It’s still under the hot sun. Today was still sweaty and hoarse.

“Once you learn something, you don’t let it go.”

Rem nodded. That was correct. Encred was a dull person. It was too late to learn.

Although there is a saying that he is a late-comer genius.

‘I don’t know about that.’

But one thing was certain.

He didn’t forget what he learned. He worried endlessly. He hoped to learn somehow.

How do I apply what I learned?

How to implement it.

How do you write it?

I wonder endlessly. That’s what it looked like.

That’s also an advantage.

Rem thought.

It was only at this point that Frock was reflecting on what he was doing.

‘Maybe I’m fascinated by the face.’

Or maybe I’m just possessed by his temperament.

You passionately teach someone who doesn’t even have talent and open the way for him to move forward.

Isn’t this really inefficient?

Well, I don’t really care about that. These are people who are obsessed with desire and desires.

Ruagarnet knows that he too cannot be free from such things.

Of course, there were also things that came before desire. To be precise, I made a covenant to live without being too swayed by my desires. A covenant is a promise, an oath is something that must be kept, and so it is for Proc.

‘If I have to go back, I have to go back.’

Froc taught Encred while thinking.

Considering that I learned and learned so much over the course of three months, I am slow. That’s how Frog saw it.

Between Frock’s gaze and the platoon members’ teachings, Encred reflected on the beat and practiced various techniques again.

It was fully ripe, so it felt like I was one step closer to the limit. Of course, in reality, it’s impossible, but I have no idea what it means to approach the limit.

It was in the meantime.

“It’s a call.”

The fairy company commander came and called.


Encred followed behind her, drenched in sweat.

Sweat also broke out on the fairy company commander’s forehead. It was that hot of a day. Humidity was also high.

It seemed like it was supposed to rain.

It was going to rain within a day or two. It was something I knew from experience.

“Are you here?”

The place I went to when the company commander called me was the battalion commander’s office.

“A request has come in. How is it?”

The soldier mercenary system was structured so that any soldier who wanted it could step forward and receive a request, but sometimes orders were given from above.

In rare cases, if a few ordinary soldiers cannot handle it, platoon or company-level troops may be sent out.

If you listen to what Cryce said, a group of monsters and beasts have been running rampant inside the kingdom recently.

This tends to happen as summer approaches, but I’ve heard that it’s particularly bad this year.

‘The heat of summer makes monsters and beasts thrive.’

This is a famous proverb handed down from the continent. This case was of that kind.

“I will give you temporary command of a nearby pioneer village, so it would be nice if you could handle the affairs there.”

These are the words of the battalion commander.

Since the spring battlefield ended early, this summer was unusually spent in the city rather than the battlefield.

In the meantime, Encred stayed only in the training hall and dormitory.

I didn’t even go to the market once.

It was because I was drunk on joy while holding the sword and moving forward.

“If you don’t want to leave, you can leave it alone. If you need time, you can think about it and then say something.”

The battalion commander looked somewhat tired. Does he have a lot to handle? Or perhaps he had trouble sleeping, as he seemed to have a lot of work to do.

If you see a lot of documents around you.


Encred showed military courtesy and turned around.

That’s how it came out. The fairy company commander looked at himself with a strange gaze.

“Why are you doing that?”

If I ask, I’m sure I’ll come up with some nonsense again.

“Once again, I wonder if I chose the right man.”

Of course it’s a fairy joke.

“Is that so?”

After finishing the silly joke, I returned to the dorm and found Chrys, who was especially busy these days, inside.

Let’s roughly organize the orders and tell them what happened.

“Okay, let’s go, let’s go! I have to go! “Because it’s an order!”

Kreis said, his eyes shining.

In this case, it was said that Crona was at stake.

That was Kreis’ reaction.

The location of the village and the size of the colony were roughly written on the order. It is the movement of a group of demonic beasts.

Cryce’s eyes turned when he saw the location other than the group of demonic beasts.


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