Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 154

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154. This guy is the craziest.

As soon as I entered the dorm.

“The platoon leader definitely doesn’t seem normal.”

Hearing those words come out of Rem’s mouth, Encred felt a strange feeling. Why does this guy always say things like this to himself without thinking about his own condition?

“Is that what comes out of your mouth?”

We were talking as a joke, and Rem grinned despite being scolded.

What is it that makes me smile like this? I really didn’t like the smile. But what can I say, that smiling is unlucky? You feel like your stomach is hurting? These are all meaningless words.

Encred shrugged his shoulders.

“So, have you finished training? “Brother?”

Audín, well, seemed to be illuminated by a halo.

It looked like a bear approaching, emitting light. It sounds like you’re feeling pretty good.

But why are you coming with your back to the lamp light?

The gentle smile was the same smile as when the weight was lifted during the isolation technique.

“Uh, um. It did.”

To be precise, in addition to the insufficient morning training, we added training to be done in the afternoon.

However, my legs didn’t feel shaky.

If you think about it.

‘Since when did it start?’

Even after completing all the training, I didn’t feel like I was going to die. He deserved it.

It wouldn’t be possible if I just held on ignorantly while activating the heart of great strength.

I stood there thinking about that for a while.

“I have work to do.”

Saxony passed by and ran away.

After returning to the base, he seemed to spend more time walking around outside than staying in the dorm.

But I think I’m leaving a little late today.


Esther settled down on Encred’s bed and waved her front paw.

It seemed like it was saying welcome back.

“Okay, I’m here.”

Who would look like a crazy person greeting a leopard?

Well, what does it matter?

‘It would make me look more like a crazy person struggling to become a knight.’

That I didn’t give up on my dream.

Just because he was stubborn about his beliefs and went beyond his own path, that didn’t mean he lived with his eyes and ears closed.

It wasn’t perfect, but Encred had a rough idea of ​​how he appeared to people, especially to people who saw him for the first time.

‘I’m going to look like a half-crazy person.’

Is he a type of crazy person who looks fine on the outside, but whose actions are incomprehensible?

At least it’s better than Rem.

It’s not much of a consolation, but wouldn’t it be better than being affected like that? Cancer is a hundred times better than swinging an ax at your superior’s head.

Rem’s mouth opened as she wondered what she felt.

“There’s something about the look in your eyes that makes me feel bad?”

Rem had a really good feeling.


Encred ignored his gray eyes and asked to eat.

It’s time to eat and drink. Shouldn’t you rest when you rest?

“Is that so? “I’ll go take a look at the restaurant first.”

Kreis moved first. Meanwhile, Encrid washed his body in the bathroom in the barracks.

Everyone headed to the restaurant without messing around.

Encred also wiped his body and walked out holding Esther in his arms.

Although it’s not a special meal, Border Guard’s military restaurant is not bad. Of course, if you’re a picky eater, you’ll likely dislike it.

“Is there any bread?”

Ragna did that.

“What happens is that you end up digging up dirt somewhere, so why are you always questioning it?”

A group of people sitting around a table. It occupied the middle of the restaurant.

Everyone was busy glancing.

Normally, a platoon of crazy people wouldn’t attract this much attention.

Isn’t there a proc stuck here?


It seemed like Proc was watching closely as Rem scolded Ragnar.

Protruding eyes resembling frogs were watching the two.

“It’s a night I don’t want to mingle with lowly barbarians.”

“huh? Want me to feed you the food myself? “It’s a hassle to eat and digest with your mouth. Should I put it directly into your intestines?”

As he spoke, Rem pretended to cut open his stomach with his hand blade.

They were really consistent kids.

“The lamb tastes good. “It’s seasoned well.”

Encred intervened with good timing. It was just before Rem and Ragna had a conversation with an ax and a sword in the middle of the restaurant.

“… … Write.”

“Is that so?”


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Rem and Ragna stopped glaring at each other.

For some reason, these people seemed to listen to me much better these days, and Encred found that surprising every time.

Actually, I had a strange feeling even before that.

‘What did I say?’

Why does a fight end when you stop it?

Why was he able to become the squad leader here?

All he did was treat them straight and honest.

Say what you want to say and ask questions if you have any questions.

I was direct but respectful.

That was it.

‘No, it’s not that you listen to me, but that our relationship has improved?’

Encred is the only one who feels this, but should I say that their recent fights don’t feel like fights?

It ended at the point where we confirmed each other’s skills.

Before, even though the words were harsh, they respected each other’s territory, but now they didn’t seem to fight even though the boundaries of that territory were not completely drawn.

‘It feels like seeing a wild beast I became friendly with in the grassland.’

Encred was expressing his feelings to himself.


Next to me, Proc put a salad in his mouth and chewed it.

“Fresh vegetables, this city must be plentiful.”

“Because trade takes precedence over farming, we can actually eat fresh vegetables.”

Kreis responds.

Proc nodded and opened his mouth again.

“There’s space left at the dorm, so I’ll stay for a few days.”

“… … ?”

Apart from salad, there was nothing for Frog to eat.

They only eat bugs and grass.

No one responded to the words I uttered while eating.

I wondered what this meant.

Questions are likely to arise starting with Encred.

Interest is a proc.

This is a precious body that returned from the main unit. But where are you going to stay?

Everyone cast a questioning look.

This is a prog who spoke while eating without even looking at him. Encred asked.

“Where do you want to stay?”

Proc answered.

“I can take the seat next to you.”

No matter how others treated him, Encred maintained the minimum level of courtesy.

Isn’t he the platoon leader? Even if it seems half crazy to someone who sees it for the first time.

Those who are close to me will know.

That he was almost the only sane person in a platoon of crazy people.

For that reason, honorific words flowed out naturally.

Encred thought that the frog man in front of him would soon return.

Proc doesn’t originally belong to this side.

I thought I wasted an unnecessary amount of time considering what was left to tell Encred that he could not become a knight.

A day had already passed, so I should have gone sooner.

Isn’t it strange that the driver who was with the group has left, but he remains alone?

Of course, everyone guessed.

Ragnar, guessing that Proc would be interested in him.

Therefore, no one asked about his whereabouts.

The platoon members, including Rem, had no interest in the first place.

I said I wanted to stay, well, I guess so.


There was no need to hide his true feelings, so Encred asked directly.

A strange silence filled the restaurant.

The only sound was the sound of other tables talking among themselves.

Things like gambling, battlefields, and women.

Encred heard the noise through one ear and looked at Frog.

Froc shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more.

Encred stared at it for a moment and then quickly stopped questioning it.

To be precise, I left it alone. It’s just a feeling, but it doesn’t seem hostile to oneself.

Above all, it is a proc. It’s okay if it helps, it shouldn’t be a hindrance.

It’s strange that they insist on staying in the dorm together, but there’s no reason to stop them.

“Me too, I want to stay in the dorm now.”

Finn also raised his hand and said. The corners of her mouth were filled with lamb seasoning. I wasn’t the type to eat sophisticatedly.

She is a ranger, and it is ridiculous to expect good table manners from those who live with the moon as their friend and the night sky as their blanket.

Moreover, this is a barracks. No one was polite enough to fill their stomach like that.

Only Frog showed such sophistication.

Encred didn’t know, but it looked like a noble would eat like that.

Transfer the grass to a plate, cut it into small pieces and pop it into your mouth.

Of course, the eating itself was unique to Frog. It is a meal that you stick out your tongue and snatch.


Encred gave permission.

I haven’t officially joined the platoon, but it won’t be a problem as long as I stay in the dorms.

‘Should I report it?’

That’s how it should be. If you want to stay, let you stay.

Encred thought to himself and spoke. Munching, the lamb seasoning was really good.

The subtle herbal scent, the right amount of oil, and the tangy and sweet taste filled my mouth.

It was seasoned really well.

The meal was definitely simpler than usual.

“Brother, today’s lamb is really excellent.”

Auddin chuckled.

“Does that fit your mouth again?”

“Turn off other people’s business and play with your hands. Oh, the thing next to it is a fork. If you don’t know how to use it, leave it behind.”

Rem and Ragna argued, but they didn’t fight over life, so at this level, they are at peace.

The air seemed stuffy when I just entered the dorm.

“fun. “It’s really not normal.”

Finn muttered. Finn was an experienced ranger.

I met all kinds of people for various reasons.

I’ve never seen anyone as unique as the current madman platoon.

They were people who could easily be described as ordinary in both their skills and personality.

Finn continued chewing the meat.

Today, the lamb marinated in the seasoning was excellent.

“But what about Andrew and Mac?”

Kreis, who was chewing on lamb, asked.

You can find it quickly too.

Encred answered, recalling the sparring with Andrew that had occurred the previous night.

“He said he would be discharged.”


Originally, Andrew was the legitimate son of the Gardner family.

He has a duty to save his family.

Just before leaving, he said something.

“Watching you taught me not to give up, so I will do the same. Later, we will meet in the name of Gardner.”

His tone of voice was confident.

Those eyes showed a glimpse of desire.

That gesture was full of confidence.

I said so. That night, Andrew and Mac leave the unit.

It was Encred’s responsibility to report.

The fairy company commander readily agreed.

“If you are sad because the number is decreasing, I will make up the number. “Platoon leader.”

Encred shook his head at those words.

The name ‘Independent Platoon’ sounds good, but it’s nice.

I won’t be able to survive if I get treated like this.

You have to be at Andrew’s level to be able to breathe.

‘I heard that the previous squad leaders were all divided.’

Rather than trying to increase the number of people, it would be better to maintain the current status quo if there are no problems.

“it’s okay.”

Let’s push them out with good words. Then, will the country come in too? The fairy company commander joked.

I simply said that it was okay and vehemently declined and left.

Encred continued, pushing away the memories of last night.

“I’m not coming back now, and the organization will remain like this for the time being.”

“Ah yes.”

Let’s just skip it and see if Kreis knows anything.

“what? “You mean one of my toys went away without telling me?”

Rem jumped up at those words.


“I will go first.”

After that, Rem ran out.

“I’m sleepy.”

Ragna also woke up as soon as his stomach was full.

“It’s time to pray.”

Auddin also left.

After finishing off the remaining food, Encred rinsed his mouth with the cheap tea in the restaurant and went out.

As I walked toward the training ground instead of toward the dormitory, Proc asked from behind me.

“Where are you going?”

Encred answered indifferently.

“I still have training left.”

Now it was evening training time.

Proc was the first to stop walking when he heard that.

“You’re training again?”

For the first time since he saw Encred, Frog let out something similar to a panicked sound.

“of course.”

Encred was still indifferent.

Whether Frog stays or not, whatever happens.

Whether everyone says you can’t be a knight or not.

What needs to be done is what needs to be done. Well then, that was enough.

Putting off today’s work until tomorrow?

Encred was a man who couldn’t do that.

He was actually the kind of crazy person who brought up tomorrow’s work and did it today.

‘This guy is the craziest.’

Frock thought to himself.

A platoon of crazy people, this guy is indeed the craziest one.

Encred thought he was the most normal person.

That was just my opinion.

Other people’s perspectives were very, quite, quite different.


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