Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 153

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153. As expected, it doesn’t change

“What do you think, brother?”

After Ragna, Proc, and Vengeance left.

Audin spat words into the air. Although the content was a question, the tone and attitude seemed to be a prayer.

Rem answered while picking his nose.

“Damn it, you’ll take care of it.”

Rem thought while answering. He told the platoon commander, who had said that his dream was to become a knight, that it could never come true.

I had told Benjens that there was no need to worry, and I believed that, but even so, some anxiety was bound to remain.

How would you feel if you heard something like that?

‘I have no idea.’

There has never been a case like that.

When he was in the West, there were few who could match his talent.

Among them, it is always the best.

So it was a meaningless assumption.

‘You’ll do well.’

What can I do to worry?

What do you do if you’re anxious?

Instead of worrying and anxiety, Rem decided to think about ways to train her heart for strength.

‘Let’s roll it when we get back.’

I make up my mind again and let go of my anxiety. That made me feel at ease.

Squeak, squeak.

Saxony carelessly ran his dagger along the grain of the wood. It’s a piece. It was in the process of forming a jagged shape.

Flicking his hands, Saxony thought back to Auddin’s question.

‘You can never become a knight.’

The weight will vary depending on the speaker.

What if the entity speaking those words is a proc called a talent reader?

‘Is it a shock?’

By general standards, this is shocking. It is truly a word that will change your life.

What if someone tells you that what you want right now, what you have been working hard for, is something you cannot achieve in your lifetime?

‘I think I’m going to cut the bastard’s throat.’

So what about Encred? What if you are a platoon leader?

‘Will it shake?’


Saxony continued his thoughts while playing with his dagger.

What if the platoon leader comes back and says he will leave?

‘It might be a relief.’

Well then, just follow your own path.

Suddenly, Saxony made up his mind with the sculpture. Although it was a relief, it was also a little disappointing.

Can he really become a knight?

I felt like I wanted to see the end. There was some curiosity about what the results of that effort would be.


Esther licked her paws and picked her fur, imagining someone telling her that she couldn’t cast a spell tomorrow.

‘I think I’ll light the snout of the guy who said that on fire.’

She could have done that as a child.

These were days when I occasionally heard people call me a witch.

worry? unrest? At that time, I will recite one more spell.

It was a trivial worry.

Even if Encred leaves everything behind, it doesn’t really matter to Ester.

What she needs is some kind of curse-removing effect that occurs in the arms of a man named Encred.

It wasn’t his sword or his force.

His dreams didn’t matter.


‘It must be a pity.’

This is the first time in my life that I have seen someone who lives with such passion, so I feel a bit of regret. However, I have no intention of having any influence on his decision.

I have no intention of appearing in a dream and persuading anyone, nor do I have any intention of using up the magical energy I have gathered to do anything.


Tonight, I at least thought about appearing in a dream.

I wanted to tell you at least a lullaby that I heard when I was young, very young.

It’s a melody that calms the mind.

A platoon member as big as a bear asked a question.

Audin thought there was a fairly high probability that a change would occur in the platoon leader.

‘Is that normal? ‘Lord?’

It might have been okay if I just swung the sword without knowing anything.

The same ordeal would come to those who wanted to become a paladin, and Audin would watch it happen.

When you learn something.

When you feel a change in yourself.

Then, the most terrifying ordeal begins.

How does Dunjae feel when he sees the talent that has surpassed him?


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What would it be like to open your eyes anew by hearing that you are a late-comer genius?

There are some who have the heart of a serpent due to envy and jealousy and eventually leave the embrace of the Lord.

‘Lord, did you say that you would give trials to those who need it? So, this is also a necessary ordeal, right? ‘I guess so?’

It is a prayer recited inwardly.

A subtle silence remains within the accommodation. There is no apparent anxiety. It would have been better if someone like Venjens came and said something.

Then you’ll just say no, you don’t know the platoon leader.

Ragna must have followed because he was anxious.

Spring sunlight streamed in through the square window, and as time passed, the sunlight dimmed. Between the blurred sunlight, I could see dust floating in the air.

If Kreis had been there, he would have said that we needed to do some cleaning.

By the time evening came, when the dust exposed by the sunlight had disappeared, I was starting to feel hungry and was thinking about getting something to eat.

The platoon members and Esther remained silent, doing their own thing.

Rem threw the ax from the spot and caught it.

Boom, boom.

It is a sound that spreads through silence. The sound of an ax spinning in the air and the dull noise it makes.

Auddin knelt down and did not move.

Saxony licked the piece while making noises such as squeak and squeak, and Ester licked her front paw.

It’s that kind of timing.

He said that eating is also important whether training or anything else. He said it was also time for the platoon leader to return.

Tung. Squeak.

When the door opened, everyone’s eyes turned to the front.

The sound of an ax cutting through the air and a carving knife carving wood stops, leading to complete silence.

“… … what? “Did you wait for me?”

Finn said as he came in, half-stepping into the dormitory.

There was something strange about the atmosphere, so I was just looking at it blankly.

“Can you come out and not block the road?”

Encred’s voice was heard from behind.

Finn steps in and moves out of the way.

Everyone’s eyes naturally turned to Encred.

* * *

Sword, knight, dream.

What I saw and experienced with Acea.

Desire burns in Encred’s eyes again.

Ragna was also touched by that heat and desire. You can feel the heat just by looking at it.

‘I knew it.’

If I were a person who would waver and give up.

You won’t be able to motivate yourself.

“Spewing light from a sword and cutting down hundreds of people with a single blow is something even a knight cannot do. However, if you are a knight or someone who has attained equivalent enlightenment, you can sequentially cut and stab hundreds of people to death with whatever is in your hand.”

Ragna was surprised at how eloquent the words that came out of his mouth were than ever before.

Actually, it was worth it.

You said it was your dream to become an engineer, so I thought you would say something like this someday.

Because I prepared it like that.

There was a time when I told him to wait, not yet.

Was it right after seeing the semi-knight in action on the battlefield?

Now is the time to keep those words.

It was time to give something like an answer to those who were waiting.

“How can that be?”

This was a question Ragna himself once had. Of course, he quickly cleared up the question.

There was no need to hesitate.

There is a set route, all you have to do is walk.

For others, it is a path that requires pouring blood and sweat.

The gap, the other person’s burning desire due to the gap.

Ragna, lit a fire in his heart. As always.

“Becoming a knight means selecting a thousand people from one talent out of ten thousand, and then selecting a hundred people from a thousand talents. It is said that they will have to select ten of them again. There are many people who are good at using swords. There are quite a few people who go beyond their limits. But those who realize ‘Will’ are rare.”

This is the reason why the number of members within the Knights Templar remains at only a few dozen.

“Hey, wouldn’t you be more frustrated if you knew that?”

From behind, Frock attached his four feet. I don’t know when I sat down, but I was in the posture of watching the festival with my butt on the floor and my arms on my knees. Ragna ignored it. Encred also ignored it.

Encred focused on Ragnar’s words. He listened and engraved.

This is the moment when a new milestone is engraved on your path.

“Will is the general term for all powers that allow a knight to show strength beyond that of a human. Again, will is will, and will is will. “The first step to realizing that Will is to reach human limits.”

Gather and gather your talents, and only a few of them experience going beyond their limits.

After surpassing that limit, some of the few realize Will again.

That number could be one in ten thousand.

There were also times when it was not possible to be even one out of ten thousand.

Will, some call it willpower, some call it some kind of power, it is something unknown. It would have been nice to say that it was the power the knight gained after overcoming human limitations.

To sum it up, Will, you can’t be a knight without it.

Those were Ragnar’s words.

“What if I reach my limit?”

Greed, desire, and tangled things moved Encred’s mouth.

“That’s when it begins. After that, I realized Will, um.”

Ragna swallowed before speaking. Is your method right? I do not know. So should I tell you everything I know?

Ragnar thought that what he knew was limited.

Is this enough?

When a question arose, my mouth stopped.

Surprisingly, Proc made up for Ragnar’s shortcomings.

“Some people realize it after cutting themselves with a knife 10,000 times, some people realize it after meditating several times, and some people realize their ability the moment they meet Will. So how was it? “What is Acea’s intimidation?”

Frock explains and asks. Encred’s gaze returned.

It’s aimed at the frog’s eyeballs that pop out.

“I had a vision of a blade striking me.”

What should I say about that?

To put it in words, it is childish.

A storm of blades? A tidal wave of blades?

“I have a good feeling.”

Frog said and made a gurgling sound. It was a sound of laughter.

“No matter what you say, my opinion is firm, but you can’t do it.”

said Frock, sitting down and resting his chin.

Talent interpretation, are there times when Proc’s opinion is wrong?

there is. Nothing in this world is perfect.

Frog is like that too.

They are not perfect and complete. That’s because it’s not God.

But even so, there is something that can be seen.

It is only possible if there is even a glimpse of possibility.

A person named Encred could not see anything like that. Not at all, not even a little. In fact, it’s surprising that I’ve reached my current level of ability.

‘He must have overcome the danger of death countless times.’

Proc’s sharp sense speaks. Given the author’s skills, there must have been at least hundreds of such moments of crisis.

It’s a skill he achieved by barely surviving.

And yet.

There was no wavering gaze on the exceptionally handsome man in front of me, with black hair and blue eyes, and a somewhat unique appearance.

How can this be?


Frock’s cheeks puffed and then sank. This time it was exclamation. Frock’s emotional changes are revealed through his cheeks.

Of course, when a human sees it, there is no way to know whether it is anger, joy, admiration, or sadness.

Encred once again remembered an old memory.

Everyone who said no to themselves.

It was always like that.

He says that the path he has walked and taken was wrong. Not everyone in the world says that.

Yes, it’s always been that way.

So, it was the same this time too.

“Is that so.”

A boring answer, a respectful treatment that respects the other person’s status.

That’s it.

Whatever the purpose of that proc, Encred gets his way. That’s what he does, a journey towards his unforgettable dream.

He is a wanderer who wanders in search of his dream.

I am a person who walks in search of milestones on the path of wandering.

“Then, may I ask the next question? “Something like how to reach the limit?”

Encred turned his gaze to Ragnar and opened his mouth again.

As expected, Ragna was impressed by the fact that it did not change.

I admire it even though I know it, and I admire it because I know it.

“I sharpen every skill I have. Only you can know when you reach your limit, so the moment you reach your human limit and reach that limit… … .”

Ragna’s words began to get mixed up. Same as usual. En Creed nodded and cut her off.

“Ah, I understand.”

It means to do as you always do.

That’s what Encred understood. He gave a plausible explanation, but at the end he added some difficult words.

Why is it so difficult to tell people to keep doing what they do?

“Hey, why are you kneeling here and my talent is all you have? “Isn’t it time to vent this lament?”

Frog asks. This is something you say while rolling your eyes.

“I don’t have time for that.”

Encred answered calmly and swung his sword.

Looking back at what you have, recovering, and moving on.

Something I always did.

I did what I was supposed to do.

‘That’s definitely a crazy bastard, isn’t it?’

Frock’s cheeks puffed out even more. Gurgling! The sound got louder. This time it was an expression of intense curiosity.

Ragnar looked at Encred like that.

Frock looked at the man who was the reason he stayed here. A man with black hair and blue eyes, his goal was not Ragnar. It was Encred from the beginning.

This is not an analysis of talent, but a feeling based solely on experience.

‘That type of person causes accidents.’

You can’t be a knight. So, what will it be? That piqued Proc’s curiosity.

‘Just watch a little longer.’

So Proc decided to stay.

Encrid swung his sword.

As always, again and again.

Whether it’s Frock or Ragna, train your basic skills. The signpost was visible again.

The faded dream is starting to gain color.

When everyone is worried about frustration and despair.

Encredman saw hope.

His name is Will.

It is sometimes called willpower, but it is said to be some kind of mystery.

All I had to do was learn it.

He told me to reach my limits and go beyond them.

Is that algebra?

It was something that had been done several times. That was it.


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