Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 152

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152. What is different about articles?

Acea did think it was a bit unique on the way back.

‘I think it’s my first time.’

A guy who didn’t know how to use the power of a knight, but survived with his bare body.

It’s not like I overcame the ‘coercion’. I just endured it.

No, when I finished everything, I even stretched my foot forward about half a finger.

She was a quasi-knight, and her sharp gaze caught even the slightest movement of the other person.

He tried to come forward. It’s progress.

How many soldiers can do that?

Is it there?

I don’t think so.

‘Well, um, I think he’ll turn into a monster when he realizes it.’

How easy is that?

‘Let’s pay attention.’

Frog is left, so he’ll take care of it.

He had been asked to do it, and he had done everything he had to do.

So if you go back, it’s over.

Acia forgot Encred like that.

There is no need to remember.

I really liked that momentum and that honesty.

I especially liked the face, though.

‘I won’t ever see you again.’

Talent is truly cruel.

Lady Luck has always been unfair.

All right.

The horse carrying her kicks the ground with its hooves. It was time for her to return.

* * *


Benjens was nervous and anxious for no reason.

A Templar came and saw Encred. He confirmed his skills and even came to proc as a talent reader.

As a result, harsh words were exchanged.

‘Why are you like that?’

Because you want me to lose motivation? Did you hate seeing him focus too much on training?

It was difficult to guess what Battalion Commander Marcus was thinking.

Why are you bothering the quiet Encred?

Since I can’t become a knight, the limits are clear, so I should quit?

why? Why?

Vengeance did not know Encred’s dream. He didn’t even know about his conversation with Battalion Commander Marcus.

So, it was a natural question.

Encred never hid his faded dreams, but that didn’t mean he was shouting them into the ears of everyone he met.

“You battalion commander, you have a bad personality.”

Vengeance cursed Marcus for no reason and headed to Encred’s dorm.


“I’m Venjens.”

“uh? “You’re an ugly platoon leader, what’s the matter?”

When I knocked on the door, Rem came out and my stomach turned.

I had to ignore it. If I talk to him for no reason, he might attack me.

So, what is the result? It was Encrid’s knee on his thigh and it was over, but for Rem, I couldn’t imagine it. The bottom line was that he shouldn’t attack.


“I’m sleeping.”

Wasn’t it that I was fainting rather than sleeping?

But this kid is so calm.

I thought you were going to hit Marcus in the neck with an ax just to break my platoon leader’s will.

Well, if you were so excited and angry in your dorm, you could have swung the ax right away.

That’s the kind of guy.

When I got inside, Ragna was sleeping again.

I looked to see if he was really asleep, but he was in a deep sleep. Although she was not snoring, her chest rose and fell with steady breathing sounds.

Saxony was rolling up tobacco leaves on one side.

That’s sincerity.

I heard that a woman named Finn had joined, but she was away.

There is no Kreis either.

The only thing I could see was the prog I saw during morning watch.

It’s almost noon and it’s lunch time, so why did they decide to sit here at all?

It was more carefree than I expected, so it felt strange.

Shouldn’t you comfort him when he wakes up?

Or don’t say it at all.

Are you planning to just brush it off as something that never happened?

As Vengeance mumbled and cleared his throat, Encred woke up with good timing.


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Encred opened his eyes and stood up.

“Oh, you’re awake.”

Vengeance reacts first.

After that.

“I agree that you can’t be a knight. “I’d say there’s not this much chance, not even that much of a ghoul brain.”

Rem suddenly shoots it out.

“Brother, are you awake? “Please have some of this.”

Next to him, a friend named Audin offered bread.

Where did you get it? It’s white and moist looking bread.

I heard that a good bakery recently opened in the city, and I wondered if I got it from there.

No, isn’t now the time to say this?

Ragna continues to sleep.

Saxony placed the carefully rolled tobacco leaves one by one in a leather case.

“Um, okay.”

Encred was calm. He answered calmly, took the bread in his mouth, got up, and headed outside.

Frog watched silently and then opened his mouth.

“I said I couldn’t become a knight. Is that okay?”

Encred turned his head back and lowered and then raised his chin. nodded her neck.

“Yeah, whatever.”

I don’t know the other person’s status, but if he came with a semi-knight, he must be at least a member of the Knights Templar.

If Frog was there as a talent reader, he would have had a rank similar to that of a nobleman.

Encred thought and spoke.

There seemed to be no shock at all.

Venjens, who happened to be standing blocking the entrance to the dorm, blinked and looked at Encred.

“Last night’s revenge in sparring?”

Encred asked.

“No, not that.”

The words that I came because I was worried did not come out of my mouth easily.

“What, ugly platoon leader, have you sharpened your blade for revenge? Then, give it a try.”

Rem incited him for no reason, but Venjens did not fall for it.

Haven’t you tried it already?

The bruises on my thighs haven’t gone away yet.

Encred goes out.

Venjens looked at his back with a blank gaze and then turned around.

“Well, don’t you give me some comfort?”

Vengeance asked, looking at Encred’s back.

Even if it’s not comforting, do you have concerns?

What if I say I put down my sword?

What if I give up after that?

What if I quit after that?

What if you get frustrated because people tell you that you have no talent?

Even Benjens knew this was a funny situation.

Why did he come forward and do this?

What does it matter whether Encred quits or not?

I just happened to witness the situation and it bothered me.

It wasn’t something anyone told me to do, nor was it a calculated move.

That’s how I felt.

I couldn’t just leave it at that.

Rem chuckled at Venjens’ words.

That smile, the same as usual. I wasn’t faking a smile.

“Who are you comforting? “A platoon leader?”

With Rem.

“Hehe, brother, you don’t know the platoon leader very well.”


“The platoon leader is the platoon leader.”

Even Saxony added.

“Hmm, who is the platoon leader?”

Ragna got up and asked casually. Vengeance reflexively pointed outward.

“You went out. training?”

You don’t know that. Without even listening to her answer, Ragna snapped her neck from side to side, then took her sword and moved.

Vengeance stepped aside again. Ragna walked out without saying hello.

What is this?

I also felt slightly ignored.

“The platoon leader will be fine.”

Rem even spoke.

Proc reacted when he heard that.

“How can you be sure of that?”


A short conversation took place, and Proc soon got up from his seat.

Isn’t it true that you know something when you experience it?

So, you just have to go out and see for yourself.

How does Encred actually behave?

Immediately after Ragna came out, Proc went outside.

Benjens’ head was complicated.

Isn’t it okay to hear things like that?

“What were the skills of our platoon leader originally? Does the current level make sense? What can I do? What do you think of the ugly platoon commander?”

Rem’s words were heard one after another. As he was rolling around in bed, he saw Esther and tried to stab her with his finger.

Ester exposed her fingernail and drew it, but Lem dodged it by pulling his finger.

Esther’s blue eyes looked at Rem. Rem smiled and showed his palm.

It seemed like he wanted to stop playing around with pointless jokes.

Benjens, who was staring at it, answered anything and turned around.

‘I hope you look good. ‘You bastard.’

I think it was something like this.

Why do they keep saying I’m ugly?

There was something that made me cry when I saw the baby Rem.

How can a guy with great skills have a face like that?

Ah, there is a good thing.

Isn’t your personality really unique? They’re not called the Mad Squad for nothing.

No matter how you look at your personality, you are better.

That’s because the world doesn’t know.

Benjens, who turned around and returned to his dormitory, had many thoughts.

In particular, the last words Rem said caught my ear.

“What were the skills of our platoon leader originally? Does the current level make sense? What can I do? What do you think of the ugly platoon commander?”


That doesn’t make sense.

No matter how much you think about it, it makes no sense.

Especially the growth rate.

What was the original Encred like? He was a pitiful idiot who struggled in place even though he swung his sword every day.

“If it were me, I would have retired long ago.”

The soldiers watching used to say things like this.

This was also in Benjens’ memories.

At that time, there were quite a few people who criticized Encred without hesitation.

“But how did that idiot become a squad leader? Oh, he’s sick. He’s got a big hole.”

There was also a guy who said something that made me feel disgusted.

At that time, Vengeance did not like Encred.

“A guy who doesn’t even have the confidence to swing a sword every day is accusing his opponent of nonsense? “You sound like a crazy bastard.”

What did you do with that bastard?

Yeah, it was pretty smashed.

I didn’t like that bastard, the things he said, Encred, and the honesty with which he wielded his sword every day.

There were many people who cursed Encred at that time.

One of them happened to be in front of me.

“There you are.”

A soldier approached the call.

“yes. “Platoon leader.”

“Do you think Encred’s current platoon leader’s skills make sense?”

“… … yes?”


“Eh, um, it has increased.”

The eyes of the soldier who had cursed Encred now showed different emotions.

It’s envy and enthusiasm.

“Why did it increase?”


‘What is this idiot?’

Venjens read those words on the soldier’s expression and shook his head.


Vengeance thought about sending him away.

Actually, there is only one reason.

Everyday honesty, what makes that honesty possible?

‘I don’t know how to give up.’

I don’t know frustration, I don’t know despair. Why couldn’t she hate En Creed even though she hated him? It was the same.

There are reasons why I don’t like it and reasons why I like it.

He doesn’t turn around. He doesn’t back down. He moves forward and envisions the future. he dreams A human being moving forward for his life.

That is why he is a shining human being.

That is why we are humans who attract light.


Vengeance felt like swinging a sword for no reason. He wanted to last a few more times the next time they sparred. He wanted to make that his goal.

Vengeance put aside his worries and swung his sword. It is time for training. He also contributed to the training craze that raged within his unit.

* * *

This was Encred’s first thought as soon as he woke up.


I skipped all morning training.

Even though I had a lot of work to do today.

Starting with the technique of isolation, the sense of evasion, the heart of the beast, one-point concentration, the heart of super strength, the sense of the blade, Balaf style martial arts, and basic sword training.

‘I skipped training in the morning, so I put off what I had to do in the morning until the afternoon.’

Reduce rest time. I know rest is important.

Isn’t this a special situation?

Time flew by because I passed out in the morning.

For now, I put aside all questions about what kind of trick Associate Knight Acea had done.

I have to do what I have to do first.

Daily repetition.

It is the beginning of training that should not be forgotten.

When I opened my eyes, I heard something strange, like I couldn’t become a knight.

I wondered why Vengeance came.

After chewing the bread that Audin gave him, he went to the training room and began repeating the technique.


It wasn’t long before I was drenched in sweat. My underwear got wet quickly.

Even though I woke up after fainting, my head wasn’t heavy and I didn’t feel any pain.

At that moment, I felt like I was about to die.

I focused on training, but my thoughts continued.

As I wielded two swords, I became accustomed to doing things at the same time.

‘What on earth is that?’

You can now learn how to create momentum yourself.

There was a time when I pinned a cat down just by glaring at it.

But I couldn’t make the other person see an invisible illusion.

But Encred saw such a vision.

Blades, a storm of countless blades.

The blade of a storm that makes it impossible to take a single step forward.

The kind of pressure that tells you that if you don’t back down, you will die.

It was coercion and coercion.

It was as if Acea’s blade was saying that.

Did the opponent draw his sword at that time?

I don’t think so.


Take a deep breath and catch your breath.

It’s training, training, training again.

It’s about time to finish the morning training.

“I heard you couldn’t become a knight. Are you shocked?”

It was a frock. He strides over and asks.


Shock? What shock?

I actually asked back with that thought in mind.

“This is it.”

Frock scratched his nose with his thick finger.

“He’s a fun guy.”

After Proc continued.

Ragna approached from behind.

“What did you see?”

Encred’s eyes turn to Ragna.

Ragna walked over and raised his sword. Vertically covering my face.

The sword mask covered half of his face, leaving only half visible.

Half of his face was dimly illuminated by the blade.

It is difficult to say that it is still evening. It was a moment when the sunlight softly illuminated the surroundings.

In the midst of the slowly fading sunlight, there was Ragna.

When Encred stopped swinging his sword and looked at Ragna, his mouth opened again.

“What is different about articles?”

Ragna’s next words did not sound like a question.

Encred took a listening stance.

Neither of them cared whether Frock could hear it or not.

What did the article show?

I still wanted to know what Ragna was talking about.

I was about to ask after training, but Ragna spoke first.

It was time to listen.


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