Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 150

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150. Banquet night

Devilishness, drinking and partying.

Well, it was a feast of things like that.

Has there ever been a party like this before?

When was the last time you had something similar to a banquet?

Encred searched his memory.

I think it was the first time in recent years.

Of course, it was my first time in Border Guard, and I should say that it was a moment that I, as an Encred individual, had never experienced many times in my life.

I used to enjoy going to banquets during my mercenary days.

What did you do back then?

I just wet my lips and concentrated on reminiscing about the fight.

“Let’s have a drink, platoon leader.”

There were many people other than Finn and the company commander who raised their glasses.

“When we play, we play, let’s not be boring.”

Even Rem is talking like this.

I did drink alcohol. She said she doesn’t enjoy it, she didn’t say she can’t drink it.


With one sip, a spicy scent passed my nose, and the sweet liquid flowed down my throat and wet my stomach.

‘It’s okay.’

Although I am not a natural gourmet or drinker, the experience of wandering around and eating and drinking did not go anywhere.

It is said that poor wanderers are good at eating anything, but they are also capable of evaluating everything that goes into their mouths.

‘I must have heard of Crona.’

The battalion commander emptied his pockets properly.

No, to be more precise, should we say that the Border Guard has taken a beating?

I’m sure they wouldn’t have done this with their own money.

Anyway, I ate, drank and had fun.

When I decided to rest, I did my best to even rest.

Because I know very well that proper rest prepares you for the next time.


‘It’s such a beautiful starry day.’

It was a beautiful day with a sky filled with moon and stars. A day where it would be a bit of a waste to drink or eat.

“It’s enough to drink just enough to quench your thirst. Brother. Are you saying you want to arm wrestle with me? great.”

I could hear Audin enjoying himself from one side.

“You bastard, are you being picky again?”

The sound of Rem arguing.

“It just doesn’t suit my taste.”

The sound of Ragna responding.

But I heard Saxony went somewhere.

Did you say you went to the city?

Saxony is not the type suitable for banquets.

I took up a chair and sat down.

Everyone was busy eating and drinking.

Soldiers talking excitedly, telling epic stories mixed with half-expletives.

In the meantime, there were quite a few people talking to Encred as well as Finn and the fairy company commander.

No, in fact, it had to be considered the most popular.

“I thought I would see the light someday.”

It was Belle.

When I repeated the first day, the guy who got hit by an arrow died, or rather, he almost died.

In a way, can we say that he is someone whose fate has changed thanks to Encred?

“so? “You want to spar?”

Encred joked.

“No, what kind of sparring is this? “They say they’ll even knock out the border guards.”

“I was lucky.”

Luck, it was a word that had now become a habit.

“Is that by luck?”

Belle grumbled and then laughed. She had a very bright smile.

Then Venjens also approached.

“Why are you doing this?”

He took a deep breath as he said that, said no, suggested that we have a drink, and then turned around.

I wouldn’t have known it before, but now I know Vengeance’s feelings.

Encred was able to comfort him.

It may be comforting given by just moving your mouth while sitting, but if it touches the other person, isn’t it meaningful?

“The world is wide.”

Encred comforted him, as if he were chanting an infantry unit’s slogan.

“There are many women.”


Venjens’ steps stopped. What were the emotions contained in ‘Why You, Who?’ Isn’t it jealousy and envy?

It was probably because I saw the fairy company commander and Finn come over and ask for a drink.


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It might also be because I noticed some strange looks in the eyes of some of the other waitresses.

Was the consolation appropriate?

Venjens stopped and turned his upper body backwards.

It seemed as if he had a ghostly spark in his eyes.

“You son of a bitch?”

When Encred saw that, he thought comfort was appropriate.

Isn’t it much better to see passion blooming than to be discouraged?


Encred looked at the back of Vengeance, pretending to be surprised.

Vengeance’s head turned frighteningly.

Jenny, the herb seller, should I say she is Vengeance’s enemy.

It was the first time I hated Encred.


After confirming that there was nothing behind, or more specifically Jenny, Venjens turned his head towards Encred, and a strange sound came out.

That sounds like something that would come from the throat of a newly born skeleton soldier.

“This bastard? “It’s sparring.”

Oh, speaking of sparring, I was planning on taking a break today, but I had no choice. This wasn’t really what I meant.

“Is that so?”

Encred straightens up. Venjens immediately regretted what he said.

I already know this from experience.

That you are not his opponent.

But how can I endure mocking myself so much?


“who? who?”

“You’re the Vengeance platoon leader?”

“Who is your opponent?”

“Ah, the demonic platoon leader.”

That damn devil.

Even though Encred listened to the words of the soldiers around him with one ear and let them out with the other, he was unable to easily let out the two words “Demon Seong.”

It’s because it feels like something doesn’t suit me.

I had a similar experience before.

Did Auddin call himself stubborn?

I wasn’t stubborn at all.

The demonic nature is also the same. Not at all. It’s a misunderstanding.

“Where, where is the fight! Wait a minute! “To win, you need to bet!”

On one side, Kreis, who had disappeared among the group of soldiers, suddenly popped out.

Chrys jumped out and saw Encred’s face, and Venjens also checked.

“… … No one would have known it, but the platoon leader who mastered the secret assassination technique was Vengeance. “Who wants to ask Crona for Vengeance’s platoon leader?”

There was no one.

The bet didn’t pay off.

Vengeance struck down his sword with all his might.

Encred did not let down his guard.

As always, his eyes were bright and he was focused.

Move your body while watching the falling sword. There was no stopping.

Encred raised his sword horizontally to block the attack, planted his foot, and then struck Vengeance’s thigh with his knee.

It was a mixture of basic and irregular.


Benjens fell down with his side thigh hit.


Encred felt something was disappointing. He felt like he stopped peeing.

One room.

Wasn’t Vengeance also a soldier with his own eyes on his reward?

“What is the soldier grading system? Did you say it was something like that? “You didn’t?”

For some reason, Rem’s words came to mind.

I turned my head to see if there was someone like Rem somewhere.

There were plenty of people looking at Encred himself with strange looks.

There was something like envy in those eyes.

Encred frowned and then straightened his brows when he saw that.

It was an expression that only Kreiss noticed, as if he didn’t like something.

I wanted someone who would attack me, not envy.

The number of people asking for sparring increased for a while, but recently it has become very rare.

The border guards are also slow.

I think I saw the frontier guard commander among the soldiers earlier.

It seemed like the 1st company commander was also somewhere.

Can I place my hopes on those two?

Encred’s eyes searched for the two. It wasn’t difficult to find.

These are the people who caught my eye right away.

However, the heavy armor company commander was already very drunk.

The border guard commander did not seem to have any intention of stepping forward.

What the two have in common is that they are holding a glass of alcohol and they don’t seem to have any intention of fighting.

“I was just about to ask you out for a drink.”

The 1st company commander spoke with a red face and turned around, saying that this was definitely a crazy person.

Encred glanced behind him as the company commander’s gaze turned towards him.

Since he called me crazy, I wondered if Rem was behind him.

There wasn’t.

Well then, to whom?

At least it wasn’t something he said to himself.

Isn’t he almost the only sane person in the madman platoon?

“How can I say that it meets expectations? “Should we just nod our heads that this is not normal?”

The frontier guard also left without saying those words.

He saw the fairy company commander and Finn looking at him from one side.

And Ester below that.

The blue-eyed leopard opened its mouth and yawned, then quickly turned its head.

But did you just try to cover your mouth with your paw?

I’m going to cover my mouth with those feet.

What kind of person does a leopard look like?

Encred thought and tried to withdraw his sword.

It felt like I stopped peeing.

It was frustrating, like someone cut me off while saying something important.

What can I do? There is no one I can easily hang out with.

It was that kind of moment and situation.

“Are you really going to do this?”


A conversation heard from one side.

At the same time, I felt a sword piercing my skin with such force that it seemed like an illusion.

Encred reflexively put his hand on the grip.

It felt like I had to pull out my sword and fight right now.

Where I turned my body.

I saw Andrew.


It wasn’t just standing there. pull out the sword And that too, with the attitude of striking down and throwing down anytime, anywhere.

Why is there a hint of determination in the way he draws his sword?

A duet of starlight, torches, and light seeped into Andrew’s face as he pulled out his sword.

One side is blue and the other side is red.

His complexion was calm, as if he had not consumed alcohol.

While standing like that, Andrew opened his mouth.

“I learned the Gardner family’s swordsmanship, practiced it in practice, and while walking alone, I learned that there is no giving up when it comes to learning.”

Mac, who was next to him, suddenly took a step back.

The same goes for the surrounding soldiers.

Step back and make space.

So only Encred and Andrew remained in the center.

One put his hand on the grip.

The other side has already drawn its sword.

Andrew opened his mouth and continued speaking without losing his momentum.

“I ask for your guidance.”

Encred looked into Andrew’s eyes for a moment. Unwavering pupils, burning heat instead of envy.

It’s a sight and moment that I really like.


I could hear the sound of a torch burning right next to me.

A pleasant night breeze blew.

I’ve heard it so many times that spring has magic.

‘that word.’

It seemed right.

Encred looked at the sky instead of answering.

It is a feast of starlight rising in the moonlight at night.

A world of pouring stars was there.

Encred lowered his head again and said.

“Isn’t it a good night for a fight?”

I meant it. So much so that I thought it was a waste to hold a banquet on a day like this.

Yes, if it were any other day.

If the starlight hadn’t hit me so hard, I might have just enjoyed the banquet.

It was too precious a night for that.


Andrew thrusts his sword.

Encred faced him.

It started out as a scouting party, but the relationship changed rapidly.

And now again.

Andrew’s sword danced.

It’s a sword. A sword that digs into the opponent’s weaknesses, focusing on its speed.

Encred was careful and focused when dealing with him.

I showed everything I had.

That was right.

If the other person shows their best and sincerity, you should also do the same.

Esther thought it was truly amazing.

‘Today is indeed.’

It’s a night filled with powerful magic.

Sensitive people used to sense that something was different about these days.

So, did he do the same?

It seemed like he couldn’t stay still and was running wild.

The fight wasn’t long.

Victory and defeat were clear.

“Now, Crona Giant!”

Kreis’ voice spread higher and straighter than ever.

The busiest and most passionate person this night might have been Kreis.


It was the sound of Andrew falling backwards. There was no need to exchange swords dozens of times.

Victory or defeat was decided even though ten sword strikes had not yet been completed.

After knocking down Andrew, Encred held out his hand and helped him up.

Then I suddenly had a question and asked.

“Are you planning on leaving?”

“Huh, yes.”

Andrew took a deep breath and answered.


“I have work to do.”

Then I should go.

Isn’t it true that you can’t catch people who originally said they were going?

“It was fun.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Andrew laughed. In some ways, he was like my youngest brother. He was a friend who gave me that feeling.

“I learned so much.”

Encred nodded towards Andrew, who continued speaking.

For some, it’s a banquet that will make them drink a lot of alcohol.

For some, it’s a banquet where people make money by gambling.

For others, it is a banquet to confirm their camaraderie.

And for Encred, it was a great banquet for sparring under starlight.

After that.

A few more people, filled with excitement, attacked. Because the atmosphere has changed.

I was very happy about that.

The night of eating, drinking, and fighting passed by.

Encred fell asleep and woke up at dawn the same way.

Start of morning training.

Regardless of whether the night of the banquet had passed or not, what had to be done had to be done.

So I went out to the training ground.

An unexpected guest was there.

* * *

The party continued until midnight.

Duty was taken over by another battalion that did not participate in the battle.

“I am indebted to you.”

Marcus spoke to his commander with a request.


The commander readily accepted Marcus’ request.

Why not?

Who is Marcus?

He was not an ordinary battalion commander.

When he returns to the capital, he becomes a man with a new identity.

He was a nobleman, especially a member of five families with key power.


The commander left, and Marcus put down the bottle he was holding.

I did something unbecoming to improve the unit’s morale.

He preferred tea to alcohol.

Even when I drink alcohol, I have a habit of mixing it with tea.

I also liked quiet places rather than noisy places.

‘Is it because of the education I received when I was young?’

Could it be the influence of the tea ceremony learned from the family?

It’s not important. There is no need to change something that has already become a habit.

Marcus drank tea leisurely.

The loud noise echoed even in his dorm.

Although it was forbidden to invite pr****utes, there were quite a few people who would go out to the red light district when alcohol was involved.

Today is a moment to show looseness rather than control.

I was thinking of leaving most things alone.

As I spent time like that, several commanders I knew showed up.

Among them, there were some who were conscious of power.

In addition to his nickname of a warmonger, there were also people who liked to see him in the battlefield.

Still, the company commander has arrived.

‘No, one person is missing.’

The fairy company commander was nowhere to be seen.

Well, it’s nothing to worry about. That she licks her power, that she goes out of her way to share her drink with herself.

I think both would be ridiculous.

We talked over tea mixed with alcohol.

Around when the sun sets and the moon rises.

Marcus went to bed early. He had a sound sleep without any dreams.

In the midst of silence.


“Battalion Commander.”

Marcus opened his eyes to the sound of the guard and watchman’s voice and a knock.

“What’s going on?”

I turn my eyes to the window. A time before dawn, when the bright blue and orange colors beyond the moonlight blend together to signal the start of the day.

“A guest has arrived.”

So, it would be too early for guests to arrive.

Who would come to visit me at this moment and this time?

It must be a separate entity from human decency and the power of nobles.

Marcus wasn’t embarrassed.

I didn’t expect it to come at a time like this, but I was able to guess who the other person was.

‘I thought it would come tomorrow at best.’

I heard the battlefield has just concluded.

Did I get a gift that made me impatient?

Or did they also have expectations?

“I’ll be out soon.”

Marcus stepped out with his jacket loosely draped over his shirt.

Now that the gift had arrived, it was time to deliver it. This gift is for one person.

It was the result of Marcus’ repeated consideration.

The target of the gift was, of course, Encred.


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