Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 15

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15. Just a word.

‘You said it happened while you were sleeping?’

Encred was so absurd that he couldn’t even laugh.

‘Was I that dull?’

To the extent that you wouldn’t even know if you got stabbed and knocked out in your sleep?

Is that possible?

If I were that dull, I wouldn’t have survived until now.

It was difficult to guess how he died.

Encred recalled the moment just before falling asleep.

There was nothing unusual.

I didn’t feel any signs or anything.

I fell asleep.

I haven’t woken up since. Did you hear the sound of insects in your sleep? Did she have trouble sleeping?


I slept soundly.

It was back after just one day. She slept without thinking about anything.

I thought it was my last break.

After that?

I felt like I was possessed by a ghost.

However, I wasn’t stupidly embarrassed.

If you stiffen up because you’re embarrassed, you’ll die.

Another day had just begun.

Having already done it once, Encred knew what to do and what to worry about.

There are two things to think about.

One is ‘how’.

Either their throats were cut or their noses and mouths were blocked.

How can you kill a person without pain?

Two are ‘why’.

‘Why me?’

I didn’t even know when the moment of death would come.

It’s not sloppy workmanship.

If the opponent was an assassin, he would be top-notch or better.

If it’s an enemy soldier.

‘He must be worse than a first-class assassin.’

The duty barracks are at the rear.

If it’s at the level of sneaking in here and taking over.

He would be an assassin who could punch a knight in the face and still come away alive.

Isn’t the answer to the question “why” actually present to some extent?

Aside from himself, the only people in the barracks are Krang and Vengeance.

‘There is no way such a great person would come to target Vengeance.’

Then there is only one answer.


A soldier with no sense who says he has forgotten his unit.

There was no way a guy like that was just a soldier.

The answer to ‘Why’ has been found.

Forget the ‘how’.

You’ll find out when it happens tonight.

Strangely enough.

I thought it was difficult because of the damn pain I felt every time I was stabbed by a pervert.

I thought looking into that perverted bastard’s eyes was the most disgusting feeling.

‘It’s even more damned this way.’

I felt dirty.

He died without even knowing what was happening.

I really felt very dirty.

Even if you don’t just step on poop, you won’t feel this way even if you roll around in it.

‘I feel really good.’

Looks like a dog?

Because that doesn’t change anything.

Encred forgot about his feelings.

Instead, I thought of something to do and organized my thoughts.

‘I guess I can just check it tonight and that’s it. ‘You can think of why they came to target Krang.’

Here another question came to mind.

Beyond ‘how’ and ‘why’, the question is ‘who’.

Who is the assassin?

Assuming they are not enemy soldiers.

A person who knows the location of the medical barracks, knows how to hide, and is skilled at assassination.

Friendly team that has already identified the objective and is in an easily accessible location.

There was one person that suddenly came to mind.


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‘Company commander?’

It was a reasonable suspicion.

The fairy’s steps are quiet and her movements are stealthy and agile.

It was the perfect race to assassinate.

Moreover, since he is here, he has an excuse to come and go.

If this is the purpose of coming a few days ago and wasting time with useless talk, it is understandable.

The angle fit tightly.

“What are you doing?”

Benjens asked from the side. Encred responded reflexively.


“thought? It’s too short. Did it really turn? “Are you crazy?”

Platoon Commander Venjens stood up limping, as the stab wound on his thigh had healed.

“Oh, I thought it was Kraang. Platoon commander. “It’s a mistake.”

“Is it okay to say it was a mistake?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Is it okay if I apologize?”

You caught the tail.

“Let’s bring some food.”

Encrud ignored Vengeance as usual and walked out of the tent.

In the background, Vengeance’s voice is scolding.

“I don’t eat!”

Krang slowly got up and shouted.

I didn’t hate him because he died thanks to that friend.

It’s true that I feel dirty.

It’s true that I’m getting irritated because of this.

Krang didn’t kill himself.

In the end, wasn’t the reason he died because of his lack of skills?

Or you’re just unlucky.

Encred thought so.

‘If you know, you won’t be harmed.’

This is an assassin who sneaked up on me. Just by making a fuss, nearby allies will flock to you.

That was enough to catch the cat that came in at night.

There is no need to catch it yourself.

Soon, the soldier in charge of the medical barracks was seen approaching, rubbing his eyes.

The attitude of dragging one’s feet makes everything seem like a bother.

This guy is also very consistent.

“Thanks to you being late, one of the platoon leaders was very angry.”

“Because I’m late? That’s because you, the squad leader, keep teasing me.”

Officially, this soldier was also a squad leader.

Therefore, we were both of the same rank.

“You said you were the lowest-ranking soldier, but did you have a swollen liver?”

As we were heading back together after meeting, the lazy soldier asked.

It was a confusing question, but it wasn’t difficult to understand.

Why do you keep attacking me so fearlessly?


“That’s a mid-level soldier.”

In addition to the Cyprus division, the army of the Kingdom of Naurilia was divided into ranks of soldiers.

It was almost like a reward system to boost morale.

If you prove your skills, you will be given an appropriate grade.

Proving my abilities.

It is a system where ranks are assigned.

I heard that there is a reward every time the level goes up.

Encred also thought that this was a useful system in many ways.

Lowest level, lowest level, middle level, upper level, highest level.

A total of five grades serve as motivation for soldiers to train intensely.

Naurilia reveres nothing, so most of the commanders are equipped with military power above the upper level.

And the article is excluded from the rating.

An article is just an article.

Because they are people who have surpassed human limitations.

It cannot be tied down in this system.

So, if you become a platoon leader, you are a mid-level soldier or higher.

The squad leader is low level or intermediate level.

Of course, no matter how excellent your skills are, you will not be hired at a level that will destroy the command system.

When you reach the level of a platoon leader or higher, you are selectively selected.

But there were always exceptions.

Encred was the lowest-ranking soldier and squad leader.

The squad members under his command were at least intermediate level soldiers.

“I think you are an unusual person.”

The soldier spoke without thinking.

Encred felt strange.


All my life, I was told that I was ordinary.

Or that you lack talent.

“The meal will be enough for two people.”

Encred said.

The soldier looked at him and muttered, ‘As expected, he’s a bit of a strange person,’ but prepared only two servings.

Return to the barracks and comfort Benjens a little.

After eating breakfast, I trained as usual and reviewed past battles.

Krang left without eating breakfast.

So the only people who will eat it are Encred and Vengeance.

“I guess Krang said he was away and left?”

“Well, that’s right.”

In response to Encred’s question, the person in charge of the medical barracks nodded his head as if it was no big deal.

Although the fairy company commander was taken as a suspect.

This one was also strong.

‘This soldier can come and go here at any time, right?’

There is a watch guard guarding the front of the barracks, but this will not stop the soldiers in charge of the medical barracks.

‘Let’s not jump to conclusions.’

Even if you have a hard time, if you come to a conclusion, your head will harden.

It is better to leave the possibility open.

Only after lunch did Krang return.

It was the same day.

Of course, only Encred moved differently.

“Are you busy?”

When Encred spoke, Kraang, who had returned, tilted his head.

Then he slowly approached me with a smile and asked.

“I know that?”

What are you talking about right away?


“This is the first time you spoke first.”

‘Is that so?’

When I think about it, it seemed like that.

I wasn’t particularly conscious of it.

“I guess so.”

What kind of big deal is that?

Krang chuckled and rested his butt on Encred’s bed.

Encred wasn’t particularly curious about Krang’s identity. No, it wasn’t.

However, thanks to this soldier who hid his identity, today began to repeat itself, so I became curious.

What is this guy doing that makes assassins attack him?

You can gently persuade him and reveal his identity.

He was also someone who truly listened to his dreams.

Sometimes, it is better to convey your sincerity to the other person rather than asking questions back.

Encred did just that.

I sat down next to him, looked him in the eyes, and asked.

“What are you?”

Benjens woke up from his doze, saw the two of them together, said something, but stopped.

Because he also heard Encred’s question.

What I’m curious about is Venjens as well.

Encred calmly waited for an answer.

Krang laughed.

However, it was not a leisurely laugh like before.

He just looked at Encred’s eyes for a while without smiling.

‘Are we going to have a snowball fight?’

Encred leisurely waited for his mouth to open.

The moment Vengeance couldn’t stand it anymore and was about to say something.

“Well, I can’t tell you.”


“I thought it wouldn’t be fun to talk about it. “There are promises that must be kept.”



Encred nodded when he said he didn’t want to reveal it.

Benjens, who was watching the two from the back bunk, heard this absurd conversation from beginning to end.

And I thought.

What kind of monster fart conversation is this?

Why do you ask and then agree?

You mean there is a hidden identity, right?

Is there a reason why you can’t reveal your true feelings?

Is it the enemy? Spy?

Venjens’ accident is over. At the same time, the mouth opened.

“Are you a spy?”

“I’m the leader of the SasaSa squad, right?”

“Not you, brat.”

“me? It’s not.”

Krang shook his head.

After hearing Benjens’ question, Kraang immediately denied it, but then made a short noise and got up from the bed.

Encred quietly watched him.

He walked a few steps and stood in the middle of the medical barracks.

The soldier guarding the medical barracks dozed off, looked at him, and opened his eyes tentatively.

“I can’t reveal his identity, but I can tell you one thing.”

It was a strange feeling.

The way you walk when walking to the center of the barracks, the way you speak, the gestures of your hands, your smile, your eyes, and the sound of your breathing.

It’s such a strange feeling that everything seems to fit together.

It was like an actor walking on a prepared stage.

A strange energy flowed from his body that naturally drew everyone’s attention.

Encred focused on Krang’s lips without realizing it.

If you know how to listen with all your heart.

Conversely, is it possible to say something that will capture the other person’s ears and heart?

“I cannot betray this kingdom.”

Words that are neither fast nor slow.

Just say one word.

Sometimes it’s a lie.

Sometimes it can become meaningless sound.

A word sometimes used to whisper about love that will quickly fade away.

If only that were just words.

It varies greatly depending on whose mouth it comes from.

What Krang said sounded like flowers bloom in spring, autumn leaves turn in fall, and leaves fall in winter.

It sounded like an unquestionable law.

Encred had a vision.

The barracks suddenly seemed to get bigger.

It looked like Krang was standing in the very center.

wide. When I was working as a mercenary, I passed through the granary area of ​​the Kingdom of Naurilia.

The surroundings were open like that vast meadow.

Even though the surroundings were open, Krang was clearly standing there.

His presence seemed to encompass the wilderness.

‘Not at the average level.’

It was a type that could not be graded.


no. Is a knight-level skill barely this good?

Actually, if that knight-level person were hiding his skills, I wouldn’t have the eyes to recognize him.

It was a hunch.

It won’t be an article.

“Well, if you don’t believe me.”

When Krang lightly uttered a word, the vast grassland and wilderness disappeared.

The clearly visible Kraang also appeared as it was.

“Thank you for trusting me.”

“I guess I have to believe it.”


“okay. Because I said so.”

Encred couldn’t even guess the identity of the other person.

‘Because it doesn’t really matter.’

All you had to do was stop the assassin.

It was just curiosity.

It would be good if the other person said it, but there was no problem if they didn’t.


Vengeance must have been holding his breath, and then he let out a loud breath.

Then, I saw Encred and Kraang and was about to say something.


After saying that, I turned around.

Perhaps because Krang’s identity seemed unusual, Venjens could no longer speak.

Kraang saw that and said with a smile, “Pahaha.”

“Don’t worry, platoon leader. “I’m just Kraang now.”

“… … “Who said anything?”

Tsk, I was really scared.

Encred almost looked like Vengeance was cute.

It’s surprising to see him constantly arguing with me despite that.

Also, when he sees Rem, he closes his mouth.

I don’t particularly argue with other squad members.

‘Now that you think about it, I wonder why you only do this to me.’

Encred killed time as he caught a glimpse of Vengeance.

The same day passes by.

“Sleep well, Encred.”

“you also.”


Platoon leader Benjens skipped the daily evening greeting, perhaps because he was afraid of the consequences.

Well, people feel empty.

Soon the assigned watchdog stands in front of the tent.

Encred did not sleep.

I could fall asleep quickly if I wanted, but it wasn’t unreasonable to stay up all night if necessary.

When he was working as a mercenary, what saved him was his physical strength and wit rather than his swordsmanship.

Time passes.

The night deepens.

The watch alert was changed twice.

Vengeance was snoring next to me.

Encred forgot to sleep, thinking about various things.

‘If I lie down like this, I’ll fall asleep, right?’

It was a moment when I thought I should get up and go pee.


The area around my neck was tingling.

I rubbed my neck with my hand, wondering if I had been bitten by a bug.

Then, something clicked and caught my hand.

‘saliva? ‘Poisonous sting?’

I carefully grabbed it with my fingertips and pulled it out.

It was a thin needle made of wood.

‘No, this is unexpected?’

I was going to scream when he showed up.

A dull pain began to arise from the area where I was stabbed, and soon I lost all sensation.

It felt like someone had cut off my head and body and taken it away.

It was definitely there, but I couldn’t feel it below my neck.

‘What is this?’

Soon I felt dizzy and my head was spinning.

‘It’s a poisonous sting.’

I was hit.

It was the answer to ‘how’.

No matter how dull a person is, no matter how much they sleep.

How can you not know when your throat is cut or your heart is pierced?

The answer was here.

It was a terrible paralyzing poison.

Encred kept his eyes wide open until the end.

Because I couldn’t let this day go to waste.

I saw something like a blurry shadow.

The body type was small.

Unless he had a special constitution, he was not an adult male.

woman or child.

It looked like that kind of body type.

The shadow approached and waved its arm, and that was the end.

“cypress! cypress!”

A cypress hymn is heard.

It is the beginning of a new day.

To be exact, it was the third day today.

“Are you f*cking joking? “Why don’t you bring me breakfast?”

same. It was Venjens’ platoon leader who was complaining about a soldier who didn’t come in the morning.

Because there was no need to waste time today.

“Let me go out and see.”

I went out without anything to deal with.

First, start by bringing in soldiers.

Let’s start fresh.

To be honest, I don’t even know where the poisonous needle came from.

So what should I do?

It’s about preparing instead of lying down.

What you need now is a good excuse.

An excuse to stay awake and up during the night.

Even though this is the rear, it is still a battlefield.

There were too many excuses to stay awake.

‘Let’s try again, Mr. Assassin.’

Encred began preparations.


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