Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 149

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149. I feel honored

Between the tall leaves behind the platform, red and pink flower petals fluttered.

Yellow flowers showed themselves brightly in the flower field behind the parade ground.

Of course, it smells like sweat, and there is a flower field where the swords come and go.

Did you say that it is a remnant of when Border Guard was still a trading city?

Even after that, maintaining that flower garden was like the duty of the battalion commander in charge of the city.

That’s proof that the city is safe or something.

Because winter has passed and spring has come.

I guess this is a flower I haven’t seen in a long time.

“It’s a symbol that this city is safe.”

The flower shop owner said something like that.

Several florists in the city were responsible for maintaining the Border Guard’s flower gardens.

This is what comes to mind when I see flowers.

It was also important to relax your shoulders.

Don’t let it harden too much.

Loose but not loose.

I don’t think it suits me, but sometimes it’s necessary to let loose and look at the flowers.

When I relaxed my shoulders, I realized that the shape of the petals resembled a straight sword.

What was the name of that flower?

I clearly remember the nickname, Red Leaves.

Sword Flower.

Something called a sword flower.

It was also said that it was a flower that responded only to the magic of spring.

As I was looking at the sword petals, the question came to mind, ‘How can I make it more neat when I strike the sword vertically?’

The journey of searching for answers along with questions began in my head.

That mustache.

A man who walked a completely different path than himself.

Something refined that I had never felt even with Ragnar’s sword.

A sword built through effort as well as talent.

That touched my skin.

So I wanted it. I wanted to embrace it. I want to own it and digest it in one gulp.

I still felt hungry and thirsty.

A sip of water for a traveler walking in the desert.

For Encred, it was swords and knights, dreams and technology.


If you run quickly, isn’t it likely that you will stumble and fall?

What’s more, has there ever been a case where something was done in a hurry and it didn’t turn out well?

Even if you don’t have talent, there are things you can see because you don’t get frustrated or despair.

That means not being impatient and not being relaxed.

Intermediate between two opposing speeds.

Loose but not loose.

That’s why you can run as fast as you can.

Encred walked up to the podium, thinking about various things.

The end of the thought was a single thought.

Marcus was in front of him.

We stood face to face and looked at each other.

Eyes exchanged. The corners of Marcus’ eyes softly furrowed.

The eyes looked like they were playing some kind of funny joke.

The parade ground was quiet.

What can I say?

The atmosphere itself was different.

A cool breeze blows through the warm sunlight.

The petals swayed in the warm breeze.

It was such a peaceful and quiet afternoon.

I remembered the time when Auddin’s divinity touched my body.

The sense of calm at that time surrounded the surroundings.

“I was worried.”

Marcus opened his mouth.

A voice resounding in silence.

It was not large enough to reach all parts of the parade ground.

It was only loud enough to be heard by people nearby.

“What do you mean?”

Encred answered while standing up straight.

“What should I give to be satisfied? What should I give to a soldier who has accomplished this much?”

Those words brought to mind a good sword, Crona, etc., in Encred’s mind.

Will you really be satisfied there?

No way, not at all.

It might be moderately enjoyable, though.


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What if we take it one step further?

‘Magic armor?’

Now I vaguely know the value of the leather armor wrapped around me. Its value is also gradually decreasing.

Because spells are not eternal.

I heard that magic weapons have limitations.

I heard it back and forth for so long that I wondered if it was true.

Wasn’t it proven after actually using it?

The lifespan of leather armor is short.

The leather gauntlets seemed similar to magic weapons. If not, does such intensity make sense?

If it weren’t for this gauntlet, I would have lost one of my hands instead of my wrist when fighting Frog.

‘It’s horrible to even think about it.’

If I die with one wrist missing, wouldn’t I become something like a one-armed swordsman?

It would be better to lose your wrist than to lose your arm.

No, both are the worst.

Now that I think about it, there were more than one or two things to be careful about.

Losing your life? Although it is painful, it is actually something to welcome.

However, if you suffer a fatal injury and head beyond today to tomorrow.

‘I have a lot to think about.’

However, it wasn’t that Encred was deeply worried.

Not only am I not the type to use my brain that much to begin with.

In reality, I didn’t have the strength to do that.

‘Miscellaneous thoughts.’

It’s not something that takes away the strength from your shoulders, but it’s a distracting thought that gets in the way.

forget it It wouldn’t be enough to focus solely on the sword and dreams.

Can you really become a knight?

The question is still there, and the answer is still there.

“So I thought.”

Marcus finished speaking. Encred focused on the words of the man in front of him.

It’s listening. It is an attitude of listening properly.

“I also want to give a sincere gift. You can look forward to it. “Platoon leader.”

The word “expectation” came out.

Because I know very well that I won’t show my feelings for most things.

Honestly, I had no expectations.

Afterwards, Battalion Commander Marcus gave Crona and a handsome dagger.

A dagger given only to those who have made great contributions to the royal family.

When I received it, my sense of balance was poor. It had no practical use and was merely a dagger for identification.

“I guarantee your status by giving you the crown of the royal family. If he shows it in the capital at any time, he will be able to become a guest of the royal family.”

Encred really thought it was no big deal.


But the soldiers below the podium thought differently.

“… … “Encred.”



There were no childish shouts of hurray or anything like that.

All the soldiers simply chanted Encred’s name.

Just chanting without shouting or cheering.

A routine murmur.

words coming out of your mouth.

However, hundreds of soldiers spoke as one.


It just hit my ears like a roar.

“Well, it seems like they are happier than you. “Turn around and look.”

Encred turned at Marcus’ words.

It was a very funny sight.

The end of the battlefield, 10 days back in the city.

It seemed like I was closer to the people in the unit than before.

Those who had previously made obscene remarks about themselves, like spanking their butts, lowered their heads.

Those who saw him for the first time gave him a look of respect and admiration.

It has already been recognized on the battlefield.

The battalion commander at that time told us to cheer.

Who was that cheer for?

I really thought it wasn’t a bad experience.

This was different again.

The podium was high. Just as much as one person.

So I could look down from above.

The heat radiating from every soldier.

The heat seems to form a shape and surround me.

I realized once again that what I did was what created this place.

“What is a knight made of?”

skill? It was said that if you were good at cutting a sword, you were not a knight.

“If you wanted that, you should have worked as a mercenary.”

What a swordsman instructor in a certain city said still remains in my mind.

I asked then.

What does an article consist of?

What makes you call it an article?

“Skill is natural.”

A person who proves himself by accumulating honor and achievements on top of his skills.

“It may be a little different these days, but it was true when discussing legends going back to the past and history.”

Did you just want to become someone who is good at wielding a sword?

No, it wasn’t. That’s how his childhood dream began.

As you get older, you see the limits of your talent.

He got hit by a sword from a guy much younger than him and got a hole in his stomach.

Losing a colleague

Realizing that skill and personality are not proportional.

I swung the sword even though I knew its limitations. With one mind, as if this moment were the last.

Like living today without tomorrow coming.

I threw myself into the repeating waves of time.

I was swept away by the waves, but even then I didn’t forget my sword. I had a faded and torn dream.

Where did the heart that supported Encred for such a long time originate?

A knight is a person who adheres to the standards he sets.

Encred believed so.

A person who moves forward without forgetting honor.

It was decided to be like that.

So, it was only natural that I was happy about this place.

By standing in front of them and proving myself.

I feel honored.

“That’s fun.”

Encred muttered softly. It was difficult to feel the emotion just by hearing the voice.

Marcus, who was behind him, felt something unfamiliar in Encred’s words.

It was the same as before.

Something I had forgotten for a while.

sword and light.

‘Is this called passion?’

Marcus laughed. He really thought he was a funny guy.

So, I was very curious about what effect the gift I had prepared would have on the man in front of me.


Marcus says.

Encred turned around and showed military courtesy.


I step down among the soldiers who are chanting the same name. Between the soldiers standing aside on the left and right, a path opens up.

“It would be nice.”

I saw my platoon member welcoming me.

Rem and smiling.

Saxony looks indifferently, resting on his legs.

“It was like an incarnation answering prayers. “Brother.”

Audin spits out words that are difficult to understand.

“Are you going back now?”

Ragna is tired of these events.

“It’s good.”

Chrys doesn’t care if Crona doesn’t work out.

Beside him, Andrew and Mac called his name with flushed faces.


“Platoon leader.”

Well, this wasn’t that bad. It’s weird if you don’t enjoy this.

“Let’s go back.”

But nothing changed.

Ten days after returning, the border guard was quiet.

The non-gong business has ended. Then what should I do?

Of course it’s training. I’m just thinking about how to swing the sword right now.

“Hey, today is a party. Let’s eat it all and die!”

On the podium, Marcus revealed his true feelings. No, is it okay for the battalion commander to leave like that?

Aren’t the people standing behind them nobles?

just as expected. When Encred turned around, he saw a group of frowning nobles.

But why did no one come forward and say something?

What is it?

Did you say that if you come forward, your head will be cut off?

‘No, that’s something only people like Rem do.’

Marcus is a commander from the capital.

There would be no reason or need to do such a reckless thing.

Then, why is their reaction like that?

Up to this point, Encred decided to ignore the nobles’ circumstances.

Actually, there was no need to dig into it. What are you going to do?

Knowing doesn’t mean anything will change.



“great! great!”

A group of soldiers screamed. I felt like my eardrums would be torn.

“Well, is there anything good coming out of it? “If you give me cheap wine like this, I think I’ll want to chop that bastard’s head off with my axe.”

Rem grinned at the word party.

But this guy looks like he’s in a good mood again.

The problem is that whenever he feels good, he wants to split his boss’ head.

‘No, I’m glad it wasn’t my head.’

When I think about it, I don’t think Rem ever seriously said he wanted to split his own hair.

Sometimes, as a joke, I wanted to split the head open and see what was inside.

Because that doesn’t mean anything.

“It’s annoying.”

Ragna expressed his honest feelings.

Encred wanted to cast his vote for Ragnar’s heart.

I just wanted to train.

I wanted to attach to my body the sword of the mustache that I saw with my own eyes and experienced with my own body as soon as possible.

“With a hard head, you can only see hard things. “When you rest, you should rest.”

As I was thinking that, Saxony spoke next to me. Is it because of my sensitive senses?

It was like he recognized his condition.

“Everyone, rest well. Well, I’ll be back for a bit.”

I heard Krys’ voice from behind, but it got farther away in real time. That’s because he spoke while running.

When a party is held, a gambling place naturally opens.

Well, then it’s Kreis’s game.

The purpose is not to actually gamble, but to increase the game and receive a commission.

Kreis still couldn’t understand those who squandered their Crona on gambling.

“No, that’s right. Why throw Krona into a random hand? Throw it. “If you meet a gambler, it’s not random and you will definitely get robbed.”

There is no reason to use Krona for gambling. It was quite reasonable.

Kreis disappeared through the crowd of soldiers.

Encred looked at Chryce’s disappearing back. It was quite awkward to see that big-eyed soldier come up with an ingenious strategy.

“I won’t be splitting hairs. “Savage brother.”

Audin muttered from behind.

In front, I saw the battalion commander coolly holding a bottle of alcohol.

“This is a good drink! Everyone drinks the same drink today! Any objections? “Whoever is there, attack him!”

I don’t think that guy is normal either.

Marcus shouted, holding out a drink for everyone to enjoy.

As I was looking at it, Finn came up and said.

“Shall we have a drink?”


It seems like it’s been a while since I last drank alcohol.

That didn’t happen. I was busy training. When you drink alcohol, you lose control of your body. That means you can’t train properly.

Enjoying a party and drinking alcohol were two different things.

So I’m trying to reject it with kind words.

“No, human woman, that seems like my place. “That’s my fiancé.”

It’s a voice coming from behind.


“… … engagement? “Does it look like a fairy?”

Finn muttered. Encred took a step back.

The fairy company commander approached with silent steps.

“Drink with me.”

Is this an order or a suggestion?

The appearance of Finn and the fairy company commander created a strange atmosphere.


Esther also intervened.

Esther cried quite fiercely and then fell into Encred’s arms.

This is something.

“… … “A devilish devil.”

Rem muttered after seeing that.

Before anyone could say it was a misunderstanding, a group of soldiers watching around them cheered and called Encred in a different way.

“Demon platoon leader!”

Damn, I thought I had forgotten about it.

The two words “Devil” burst out again.


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