Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 148

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148. Ten days, non-gong business

After the retreat, ten days.

It is the day when flowers begin to bloom even within Border Guard. It was spring in full swing.

In the meantime, it rained once.

There were successive reports of victory along with the news that the battlefield had been cleared for some time.

In the end, it was said that the Principality of Azpen had made a request for peace.

It is said that Naurilia has taken over part of the territory of the Principality of Azpen, that is, the Green Pearl Plain.

It will take a lot of work to clear this land, as it has remained barren for a while.

A victory was a victory, a major victory at that.

Cheers ring out at the end of the battlefield.

As spring came, the number of people intoxicated by magic increased.

In those days when everyone is excited.

Encred’s last ten days were the same.

There was nothing to change, nothing had changed.

Boom, swing the sword.

“Brother, there is still a long way to go. Maintain your posture and sit still. Straighten your back, take a breath and feel the pressure in your stomach. “If the pressure goes away, your back will break.”

Audin chuckles as he says this.

Training one’s body with something close to a stunt, such as sitting down and getting up with Audin on one’s back, was also a daily routine.

Sword, training, sparring.

Time to focus on just three things.

It didn’t matter to Encred whether other people were excited or not.

Cryce ran around here and there like crazy, but Encred didn’t have to do that.

It has the rank of platoon leader, is recognized as an independent platoon, and has no service, perhaps due to influence from previous battlefields.

It was literally ten days of nothing but rest.

Of course, for Encred, it was a full 10 days of training.

However, if anything has changed.


This is the attitude of those nearby, or rather in the unit, who knew Encred and fought alongside him.

Everyone was busy holding and swinging their spears from early morning. This trend has been gradually seen before, and now the number of soldiers devoted to training has increased significantly.

They were all sweating and working hard.

He was serious about wielding a spear and training his physical strength.

There were further changes here.

“Hey, just give me a map once.”

Among the soldiers, there are people looking for Encred.


I was taking a break after swinging my sword, sweating heavily.

Encred asked, pointing at himself with his finger.

It was worth it. This was a scene I could not even imagine.

Who do you teach? Pick up a map?

Encred’s past life wasn’t that easy to say something like that.

I have never looked at anything other than learning, mastering, and moving forward.

Especially teaching.

Is there any word that doesn’t suit you as much as that?

“Try it.”

Rem, who was watching quietly from the side, said.

It seemed like he was dozing off, but was he watching?

Encred nodded.

I already thought about giving it a try.

Right in front of me, I could see the eyes of a soldier looking at me.

That earnestness, the longing and thirst burning inside him even now, could be seen in the soldier’s eyes.


Encred waved his sword and struck the tip of the soldier’s spear.

The soldier holding the spear flinched and his shoulders trembled.

What is your skill level?

From what I studied and learned from Audin, there were things that could be known by looking at one’s posture and level of body training.

He appeared to be a somewhat skilled soldier.

“Junior soldier, this is Paul.”

said the soldier.

Encred listened with one ear and let it go with the other.

I just concentrated. It was not neglected. Concentrate and keep an eye on your opponent.

He believed that it was his best and the only thing he could do.

Soldier Paul swallowed his saliva and took a stance.

Left hand forward, right hand back.

A posture specialized for thrusting, with feet crossed back and forth and shouting ‘Hot!’ He shouts and thrusts his spear.


They said he was a very refined soldier.

Encred moved while accurately seeing the flying spear blade.

When I see and react, my body moves. Even if you haven’t mastered it perfectly, the skill that flows out naturally is the sense of avoidance.


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I turned my body to the side to avoid it, stretched out my left arm, and grabbed the spear pole with my palm from the bottom up.


The soldier reflexively pulled his spear.

I could tell he was giving it his all by seeing the blood on his neck.

Encred grabbed the pole and turned his body half a turn with his left foot toward the inside of the pole.

It was like holding the spear pole with the left hand and rotating it and pulling it.

Place your right foot on the floor and pull the spear bar with your left hand to support your body. There was no need for a heart of great strength.

It is possible with just a little bit of skill and some strength.


Just lightly, move the sword from top to bottom.

The sword that did not kill struck the soldier on the top of his head.

Of course, it was a sword blade, not a sword blade.

The soldier opened his mouth in surprise when he felt the sword on his head.


“I think it’s over.”

“Ah yes.”

When I let go of the spear, the soldier gathered his weapon and stood there awkwardly.

“Well, what am I lacking?”

What does it mean to be a fairly experienced soldier?

It was like saying that I was somewhat confident in my abilities.

But are you asking yourself this?

What was Encred like before, when the madman platoon was a squad of troublemakers?

I think I was the one who was laughed at by everyone.

But are you asking yourself this question?

When I looked closely, I saw that it wasn’t a face I didn’t recognize.

There were a few times when we ran into each other. Since the battlefield so far had not been very easy, the soldier in front of him could at least be called a veteran.

He also wore an epaulette symbolizing the squad leader.

What is it? how.

Encred looked at him with doubt.

The soldier endured his embarrassment and waited. Once again, Encred saw the eyes of a soldier.

Eagerness, longing and thirst.

There was a hint of a desire for something that was out of reach.

It’s like a coiled coil inside yourself.

I couldn’t turn away.

To be honest, I was able to see what the other person needed after just one sparring session.

“It would be a good idea to build up your strength.”

Chang’s illness is more serious than expected. It wasn’t light. For something like that, I don’t have enough strength.

“Um, yes, thank you.”

The squad leader showed military courtesy. En Creed nodded his head in return.

The squad leader turned around and worked hard on his physical strength from that day on. He worked hard to build his strength by lifting heavy weights.

The same was true for the squad members under my command.

It was said that there was a craze for strength training and training in the unit at the same time.

Wasn’t this a unit that had just returned from the battlefield?

Isn’t it time to celebrate victory?

Of course, there were many people who went to the city to solve the problem.

Some people just woke up and drank alcohol.

Some of them might think it’s better to go to the red light district today than to train for tomorrow.

Encred didn’t particularly reprimand them.

What does it have to do with you?

A platoon leader, a leader of an independent platoon.

Right now, I can’t even go to the battlefield where semi-knights run rampant.

It would be a lie to say that I honestly didn’t want to see their fight.

However, I still feel the same way.

If I can see my destination, there is no need to look around the way I am going.

It would have been different if the fight had been fought by Lord Cypress.

What if it was a real article, an article whose name was known even across the continent?

I think I’ll miss you.

I don’t know. Isn’t it true that you have to shut up about everything to know it?

“Is it fun?”

Rem, who had been watching indifferently, asked with a grin instead of a giggle.

fun? I don’t know about that.

“I don’t know.”

As always, I just answer sincerely.

Only then did Rem laugh.

Encred once again immersed himself in training.

In a time of immersion.

“Me too, just once.”

Someone else came up and suggested sparring. After briefly beating him up, a word of advice.

“My feet were stiff.”

Afterwards, another person approaches and they spar again.

“I think I need to relax my shoulders.”

Another advice.

After a few sparring sessions.

“a little… … “Is that okay?”

The question was asked without a subject, so there was no need to ask again what it meant.

I asked a question with a spark in my eyes.

His cautious attitude also showed signs of nervousness.

He had a relatively young face. At best, Andrew’s age? Or maybe he was younger than that.

“Hehe, sure.”

No one from the platoon came forward to stop it.

Didn’t he originally say something when he saw people approaching him?

I think we started an argument for no reason.

Now I don’t know why they leave it alone.

Most soldiers are armed with spears.

In addition, using special weapons could mean that the opponent’s affiliation was special.

The opponent held a battle hammer the length of his forearm. The tip of the hammer was round, and the shiny tip made it look like it had not been used for a day or two.

Although it does not look heavy, it is an efficient weapon with considerable power.

As I watched him twirling his wrist, I felt that he had become accustomed to it.

“I belong to the border guard unit. I.”

Sure enough, the other person spoke and Encred nodded indifferently.


The opponent’s eyes lit up as he twisted his wrist and turned the battle hammer.

Encred could clearly see the opponent’s intention.

Maybe it’s because I’m so used to the Valencian mercenary sword.

Because the opponent’s methods and tricks are clearly visible.


The guard, who was swinging the hammer with all his might, suddenly took a vertical shot while holding the hammer with only one hand.

It was better to avoid it than to block it.

Depending on the opponent’s intention, take a step and move your body to the side to avoid the hammer’s trajectory.

The guard reaches out and touches his waist with his other hand.

Encred grabbed the opponent’s wrist before his elbow could even fully straighten.


And then a word was thrown.

The method was simple and clear.

Attract attention with a hammer and throw a short-range dagger.

It was similar to the method of the Valencian mercenary sword.

“Valenic mercenary sword?”

So I asked.

The other person nodded.

“I wish I could further hone my hammer-wielding skills.”

Encred reflexively talked about the other person’s weaknesses.

I realized it at the same time.

That this is what you need too.

As hammer technology improves, daggers will be able to be hidden further.

So as not to be distracted from the beginning by a double sword or something like that.

The opponent’s talent was overflowing.

It must have been that one day, to the point where I remembered the little boy who made a hole in my stomach.

At that time, I collapsed without any proper resistance. It was like that.

So, now?

I remembered what one of the instructors had said.

“Increasing your skills starts with knowing where you stand.”


Recognition again.

In order to move forward on a new path, you must first know which path you are on.

Couplets and sparrings, teachings and teachings.

There were many people who came after that.

Encred realized things one by one each time and moved forward.

Slow steps.

There was no rush. This is the realization I gained from watching the soldier urgently extending his spear.

Impatience doesn’t help anything.

While there were others who stood out for their calmness and ability to act.

“It’s Ruth.”

One of the frontier guards said he was a friend from the West.

He glanced at Rem and said.

Rem didn’t seem to care.

He was also beaten down. Easy opponent? no. It’s a difficult opponent. However, because En Creed’s experience so far was so deep and profound, he had no difficulty dealing with him.


Ruth was amazed and turned around. As Ruth turned around, her eyes only focused on Encred, not Rem.

As the number of people visiting for ten days increased, Kreis began to take control.

“There are too many. I think it would be a good idea to organize it yourself and come back. “If you interfere with our captain’s work, you know that, right?”

The weight of Kreis’ words changed.

Behind them are Rem, Saxony, Audin, and Ragnar.

In reality, the four of them were nodding their heads while looking at their platoon leader.

What should I do to see where I stand?

You will have to look up, down, left and right.

That way, you will be able to see your location.

It is a moment that they too have passed over at least once.

Rather, Encred felt it was too late.

Spring has come, and he is thirty-one.

By continental standards, it would have been nice to call him an old mercenary.

Of course, there are people over 40 who live on a fast food diet.

No one can do it like Encred.

That’s why I feel satisfied seeing that author.

Auddin found the answer to the question he asked the Lord from the platoon leader.

Rem took out fragments of her past and memories.

Saxony looked at the platoon leader and thought about what it would be like to live that way and why he lived that way, and drew a picture of the future.

Ragna realized anew as he thought of swords and people, motivation and life, knights and the power they wield.

He also went down that path.

Also, to continue walking that path.

As I became more confident than ever before, I realized once again what value the platoon leader had to me.

A late-career genius.

This is the best way to describe Encred right now.

Changing the soldiers around him was, well, separate from being a genius.

To the soldiers around him, especially those who had the will to move forward toward tomorrow rather than stay in today, Encred was like a symbol of change.

He also became an idol that made me think I wanted to be like that person.

All of that.

“Power Alignment.”

It was confirmed when a position for the non-gong peddler became available.

All soldiers gathered in the middle of the usually noisy parade ground.

All but a few soldiers who were absent for duty.

It was time to take credit for what happened on the battlefield.

Who is the main character here?

Everyone knew it.

Marcus was different from previous battalion commanders.

With a few nobles sitting in the back.

Marcus stood at the podium and began his speech.

“Whose contribution was greatest in the previous battle? If I had to tell you, you wouldn’t even be able to use that bastard’s head as a helmet holder.”

Marcus’ loud and deep voice pierced the soldier’s ears.

It’s a harsh tone and harsh words.

Several nobles who heard Marcus on the podium were impressed.

Isn’t it classy?


Those who became the subject of words.

It sounded different to a group of soldiers.

Those words must be filled with sincerity.

Marcus, who had made up his mind, expressed his sincerity.

“I will call the highest meritorious person. Me, no, independent platoon platoon leader Encred.”

Everyone knew what came after Mi.

And then someone walked up to the lined up troops.

The soldier saw a man walking barefoot and drenched in sweat.

Even though the temperature is slowly rising, I don’t sweat that much.

But no one looked at him with any questions.

He must have swung his sword several times before coming to this place.

Encred was that kind of person.

A person who proves himself by swinging the sword and swinging it again.

A person who shows value by pouring out what he or she has learned.

The embodiment of sincerity that treats no one carelessly.

The crazy platoon leader, Encred, headed to the podium.

No one gathered at the parade ground opened their mouths.

The heat rises through the strange silence.

What kind of existence does Encred appear to those who experienced victory on the battlefield?

He became someone’s idol.

He became someone’s hero.

That’s how he was on the battlefield.

Marcus didn’t forget that.

A man and another man stood face to face on the podium.


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