Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 147

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147. If you are confident in the path you walk

“Why aren’t they there?”

The Azpen Principality’s detachment, which included three semi-knights, could not find any traces of the enemy.

Shouldn’t there originally be an army blocking the rear here?

Or, like, traces of this or that.

Are you saying you’re heading to cross guard? But why aren’t they there?

Moreover, there is no scouting party to check their movements.

Originally, before a full-fledged fight, the scouting party would meet up, swear at each other a bit, shoot arrows when they had time, and then fight each other.

We have to meet, and we’ve pulled out some of our power to do that.

There are as many as three quasi-knights.

It is said that some of the knights were taken out and turned around.

Although I did have some special powers with a giant among my allies.

At this level, it is truly a major loss of the main unit’s strength.

So they had to fight. I have to fight.

Well done, well done.

Gravel splashed beneath the commander’s feet.

does not exist. All I saw on the way was a few ghouls jumping out from the riverside.

Traces of camping that lasted about three days?

“What about hawk claws?”

“Contact has been lost.”

In the meantime, the guerrilla unit that was supposed to monitor and join this area disappeared?

“Do you feel like you’re dead?”

The quasi-knight and commander asked.

The adjutant looked at me and said.

“yes. “It seems so.”

What makes it seem like that?

It’s all gone.

The commander thought. So, shall we hit the rear end like this?

So, what happens?

Are you going to run wild like a horse with its tail on fire?

I want to see Naurilia’s reaction.

That’s the moment I made up my mind.

“The signal fire has gone up!”

A bright-eyed messenger ran up and said:

I had just climbed over a mountain. The commander’s gaze turned backwards. This is the direction where the main unit was located.

When will the signal be raised, when the main unit is in crisis?

So, what is the meaning of the signal raised just now?

“I’m going back.”

The commander did not hesitate. That was a godsend.

Thanks to joining right away as expected, we avoided annihilation.

* * *

After joining Marcus’ infantry, Encred rarely opened his mouth.

Soldiers would glance over and see a platoon of crazy people.

No one spoke easily.

“Are you here?”

The only thing that happened was that Vengeance came and spoke to me.

Encred nodded roughly and walked. As he walked, he thought, and as he thought about it again and again, he sank inside himself and looked back on his fight.

‘I couldn’t use my sense of evasion.’

Long preparations were needed to bring out the heart of super strength.

I fought like I had everything I had.

‘Put your left hand on the opponent’s head and cut with your right hand.’

The foundation is ‘preview’ and the heart of strength.

I felt joy in the fight itself. Part of the method of using two swords worked.

So what next?

It’s a comeback. I thought back to the fight. Is there nothing to be learned from a battle that is won? no. many. There is always something to learn.

Slurp, rattle.

The unit that passed through the gravel field headed towards the rear of the main unit.

And so the march continued.

After repeating eating, walking, and sleeping for three days, we finally came to the friendly camp where we originally stayed.

Of course, it didn’t matter to Encred whether Jinji came out or not.

He was busy restoring and restoring.

I didn’t see or hear what was happening around me.


How was the black color of the mustache? Stick to the basics. It was sharp and delicate. It was heavy and agile.

It changed as needed at the moment it was needed.

The difference is in the basics.

Does winning or losing matter?

Of course, that would be a problem too. If I lost, it would be a fight to the death.


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There would be no point in intentionally losing a fight you could win.

Always do your best.

Even if it’s just half a step, be firm.

For a better today than tomorrow.

Winning didn’t mean the craving and thirst went away.

Did you think you were done once you learned the basics?

‘Was I being cocky?’

Does something like this happen in life?

When I think back to the past when I was just busy struggling, it’s something I can’t even imagine.

Encred reflected. It was only natural to hone the basics.

Don’t you know it just by looking at the techniques of isolation?

It is a daily repetition. Repetition of the same action.

Whether it’s a Balaf style martial arts style, a heavy sword style, or a Yu sword style.

Jungjeong Healing, everything is basic, it is basic again.

As soon as that thought occurred to me, I couldn’t bear it. His hands itched, his heart pounded, and his skin twitched.

Even though we were still on the march.


I pulled out my sword. Then, the knife cut was vertical, straight, and polished, and looked like the work of a master.

Cutting the top of the head like a mustache.


Instead of walking, he suddenly starts stabbing.

No matter what anyone said, it was Encred who did this.

“Where is it? Was it a surprise attack? Oh, you’re Encred’s platoon leader?”

“He’s a little bit too, right?”

One soldier put his finger in his ear and twirled it.

“Are you a crazy platoon leader?”

“Uh, let’s go on our way.”

Everyone assumed that was the case and moved on.

Has this happened once or twice?

Above all, there was no one who did not know the performance of the madman platoon in the previous battlefield.

They were half-heroes.

There was also a mixture of admiring and respectful looks.

‘Because I’m so crazy about training.’

Are you that good at fighting?

Such thoughts remained in the soldiers’ minds.

The surrounding platoon leader-level commanders also left them alone. Wasn’t there a separate order from Battalion Commander Marcus?

Anyone who sees it is treated specially.

Except for all shifts and meal shifts.

This is due to various reasons.

Everyone just passed over the whole thing.

The crazy platoon members didn’t particularly pay attention to the people around them.

Ragna thought as he looked at his platoon leader, who suddenly swung his sword.

I had something to say when I got back, but now it won’t have any meaning.

“Get the basics back in your body.”

I showed them the cutting, but I haven’t even started teaching them yet.

Things that need to be built up for that, things that need to be said again.

Will it become a wall of despair or a new milestone?

I had to tell and show.

There was a lot to say. Things that are often forgotten after improving one’s skills.

I tried to remind myself of that.

Ragnar thought hard.

What does my platoon leader need now?

After much thought, I came up with what I wanted to say.


The gravel field is coming to an end. Ragnar stopped her steps.

“Yes, that’s right.”

And muttered.

There was no need for the platoon leader to nag. He reflects alone and fills in what is lacking. He must have been that kind of person originally.

Ragna stopped and muttered, and felt his whole body tremble.

Things you quickly forget, things you pass over, things you don’t even need to reflect on.

Build those things up one by one. Make all of those things the cornerstone. The platoon leader said that.

Ragna felt a spark of motivation blooming in his chest again.

Although I think it makes no sense.

When I saw my platoon leader, I wanted to swing my sword.

“Did you go back? “What’s right?”

This is Rem, who was walking next to me. said the mad savage, tilting his head.

“Hehe, did you at least pray alone? “Did you answer me?”

A large religious figure on the other side also spoke.

Ragna didn’t want to respond. She didn’t want to ruin this good feeling.

But Rem was persistent.

Auddin was sincere.

“Hey, what is it? Is there a ghost in your head? Hey, big guy. Shouldn’t we defeat him? huh? “Isn’t there something like a fist that catches ghosts?”

“Hehe, brother, possession is not that easy. It is rare for such a thing to happen, especially in a unit like this where discipline is alive. When I think about it, it seems like he was praying. So what did the Lord say?”

I wish you would turn it off.

Ragna slowly became desperate.

It was not long before desperation turned into survival.

‘Should I cut it all down?’

Rem and Audin reacted simultaneously to the sudden burst of murderous energy.

“Hey, are you going to leave that head here? Help me?”

“Brother, are you upset because you did not receive an answer from the Lord? Then, sweating isn’t a bad thing.”

If you want to live, you fight. It was like the iron rule of a mad platoon.

Of course, Encred could stop him, but he is currently immersed in his own world.


Ragna drew his sword and swung it.

Rem also reacted.


The ax and the sword met. Sparks flew and life flew between Ragna and Rem.

Audin, who was on the other side, couldn’t stop. Ragna didn’t let that happen.

The rebound from Rem’s ax was used to cut off Audin’s chest.

Audin stepped back and shed the sword by striking the blade with his palm.

It was a stunt, and one that could be considered a high-class feat.

Rem, Ragna, and Audin.

It’s surprising that you can do something like that so casually.

Soon the three of us got together.

Saxony, who was watching from one side, thought that all three were really idiots.

His eyes naturally moved away from the three and turned to his platoon leader.

There was a little, a very little, dissatisfaction.

The sense of avoidance, I think I know exactly how to do it.

Is it difficult to increase your body’s coordination?

It’s not easy, it’s really not easy.

But doesn’t this seem a bit discriminatory?

Why do you learn the heart of super strength so quickly and the sense of evasion so slow?

Do you care less? Should I just put less effort into my craft?

“It’s annoying.”

Saxony muttered, but no one answered.

The three were busy fighting.

Andrew and Mac, who didn’t want to get caught up in the fight, left.

Finn was busy wondering whether this was really a functioning platoon.

Kreisman did his job because he was used to it.

Instead of the platoon commander, I received orders from the fairy company commander.

“Why you?”

To the company commander who expressed his dissatisfaction for no reason.

“If you touch it at a time like that, the platoon leader and the platoon members will hate it, and it becomes a mess.”

“More than now?”

Encred walks and swings his sword alone.

The other three are busy fighting.

Other than that, Saxony has a stiff expression. It was just a feeling, but I didn’t think it would produce a good sound if I touched it now.

Well, it’s still a mess enough.

“Yes, more than now.”

Kreis said with confidence.

If I stop that, there will be more of an uproar, right?

It was something I knew from experience.

“Right. The main unit is returning.”

The company commander did not make a trivial joke or talk about unnecessary things and only spoke to the point.

Kreis asked with some sense of humor.

“You want our platoon leader, right?”

The company commander looked at Kreis. The fairy’s green eyes were like jewels that completed her inhuman beauty.

It was inorganic like a gem, and it was impossible for Kreis to read the emotions in those eyes.

However, there was something I could feel.

“I want it.”

What I just said does not mean that I am coveted as a man.

After speaking, the company commander turns around and leaves. Kreis got goosebumps for no reason and glanced at his arms.

Then, I waited to see when my platoon leader would return to his original state.

It wasn’t until nearly a day had passed, when it was time to stop and prepare for camp, that Encred stopped.

But is it helpful to swing a sword while walking?

Kreis didn’t know.

The fight between the three, including Rem, ended surprisingly quickly.

Do all three of them know that it won’t end like this?

Or is it just not fun because the platoon leader doesn’t properly stop it?

That’s something we don’t know. I don’t even want to know.


Encred’s sweat-drenched eyes turned to Chryce.

“The army is returning to the city.”


Kreis knows that the captain in front of him does not like long explanations. His mouth was itching, but what could he do?

It would be right to say it simply and clearly now.

“When our strategy worked, that is, when the enemy diverted part of his forces, the main unit advanced.”

What is the gist of the operation originally designed by Kreis?

Hitting the back of the head with a crazy platoon.

They pull in the troops, whether they are hawk claws or hawk claws, and swipe them away.

Meanwhile, Marcus’ battalion pretends to go to cross guard. Just pretending to go was enough.

‘The battlefield is already overrun.’

What would you think if you were the enemy commander?

Do you want to go through the shame of having your city attacked?

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t.

Neither side had anything to lose.

There was a lot to be gained just by pretending.

Kreis’ purpose was to ensure safety.

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to make an excuse for the Marcus Battalion to return to its original position?

Getting away from the enemy itself was seen as a constant.

As time passed, the variables decreased, and it turned out to be exactly as he thought.

Of course, there were some things that were completely different from what Kreis expected.

First of all, is this the strength of a madman platoon?

‘I thought you were a good fighter.’

Aren’t they really crazy good at fighting?

As an independent platoon, as a small elite unit, it seems to be in some ways greater than the slaughterers on the border, right?

Afterwards, he joined the Marcus Battalion.

In the meantime, some troops, including the Knights stationed on the Green Pearl Plain, continued to advance.

This was a little different from what Kreis expected.

‘You’re advancing on that?’

Even if it ends like this, the territory has expanded, and I think it has dealt a fatal blow to Azpen.

They advanced as they were, not only taking control of the victory, but inflicting a serious blow.

It’s a close fight that follows a breathless charge.

The power difference has widened considerably.

I heard it was a landslide victory.

Thanks to this, the Marcus Battalion and the Border Guard Standing Army were ordered to return to the city.

Or, if some of the enemy troops pretended to be crazy and attacked the city, an army would have been needed to defend it.

Since it is a unit that has made achievements, there will be some intention to give them preferential treatment.

Instead of saying all this, Kreis kept it short and simple.

“I’m going home.”

“It’s not bad.”

Encred, did the platoon leader understand all of this?

I do not know. I’ll tell you slowly later.

They say you can go back for now.

Kreis was very satisfied with that.

More than anything, the map he held in his heart warmed him even more.

It was one of the enemy’s hidden treasures, and Kreis knew it intuitively.

‘This is real.’

Encred also had no complaints about returning.

Rather, I was satisfied.

There is a lot I learned and learned from this battlefield and battle. I wanted to reflect on all of that and engrave it on my body.

So it took time.

In Dunjae, by nature, you have to squirm and run.

Encred decided to do so.

Craving and thirst.

It burned my heart and made it impossible for me to stay still.

‘But, why that bastard?’

Encred turned his attention to the life that he sometimes felt. It was Saxony.

If you forget something, they will give you a harsh look.

It looked like he was dissatisfied with something, and just looking at him, it seemed like he wouldn’t even answer if I asked him.

So what should we do?

I guess I should leave it alone. How can these kids be dissatisfied for a day or two?

“Going back? Well, it must be disappointing. “Because you didn’t see the knight fighting?”

Encred nodded while listening to Rem talking loudly.

“I’m sad, though.”

On the other hand, I thought it didn’t matter.

Let’s go.

Encred looked at his hands as he walked.

With palms full of calluses.

The weight of two swords hung on both waists.

Armor worn on the body.


A leopard and a platoon member walking on one side, wondering when they returned.

Encred, he was also walking.


If you are confident in the way you walk.

There was no need to check the destination.

“It’s okay.”

Encred answered and raised his head. The magic of spring was spreading, and the gentle sunlight was falling on his shoulders.


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